
  A wretched figure flew out from the center of the gully, who was it if not Hua Bone who had just been knocked off the ground by Lin Dong.

  "Kid, you seek death! Do you really think my Yin Puppet Sect is afraid of you?

  Hua Bone forcefully suppressed the blood in his body constantly churning, angrily roared.

  "Go down and keep your son company."

  Lin Dong's expression is indifferent, a hand palm, a dark golden ancient halberd appeared in its palm, the body's majestic Yuan Power along the halberd handle frantically pour into the Tianscale ancient halberd, grip Tianscale ancient halberd fierce downward swing.

  "What? My son? Zong'er he exactly ..."

  Hua Bone's heart was shocked, instantly remembered his son Hua Zong who had not returned from his long absence.

  "Heavenly scale halberd method, fish scale halberd!"

  The ancient halberd above steeply erupted the bright golden luster of the Great Sun Thunder Element, and as the Great Sun Thunder Element wriggled rapidly, it directly transformed into a hideous-looking golden-scaled giant fish, whistling down with dangerous and incomparable fluctuations.

  "Damn, little beast, if anything happens to my son, I swear I will make your life worse than death!!!"

  Hua Bone, who was firmly locked in by a strong Qi Creation Martial Art, didn't have time to think much and raised his palms to burst out a burst of majestic Yin Cold Yuan Power and bravely met it.

  He was a veteran of the Qi Creation Realm and mastered many of the Yin Puppet Sect's finest martial arts, so he had absolute confidence in capturing Lin Dong alive and forcing him to ask for Hua Bone's exact whereabouts.

  "White Bone Heart Crushing Palm!"

  In a hurry, the two Yuan Power palms collided with the whistling golden scaled giant fish with a bang, and the violent golden thunder Yuan instantly sliced through this seventh grade martial art that Hua Bone had hurriedly used.

  "Half-step creation realm? Such a young half-step creation realm?!"

  The confident Hua Bone fiercely froze, this strong Yuan Power fluctuation was simply several times more solid than him, a Qi Creation realm powerhouse.

  Even within the Yin Puppet Sect, such a strong person would not exceed three fingers.

  After all, he was a veteran of the Great Puppet City for decades, and when one blow failed, his muscle memory already drove him to prepare the next blow.

  "Heavenly Bone Wall!"

  Only to see Hua Bone's large dry hand hastily grabbed, a huge gray bone spear hurriedly condensed in his hand, a shake of the huge bone spear, the sky of bone shadows then turned into a circle of bone wall to firmly wrap him.


  At this time, the hideous-looking golden-scaled fish had already bitten on top of the bone wall, the dense bone wall trembled wildly under the support of majestic Yuan Power, using the huge rotational force to consume the golden-scaled fish's strength.

  "Ahhhhh! Give me a break!!!"

  Hua Zong spun his bone spear, and the huge spear shadow directly transformed into a white bone dragon leaping out like a hole, directly piercing through the golden-scaled giant fish that was already in a declining state.


  But just a few seconds of engagement but contains a million dangers, cold sweat encroached on Hua Bone's shirt, he gasped, looking at Lin Dong from afar.

  "Who the hell are you? I don't remember having crossed you, or did Zong'er offend you, I can apologize on Zong'er's behalf."

  Such a strong person he really did not want to provoke, unless he could wake up the half-step creation realm powerhouse in the clan who was in seclusion, but that person had been in seclusion for several years in order to impact the creation realm, and he did not even know whether he was dead or alive.

  "Apologize? No need, dead people don't need to apologize."

  Lin Dong, who was standing in the air, shook his head indifferently.

  "Zong'er is dead? My Zong'er, if Zong'er wants to kill you all, you should just obediently let him do it, why do you resist? How can Zong'er's life be compared to those of you bitches?"

  Hua Bone's old face that was as dry as the bark of an old tree suddenly stiffened and let out a shocked wail directly, muttering incoherently.

