Chapter 19: Hear Me Out

The ghost incident had hit the Jiangcheng early news half a month ago.

The surveillance footage from the streets was even more terrifying than the one Xu Qing and his friends had seen before, with a pitch-black shadow flashing by like a specter, occasionally curling up in a ball or drifting to the top of a wall, drawing widespread attention.

People wandering around at night had decreased somewhat, and conversely, police would patrol this area in the evenings.

For safety's sake, Xu Qing hadn't taken Jiang He out for nearly half a month, instead having her stay at home. Only now, with the bulk of the month's rumors having passed, had he slightly relaxed.

"What a calamity..."

While eating and browsing local news on his phone, Xu Qing couldn't stop shaking his head and sighing.

Some said it was some animal that had escaped from the zoo, others claimed it was really a ghost, with people supposedly encountering a female ghost with a face smeared in blood and bulging eyes.

Fortunately, in modern civilized society, young people aren't very superstitious, and they were certain it must be someone with too much time on their hands playing a ghost to garner attention, complete with convincing screenshots and detailed analyses.

Beyond that, there were the standard copy-paste comments about freedom, democracy, civility, harmony...

"Do people here all live like this... as if they're in prison?"

Jiang He said in a muffled voice while eating, noting that after more than a month of observation, Xu Qing's routine was either going out to buy meals or getting some fresh air in the morning. He would spend the rest of his time idling at home.

"Of course not, this is called being a 'homebody.'" Xu Qing tapped on himself with a finger, "homebody, literally a guy who stays at home."

"A profession?"

"No, a lifestyle."

"I don't quite understand." Jiang He shook her head. Although she was making an effort to learn, she didn't know where to start.

From the Tang to the Song, then to the Yuan and Ming, and finally to the present world, she had grasped the broad and general concepts of its development. Yet when it came to specifics of daily life, she was still blind, knowing nothing at all.

"It means I can choose to go out, or I can choose to stay home. Going out is exhausting, so I lie at home... It's like being a rich landowner, having nothing to do all day but walk dogs and tease cats on the estate," Xu Qing tried to explain.

"It's not like that."


"I want to go out for a walk," Jiang He said.

Staying here like this, she could never learn how to live, feeling every day like a pet confined in a cage—like Winter Melon.

"Go out for a walk?" Xu Qing repeated, questioning.


"You mean... leave this place?" He knew her request to 'go for a walk' wasn't just about strolling around the neighborhood.

Jiang He looked down, silent for a moment, then nodded.

"Stop joking. What could you do if you go out?... Let's not even talk about anything else, just basics like food and shelter. You could choose not to wash or change your clothes, and you can walk on your two legs, but where would you stay? On someone else's rooftop? And what about food, huh?"

"I..." Jiang He opened her mouth but found herself without a rebuttal.

"Would you rob or steal?" Xu Qing put down his chopsticks and looked at her.

Of course, he could give Jiang He some money, and she had already learned how to dine at restaurants by herself, but without a way to make a living, she would eventually run out.

Then she would be at wit's end, with no other choice but crime unless she happened upon another kind soul.

"There aren't any deep forests or wilderness nearby for you to hunt in... Oh, you could rummage through garbage bins."

Jiang He remained silent, head lowered, as the dining table fell into a mute stillness.

After a long while, her body slumped, and she exhaled a silent sigh, enveloped by a profound sense of powerlessness.

If Xu Qing's words about identity were just lies to deceive her, that might be easier to take. But after more than a month of getting used to this place, she had found that Xu Qing had no malice and had never spoken a single lie to trick her.

Without an identity, life was indeed next to impossible.

Xu Qing observed her for a while, then shook his head and softened his tone, "Changing habits, lifestyle, and the way you perceive life... these changes are tough, I understand."

"But you have to do things step by step. At least now, you've learned how to use public transport and recognize money, haven't you? That's a significant improvement."

"I can't learn anything," Jiang He pursed her lips, feeling dejected.

"No, you've learned a lot already." Xu Qing thought for a moment and said, "At least... now, when I talk to you about these things, you don't unsheathe your sword ready for a fight, and with some money, you can survive on your own for a while outside... That's much better than when you first arrived a month ago."

"Take it slow; once the ghost uproar outside dies down, I'll take you out more often. Some things need to be experienced firsthand for you to understand."

