
Chapter 231 - Congratulations to our Daoist clan!

"Nothing, it's not your fault, go down and rest."

  Dusty True casually waved his hand, and then continued to cast his eyes towards the thin figure still sitting on top of the mountain.

  "Yes, Senior Uncle Dusty Chen!"

  Pang Tong's four people smiled bitterly as they glanced at each other.

  The most frightening thing is not that someone chastises you, but that the chastisement is too lazy to chastise you. Obviously, Dusty really just treats the four as an add-on, putting all the real hope on that person.

  However, Pang Tong four people resent not up.

  Because, that person is their Desolate Hall chief senior brother! The unquestionable strongest person of the young generation of the Desolate Hall!

  Swept out from the Great Desolate Monument, the transparent pillar of light that enveloped the thin figure remained firm, neither dissipating nor shrinking.

  What is more reassuring is that the thin figure's breath is quite stable and does not have a tendency to fall all the way down like Pang Tong's four.

  "Senior Brother Wudao, do you think the Lin Dong kid will succeed this time?"

  Dusty True finally couldn't hold down his inner restlessness.

  "It will definitely succeed, no change in the pillar of light connecting the Great Desolate Monument is the best change, back then, senior brother Zhou Tong was also like this."

  Before Wudao could reply, Gu Mo on one side replied directly and categorically.

  "Yes, no change is the best change."

  Dusty True gritted his teeth and nodded fiercely.

  Under the gaze of the sky, the thin figure continued to sit peacefully in the transparent pillar of light for three more days, until... He moved gently.


  As the thin figure, who had been sitting in front of the Great Desolate Monument for a month, slowly opened his eyes, a bizarre fluctuation quickly spread from his center to his surroundings.


  Under the coverage of this bizarre fluctuation, the whole heaven and earth, whether mountains, rivers or lush green vegetation are rapidly becoming yellow, one mile, two miles, three miles ... The whole world, whether mountains, rivers or lush green vegetation, quickly became yellow, one mile, two miles, three miles.

  "Such pure desolation fluctuations, that is the Great Desolation Sutra?

  "This must be the Great Desolation Scripture, a hundred years ago I saw senior brother Zhou Tong cast, this kind of desolation power will never be mistaken!"

  "Heaven has mercy on the Dao Sect, after hundreds of years, the long-lost Great Desolation Sutra has finally reappeared in the world!"

  At this moment, the entire Dao Sect was abuzz!

  Looking at this amazing vision in front of them, I don't know how many Dao Sect elders were so excited that they burst into tears, in a trance, the senior brother who led them to hang all disobedience seemed to have returned!

  "No, how can Lin Dong be able to turn the land for dozens of miles into a desolate area as soon as he obtains the inheritance, could it be that he has pushed the Great Desolation Sutra to an extremely profound realm?"

  The senior members of the Desolate Hall who knew more about the Great Desolate Desolation Sutra saw even more.

  "Yes, I remember when senior brother Zhou Tong first broke through the barrier back then, he could at most turn the earth around him into desolation for three miles, stretching for tens of miles that could only be done when he stepped into the Shengxuan realm."

  Wudao seems to have thought of something at the same time.

  The words just fell, the senior of the Desolate Hall subconsciously glanced at each other, eyes full of ecstasy, does this not mean that Lin Dong's talent is stronger than Zhou Tong?

  The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're looking for.

  Wave after wave of unusually majestic energy lurking beneath the earth, like a tumbling earth dragon rushing back to the center of the desolation fluctuations, all together pouring into that thin figure.

  "Buzz! Boom!"

  Under the support of this constant source of external force, the thin figure's aura, which was already at its peak, rose abruptly and stepped directly into a completely new realm.

  The Ninth Element Nirvana Realm, it was accomplished!

  Lin Dong, the chief of the Desolate Hall, had arrived at the same realm as Ying Xiaoxiao, the chief of the Heavenly Hall, in just a few short months!

  As the desolate power gradually flowed back into the thin figure, the earth within a radius of tens of miles became lush and vibrant once again, and even the sky seemed to have cleared up completely.

  "Today, the Great Desolation Scripture officially reverts to the Dao Sect!"

  On top of the mountain, the thin figure rose up and looked around the sky before announcing with a solemn face.

  After receiving Lin Dong's affirmative reply, all the Dao Sect disciples present were overjoyed with excitement and immediately bowed and returned a salute: "Brother Lin Dong has worked hard!"

  "Congratulations for my Dao Sect! Congratulations to my Desolate Hall!"

  "Congratulations to the Dao Sect! Congratulations to my Desolate Hall!"


  In the next moment, a tsunami of cheers erupted between the heavens and the earth, and the vast sound of celebration shot up into the sky, sweeping away the clouds within a few dozen miles.

  "Sister, Lin Dong he is now at the same level as you Hey, super powerful."

