
Chapter 311: Go through the procedure or just fight

"Don't go through the procedure and talk such garbage, get straight to the point, I'm in a hurry, I have to enter the Tower of the Flood before it gets dark."

Lin Dong waved his hand and said with a serious face.

"Hehe, it's been a long time since I've met someone who is even more crazy than me, Iron Shura, you're very good, so ... Shura Finger Gun Duel!"

The smile on his face suddenly disappeared Shen Tu Jie's body moved, instantly disappeared in place, the next second, bizarrely appeared in front of Lin Dong he flicked ten fingers, ten fingers as if ten of the most severe sharp edge like cut to its several vital points.

"What an impatient little guy, but I like it."

Lin Dong, who had all his routes of action blocked by Shen Tu Jie, smiled faintly as his lips wiggled slightly and said, "Great Desolate Body!"


The dense gray mist rose up, the earth beneath its feet is a gray cracks flying emerge, as if eroded by the years like quickly withered, dull.

Desolation, that is the desolation of the fluctuations!

At the same time, a tall figure with a dark gray body is not slow to emerge from the gray fog, the surface skin presents a strange sense of decay, as if the dry earth, decay and hidden under a sense of amazing vitality and strength.

"Clang clang clang!"

The sound of gold and iron clanging resounded, sparks splashed, Shen Tu Jie ten fingers cut Lin Dong's eight vital points around his body, but not even one of them had broken the defense, but was dormant under the skin of the majestic desolate energy are shaken back, reverse invasion into his body.

"Uh huh!"

Shen Tu Jie, who flew backwards violently, retreated twelve steps before he could barely stop his body, but the desolate energy running rapidly in his body disturbed his whole body's blood and Qi.

"Shura's body! Zhen!"

As a last resort, Shen Tu Jie stomped his feet on the ground, and the black light around him surged, instantly transforming him into a dark giant with a dark body, crawling with countless bizarre runes, filled with an indescribable sense of power.


With the suppression of that Shura's power, Shen Tu Jie finally barely expelled that desolate energy that had invaded his body from his body, and the large slab of stone beneath his feet immediately became withered and yellow.

"What a strong body refining martial art, actually able to completely block my Shura Finger Gun Duel. But the Great Desolate Body, how come I've never heard of such a high level martial art?"

The standing Shen Tu Jie shook off his somewhat sore ten fingers and said with a grave expression.

"I told Elder Gu Shuo to settle you within three moves, it's time to exchange the promise." The gray giant god, however, laughed loudly without answering.

The gray giant god with his feet on the earth suddenly knelt down on one knee, and his right palm, which had been sealed with a knot, slammed into the ground, and roared with a frenzied expression, "Descend! Great Desolation Sutra!"


As the roar fell, the earth suddenly began to surge violently, and a bizarre fluctuation quickly spread wildly around its center.


Under the coverage of this bizarre fluctuation, the green mountain body quickly became yellow, the earth cracked, the entire force of heaven and earth seem to be an inexplicable means to draw away, the desolate atmosphere gradually gradually spread to every corner of this heaven and earth.

In the blink of an eye, most of the mountain was turned into a barren land by the strange fluctuations, no longer the previous vitality.

The monstrous desolate power roared out from the ground like a volcano erupting, continuously gushing into the gray giant god's body, rapidly pushing its breath upward.

"This kind of terrifying martial arts ... The actual power of heaven and earth is actually directly extracted for its own use, fear is already touching the legendary heaven martial arts first stage, this son actually from the chaotic demon sea which side of the power?

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

"Great Desolation Sutra, Great Desolation Blade!"

The gray god's five fingers joined together in the shape of a hand knife and swung down without hesitation, the violent desolate ocean immediately went into a rampage, the endless desolate power directly condensed a gray blade mane hundreds of feet long.

A channel of earth-yellow energy extracted from the depths of the earth, like a gushing river, poured into the long gray blade.


The long blade suddenly began to tremble violently, a gray crack appeared on the blade, as if eroded by the years, at any time may crack and open.


The gray blade filled with the power of desolation suddenly cut down.

It turned into an astonishing gray ray hundreds of feet long that cut through space and shattered heaven and earth.

"Damn it, this guy actually appeared from nowhere pervert!

Shen Tu Jie forced himself to endure the pain that was vaguely cracking in his brow, his palms fiercely clenched, and two large black swords emitting a dense Yin cold aura emerged.

"Shura Blade Prison!!!"