"Are there really ghosts outside?" Jiang He was surprised.

"The daoist priest is still out there performing rituals." Xu Qing looked outside with slight irritation and stood up to clear the takeaway boxes from the table.

Getting used to a completely unfamiliar world takes more than being smart; many habits need to be gradually adjusted.

At the very least, she now recognized traffic lights, knew how to use money, and could occasionally win a couple of rounds playing Fight the Landlord...

"Wait until you can earn money, then you can pay me back; if you can't, then..."

Seeing Jiang He's clear eyes, Xu Qing's joking comment got stuck in his throat, and he shook his head, "I should find something for you to do. Wait, let me think about what you could do."

Jiang He solemnly bowed with hands clasped together, "Many thanks, Hero!"

"Call me the great hero."



He couldn't take on a serious job, but now was the era of the internet and information.

Xu Qing was even making a living online, although he was just a UP, he had some understanding of other things as well. No matter what one does, it takes a long time to study and master it. Only those who can support themselves with their hobbies are truly blessed by the gods—such luck shouldn't be forced.


"Come play this, see if you can learn it."

Once the new account was registered, Xu Qing let her practice playing. Doing daily power-leveling for online games was probably the simplest thing—having hands was enough...

For instance, Swordsman III, which happened to have an ancient style too.

Getting cheated in power-leveling just meant losing some labor, while brushing orders involved real money, which was the most reliable and could also help her pass the time and interact with others.

Of course, that's if she could learn to play—Xu Qing couldn't think of a simpler way for someone fresh to this world and not yet fully adjusted to the modern age to make money.

"Play?" Instinctively feeling something was off, Jiang He looked at the game screen, thought for a moment, and said, "Can't I do what you are doing? The thing about watching others with surveillance and then making money..."

"That's too complicated, you can't learn it yet."

Xu Qing waved his hand, "There's too much to learn, and you need a lot of experience in watching videos..."

Rustle rustle.

The sound of keys turning in the door lock suddenly interrupted him, the two exchanged glances as Xu Qing's expression changed abruptly. While signalling Jiang He to go back to her room, he called out, "Who is it?"

"Open the door!"


Hearing this voice, Xu Qing turned his head and urged Jiang He, "That's my family outside, quick... go hide in the room."

Not understanding why, Jiang He got up and went back to the room.

Strangers could open the door at will, yet family members had to hide... It seemed a bit odd.

"Hold on, I'll open it for you."

Seeing that Jiang He had returned to the room, Xu Qing slowly and reluctantly opened the front door, "Dad, what brings you here?"

"Call me the landlord."

Xu Wenbin pushed his glasses up, stepped inside to look at the computer screen, then glanced at Xu Qing.

"Haven't found a job yet?"

"The landlord worrying about my job... Oh boy, oh boy, here, take this; just pay the rent, what's the fuss about finding a job, I'm doing just fine, aren't I?" Xu Qing turned to grab his phone from the couch, Xu Wenbin slightly disgustedly pushed Winter Melon away with his finger, who was trying to rub against him, "Graduated and still not getting a proper job, always speculating and scheming, dealing in all sorts of crooked stuff, what's that all about? You should be locked up..."

"Locked up in a cattle shed." Xu Qing continued weakly, "I'm transferring it to you now. Did you come all the way here just to see if I'm working or not? No one's working over the National Day... Oh, you came to check on the utility bills."


Xu Wenbin looked at him with a mix of disappointment and exasperation, then glanced at the computer, "If you don't find a job by next month, I'm raising the rent, let's see if you keep lounging around at home every day..."

"Oh, right!"

The movement of Xu Qing's transferring money paused as he looked up, "Dad, did you see that Taoist priest when you were coming in?"

"Saw him, what about it?" Xu Wenbin frowned.

"This place is haunted, it's not peaceful, crappy environment... you've got to lower the rent."

"Bullshit, you'd better..."

Mid-sentence, Xu Wenbin suddenly stopped talking and stood frozen, staring at the balcony. Xu Qing followed his gaze; Jiang He's clothes were hanging there, fluttering in the wind.



The air suddenly grew quiet.

"Dad, listen to me..."

Xu Wenbin's expression darkened, "You've even started wearing these kinds of clothes now?!"


Xu Qing was dumbfounded.