  "Shut up! Did mother ever tell you that you're really annoying!!!"

  In the midst of the cheers in the sky, a simple conversation passed in a flash.

  In a void above the nine heavens.

  "Elder Tai, this bet seems to be won by me."

  Looking at the heaven-shattering sounds of celebration below, Ying Xuanzi, who was standing with his hands folded, said with a smile.


I would like to have more chances to lose like this in the future, the more the better."

  The blue-robed old man laughed loudly at his words, and his old face was devoid of frustration.


  "Hanging gong gong gong gong gong ~"

  The top of the mountains where the clouds and smoke are raking is like a fairyland, and if there is a gentle piano sound, it adds some brightness to the green mountains and water.

  On the edge of the gurgling mountain spring, a green rock boulder stands across the sky.

  The curvaceous girl sitting on her knees, smiling sweetly, fiddling with a precious green guzheng, UU reads www.uukanshu.com笑容清澈媚人, raising her head from time to time, looking at the slim figure in front of her with an airy temperament, a trace of tenderness flashing in her eyes from time to time.

  "How about this tune of mine?"

  A song ended, white-clothed jade man that a pair of sheep's-fat jade-like crystal-clear slender hands also stopped, softly hanging on the strings.

  "Yu... Hmm? Someone's here?"

  The thin figure was just about to speak when the stirring sound of breaking wind rang out and a figure with a not-so-weak breath broke through the air in a hurry.

  "Oh, Mo Ling, I hope you can give me a reason not to kill you."

  Looking at the incoming person who ruined the beautiful atmosphere, the slim figure sitting upright suddenly smiled lazily, startling Mo Ling to shudder subconsciously.

  "It's over, I don't seem to have come at the right time."

  Mo Ling, who was on one knee, raised his head without a trace and looked at the handsome man and woman sitting extremely close to each other, where he still did not understand what he had done.

  "Hey, be decent, Mo Ling must have an urgent matter seeking you."

  Behind the thin figure Ying Huanhuan walked forward, the cold jade hand did not have the good grace to pat its back, the action is quite intimate casual.

  "Yes, yes, senior brother Lin Dong, I have an urgent matter to seek you."

  "A super sect a thousand miles away from my Dao Sect's ancestral court, Hong Ya Cave, suddenly sent outstanding disciples to pay a visit to my Dao Sect, the other three hall chiefs are in seclusion, several hall masters ordered you to lead the hall disciples to meet the battle, make sure to frustrate them."

  Mo Ling heard the words and nodded his head busily.

  "Oh, Hong Ya Cave? Very good very good ..."

  The thin figure stood straight up with a long body, his gaze eerily gazing into the distance.

Chapter 232: Mountain Worship, Hongya Cave

The eight super sects, led by the Yuan Gate, were the most powerful super forces in the Eastern Xuan Region, and there were many other super sects under them that were a little less powerful.

  These super sects, although there is no top strong people who have stepped into the wheel realm to suppress the bottom, but the old monsters of the dead Xuan realm within the sect are also numerous, when the suppression of a strong side.

  Hongya Cave, which is very close to the Dao Sect, is such a party, and they have secretly set a small goal: to take the Dao Sect and replace it first!

  The repeated defeats did not affect Hong Yadong's fighting spirit, and this time they aimed at the Dao Sect's temple exams were approaching, and the experts of all the halls were in seclusion to break through the opportunity to visit the Dao Sect once again, leading the strongest members of the younger generation to pay homage to the mountain.


  The front part of the Dao Sect.

  On the restored and vast platform, a party of people from apparently foreign sects gathered together, the aura is quite severe, under the strong calm face, there is a vague hint of leap of faith.

  On top of the high platform, two grey-clad old men with unfamiliar faces were seated with a badge with an ancient cliff pattern pinned to their chests, accompanied by the Lord of the Desolate Hall, Dusty Chen, and the Lord of the Heavenly Hall, Qi Lei.

  "Dust Chen, Xiaoxiao, Qingye and Mu Li three are still in seclusion, this time still do not call your Desolate Hall is still out skulking chief over, ruthlessly beat the motherfucking Hong Ya Cave, how long do we have to wait?"

  Dusty true side, a stout man in black robes slightly impatient, looking at the two gray-clothed old man's gaze is also unusually unkind.

  Heavenly Hall Hall Master, Qi Lei!

  "What's the hurry, I had someone notify them long ago, they'll be here soon."

  Dusty True picked up the porcelain jar and sip his tea unhurriedly.

  In the Hongya Cave team.

  "Senior brother, we should be able to succeed in challenging the Dao Sect this time, right?"

  A gorgeous red-clothed woman with a few tender faces looked at her beloved, the strongest person of the younger generation of Hong Ya Cave.

  "Don't worry, we picked the right time this time. There is still one month left, it is the Dao Sect's annual temple examination, very important, the strong disciples of all halls have closed down in order to breakthrough, still outside the activities are only second-tier disciples."