A hissing sound like a wounded beast fiercely squeezed out from the throat, the two palms clutching the two big black swords of Shen Tu Jie double arm movement, in the blink of an eye will be a succession of hundreds of slashes.

"Buzz! Swoosh!"

As soon as the hundreds of dark black saber auras emanating from the dense coldness took shape, they slashed upwards diagonally in an overwhelming manner.

Amidst the shocked eyes of the world, the two supreme martial arts' martial will incarnations madly blasted together in a brazen stance.


In an instant, the heaven and earth were violently distorted, and the terrifying energy shockwave spread out wildly, directly wiping out half of the incomparably sturdy lapis plaza below instantly, causing countless strong people to retreat in fear, each with terrified faces falling to the ground.


In Shen Tu Jie's unusually desperate gaze, the hundreds of black sword mane that he cut out were like the most fragile glass plate being stirred up, and the ray of amazing gray mane that was hundreds of feet long directly cut through space.

At this moment, the Shen Tu family's Sheng Xuan realm perfectionist, who was watching the battle from the periphery, finally couldn't sit still.

"Stop it! My Shen Tu family admits defeat!"

The blue-shirted old man directly swept in as a heavenly streak, crossing in front of Shen Tu Jie with a fierce wave of his big hand, and a huge surge of Yuan Power.

"UU look at the book www.uukanshu.com鬼帝镇魂塔!"

A large dark clouds fiercely spread out from the void, a hundred feet high ancient stone tower suddenly separated the clouds, as fast as lightning to descend.

The ancient stone tower is pitch-black, a hundred feet high, dense ghost face runes crawl all over the tower, filled with a strong eerie aura, own a suppression of all things magnificent aura.

The hundred feet tall black ghost tower spanned most of the sky, straight across the front of the blue-shirted old man, resisting all energy storms.


The Great Desolation Blade transformed by the Great Desolation Sutra still had power left in it, pulling a long gray band of light to frantically blast at the dark ghost tower, distorting a large area of space for it.

"Ka-rub-rub! Clack clack clack!"

In the sky of complicated eyes, the Ghost Emperor Soul Suppressing Tower summoned by this Shen Tu family's complete Elder of Sheng Xuan realm, narrow cracks spread out like a spider web, and it was overwhelmed and then shattered with a bang.

At this moment, the room was dead silent!

Chapter 312 - Flood Tower, Lord of the Flood

"Buzz! Bang!"

After splitting two powerful attacks one after another, the exhausted Great Desolate Blade finally dissipated reluctantly in mid-air the moment before it reached the blue-shirted old man.

"Phew, that was close~"

After striking a peak blow, Shen Tu Mo, who had been standing with his hands in the shape of a supreme expert, actually broke out in a cold sweat, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, it was so damn close, his face as a veteran Seng Xuan realm complete powerhouse was almost disgraced.

"This Lin Dong doesn't even look like he's at the beginning of the cultivation level of the Seng Xuan Realm, that strike just now was definitely able to threaten a Seng Xuan Realm Perfection stage one powerhouse!

After the shock, Shen Tu Demon couldn't help but look at the still glowing Lin Dong with palpitations, just now that strike Ghost Emperor Soul Suppressing Tower was already its peak strike.

"I concede this game, Gu Shuo, your Gu family has hit the jackpot, being able to bring in a super heavenly pride with such superb battle prowess."

Shen Tu Demon picked up Shen Tu Jie who was limp on the ground, smiled with difficulty at the Gu Family's leading elder who was full of wariness, and directly led Shen Tu Jie to simply withdraw from the field.

"Gu Family Lin Dong versus Shen Tu Family Shen Tu Jie, Lin Dong wins!"

"The winner of this year's Martial Competition is the Heavenly Breeze Gu Family, and the Gu Family will receive the three major spots to enter the Flood Tower this year!"

A Shengxuan realm judge was busy announcing in a loud voice.


A mountainous roar of cheers immediately rang out from the Gu Family camp.

Even many strong people from the other powers looked at the slim figure standing in the air and receiving worship from the crowd with complicated expressions.

"Lin Dong he really did it ah ..."

The two women of the Gu family who were competing in the competition looked at the person on the field in a daze, the beautiful eyes were full of different colors, I'm afraid that only this kind of person can be called a sentence of great pride.

"Our ancient family three into the tower candidates have come out, so intend to immediately open the tower of the flood, you all think?"

