
Chapter 461 - Ancestral Realm Giants' Mixed Doubles

"Sensing Tai Shang is only the first step in contacting the Plane Tire, how to be able to get the recognition of the Plane Tire is the crucial step, although the Plane Tire has not born a clear spirit, but it is not a dead thing, with pan-consciousness exists."

Lin Dong said leisurely.

"It turns out that sensing the Great Supreme is the key to contacting the Plane Tire, it's a pity that among the eight of us, only Little Sister can barely sense the Great Supreme, and the remaining ones are even less able to do so, doesn't that mean that all eight of my ancient lords have no chance with the Ancestral Realm?"

The Lord of Devouring heard a bitter laugh.

"No, refining the Plane Tire can indeed step into the Ancestral Realm, but stepping into the Ancestral Realm does not necessarily require the Plane Tire, otherwise how did the Rune Ancestor and the Alien Demon Emperor break through? Simply put, this is a sufficient not necessary condition."

Lin Dong's words were a bit tongue-in-cheek, but none of the ancient existences present were stupid and all nodded thoughtfully.

"Lin Dong, I also sensed Tai Shang, let me help you, so that I can also increase some chances of success."

The person who spoke was a stunning beauty with a flowing white dress.

Ever since Ayana Qingzhu followed Lin Dong's advice and took the initiative to dissipate the Yuan Power in her body and focus on the power of Tai Shang, her already cool aura had become more and more ethereal and tended to be sacred.

"Good, then let's start now, I'll see you at the Ancestral Realm."

Lin Dong looked at the beautiful person who spoke out, his heart softened, he directly took the jade hand of the exiled immortal-like stunning person and got up, floating away.

"Wow, little sister, this scum of a man Lin Dong actually pulled your love rival to play such tricks as ten-finger interlocking in full view of the public, it's really too deceitful."

The Lord of Darkness looked at the divine couple that floated away and chanted indignantly under his breath.

"Nonsense, our family Lin Dong is not a slag, it's very responsible."

Protecting her husband's heart Ying Huanhuan unkindly white her senior sister in general, followed by getting up: "I'm going to gather other ancestral symbols and divine objects to proceed to impact the ancestral realm, you guys remember to help me watch the Daoist clan."

"It's over, this girl is hopeless, I'm obviously doing it for her own good ..."

The Lord of Darkness stared dumbfounded at the ice blue silhouette far away, this little sister of hers is really too deep in Lin Dong's poison.

"Darkness, I advise you better not to get too involved in the affection thing between them, or you may face a situation in the future, which will be a mixed doubles of two Ancestral Realm giants."

The Lord of Life and Death said with a meaningful smile.

"A mixed doubles of two Ancestral Realm giants?"

The Lord of Darkness smiled and snapped to attention, instantly losing her face in fear and muttering in disorientation, "Forget it, it's better to save my little life ..."

"Hey, my Qing'er and Qin'er ..."

Perhaps it was a touch of emotion, the Lord of Devouring, who originally still had a few smiles on his face, suddenly sighed in a moody manner.

Several ancient lords looked at each other and were wisely silent.

Of course they knew what the Lord of Devouring was reminiscing about, the Lord of Devouring's real wife Kun Qing'er was martyred for him, and his confidante Xin Qin used her body to suppress three other real kings of the same rank, all of whom were unfortunately killed.

"Ancestor, actually I want to say something to you."

The silver-haired beauty that stood behind the Lord of Devouring suddenly stammered and spoke, looking rather torn.

The same as Lin Dong's confidant, Kun Ling'er and Xin Qing together chose to stay in the Dao Sect, waiting for the day when Lin Dong officially came out of the gate.

"Ling'er you don't have to say, I'm fine, I just remembered some past events."

The Devouring Lord, who had collected his thoughts, waved his hand in a muddled manner.

"Oh, Devouring, are you sure you don't need to let Ling'er talk on?"

Space suddenly distorted, and a tall, curvaceous silhouette emerged out of thin air.