  "Although I failed to reach the ninth element Nirvana realm, I'm already a bit sure about crossing the ninth Nirvana tribulation, and with my current strength, I can sweep away the second-tier disciples of the Dao Sect."

  "At that time, as long as we succeed in worshipping the mountain, the clan can gloriously announce to the entire Eastern Xuan Domain that I, Huo Zhen alone, can sweep the younger generation of the Dao Clan, and that my Hongya Cave is just stronger than the Dao Clan."

  The man in black spoke in a wonderful way, and his face became more and more flushed.

  Song Yan, eight elements of Nirvana realm, the third seat of the younger generation of Hongya Cave, good at all kinds of high-grade whip martial arts; Huo Zhen, eight elements of Nirvana realm peak, chief of Hongya Cave, in charge of Hongya Cave's supreme martial arts - Hongya Cave Scripture.

  "Senior brother is right, it's still the cave master who is highly scheming."

  The red-clothed woman holding a long fiery red whip nodded her head in deep thought.

  "Oh, Hong Ya Cave is stronger than my Dao Sect? Strong in what? Cheekiness?"

  Just as Huo Zhen, who was getting more and more excited by his senior sister's bragging, intended to continue speaking, a loud, aloud laugh suddenly resounded through this heaven and earth.

  "Shoo! Shoo! Swoosh!"

  The stirring sound of breaking wind sounded, several aura harsh figure swept rapidly from the distant sky, in an instant appeared on the platform.

  "Oh, look, it's here, isn't it?"

  Dusty True smilingly gestured to the Heavenly Hall Hall Master.

  "Kid, who are you again?"

  Huo Zhen, who had lost face in front of the beauty, said sharply with a change of expression.

  "We have met Chief Senior Brother!"

  "We have met Chief Senior Brother!"


  Before Huo Zhen could continue to ask questions, the sound of a vast salute had already resounded above the platform, and the crowd instantly bent down a large piece.

  "Well, all get up."

  Lin Dong did not even look at the black-clad man who jumped out, nodded lightly to the four hall disciples who saluted him in a neat and tidy manner, with a rather graceful demeanor.

  The four hall disciples who got Lin Dong returned the salute, are quite excited to get up, eyes burning to look at the chief senior brother who rushed to save the day.

  Whether it's Lin Dong's breakneck speed of advancement, or the unparalleled style that turned dozens of miles of land into desolation once he broke the barrier, he deeply convinced most of the disciples of the four halls of heaven, earth and flood.

  "Chief senior brother? I have seen the chief of each hall of the Dao Sect, which hall is this chief? No, the chief of the Desolate Hall that has been vacant for more than a hundred years just returned to his position a few days ago, could he be the new chief of the Desolate Hall?"

  Huo Zhen, who had been treated "rudely" by Lin Dong, turned blue for a while.

  "Senior brother, this Chief of the Desolate Hall just made a great name in the Bloodstone Land last month, destroying the Devil's Mark crowd with his single sword, and even defeating the leader of the Devil's Mark crowd, Yao Ling, a ninth Yuan Nirvana realm powerhouse with his seventh Yuan body, and capturing him alive and returning him to the sect."

  "That Yao Ling is a Yuan Gate renouncer, holding a large number of Yuan Gate high level martial arts, battle power is quite uncommon.

Since Lin Dong was able to capture Yao Ling unharmed, wouldn't that mean that senior brother also ..."

  The red-clothed woman's pretty face flashed a trace of anxious color, very worried for her beloved.

  "Raw capture of a Ninth Element Nirvana realm powerhouse?"

  Huo Zhen's face did not look too good, obviously also thought of something.

  He failed to impact the realm of the ninth element, although confident that he did not lose the general ninth element Nirvana realm strong man, but against Yao Ling who was once a deacon of the Yuan Gate can not have much confidence. uu read the book www.uukanshu.com

  And now the person he has to fight against is the chief of the Desolate Hall who once captured Yao Ling unharmed alive, which ...

  "To correct your outdated information, I have successfully stepped into the realm of the ninth element a few days ago." Lin Dong suddenly smiled back and directly left the two people with dull faces walking towards the top of the high platform.

  "Successfully stepped into the ninth element? In just two months' time, he jumped from the Seventh Yuan Nirvana Realm to become a Ninth Yuan Nirvana Realm powerhouse? What kind of promotion speed is that?!!!"

  Huo Zhen's body shook violently, and the blood on his face was even instantly drained away as he mumbled something with his eyes dazed.

  At this moment, his heart has no fluctuation, and even some want to go back to Hongya Cave!!!

  "Senior brother, senior brother, are you all right? Senior brother ..."

  The woman in red was busy holding Huo Zhen, softly inquiring in a whisper.