The clamor fell, Gu Shuo swept straight out, smiling and arching his hand to several leading elders of the other four great clans, four people since no one can not, the winner when enjoying everything.

Lin Dong, Gu Mengqi, Gu Yan, three people, smoothly walked out.

The five complete elders of the five great clans gathered under the eight-story ancient tower, glanced at each other, and simultaneously took out a golden token and popped it into the five grooves in front of them, changed the seal knot one after another, and shouted in unison: "Drink! Tower of the Flood, open!!!"


The golden formation that enveloped the entire Flood Tower shook violently, and the golden gate below immediately cracked open a mouth, and a burst of ancient and vicissitudes immediately came to the nose.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"

Lin Dong three immediately into three streaks of shadow, all together disappeared in front of the stone tower.


The first floor of the Flood Tower is empty, bright and mild light, as soon as the three entered, it was as if they had entered the flood era, the sea of flood qi was like a tidal wave surging towards their bodies, refining their flesh at every moment.

"You two feel free, I'm going to try to break into that higher level."

Lin Dong, who was like a fish in water, took a deep breath, moaned intoxicatedly, and left only a hurried sentence before disappearing at the speed of light at the entrance of the stairs leading to the second level.

"Hey, Lin Dong, head not to try to head to the sixth ..."

The action is quite slow Gu Mengqi just want to shout, but Lin Dong has disappeared.

This flood tower within the bizarre incomparable, although there are eight layers, but even the five great clans that strength into the death Xuan realm perfect five family heads, but also can only stop at the seventh layer, how can not enter the top layer of the eighth layer.

To the ancient family double Mei Sheng Xuan realm into the strength of the elders of the clan is only recommended to climb up to the fifth layer, otherwise, if further up, weak flesh will not be able to withstand the huge pressure and be crushed into a ball of blood foam.

The second layer, the third layer, the fourth layer ...

Under the wrapping of the devouring skin membrane, Lin Dong quickly stepped into the seventh layer of the flood tower, the layer closest to the top.

The flood gas inside is so viscous that it has turned into a liquid, and the color has gradually morphed from the previous gray to a pure deep gold.

Lin Dong just a light breath, there will be a huge amount of flood Qi along its mouth and nose and skin pores around its body, a constant stream of scurrying into its body, it is crazy to strengthen its body.

It is crazy to strengthen the bones and internal organs of the whole body, vaguely with a strange burning feeling.

The body of Lin Dong has devouring ancestral talisman protection, the body can not help but in the seventh layer of that moment stepped into a sinking, action is not know how many times slower.

"That's right, this smell is the Lord of the Flood."

"The entire Tianxuan continent, only the Lord of the Flood that pervert can create such a massive and pure flood of Qi, surely its left to heal the backhand."

Two light shadows emerged, rock and great desolate monument ran out one after the other.

"You can see the Lord of the Flood?"

Lin Dong was a bit surprised, the stairway entrance on the seventh floor leading to the eighth floor was covered by a thick golden barrier, completely isolating all prying eyes and sight, an existence that even a Death Xuan realm perfection powerhouse could not break.

"Of course, Lin Dong kid you are so stupid, don't use your naked eyes to see, use the power of the Ancestral Symbol, use the two great Ancestral Symbols to act as your eyes."

Rock said without good humor.

"The eye of the ancestral talisman well ..."

Lin Dong seems to be aware of murmuring, the depths of the pupils suddenly black light silver aura emerged, faintly into two images of ancient runes spread out, completely occupied the two eyes.

One eye is a constantly writhing swirling black hole, one eye is a constantly rotating silver spatial vortex, and when you look again, everything Lin Dong can see immediately changed shape.

The eighth layer is completely endless purple gold Qi ocean, an extremely large figure will occupy most of the eighth layer.

The huge figure is a thousand feet tall giant, naked upper body, arms gnarled dragon coiled, where the eyes are explosive muscles, the body presents purple gold color, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com更有一道道玄奥纹路爬满裸露外在的肌肤.

The main reason for this is the fact that the company has a lot of people who are not interested in the company.

If there is a legendary saint in this direction who can prove the dao with power, then there is no doubt that this is the great being who walks the path of power.

He is the ancient eight lords ruling the Ancestral Symbol of the Flood!

"Indeed, this is where the Lord of the Floodplain left behind to heal his wounds, only his aura is the same as that fellow Lord Yan, it seems that both have not yet recovered to their peak."

