Chapter 25: This Girl is Really Handsome

Two days later, Xu Qing had someone fix the window and even added a burglar-proof mesh.

"I'm giving you this phone; just call me if you need anything."

During his spare time, Xu Qing had gotten a supplementary SIM card and, along with it, gave Jiang He an Android phone worth over a thousand yuan.

"Is the mobile phone very expensive?" Jiang He intuitively felt that this gadget was no trivial matter.

"Not expensive, it's a free gift."

"Oh, thanks, Hero."

"No need for formalities—try it out and learn to call me."

After teaching Jiang He how to make phone calls, and letting her explore her newly acquired treasure—mysteriously, Xu Qing felt like Jiang He seemed to be gaming, and he was just an NPC, responsible for guiding new players…

He shook his head to discard that ludicrous thought, ordered some takeout to wait for its delivery, and then readied himself to go out.

"I'm going out for a bit; have dinner on your own."


Jiang He did not ask further, as being busy was normal; staying at home all day was simply not human-like.

"I might come back later, so if you don't feel like gaming, you could watch some videos, play Fight the Landlord, or just explore the phone. It's off-work time now." Xu Qing reminded her. Initially worried that Jiang He wouldn't take an interest in gaming, now that he heard it could make money, she had instantly transformed into a gaming addict, and he was concerned she'd become too obsessed.

The stronger the grind, the easier it is to suddenly lose interest.

"Is playing games really a job?" Jiang He became more puzzled as she played; she couldn't grasp what was so fun about making those strangely dressed little characters run around on a computer.

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of players?

"Of course it is. If you continue playing after work hours, that's overtime. Currently, you're an intern without overtime pay."

Xu Qing was quite serious, putting on a solemn façade that seemed very effective—at least she now approached each day with the enthusiasm of getting work done.

"If anything comes up, call me. For now, have your meal first."

After giving his instructions, he turned and left the house, taking advantage of the daylight to hail a cab back to his parents' place for dinner.

The home of his parents.

He would usually go back once or twice each month, but last month, because he had picked up Jiang He, Xu Qing hadn't gone back at all. Only Xu Wenbin had come to collect rent once and casually check whether he was rotting away in the house.

These past few days, Xu Qing's mother had suddenly urged him to come back. Without a doubt, he could tell that Jiang He's situation had been embellished and recounted by his dad.

"Mom, I'm back."

Upon arriving at home and entering after climbing the stairs, Xu Qing called out but got no reply. He looked around and saw only Xu Wenbin studying documents in the study.

"Dad, where's mom?"

"Playing mahjong; hasn't returned yet."

"What time is it already... Aren't you hungry?" Xu Qing glanced at his watch, noting it was nearing six in the evening. Not only was dinner not ready, but no one was home yet.

"Now that you mention it, I am getting a bit hungry. Call her and tell her to come back."


Xu Wenbin set aside his work and glanced out the door, "Just you? Where's your girlfriend?"

"What girlfriend? I told you, just a normal friend who's staying for a while."

"Pssh, like I don't understand the thoughts of you young people… 'Staying for a while', would you let a guy stay?"

"Qin Hao has stayed before."

"He doesn't count; if that guy were a girl, he would have become your girlfriend by now."


Xu Qing, feeling annoyed, simply left the study and returned to the living room, taking out his phone to call his mother.

This person can set aside anything once he starts playing mahjong. I don't know how his old man has put up with it for so many years and can still be all smiles.

"By the way, there's another thing I came to talk about, that... what's it called..."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Qing returned to the study and approached Xu Wenbin, pulling out a receipt. "My place got burgled a few days ago. I had the window fixed and added a security grille. Please reimburse me for the costs."

The main reasons for coming here were just two things: to show my face and to get the old man to reimburse the money.

Clear accounts make for happy relations, even between father and son.

"Got burgled?" Xu Wenbin was surprised. "Is there anything worth stealing at your place?"

"Isn't a computer worth money?"

"Don't you always sleep hugging your computer? Who could steal it from you?" Xu Wenbin said sarcastically as he took the receipt. It only dawned on him moments later, and he looked up at Xu Qing, "Are you okay?"

"I gave the thief a beating and chased him away."

"I was asking about you, not the thief."

"If I gave the thief a beating, how could I be hurt?"

The two of them found it hard to be on the same wavelength and felt that talking was exhausting.

Sometimes, Xu Qing even wondered if he was adopted. A harmonious scene like Qin Hao's family, he figured he would never see in his lifetime.

Outside, clanging sounds of keys opening the door were heard, followed by Zhou Suzhi coming in with groceries, "Qingzi is back? Why didn't you inform us a bit earlier..."

"I mentioned it in the group chat at noon, you even replied to me."

"Did I? Too busy, must have slipped my mind... I'll start cooking now, go watch TV or something for a bit."

Zhou Suzhi seemed to have won quite a bit, humming a tune gleefully as she entered the kitchen and began clattering pots and pans.

Xu Qing knew his mother all too well. Her mood entirely depended on her mahjong wins or losses. If she lost, she would sulk and grumble about Xu Wenbin. If she won, she would be in high spirits, even if it was just a single yuan; the more she won, the happier she became.

Seeing that she had started humming, he figured she must have won at least ten yuan or more.

"By the way, where is your girlfriend?"

"I don't have a girlfriend, don't listen to my dad's nonsense," Xu Qing said, sitting on the living room sofa, talking to Zhou Suzhi.

"How is it nonsense?" Xu Wenbin objected. "Her clothes are hung up there, living together, even doing the laundry together, can normal friends do that?"

"What? Living together now?" Zhou Suzhi was surprised, a detail Xu Wenbin hadn't shared with her, only mentioning a girl had moved into his son's place, suspected to be his girlfriend.

"That's not the case, you're making things up now."

Xu Qing was in the living room, Xu Wenbin stayed in the study, and Zhou Suzhi was in the kitchen. The three of them chatted back and forth, each adding their comment.

By the time dinner was ready, it was almost eight o'clock. While other families might have already gone out for a walk or were nestled on the couch watching TV, the Xu family's hot dinner had just been served.

Three dishes and a soup, enough for three people. Not lavish but decent enough.

"Do you have any photos to show me?" Zhou Suzhi was still curious about the girl who moved into her son's place.

She had planned to go check it out, but after discussing it with Xu Wenbin, they thought it was not appropriate to go over without knowing the situation, it might seem odd...

"Just a friend, what's there to see?"

Xu Qing complained, thinking that not having a look wouldn't end the matter, so he simply took out his phone, searched for a moment, found a photo and held it up to her, "This is the one, a friend, not a girlfriend."

"Wow, she's quite handsome, hand it here for a closer look."

Zhou Suzhi put down her bowl and took the phone to take a careful look, swiping left – another picture of the girl.

Swipe again, hey, still her!

"You've taken so many photos of a friend? This one's taken at Lanjiang Bridge, right? This one is pretty!"

"Stop swiping around, hey... give me back my phone."

Xu Qing felt a headache coming on. The person was a relic from twelve hundred years ago, how could he be considered handsome... and how did you start to think of her as a daughter-in-law?