  Senior brother is fine, senior brother is just tired and wants to go back to the cave to repair and rest

  "Disciple Lin Dong, meet Senior Uncle Dusty Chen and Senior Uncle Qi Lei."

  The slender figure standing under the high platform bowed to the two Hall Masters.

  "Lin Dong, Xiaoxiao and the others are all busy in seclusion, only you brat is out and about with Huanhuan playing around, it's fine for you to snatch away my Heavenly Hall's little princess, but you have to help Senior Uncle entertain our Dao Sect's old friends."

  Before Dusty True could reply, Qi Lei on one side grabbed the reply, causing Ying Huanhuan behind Lin Dong to blush scarlet.

  "Two senior uncles, leave everything to me."

  Lin Dong laughed and then looked at the two gray-clothed old men, "Hong Ya Cave, right? Say, is it a single fight or a group fight?"

Chapter 233 - Different Devil Cave Finger!

  "A blunder, this new chief of the Desolate Hall is actually not in seclusion and latent, the Ninth Element Nirvana realm is remarkable, this is fucking disrespectful to the Dao Sect Hall Examination!!!"

  The two gray-clothed old men of Hongya Cave looked at each other and cursed in unison.

  "The only solution for today is to lengthen the battle line and try to use as many innings as possible to slow down the opponent, so that even if Lin Dong wins once it won't change the big picture."

  The two men, who had a flash of determination in their eyes, immediately stood up and said, "I, Hong Ya Cave, intend to have three games with your clan... No, five games and three wins."

  "Whether it's three games or five games, my Dao Sect is willing to cooperate."

  Lin Dong smiled faintly as his large, slender hand casually slapped.

  "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  A pillar of light shot up into the sky, and four figures with majestic auras immediately walked in the Dao Sect disciples' lineup, and the majestic Yuan Power pressure spread rapidly across the field.

  "Desolate Hall true transmission Pang Tong Song Zhou Jiang Hao Fang Yun, meet you all!"

  In the next moment, rolling violent shouts were spat out from the mouths of the four figures.

  Two eight Yuan Nirvana realms, two half-step eight Yuan Nirvana realms!

  Lin Dong came to the rescue, of course, not just come alone, he, the chief of the Desolate Hall yelled, naturally, the clouds together Jing from, everyone wants to fight with the chief senior brother side by side.

  During this period of time Pang Tong four people know shame and courage, cultivation breakthroughs, so just appear, will instantly suppress the Hong Ya Cave party.

  "It's over, when did the Desolate Hall produce so many high-ranking Nirvana realm powerhouses? Didn't they say that the Desolate Hall was at the bottom of the four halls in a row? Could this be the true strength of the Desolate Hall?" Looking at the eight or nine Yuan Nirvana realm powerhouses that appeared one after another, the two Hong Ya Cave elders no longer had any luck in their hearts.

  The young generation of Hongya Cave had entered the eighth element, plus the third seat Song Yan who had just broken through the day before, there were only three of them, how could they fight?

  I thought of taking advantage of this short window to take advantage of, who thought of the Tao Sect out of the deserted temple this oddball, not only the chief does not know closed dive, even the temple many true biographies are also outside walking, this fucking joke?

  And also put the Dao Sect's annual temple examination in the eyes of the? Do you want to become the top of the four halls? If you want to, you damn well shut up!

  This is where the Daoist clan ranks eight of the bottom line, if the Daoist clan really want to beat Hong Yadong this do not know how to retreat "junior", only the four halls of the end of the Desolate Hall a hall will be able to press it down and beat it, without taking a breath.

  But the Dao Sect senior is using this to refine the sect's disciples, otherwise where to allow Hong Yadong every year to come to the Dao Sect ancestral court jumping up and down, a slap on the wrist is done.

  "Elder, or else we won't compete this year, right?"

  The red-clothed woman named Song Yan, where there is still the previous domineering, stood behind the gray-clothed old man, she timidly suggested.

  "No competition? Oh, what kind of place do you think my Dao Sect is? I'm telling you, today you have to compete even if you don't!"

  Lin Dong suddenly cold laugh, but also caused a crowd of Dao Sect disciples are the same hatred to look at the Hong Ya Cave camp, today if not for the support of senior brother Lin Dong, then the Dao Sect's face can be a big loss.

  "You ..."

  The gray-clothed old man's face changed, just about to speak, it was interrupted by Lin Dong waving his hand directly, "Since Hongya Cave is a guest, it is better for the guest to follow the host, we will determine the winner in one game, the contestant... I and your cave's chief Huo Zhen."

  Huo Zhen, who was being stared at by Lin Dong, had a face as gloomy as water, and simply did not know how to respond under the burning gaze of many Hong Ya Cave disciples.

  "Don't worry, I know your strength is poor, but I'll change the way I fight, I'll press my cultivation to the Eight Element Nirvana realm, if you can touch the corner of my clothes in the fight, I'll be counted as losing."