"Then I will wait to suck a little less flood wilderness Qi is, can not delay the Lord of the flood wilderness recovery, disrupt the plan set by the eight of them back then."

"The Flood Ancestral Symbol does not seem to be here, is it lost? This time and can not forcibly summon the Lord of the Flood, or Lin Dong this kid will be able to have four pieces of ancestral talisman."

Just as Lin Dong was shocked by that scene in front of him, the two of them, Yan and the Great Desolate Monument, were whispering.

Chapter 313 - Medicine and Stone Cannot Heal

"Lin Dong kid, you wait here, we'll go and fetch you a gift over, the value won't be much weaker than the Inferno Lord's Inferno God's Ancient Tablet."

Rock and the Great Desolate Monument immediately turned into two ghostly auras and vanish towards the eighth level, the golden barrier that had blocked the full strength of five Death Xuan Realm powerhouses from bombarding them, but treated the two who tried to barge in as if they were nothing, and directly let go of passage.

A few moments later, Rock and the Great Desolate Tablet flew out with one person carrying a wheel-sized piece of purple-gold skin, which was densely patterned and emitted extremely ancient fluctuations.

"I said you two are not the Lord of the Flood body surface, about to shed a useless layer of skin membrane to me uncovered? This still dares to claim that the value is not weaker than the ancient brand of the Inferno God?"

The corners of Lin Dong's mouth subconsciously twitched as he looked at the two unusually familiar skin membranes in front of him, as he had thought that the so-called gift would be something like the Flood Wasteland Ancient Plaque.

"Hey, Lin Dong kid, you can't say that, this thing is called the skin of the flood, is attached to the surface of the body of the flood, from the endless pure flood Qi compressed into a treasure after thousands of years, this is a supreme holy product for hammering the flesh."

"In the ancient times, I don't know how many strong people who took the path of strength spent a huge price to get a piece of nail-sized skin of the flood, to refine the flesh, to explore the body's potential, but always begged for it."

"You kid up is two pieces of such a large flood of skin, or completely free, do not be in the blessing do not know blessing ah."

The big desolate monument looks like I came over and revealed in a small voice.

"Then in that case, the Lord of the Flood is not covered with treasures? If you take off one of its nails and refine it a little, it will be a top pure elemental treasure, the defense power explodes ah."

Lin Dong listened to both eyes shine, thinking further.

"Cut, do you think the martial artists of our time were all fools? What you can think of we have long thought of, once someone privately generated a bold idea, if you can use the Lord of the Flood's knees or simply skull, you can create an unprecedentedly powerful ancient divine object, the power is comparable to ..."

The Great Desolate Tablet laughed despicably and continued to induce deeper.

For some reason, the Lord of the Flood, who was lying quietly on the eighth floor, still in a deep sleep, suddenly felt a chill all over his body, and he felt a strong malice from this world.

"Damn, which lifeless bastard has dared to hit me again? When I wake up from my sleep, I will definitely crush this son of a bitch inch by inch ..."

The thousand feet tall purple gold giant rolled over and thought viciously as such.

"You two are afraid that you do not know how to write the word death? The eight ancient lords, the Lord of the Flood is afraid to be more fiery temper than the Lord of Yan, a word against the kind of dry, mang on the end."

"Someone would actually be foolish enough to stand outside his room, loudly playing the idea of his body organs, heh, which makes me have to sigh a: there are always people who think their lives are too long ah ~"

Seeing one person and one stele talking more and more outrageous and going farther and farther on the road to death, Rock, the spirit of the ancestral stone, finally couldn't look at it anymore.


As soon as Rock said this, the seventh floor fell into a dead silence abruptly.

"What have we just done? The foreign devil must have controlled us!!!"

A man and a monument looked at each other quite frightened, full of panic they could not wait to escape the Flood Tower immediately.

To say that the most panicked, also belong to the Great Desolate Monument.

If the Lord of the Floodplain wakes up and knows about this, for the sake of face, most likely will not find Lin Dong this junior trouble, well, mainly also dare not find, afraid to be beaten, after all, the latter is the ice Lord's man.

However, it Great Desolate Monument is different, the old man is faceless.

The Lord of the Flood that reckless energy up, a minute to burst the Great Desolate Monument to everyone to see, left and right after the broken monument spirit, but a few years the origin of the Great Desolate Monument will again breed a new monument spirit out.

But you catch Lu Xun, and I Zhou Shurian have what off ... Ahem, wrong analogy.