  "Since you love him so much, let's go down and reunite together."

  A cold color flashed in Lin Dong's eyes as the Heavenly Scale Ancient Halberd crossed, and without hesitation, he struck two Heavenly Scale Halberd Spells, one stronger than the other.

  "Heavenly Scale Halberd Technique! Furious Python Halberd!"

  "Heavenly Scale Halberd Technique! Transformation Halberd!"

  "Roar! Howl!"

  The python roared, the Yuan power surged, a hideous-looking golden-scaled python and a golden-scaled dragon at the same time, a python and a dragon entwined with each other, as a double dragon entwined shape whistling out.

  "Ahhhhhhh! I will die today to avenge my son's death!

  The maniacal Hua Bone let out a long whistle, the majestic Yuan Power surged rapidly, gripping the huge bone spear and sent it forward fiercely.

  "Soul Destroying Bone Spear!"

  "Bone picking evil spear!"

  As the Yuan Power whistled, the bone spear steeply erupted with a burst of dense, cold gray aura, and two gray spears, which were enough to kill any person at the Great Formation Realm, were struck out, carrying an extremely cold aura and ruthlessly blasted at Lin Dong.


  The four attacks collided together with a terrifying shockwave that swept through the four directions, toppling all the Yin Puppet Sect powerhouses who were watching the battle in mid-air and tearing down towards the Yin Puppet Sect's compound below.

  "Bang Bang Bang!"

  The many majestic buildings were instantly destroyed, and in almost the blink of an eye, one ancient building after another collapsed one after another.

  Smoke dissipated, and the second encounter between the two actually strangely tied.

  "Heavenly Scale Halberd Technique! Heavenly Dragon Halberd!"

  Before the tired Hua Bone's face showed joy, a faint light chant had already resounded in his ears.


  The golden great sun lightning yuan like a torrent of rivers pouring out from Lin Dong's body, even derived from the sound of substantial water flow, instantly took up most of the sky, UU Look Book www.uukanshu.com将整片天幕都渲染为极为璀璨的金色.

  The golden light condensed and compressed, directly into a large size of the giant gold scaled sky dragon, ancient and majestic.

  The huge golden dragon shadow condensed a faint peculiar pressure, overwhelmingly swept down, and even make Hua Bone's movements are serious stagnation.

  The sky scale ancient halberd after upgrading to a half-step earth-grade spiritual treasure, the ancient halberd hidden in the sky dragon residual soul was also completely subdued by Lin Dong, and Lin Dong launched an attack directly to the sky dragon halberd soul, greatly increasing the attack power.

  In the exercise of martial arts, the ability to call out that nebulous spirit, which already has a hint of the shadow of the spirit martial arts!

  That might could shake heaven and earth!


  The huge heavenly dragon shadow looked up to the sky and roared, that was a sound of a dragon roar that shook the souls of all the strong people present, and even some people with unbearable strength directly fell into a short period of dizziness.

  Now is the time!

  Just when the crowd was in unspeakable shock, the golden heavenly dragon attacked brazenly, and it arrived instantly!

  "Superior Creation Martial Art, this power is definitely a Superior Creation Martial Art!!!"

  Hua Bone, who was shocked by the sound of the heavenly dragon, turned ashen, his body suddenly stiffened, and muttered like a lost soul.

  There are three levels of creation martial arts, upper, middle and lower.

  After the Ancestral Stone's deduction and perfection, the first halberd of the Heavenly Scale Ancient Halberd is comparable to the lower level of creation martial arts, the second and third halberds are comparable to the middle level of creation martial arts, and the fourth halberd is comparable to the upper level of creation martial arts.

  This can't help Hua Bone not shocked, his Yin Puppet Sect's Lord Patriarch, a dang creation realm powerhouse, only has a set of quasi-formation martial arts in his hands, but Lin hand has a set of real superior formation martial arts.

  This huge difference, straight let Hua Bone shocked liver and guts!