  The first thing you need to do is to look at Huo Zhen, whose eyes are a bit flustered, Lin Dong's face reveals a rather contemptuous smile.

  "Is this true?"

  Do not want, Huo Zhen is not angry but happy, his heart actually shamefully flooded with a trace of joy.

  Even if he couldn't defeat Lin Dong of the Ninth Nirvana Realm, he wouldn't be able to touch his opponent's clothes? This is ridiculous!

  "Of course it's true, as long as you can touch the corner of my coat in the bout, I will allow you to announce to the public that you had fought with the Chief of the Desolate Hall and defeated him honorably."

  Lin Dong nodded solemnly.


  A burst of snickers rang out in the arena, the Dao Sect disciples could kind of see that this senior brother Lin Dong was humiliating the Chief of Hong Ya Cave.

  "Huo Zhen, you compare with him, as the strongest person of the young generation of my Hongya Cave, and holding my Hongya Cave supreme martial art-Hongya Cave Sutra, this elder still doesn't believe that you can't even touch the corner of the other party's clothes!"

  The gray-clothed old man on the left was humiliated and got up in anger.

  "Fine, just compare, please!"

  Huo Zhen's face changed rapidly for a while before he fiercely gritted his teeth and said.

  "Dao Sect Lin Dong, please!"

  Lin Dong pointed his toes and similarly appeared in the center of the platform.

The disciples around him pulled back.

  "Cave Mountain Fist!"

  As soon as Lin Dong entered the field, Huo Zhen did not hesitate to attack, the violent Yuan Power was compressed into his fist, and a lightning-fast collapsing step straight punch went straight to his chest with great force.

  "The first to strike, ah, a good idea ~"

  The laughter just fell, UU look at the book www.uukanshu.com林动的身形已经瞬间出现在霍真后方, palm slapped to its empty door wide open back, the whole arm steeply became incomparably dark, its dense and bizarre runes crawled all over.

  "Alien Devil Hand!"

  The whole black arm looked rather bland, but the harsh wind-breaking sound it triggered made it impossible for anyone to take its power lightly.

  The Other Devil's Hand, the school of Master Mu, the inheritance of the ancient Devil Dao giant, the Other Devil Elder!

  Huo Zhen, who was at least the chief of a school, did not change his expression when his back was suddenly attacked, and immediately dispersed the fierce fist strength on his right fist, and his hands suddenly joined together, changing the seal knot like lightning.

  "Hong Ya Demon Mountain Body!"

  A light cry filled with confidence suddenly came out of his throat, and the raging earthy-yellow Yuan Power frantically emerged from his body, creating the color of the Hongya Sacred Mountain on his skin surface, with a dark yellow body color, thick and heavy.

  From a distance, it looked like an ancient mountain giant.


  The black hand fell, the sound of gold and iron sounded, extremely violent ripples of power spread rapidly to the surroundings, this blow was actually blocked by Huo Zhen.

  The body was hit hard like Huo Zhen did not dwell on it, but used the repercussions to fly away from the enemy in the back and face Lin Dong.

  "Huh, this body refining martial arts is quite interesting, just do not know how many times you can block me?"

  Lin Dong raised his eyebrows at this, and his pitch-black arm kept moving to point down once again: "Alien Devil Cave Finger!"

  With its finger pointing down, extremely dense black intent in its fingertips poured out, quickly condensed into a dozens of feet long black beam of light roared down, the beam of light across everything for the silence, that is a kind of penetration of the world's terrible power!

Chapter 234: Eat, sleep and fight Hong Yadong

  The black beam of light instantly tore through the void and arrived, Huo Zhen even though he had a top body refining martial arts to protect his body, he still felt the stinging pain of needles all over his body.

  "The gun comes!"

  The face is serious Huo Zhen palm grip, majestic earth yuan power gathered rapidly, directly in its palm into a zhang long earth yellow lance, faintly astonishing energy fluctuations rippled away.

  "Hongya Demon Gun!"

  Huo Zhen, who summoned the lance, flicked his wrist, and thousands of lance shadows emerged, compressed into a single point in the void, and then nudged out as if a viper had emerged from a hole.


  The weird and incomparable dark beam of light speed-like impact on top of the demon gun, no startling explosion sounded, the lance that condensed ten thousand points of light was silently dissolved under the erosion of the black beam, it tore through space and accelerated to crash back.

  "Hongya devil mountain body! Give me the town ah!!!"

  Face horrified Huo Zhen just as soon as accelerated to urge Yuan Power, dark to the extreme light beam has booming impact on top of his chest, the earthy yellow mountain rock skin like a spider web shattered, he hurriedly backwards fly out.

  Hongya devil mountain body, broken!

  "This kind of strength then dare to come to my Dao Sect to worship the mountain, who gave you the courage? Everything is over."