Anyway, the new monument spirit appeared, and the current Great Desolation Monument but half a dime, it really will die!!!

"Hahahaha, rock you guys don't scare the descendants, the Lord of the Flood is not the kind of person you say it is, good temper na!"

The light shadow transformed by the Great Desolate Tablet strongly supported the constantly trembling remnants of the body, the voice is unusually dry loudly laughed.

"... I really believe in your evil!"

Looking at Lin Dong, whose face was as usual, and then looking at the great desolate monument, whose face was as pale as dirt.

This old guy really hasn't changed at all, and he can't help but release that thick soul of death in his body.

In ancient times, the Great Desolate Monument because of this nature, can not be less by the ancient eight Lord lesson, but once this page is revealed, the Great Desolate Monument will not be able to resist immediately relapse of the old disease, again to death.

The old man, the Fu ancestor, when he was alive, had also spoken to the rock about this matter, the Great Desolate Monument is suffering from a kind of medicine stone can not cure the terminal disease, hopeless, waiting for death.

"I say, can you two first give me those two pieces of flood skin, it is not easy to enter the Tower of the Flood once, I have to seize the latent training for a period of time."

Lin Dong, who suddenly thought of his wife as the Ice Lord, the first of the eight ancient lords, was no longer fearful of what was in front of him, and simply urged in a big way.

"Good point."

The Great Desolate Monument, whose body was still trembling uncontrollably, wobbled and tried to pass the wheel-sized purple and gold leather membrane in his hand to Lin Dong, but he was always unable to do so.

"Haha, Lin Dong kid, why are your hands shaking? Don't be afraid, with me and Yan here, the Lord of the Flood will definitely sell us a thin face, don't worry."

The old face of the great desolate monument, who did not admit defeat, forced out an unusually stiff and ugly smile, enough to scare off a general level foreign devil.

"Hey, forget it, the old man is not easy, give him some face."

Lin Dong, who hadn't reached out yet, saw this with a dark sigh, and with a big hand, he grabbed the purple and gold skin membrane that was shaking so much into his hand.

"You guys moderately absorb some of the seventh layer's flood power to recover your power, but don't disturb the Lord of the Flood and affect this senior's recovery."

The next two pieces of the Floodplain skin of Lin Dong, UU look book www.uukanshu.com directly seated and sat, the mind, a faint devouring power emerged, the left and right palms emerged two dark mouth quickly swallowed the two pieces of purple and gold skin membrane.


The majestic purple-gold Qi that the two pieces of purple-gold skin membranes turned into exploded inside Lin Dong's body, and it frantically surged towards all the internal organs, bones, flesh and blood, meridians and even cells in his body.

In a jaw-dropping speed, silently strengthening every part of the flesh, and even the deep Dantian filled with a huge amount of Yuan Power.

Cultivation, officially started!

"Rock... I I I'm scared what to do? Can you do it for, for me ..."

"Go away, you old man away from me, I have to extract the flood of Qi here to initially recover some power, do not bother me."

"Rock, you can't see the dead, the master is not here ..."

The seventh floor of the Flood Tower, there were some faint voices echoing.

Chapter 314 - New Enemies and Old Grudges

One month later.

In front of the gray tower that emitted a rich and ancient aura, the once crowded audience and spectators had long disappeared, and only two silhouettes with different postures stood in front of the tower.

As early as half a month ago, Gu Mengqi and Gu Yan two people will not be able to withstand the increasingly large pressure within the Tower of the Flood, had to withdraw early. But the two beauties of the Gu family did not return to the family premises to rest, and coincidentally chose to wait in front of the tower.


The golden door shook violently, and a sturdy figure paced steadily out from the tower of the flood.

"The peak of the Sengxuan realm Da Cheng? I didn't expect that your harvest would be so great."

Looking at the figure that had been cultivating inside the tower for the month of January, Gu Yan said with some surprise.

Lin Dong laughed silently, his harvest from the month in the tower was much more than what was on the surface, not only did he increase his physical strength to a terrifying level, he also condensed the green dragon light pattern in his body to more than 60 lines.

"Lin Dong, Elder Gu Shuo asked the two of us to make sure to invite you to the family residence for a gathering, this year's Martial Competition you have helped my Gu family a lot."

Gu Mengqi's lotus steps moved lightly as she walked towards Lin Dong.

"Hmm? A visitor?"

Lin Dong, who was just about to answer, raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes to the sky.