The mysterious beauty is about thirty years old or so, with a delicate face, a shoulder-length silver hair, two or three points of similarity between her eyebrows and Kun Ling'er, and a more mature temperament.

It looks like a cousin who has a slight blood relationship with Kun Ling'er.


The Lord of Devouring, who had been behaving like a tarzan without changing his face, stood up suddenly and stared dead in disbelief at the visitor.

"Kun Qing'er? I'm not mistaken, right? Actually stepped into the Triple Reincarnation Tribulation?"

"Didn't you say that this master devourer's wife, who was explicitly married to master devourer, took the initiative to martyr herself for him after he sat down?"

"It's just that the Kun Peng tribe lost track of her.

There must be another hidden story."

Several ancient lords stood up one after another and whispered.

"Not bad, it seems that after 10,000 years of absence, you dead man has not forgotten your wife."

The mature and beautiful silver-haired beauty hugged her shoulders and after nodding her head in satisfaction, she nudged Kun Ling'er at her side, "Qing'er, you continue."

"Yes, Ancestor Qing'er."

Kun Ling'er respectfully bowed to the visitor, and then cleared her throat and said, "Ancestor Devourer, after Ancestor Qing'er lost contact with the clan back then, he actually did not commit suicide, but vanish into the deepest part of the ancestral land to close up and impact the third reincarnation tribulation."

"Just a few days ago, he came out of seclusion and regained contact with the clan."

In ancient times, Kun Qing'er, who was the contemporary clan leader of the Kun Peng clan, was a super powerhouse that was infinitely close to the third reincarnation tribulation.

"Qing'er, you... You're really not dead?"

The sword-browed starry-eyed Devouring Lord's body trembled slightly, and a pair of ink eyes faintly had some tears emerging.

There is a saying that men with tears do not play lightly, just not to sadness, not beyond.

"You want me to die for you so badly?"

Kun Qing'er walked modestly and gave her husband a white look without good grace.


The next second, Kun Qing'er was swept into the arms of the devouring lord, hugging him with all his might, hugging him to death as if he wanted to become one with him.

"The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. Who would have thought that after your death, you actually pushed open the coffin board and crawled out ..."

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the familiar scent that is close at hand, Kun Qing'er backhandedly wrapped her arms around her husband, her phoenix eyes slightly closed, only to feel more at ease than ever before.

"UU read the book www.uukanshu.com老娘? The first thing you need to do is to get back to normal. I thought this bitch had closed herself up for ten thousand years and made herself silly."

The Lord of the Flood saw this and slapped his thighs, his voice was like a bell, and the Thunder Lord at his side "whispered discussion", enough to ensure that everyone present could hear.

Thunder Lord: "..."

The next moment, a harsh and extreme gaze instantly swept towards the Lord of the Flood and the Lord of Thunder two, so that the two ancient lords all over the body chills.

This guy Hung Wasteland forgot to control his loud voice again, this is actually the first time he got into trouble because of his voice problem? He should be killed! The kill!

Looking at this familiar scene in front of him, several ancient lords shook their heads helplessly at the same time, a touch of nostalgia surfaced on their faces in unison.

After ten thousand years, it's good to see this scene of fighting again~

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 462 - Chaos Space

"Qing'er, fortunately you didn't do anything stupid for me back then."

The Lord of Devouring took his wife and son's slender hand and tightly did not let go, then as if he thought of something, his face was gloomy: "It's a pity that Qin'er is no longer with us."

"I'm sorry, back then it was my bad, my vessel was too small, I couldn't officially accept Xin Qin that fox... That girl."

After a slight silence, Kun Qing'er said with full of regret.

Intelligent as she is, it is naturally impossible to compete with a person who has entered eternal rest, the living is never better than the dead, the nature of the nature.

The heart Qing, who has the intention of overturning all beings with her knitted brows and smile, heard the beautiful eyes light up, her delicate red lips pursed slightly, and said seemingly casually: "If the ancestor Lord were alive, I'm afraid what I would like most is to stay with the devouring senior in a bright and upright manner."

"If I had the chance to start over, I would personally officiate the wedding for the two of them, Devouring and Xinqin, and never quarrel with Devouring again."