  Lin Dong, who was standing in the air, had a deep gaze, and his lips wiggled slightly: "Great Desolate Body!"


  Dense gray fog rose up, the earth beneath its feet is a gray cracks flying emerge, as if eroded by the years, quickly withered, dull.

  Desolation, that is the desolation of the fluctuations!

  At the same time, a tall figure with a grayish color did not slow down from the gray fog, the surface skin showed a strange sense of decay, as if the dry earth, decay and hidden under an amazing sense of vitality and power.

  "Great Desolate Body? Zhou Tong's Great Desolate Body, which was cultivated back then, was actually cultivated by that Lin Dong? How is this possible?!!!"

  The two gray-clothed old men from Hongya Cave's faces changed greatly and rose in unison.

  Back then, when Zhou Tong led the Dao Sect's disciples to defeat the younger generation of the Eastern Xuan Domain, it was a step-by-step process, and this first stop was naturally the nearest super sect to the Dao Sect - Hong Ya Cave.

  The first stop is naturally the nearest super sect - Hong Yab Cave. The smallest mosquito is meat, so first brush this small copy ten times!

  So, a hundred years ago, the young generation of Hong Yadong is in deep water, and even known as the generation that broke the backbone, the daily routine they face is.

  Zhou Tong mood, hey, happy today, go, we go to Hong Yadong a bye mountain to celebrate. Bad mood, hey, today is so sad, go, let's go to Hong Yadong a mountain to vent.

  Bad mood not bad, hey, today is so boring, go, let's go to ...

  Unfortunately, these two gray-clothed old men are exactly the younger generation of Hongya Cave a hundred years ago, and now they are already high ranking and powerful real elders of Hongya Cave.

  Do you think these two people can be unfamiliar with Zhou Tong's signature martial arts? Simply too damn familiar!

  It was no wonder that the two Raw Xuan Realm powerhouses lost control of their emotions, they just recalled the fear they had been dominated by that man named Zhou Tong back then.

  "What's impossible, the Great Desolate Body is my Desolate Hall's town hall martial art, a hundred years ago senior brother Zhou Tong could learn it, a hundred years later Lin Dong naturally can also learn it."

  The heart is secretly pleased with the dust true, but also have to make a breezy attitude, calmly sip on a mouthful of tea, and then calmly smile.

  Qi Lei, the Heavenly Hall's Hall Master, was a brisk man, and he was much more natural, smiling with his mouth splitting to the back of his head and letting out extremely cheerful laughter from time to time.

  "Lin Dong! I, Huo Zhen, will never admit defeat!!!"

  Being broken by Lin Dong's finger to break the body refining martial arts that he had cultivated for years, Huo Zhen completely fell into a state of rage, seeing the gray giant god that Lin Dong had transformed into attacking, he actually took the initiative to give up his defense and continued to attack.

  "Appear! Hongya Cave Sutra!!!"

  As Huo Zhen's hands changed their seals in a lightning-like manner, an infinite amount of light surged out from his body, rapidly condensing a transparent and shiny lofty holy mountain in a bizarre formation in mid-air, rumbling down with the aura of suppressing heaven and earth.

  "Lin Dong, I heard that you have cultivated the Great Desolate Scripture, the first of the four wondrous scriptures of the Dao Sect, you should do something about it!

  Huo Zhen's face feverishly hammered his fist into his chest, a large mass of essence blood instantly swept into the lofty holy mountain, the holy mountain suddenly shone brightly, the huge volume once again rose.

  "Great Desolation Sutra ah, you are not worthy!"

  The corner of the gray giant god's mouth cracked, and with a lift of his paws he instantly disappeared in the same place.

  "Desolate Fist!"

  In the next second, the gray giant god who had taken the initiative to transiently move under that lofty holy mountain looked up to the sky, and in the midst of many horrified gazes, swung his giant gray fist to hammer at that suppressing Hong Ya Holy Mountain.


  The Hong Ya Holy Mountain that was rapidly blossoming with light only lasted for less than a few seconds, and a huge crack had spread rapidly like a spider web, eventually turning into a sky full of light and bursting apart.


  The holy mountain shattered, Huo Zhen, whose mind was vaguely connected to the holy mountain, suddenly changed his face, his mouth opened uncontrollably, and a dense blood mist spurted out, his breath fell wildly.

  "Tsk, the supreme martial arts of the Hong Ya Cave.

What the hell is this thing?"

  Looking at the limp Huo Zhen, Lin Dong, who had withdrawn from his gray giant god form, skimmed his mouth in boredom and swept straight up to the earth.

  This kind of opponent, he really can not raise the courage to continue to chase ah.

  "Senior brother Huo Zhen, senior brother Huo Zhen ..."

  In the Hongya Cave camp, a red-clothed woman with a pretty face swept out fiercely, quickly helping up her beloved. uu read the book www.uukanshu.com

  "Two senior uncles, Lin Dong is fortunate not to be disgraced!"