"Lin Dong, you dare to kill my Evil Bone Elder's disciple, come out and suffer death!"

With a roar, a gray-robed old man holding a white bone staff came raging towards the Martial Assembly Island, and his aura was actually beyond the boundary of the Life Xuan Realm and touched the Death Xuan Realm.

"Evil Bone Elder? He is here to avenge Xu meteor, quickly inform the elders!"

The two beauties of the Gu family had cold faces and took out two signal bombs and wanted to fire them.

But a half-step Death Xuan realm strong man, aggressively barged into the Martial Association Island, which was jointly guarded by the experts of the five great clans, how could the experts inside the island not react halfway.

"Who dares to trespass on my Martial Association Island?"

"How dare you! We, the Five Great Clans of Heavenly Wind, are here!"

In an instant, all the strongest members of the Five Great Clans rose into the air and met them without any weakness.

In the Heavenly Wind Sea of the Chaotic Devil Sea, when the five great clans joined together, even the two great cave heavens with the strongest of the Reincarnation Realm would have a big headache, let alone a mere half-step Death Xuan Realm powerhouse.

"Evil Bone Elder? What is your Evil Wind Cave Heaven's consecrator doing here on my Martial Association Island?"

Shen Tu's family's Perfection of Life Xuan realm elder, Shen Tu Mo, looked at the visitor and was also startled.

"Gentlemen, I, Evil Bone, am not here to find trouble with the five great clans today, but this fang, Lin Dong, killed my disciple Xu Xue Xue for no reason, and I am here to avenge my poor disciple."

The evil bone old man's eyes crossed with a trace of scorn and said in a deep voice.

He was a half-step Death Xuan realm, not a true Death Xuan realm powerhouse, not completely transcended the Birth Xuan realm, a complete Birth Xuan realm powerhouse and several Birth Xuan realm powerhouses were enough to slow him down.

At this time, there are five Perfection Xuan Realm powerhouses and dozens of Xuan Realm powerhouses on Martial Club Island, so they can beat the shit out of them.

"Teacher, that man is Lin Dong, he is the one who killed senior Xu Miao."

In the Wei family camp, a young man with a shady face swept up to the side of the Evil Bone Elder and pointed remotely at Lin Dong under the Flood Tower.

The person who came was none other than Evil Bone Elder's eldest disciple, Chen Luo, who was at the peak of the Minor Formation of the Shengxuan Realm.

"Elders, we don't offend each other, so please hand over this fang Lin Dong, and Evil Bone will retreat."

The evil bone elder said quietly after sweeping his gaze coldly at Lin Dong.

"Hmph, don't even think about it, first of all, Lin Dong is the foreign aid invited by my Gu family, and won the Martial Competition for my Gu family in one fell swoop, which is a credit to my Gu family. Besides, your dead disciple Xu meteor, who dared to be driven by the Wei family Wei Song to strike at my Gu family disciples, deserved to die, Lin Dong killed well."

"And your eldest disciple Chen Luo, who was previously ordered by the Wei family, secretly struck and injured my Gu family's disciple Gu Yuntian, causing him to be unable to participate in the Martial Competition, we just didn't get the evidence."

"Evil Bone, don't think that you three are innocent, since you are here today, let's settle old scores and new scores together."

Gu Shuo stood out in a benevolent manner and raised his voice to angrily rebuke the evil bone old man.

The reason why Lin Dong killed Xu Xue Xue and held a grudge against the Evil Bone Old Man was to protect their Gu family in the future.

It was not to protect their Gu family's caravan on Xuan Ling Island, it was to do something for the Gu family, so the Gu family had to protect him no matter what, it was incumbent upon them.

"Gu Shuo, rice can be eaten indiscriminately, words can not be said indiscriminately."

This is the Wei family's turn to sit down, some things can be done, but absolutely can not say, to death will not admit.

"Wei Heng old ghost, go away, my family is planning to settle old scores with the evil bone old man today, you Wei family if you want to forcefully involved, do not blame the sword without eyes."

The white haired Gu Shuo glared at the Wei family's elder and responded in a rather domineering manner.

The Wei family's complete powerhouse of the Shengxuan realm, once hearing that the Gu family did not intend to seek trouble with the Wei family, was abashed on the spot, only a fool would go to war with a behemoth of the same size as himself over a word of mouth.

The evil bone old man was also baffled after hearing this, and glared fiercely at Chen Luo.