Kun Qing'er in the spirit of the principle of the dead is the greatest, good words do not want to spill out.

"It is still senior Kun Qing'er who is broad-minded."

Xin Qing's pretty face emerged with a touch of heartfelt admiration, then the words turned and turned her head to look at the Devouring Ancestor: "Devouring Ancestor, Xin Qing actually forgot to tell you something, the ancestor suppressed three foreign demon true king ten thousand years after the demon spirit still exists."

"When I entered the Ancestral Soul Hall to receive the inheritance, the ancestor's residual spirit disappeared into my body to nurture, and has been sleeping until today, finally recovered some vitality. I would also like to ask Senior Devouring to help and resurrect the ancestor."

Kun Qing'er: "..."

The longest road she's ever taken in her life is the set-up of these juniors!

"Xin Qing, are you serious?!"

The Lord of Devouring snapped his head up and looked at the white-clothed girl in front of him with a face of ecstasy, oblivious to Kun Qing'er who was fiercely rolling his eyes.

"Dummy, of course it's true."

A light laugh fell, and a light shadow swept out from within Xin Qing's body.

That is a gorgeous feather clothes, face charming to the extreme of the country's beautiful, even if only to stand in the air, that overturned all beings seductive aura is enough to make countless male creatures crazy.

The nine furry tails suspended from the hips are a silent reminder of the identity of the beautiful woman - one of the few Nine-tailed Heavenly Foxes, the reincarnation realm powerhouse (the remnants of the spirit).

"Qin'er ..."

The Lord of Devouring gazed softly at the shadow of light in mid-air, speechless for a long time, the surprise he received today was too much.

"Giggle, Kun Qing'er, remember what you just said, personally hold a wedding for me and Devouring, yo. Well, my sister here would like to thank sister Qing'er in advance."

After greeting her own lover, the feather-clad beauty smiled and waved her hand at Kun Qing'er who was not looking too good.

"Of course, I, Kun Qing'er, always keep my word."

Kun Qing'er took a deep breath and showed a smile that was as brilliant as it could be.

"Senior Sister Life and Death, I'm counting on you for the resurrection of Xin Qin."

The Lord of Devouring, who vaguely sensed the imminent arrival of the Shura Field, had a solemn face and arched his hand to the Lord of Life and Death in a serious manner.

"Well, although Xin Qin's original spirit is a bit broken, but the main part still exists, it is not a difficult task to revive her, leave everything to me."

The Lord of Life and Death's expression remained unchanged, a slender hand raised, a pitch-black ancient coffin appeared out of thin air, and without greeting, he somewhat roughly directly took the lustrous feather-clad beauty into the coffin of life and death, closing the lid.

"Sure enough, Lord Lin Dong has a point, devouring, life and death two ancient lord most likely also have a leg between."

Xin Qing, who was watching all this with cold eyes, had the fire of gossip burning in her heart and murmured thoughtfully.

Among the eight Ancestral Symbols, the Devouring Ancestral Symbol was born earlier and the Life and Death Ancestral Symbol was born later and was the weakest, so the Devouring Ancestral Symbol took the initiative to swallow the Life and Death Ancestral Symbol into its body to nurture it and only spit it out again when it matured.

Thus, the relationship between the two Ancestral Symbols is very close.

Influenced by the two Ancestral Symbols, the relationship between the Lord of Life and Death and the Lord of Devouring in ancient times was also quite complicated.

As to what degree of complexity, only the two parties involved know, but it is said that well, the Lord of devouring is more flirtatious to ...

Ahem, this topic stops here.


The fully enclosed quiet room.


Let's begin."

A pair of handsome men and women sat opposite each other, their four palms touching each other, their fingers interlocked.

"Tai Shang Sensing Skill, rise!"

As the two of them simultaneously ran the Tai Shang Induction Skill, two blurred thoughts gradually took shape between heaven and earth, and in a delicate cry, the domineering thought did not hesitate to wrap the soft thought and fly lightly towards the source of the Tai Shang power.

