Chapter 80: So You Are a Pure Wanderer

What's so special about touching hands?

Jiang He looked down at the calluses on his fingertips, puzzled by this question.

When he held her hand, his palm seemed very large, but it wasn't very strong; she felt she could easily make Xu Qing's fingers crack with a little pressure.

Her own hands were rough and unsightly. Why did this guy like them?

Jiang He snuck a glance at Xu Qing, then her gaze returned to her own palms.

"The rogue's wife has messy hair, crooked ears, cracked lips, missing teeth, walks hunched over with a limp, and is covered in scabies, but the rogue loves her very much and had five children with her..."

"What are you thinking about?" Xu Qing, noticing her strange expression, couldn't help but ask.

"No, nothing!"

Jiang He was a bit flustered, her lips tightly pressed, her heartbeat started to race again.


This guy is definitely a rogue!

Even though her hands are so ugly and rough, he still likes them—what else could he be if not a rogue?