His only two disciples were secretly taking on the Gu family at the same time, who would believe that he had no thoughts about the Gu family? The ancient family is a good temper, but also have to find him evil bone to do over a game.

But his retarded disciple to him when the message, these secrets are not revealed at all, when there are benefits did not think of him, when there is bad is thought up, these two sinners really damn good!

The face of Chen Luo, who was stabbed at the secret, was also white, and quickly lowered his head.

But now, the evil bone old man has half step can not retreat, he evil bone across the chaotic demon sea, relying on a face, so he must take Lin Dong, for his beloved disciple Xu meteor revenge.

Therefore, Lin Dong must die!

"Elder Gu Shuo, do you really intend to cross me, Evil Bone, for a brat who has nothing to do with the Gu Family?"

The evil bone elder who thought of this instantly stepped forward and UU read the book www.uukanshu.com雄浑的元力威压缓缓在场上荡漾而开.

"Evil bone old man, do you really think I Gu Shuo is not scared?"

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

The nine people together are enough to hold back the evil bone old man of the half-step Death Xuan realm, as long as they hold out until the real Death Xuan realm powerhouse within the clan descends, this fang will not be put to death?

"Gu Shuo, you ..."

The evil bone old man's face changed rapidly for a while, he a small half-step death Xuan realm strong man, really do not have the courage to take on the ancient family this behemoth.

Although he is also a hanging offering of the Evil Wind Cave Heaven, but the Evil Wind Cave Heaven is not run by his family, will for its own personal feud with the ancient family war.

"Oh, Elder Gu Shuo, the visitor is a guest, how about handing the Evil Bone Elder over to Lin Dong for reception?"

A light laugh fell, and a black-clothed figure steeply appeared on the field.

Chapter 315 - The 2 Great Fantastic Scriptures

"Lin Dong, although you have already stepped into the Seng Xuan realm of great success, you are definitely not a match for the Evil Bone Elder, don't be impulsive, leave this matter to our Gu family, your matter is our Gu family's matter."

Gu Shuo looked at the visitor and said in a soft and reassuring voice.

"Thank you, Elder Gu Shuo, how about letting me have a few words with the Evil Bone Elder? If the matter cannot be done, then it is not too late to trouble the elder to help."

Lin Dong heard a warmth in his heart, this Gu family can be ranked among the five great families of Heavenly Breeze is not without reason.

"Good, you must be very careful."

Gu Shuo thought about lining up for a moment and side-stepped out of the way.

"Evil bone old man, I do not care whether you previously know the evil nature of your disciples committed, I only ask you one thing: return or not? Retreat still has a way of life to speak of, do not retreat is dead."

Lin Dong stepped forward and looked at the half-step Death Xuan realm powerhouse with a relaxed demeanor, it's not like he's never fought before.

"Die? Hahahaha, I would like to see how you, a little Sengxuan realm Da Cheng, can make me die."

The evil bone old man's shadowy face revealed a dense sense of mockery.

"How to make a half-step Death Xuan Realm powerhouse go to his death~"

The corner of Lin Dong's mouth quietly lifted up a demonic arc as his lips wiggled slightly, "Stillness!"


As soon as the words fell, there was an unusually arcane invisible fluctuation that surged out from within the mud pills palace on his brow, heading straight for the pale old figure in front of him.

The evil bone old man who was laughing steeply stiffened, but maintained a strange movement frozen in place, as if the surrounding space had fallen into a standstill, the scene was quite bizarre.

"My Dao Sect's four wondrous scriptures to understand."

Lin Dong smiled faintly, his hands steeply joined together, his ten fingers changed rapidly, forming a series of dazzling mysterious seal knots.


The stillness only lasted for a second or so before the image shattered like a mirror, and the Evil Bone Elder actually broke free with his strong Yuan Power cultivation.

However, this second was enough!

"Heavenly Emperor Sutra, Great Heavenly Mo Yun Sword!"

The fingertips changed the seal knot abruptly, the monstrous Yuan Power madly sweeping, directly behind Lin Dong rapidly condensed into a huge light sword hundreds of feet long, faintly astonishing sword Qi spread out.

The cold-eyed Lin Dong's right arm swung fiercely, directly controlling the hundreds of feet long lightsaber and slashing down angrily.

"Clang clang clang!"

The huge lightsaber kept roaring, in mid-air after a hard turn in a direction, the incomparable tip of the sword aimed at the figure below, and then with a tearing all the terrifying fluctuations cut down.

Under the sword, a large area of space was shattered!

