Chapter 82: You've been corrupted.

So lengthy.

Teaching Jiang He the ways of the world, teaching her to survive on her own, was a painstaking task. In this process, he couldn't help but influence Jiang He.

Even without trying, she would naturally develop a fondness for him.

Whether it was affection or familial love, both are bonds. From the moment she crossed a thousand years to come here and their paths crossed, it was a connection that couldn't be severed.

In the words of the Supreme Treasure, it was a destiny arranged by the heavens.

"If you change your mind later, no longer like it, I will seriously consider your feelings and then let you go," Xu Qing made a promise and after some thought, continued, "Anyway, let's talk about the future when it comes. I feel like we have a special bond."

"I don't like it now either!" Jiang He was not about to fall into his trap.