"I have never seen someone so brazen."

Han Yun, who had heard the descriptions of the victims, could not help but look up to the sky and sigh.

"Master Han, please also help to retrieve our belongings."

"Yes, Master Han, not capturing that Lin Dong is really not enough to bring down the people's anger."

A crowd of nose-dived talisman masters surrounded Han Yun and shouted loudly.

After a slight silence, Han Yun shook his head grimly, "You guys know the rules of the tower duel, I can't take a shot at Lin Dong, besides, this is still the home base of the Yan City Rune Masters."

The way of the tower duel within the talisman master tower was supposed to be taboo-free, as long as the participants could resist that terrifying spiritual pressure, they could strike as many times as they wanted without taking the opponent's life, there were no restrictions.

Every year, there are cases of missing arms and legs in the tower duel. They were just robbed of their belongings and beaten up by the hand, which is not really a violation.

The grief and anger in the hearts of the rejected Heavenly Fire City Runesmiths had nowhere to express, and they could only look at the Yan City Runesmiths on the opposite side with their eyes spitting fire.

However, the Yan City Runesmiths, who felt that they had the upper hand, did not care about this.

The fourth day, the fifth day, the sixth day ...

There were constantly rune masters who couldn't carry on coming out of the rune master tower, and there were also constantly Heavenly Fire City rune masters who went to Han Yun to complain, but unfortunately, nothing came to fruition.

On the seventh day, Cao Cast and Liu Long, who were on the fifth floor, came out in pairs.

"You two were also robbed by Lin Dong? The two of you together should be able to rival a Third Seal Rune Master."

Han Yun sized up the two disciples in front of him suspiciously.

"How is that possible? How could the two of us be defeated by that Lin Dong guy, if you don't believe me teacher, look, our clothes are brand new."

Liu Long laughed loudly at his words and reached out to tug at his clean and tidy clothes, while Cao Cast on one side kept nodding in agreement after hearing this.

Liu Long's heart could not help but give a nod to his own resourcefulness.

The others were probably all taken away from their Qiankun bags and did not have new clothes to replace them. Fortunately, Cao Cast's Qiankun bag was retrieved by him, so the two of them could comfortably replace a clean and tidy set of clothes and thus muddle through.


The corners of Han Yun's eyes twitched as he looked at Liu Long's clothes that were obviously one size too small and couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

How could he have such two retarded disciples?

On the eighth day, Zi Yue exited the tower.

"Zi Yue, who exactly is the person who arrived at the ninth floor?"

Looking at his beloved disciple coming out, Master Rock immediately went straight to the point.

"Someone has arrived at the ninth floor?"

A look of shock abruptly crossed the iceberg beauty's cold as ice pretty face, and looking back, she only saw that a distinct point of light was faintly flickering on the highest level of the Grey Tower.

"Although I'm not sure who among the two of Lin Dong and Zhou Tong actually stepped into the ninth floor, but I think it should be Lin Dong."

After a moment of consternation, the purple-skirted beauty lightly opened her cherry lips and said.


A Third Seal Rune Master glanced at Violet Moon in surprise.

As a fellow Third Seal Rune Master, how could she be so confident in Lin Dong?

"Because even though Zhou Tong had stepped into the seventh layer, he was still relatively struggling when it came to impacting the spiritual barrier. But Lin Dong was different, whether he was walking on the sixth layer or impacting the spirit barrier, he performed with ease."

"That feeling was like, just like when I just walked into the first layer, cozy and relaxed."

Zi Yue pursed her delicate red lips and leisurely recalled.

"It's already the sixth layer, and it's still cozy and relaxing?"

Several old qualifications of Yancheng

middle-aged talisman masters glanced at each other in horror.

"No matter what, we can almost conclude that the person who stepped into the ninth layer is Lin Dong. Besides, if my guess is right, Zhou Tong's limit is almost reached, and the result of the competition will be revealed soon."

Grandmaster Rock, who had been silent, abruptly raised his head and looked towards the seventh floor of the Grey Tower.

A prophecy came true, on the second day after Zi Yue left the tower, an incomparably bland-looking young man also steadily walked out of the Talisman Master's Tower with calm footsteps.

"It's over, that person on the seventh floor is really Zhou Tong, this tower fight our Heavenly Fire City has lost."

Looking at the figure that walked out, looking at the point of light that still remained on the ninth floor, Han Yun couldn't help but close his eyes in pain.

Just one last time, just one last time Tianhuo City can win three times in a row Yan City, successfully move this talisman master tower back to Tianhuo City.

Everything was lost because of that brat named Lin Dong!

"Huh, Eldest Brother, you're injured? Did you also suffer from that demon's poisonous hand?" After some consolation, the talisman masters of Heavenly Fire City were concerned about the injury of Eldest Brother.

"Well, I lost to Lin Dong in one move, he is very strong."

Zhou Tong touched the bruise at the corner of his mouth and smiled frankly.

"But that's not right, even you lost to Lin Dong, so how could the second and third senior brothers win? Even if the two senior brothers join forces, it should be very barely to defeat him."

A discordant voice suddenly emerged from the crowd.

"You two teamed up and defeated Lin Dong?"

Zhou Tong sniffed with a complicated expression and glanced at Cao Cast and Liu Long.

"Oh, that, that ..."

Liu Long's brain was running frantically, struggling to think of a way to break the situation.

"Zhou Tong, are you all right?"

Han Yun happened to walk over, and Liu Long immediately stepped back sharply as if he had been pardoned.

"Teacher, let's go back, next year I will come and fight Yan City and Lin Dong again."

Zhou Tong shook his head with a bland expression.

"It's good that you're okay, we'll just fight again next year."

Han Yun smiled with relief, his eldest disciple's talent wasn't the best, but his heart was the best, that's why he was able to overpower many geniuses within the association.

"Let's go."

With Han Yun's order, the many talisman masters of Heavenly Fire City left cleanly in a huff without even greeting each other.

"Gentlemen, we have succeeded in defending the tower, this tower duel is won by our Yan City."

Looking at the old rivals who left in a huff, Master Yan was happier than anything he ate, and immediately announced with a big wave of his hand.

"Senior Brother Lin Dong is powerful! Yancheng is mighty!"

"Guarding the tower was successful, our Rune Master Tower finally doesn't have to lose to Skyfire City."

"With Senior Brother Lin Dong here, we won't be afraid of them in the coming year!"

As soon as Master Yan's words fell, the square became a sea of cheers.

"But when exactly is Senior Brother Lin Dong coming out?"

"Right, how many days can Senior Brother Lin Dong actually last in the ninth level?"

The clamor gradually receded, and there were constantly questions being raised.

Master Yan, who was wrapped by all the people, pondered slightly for a moment and replied, "I'm not too sure about this, after all, no one in Yan City has been able to reach the ninth floor for almost a hundred years."

"The only thing that is certain is that the spiritual pressure on the ninth floor is more than ten times that of the eighth floor, and even I cannot resist it."

"Lin Dong and Zhou Tong is the same three seal talisman master, even if strong should also be strong limited, Zhou Tong can last for eight days in the eighth floor before leaving the tower, then Lin Dong is almost the same. Let's stay and wait patiently, it's almost time."