"Yin bone shield!"

The evil bone old man, who had just broken free from the fetters of the stillness sign, turned pale and only had time to summon a huge white bone shield across his body, he could not have imagined that this son actually had such a bizarre means.

"Swoosh! Boom!!!"

The hundred-foot sword mane transformed by the Great Heavenly Mo Yun Sword swept across the sky, and after unhinderedly decimating the giant white bone shield, it directly and viciously struck the Evil Bone Elder who had hastily summoned his Nirvana Golden Body.


Blood spurted, a hideous wound that nearly tore through the entire body instantly penetrated the evil bone old man, and his body slammed into the ground like a rapidly falling comet.

The eldest disciple, Chen Luo, who was standing beside Evil Bone, did not even have time to let out a muffled grunt before he was chopped into a bloody mist by the Great Heavenly Mo Yun Sword.

It wasn't over yet!

"Soul Lion Roar!"

The majestic spiritual power surged out from his eyebrows, and lightning speed condensed into a transparent lion of light that was 100 feet tall in the air.

Spiritual lion roar, high level spiritual secret technique, immortal talisman master Xu meteor's object!


As soon as the hundred-foot beam of light took shape, it roared angrily at the Evil Bone Elder who was hurriedly smashing into the earth, and the sea of spiritual sound waves invaded his mind like a tidal wave.

"Uh huh!"

The old man's face was instantly twisted together, and he couldn't help but let out an extremely painful moan, which was really one wave before another.

"How dare the vertical son bully me!!!"

In the midst of the muddle, the evil bone old man roared angrily in his heart.

The Soul Lion Roar, a high level mental attack secret technique

He bought it at great cost to give to his disciple Xu meteor, and now ...

"The following is the second of my Dao Sect's four wondrous scriptures ~"

Lin Dong smiled slyly, crossed his fingers a little, the fingertips will be a thread of blood seeping out, blood-stained ten fingers then rapidly change the seal knot, a crimson mysterious runes constantly from the fingertips swept into the depths of the earth.


The earth trembled violently, as if there was a great beast awakening from the depths of the earth, and in the blink of an eye there were ten unusually large earth-yellow dragons tearing through the earth, roaring in all directions towards the evil bone old man who fell to the earth.

While you're sick, you're dead!

"Earth Emperor Sutra, Earth Dragon Seal of God!"

The light chant fell, around the evil bone old man coiled ten earth yellow dragon suddenly intertwined and mingled together, compressed into a deep yellow orb rapidly shrinking inward.

The evil bone old man, whose ears and nose were bleeding, just regained consciousness and was instantly sealed by the suddenly tightening deep yellow orb, which was then sealed layer by layer.


The completely formed earth-yellow ball, a blood-colored bizarre rune faintly emerged, dense blood-colored runes wriggling and flickering, madly eating the figure's surrounding Yuan power inside it.

Once sealed by the Earth Dragon Sealing Seal, the opponent's body energy will be completely deprived.

"Ahhh! Lin Dong, I Evil Bone surrender! I surrender! Let me go!!!"

The taste of being deprived of the body's Yuan Power was really unpleasant, and the evil bone old man could already smell the smell of death.

"Hey, half-step death Xuan realm? If you dare to mess with me Lin Dong, I will kill you even if you are a real Death Xuan Realm powerhouse, go ahead and die!

"Earth Dragon Sealing Seal! Seal!"

Lin Dong's handsome face steeply crossed a ruthless color, distantly grasping the palm of the giant earth-yellow ball steeply closed. uu read the book www.uukanshu.com


The dark yellow orb above the blood awning, frantically contracted inward and closed, the evil bone old man who lost all his energy was instantly squeezed into a puddle of flesh, and eventually turned into a sky of blood foam and burst open.

"It's a shame, you've only learned two of the four wondrous scriptures of the Dao Sect, and there's still the Hong Huang Scripture and the Great Desolation Scripture that haven't come out yet."

Lin Dong slowly lowered his arm and said with some regret.

Half-step Death Xuan realm powerhouse, the evil bone old man dead!


At this moment, the whole room is deathly silent!

All the strong people on the Martial Assembly Island were staring in a daze at the sky of blood mist floating in the air, the Evil Bone Elder, an existence that touched the Death Xuan Realm, died at the hands of a junior at the Seng Xuan Realm?

Lin Dong face hanging on the trace of a smile, but also let the hearts of the people added a touch of chill, this son must not be provoked!