  Lin Dong, who had fallen to the ground, paid a long and calm obeisance.

  "Hahahaha, well, well, well, Lin Dong, you kid really did a good job, you and Huanhuan's matter, I dare not say on the side of the sect master, my side of the Heavenly Hall agreed anyway."

  Before Dusty True, the Desolate Hall master, could move, Qi Lei, who was laughing with joy on one side, had already taken the initiative to walk off the high platform and picked up Lin Dong.

  Dusty really saw this rolled his eyes, but did not say much.

  With Qi Lei many years, and is the same a hundred years ago the Dao Sect true transmission, dust true which will not clear Qi Lei this guy's temper, simply people as its name, nature and thunder and explosive.

  Yes, don't look at Qi Lei is the image of a sturdy man, while Dusty Chen is the image of a white-robed old man, in fact, they were both one of the outstanding true heirs of the Dao Sect.

  Dusty True's looks are only slightly... Uh, just a little bit old-fashioned.

  "Hmph, shame on you, let's go."

  Where could the two gray-clad old men from Hongya Cave sit down, their faces red with shame, they just had to lead their disciples away in anger and frustration.

  "I would like to advise you all, if there is no strong person from the Sheng Xuan realm in the younger generation of Hong Ya Cave in the coming year, it is better not to come to my Dao Sect's ancestral court to pay respect to the mountain, lest you make a fool of yourself."

  Lin Dong called out to the two Sheng Xuan realm elders of Hong Ya Cave and said with a bland expression.

  "You ..."

  The two gray-clothed elders with iron faces finally had their sanity still, how could they dare to make a move in the Dao Sect's ancestral court, and directly accelerated to lead their disciples away.

  "Oh, what a disappointment, I thought I would be able to take advantage of the opportunity to make a move."

  The dusty true duo, who had already stood up in the back, looked at each other with mocking faces and dispersed the terrifying Yuan Power fluctuations in their palms.

Chapter 235 Temple test, the old man of the Heavenly Hall

  Martial movement of the martial ancestor re-emerging Chapter 239 Temple test, heavenly hall old man Hong Ya Cave's worship of the mountain was finally a quick curtain call in an exceptionally comical and ridiculous way, well, apart from making Chief Lin Dong's prestige even more prevalent in the Dao Sect, there didn't seem to be any major changes.

  The day of the temple test is getting closer and closer, this time even the Ying Huanhuan, who has been out and about, also abandoned Lin Dong and began to close up.

  The Daoist sect's annual temple test not only has the intention of examining the sect's disciples' cultivation progress, but also determines the specific ranking of the four halls, and this year also met the East Xuan domain's five-yearly sect competition.

  The sect's intention is that the winner of this temple test will also be the chief commander of the Dao Sect sect competition, leading the Dao Sect disciples to go out and confront the other seven super sects.

  So, with multiple factors intersecting, this year's temple test is extraordinarily important and grand, and all the Dao Sect disciples are preparing with fists in the air.

  The girl said that if she met Lin Dong in the temple test competition, she would definitely make Lin Dong look good, and made Lin Dong swear: must not fight back, stand there and let her attack, otherwise the girl will again and again ignore him forever.

  Lin Dong just think less than 0.03 seconds, then shamefully agreed, the girl immediately smiled as if the most lovely little fairy general, well, is hit a punch will be crying for a long time kind of.

  In any case, the Dao Sect's annual temple exams were held in an orderly atmosphere.


  "Heavenly Temple Bai Yushu vs. Earthly Temple Xuan Liang, Xuan Liang wins!"

  "Hong Hall Wei Jianben vs. Earth Hall Wuyu, Wuyu wins!"

  "Desolate Hall Mu Ming vs. Heavenly Hall Pei Hong, Pei Hong wins!"


  On top of the lofty peaks that towered into the clouds, one after another vast large competition platform rose up, and the major outstanding disciples from the four halls came and went from time to time above that, and the atmosphere was like a firestorm.

  Today's Desolate Hall, because there is Lin Dong Zhen, and Pang Tong four true biographies and know the shame of the courage to catch up, so in the competition performance is particularly remarkable.

  As the chief of the famous Daoist sect's Desolate Hall, most of the opponents Lin Dong met when he came down to the stage directly forfeited and admitted defeat, and the few who did not admit defeat also held the intention of asking for advice and walked off the stage openly after being defeated by Lin Dong in a crisp and clear manner.

  "Many thanks to senior brother Lin Dong!"

  A core true disciple of the Earth Hall, a being who had entered the Eight Element Nirvana Realm for the first time, patted his buttocks and stood up, saluting Lin Dong with an excited face, without the slightest hint of frustration at being crushed by a single move.

  "Damn, these people are simply poisonous! Sick in the head!!!"

  The corner of Lin Dong's eyes twitched violently, this was already the fifth Thank You Monster he had encountered.