"You dead man, you're so domineering every time."

"Well, every time is a good word to use~"

In the haze, an exchange of two blurred consciousnesses flickered away.

This is a chaotic space, everything is as old as the beginning of heaven and earth.

The sky is filled with gray mist, and under the gray canopy is an endless ocean of chaos, with endless chaotic spiritual light blossoming above the ocean, which contains endless vitality, grand and ancient.


The clear sound of footsteps rang out from far and near, breaking the silence of this chaotic space for tens of thousands of years, as a pair of divine couple-like figures interlocked their fingers and paced unhurriedly toward the center of the chaotic ocean.

"This is the source of the power of the Supreme?"

"Well, it is also called the power of the realm, and the birth of the realm takes shape here."


Eventually, the slender figure stood still as he gazed at the sea emanating a strange rhythm beneath his feet and said leisurely, "The Plane Tirth, come out to meet an old friend."

"Clap! Clap!"

As soon as Lin Dong's words fell, the chaotic ocean beneath their feet immediately accelerated and gushed, condensing into a large whirlpool that kept spinning, with a chaotic light tire about ten feet long floating unhurriedly in the center of the whirlpool.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The chaos light tire is like a strong heart beating quite regularly, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com散发着阵阵奇异的律动, each beating can trigger the whole chaos ocean and even chaos space echo, let people can not help but join in.

"Liar, who said that obtaining the recognition of the Plane Tire is the most difficult step? It turns out that you have long since obtained the recognition of the Plane Tire. Only I didn't know anything and stupidly stood out like a fool to help you."

The clear eyes of the stunningly beautiful girl with a cool temperament flashed as she said rather shyly.

"What I said is not wrong, obtaining the recognition of the Plane Tire is indeed the most crucial and difficult step, otherwise the Rune Ancestor and the Eight Ancient Lords would not have broken their backs. When I left the Eastern Xuan Domain, after you taught me the Tai Shang Sensing Technique, I began to penetrate deep into this chaotic space and continuously contact the Plane Tire."

"This process lasted for five whole years, and it was only on the eve of the Alliance army's expedition to the Demon Suppression Prison that I barely received the recognition of the Plane Tire, so where would you say that was easy?"

Lin Dong clasped the beautiful woman's jade-like slender hand and explained in a soft voice.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 463 - Impacting the Ancestral Realm

"Why didn't you tell me in advance? Deliberately watching me foolishly make a fool of myself, thanks to my desire to help you, you are a complete and utter liar anyway."

Ayana Qingzhu bit her red lips with silver teeth and skipped her head.

"Yeah, I'm a big liar, a big liar who wants to cheat you for life."

Lin Dong clasped the beauty's green jade fingers and said faintly.

"Pfft, you're bad ..."

I wanted to deliberately ignore Lin Dong's Ayana Qingzhu, finally could not help but laugh out, the frost on the face as if the ice and snow quickly melted.

"Okay, let's get down to business first, I need to refine the dimensional tires immediately, you stay here and use the power here to improve your cultivation."

Lin Dong squeezed Ayana Qingzhu's small hand, and only after receiving his lover's reply, he slowly squatted down and pressed his palm to the Chaos Light Tire that seemed like a living thing.


The entire chaotic space shook abruptly, and the dimensional tire suddenly erupted with ten thousand feet of chaotic spiritual light, swept Lin Dong's entire body into it instantly, and the endless dimensional power poured into his body like a tidal wave.

"Clap, clap, clap! Claptrap!"

At the same time, a small portion of the Chaos Ocean's water flowed backwards towards Ayana Qingzhu, merging into her delicate body like water.

"I've been pulled too far away from this ingrate, I have no chance to help him, it's time to mention my own cultivation."

The cold, exile-like woman sighed quietly and immediately sat down on her knees close to the constantly buzzing Plane Tire, her mind as still as water, she quickly entered into cultivation.

The chaotic space was completely silent.

Eastern Xuan Domain, Dao Sect.

"Buzz! Boom!"