  The so-called thank you monsters were those who, after being defeated, not only did not get angry, but instead kept thanking the winner with a fervent face, as if they were on a pilgrimage. This kind of monster is extremely difficult to deal with, do not entangle with it, remember remember remember!

  "Hold back! You are the chief of the Desolate Hall! You can't just hit people!"

  After silently reciting this sentence three times in his heart, Lin Dong nodded to him indifferently, and with a click of his toes, he directly left the competition stage.

  "Heavenly Hall Yu Yang versus Desolate Hall Lin Dong, Lin Dong wins!"

  A deacon at the side immediately raised his voice and announced.

  "Thank you, Senior Brother Lin Dong, please make sure to instruct Yu Yang next time!"

  The greeting of the thank you monster caused Lin Dong's body to accelerate with a violent burst, and he directly transported his body technique martial arts to leave the bouting stage.

  The rest area of the Desolate Hall.

  "Huh, Huanhuan, why are you here?"

  Lin Dong looked at the white-clothed girl standing in place and waiting in surprise, she was a true heir of the Heavenly Hall, the hall test was in full swing, what was she doing running to the Desolate Hall rest area?

  "You see my Heavenly Hall's rest area first."

  The young girl's pretty face was filled with a gloomy look above, even mixed with a hint of uneasiness.

  "Your Heavenly Hall's rest area?"

  Lin Dong subconsciously raised his eyes to look, a gray-clothed figure filled with blood and killing aura, instantly appeared in its line of sight, the Heavenly Hall disciples are watching him with a complicated look.

  The man in gray is about twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, with shoulder-length hair, a fairly hard face covered with stubble and scars, indifferent, sweeping down the surrounding gaze also carries a different kind of cold, as if a lone wolf that has fallen into the flock.

  A black heavy sword on his back, but also for its overall temperament to add three more severe, and the surrounding Heavenly Hall disciples do not fit in.

  Lin Dong just far to measure its glance, the gray-clad figure will be like the most sensitive blood wolf instantly back over, hidden under the broken hair of a pair of dark eyes coldly looking at Lin Dong, own a heavenly fury attack.

  The corners of Lin Dong's mouth tugged slightly, as a response.

  The gray-clothed figure, however, as if seeing a cloud of air, indifferently lowered his gaze and once again metamorphosed into a still statue.

  "Late stage of the Ninth Element Nirvana Realm? Another Heavenly Hall disciple with a rather unfamiliar face, he should be the Wang Yan you told me about last time, right?"

  Lin Dong raised an eyebrow when he saw this, what a sensitive fellow.

  Wang Yan, one of the core true disciples of the Heavenly Hall.

The seniority is still above the current chief of the Heavenly Hall Ying Xiaoxiao, whose sister is the last chief senior sister of the Heavenly Hall.

  Since the fall of Zhou Tong at the hands of the Yuan Gate, the relationship between the Yuan Gate and the Dao Sect has become increasingly tense.

  Five years ago in the sect competition, Wang Yan's sister led the team to participate, but tragically tortured and killed by Yuanmen strongmen, the strength is far inferior to Yuanmen's Dao Zong senior can only bear the matter with tears, UU see book www.uukanshu.com but Wang Yan therefore left the sect, self-imposed exile.

  The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

  Currently, he is ranked second on the East Xuan Domain sect's most wanted list.

  Now, he came back.

  "Well, senior brother Wang Yan suddenly came back today. I thought he had put that matter down, but I didn't know that he suddenly appeared here on the day of the temple test and said he wanted to take part in the temple test."

  Ying Huanhuan's eyebrows were knitted and she stared at the gray-clad figure in a daze.

  "So, you are afraid that he will come back to compete for the temple test championship and get the position of chief commander of the sect sect competition of the sect, thus doing something impulsive during the sect competition?" Lin Dong said indifferently.

  "Not possibly, but definitely, I know senior brother Wang Yan, he must have appeared here for what happened to his sister back then, and intends to use the power of the sect to launch a bloody revenge against Yuan Gate."

  "Four Hall Chief, Qing Ye and Mu Li two can only be considered half-step nine yuan, sister although long into the nine yuan realm, but still weak on brother Wang Yan a chip, I thought about it, can block brother Wang Yan is only you."

  "Lin Dong, help me, okay? Don't let senior brother Wang Yan do something stupid."

  At this moment, Ying Huanhuan was like a helpless young girl, her slender hand tightly pulling the corner of Lin Dong's coat and not letting go, her eyes were full of helplessness and fear.

  "Snort, I thought how big a deal, I said are you too underestimated me ah? As long as you want, not to mention the ninth element Nirvana realm strong, is the control of the vitality of the vitality of the realm strong, I can also kill you."

  Lin Dong smiled softly, his long and slender hand clutched the cold jade hand in the palm of his hand and did not let go of it.