With a loud rumble, an ancient light formation with a diameter of up to 100,000 feet flew over the Dao Sect and expanded rapidly, a beautiful ice-blue silhouette stepped up into the air without slowing down and sat down in the center of the formation with an elegant posture.

The peak powerhouses located in all corners of the Tianxuan continent all seem to have a sense of the East Xuan domain, with a bit of excitement and anticipation on their faces.

The breakthroughs of those two Excellencies have officially begun!


One year later.

"Rumble! Rumble!"

In the sky above the peaceful Tianxuan Continent, black thunder clouds that couldn't be seen to end were suddenly filled with numbing fluctuations, and they emerged from the void in a frenzied manner, covering the entire Eastern Xuan domain in the blink of an eye.

The boundless black thunder domain wriggles and surges, as if in the best efforts to brew something, the rich destruction fluctuations spread rapidly to the surrounding.

"This kind of fluctuation ... The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

"The heavens and earth have changed greatly, astonishing visions, thunder clouds covering the entire Eastern Xuan domain, our part of the world finally has a new Ancestor realm powerhouse born."

"Ancestor's breath, it's an ancestor's breath, someone must have succeeded in impacting the Ancestor Realm, is it Lord Ice Lord or Genro Lin Dong?"

All corners of the continent, dense strong people like locusts in transit, frantically from the depths of the major deep mountains, secret realms, independent space vanish, all stand on the earth, can not hide the shocked color look up to the sky, survey the shocking vision.


Before hundreds of millions of people could react, a huge chaotic pillar of light suddenly rose from the depths of the Dao Sect and blasted like lightning into the heavenly thunder domain that covered the entire Eastern Xuan domain.

The black clouds, which would make even a peak powerhouse who had passed the Triple Reincarnation Tribulation palpitate, were instantly dispersed by the chaotic pillar of light.


The lightning domain receded, the pillar of light collapsed, a slender figure walked straight out of the chaotic spiritual light, a black-clothed youth with a resolute face.

The slender figure has a firm and handsome face, the angular face has a little luminescence faintly flooded, the fair brow has a light pattern brand, the brand is eight colors, gorgeous, faintly have a mysterious fluctuations rippling and open.

Between the hands and feet, are diffused with a shocking great majesty, ancient and vicissitudes, a breath, as if the whole heaven and earth will be cheered resonance, the power of heaven and earth will be added to its body.

"Ancestor's brand? Similar to authority, how interesting. I wonder if every brand that has stepped into the Ancestral Realm can possess this thing."

Under the attention of all the people, the steadfast youth poked out a crystal-jade-like slender finger and gently stroked the brand of light between his eyebrows, which was the crystallization of the eight great rules of power highly condensed dao, the authority, the ruling, and the transcendence.


However, it doesn't feel bad to become the lord of the realm ..."

Lin Dong clenched his fist, feeling the indescribably majestic and monstrous Yuan Power in his body, the astounding power that could destroy the heavens and earth with the lift of his hand, and the power of heaven and earth that lingered joyfully around him all the time.

After refining the Plane Tirth, he is the master of this Plane, he is the Lord of the Plane.

As long as he is in the Heavenly Xuan Plane, he will receive endless power, and no opponent of the same rank can defeat him in this Plane.

Even if the lord of the realm is separated from the realm to fight against others, he can communicate with the realm at any time with just a thought, and draw a lot of realm power from it to speed up his power recovery.

"Congratulations to Lord Lin Dong for becoming an ancestor!"

"Congratulations to Lord Lin Dong for becoming an ancestor!"

"Congratulations to Lord Lin Dong for becoming an ancestor!"


Above the earth, the billions of powerful people who reacted all looked at that man with wild faces and kneeled down in unison amidst the mountainous cheers.

After ten thousand years, a new Ancestral Realm powerhouse had finally emerged from the Tianxuan realm!

The major buildings and airspace of the Dao Sect were even filled with hundreds of thousands of excited and tearful Dao Sect disciples on their knees.

The new Ancestral Realm powerhouse came from the Dao Sect! From their Dao Sect!!!

"I knew he wouldn't disappoint me ..."

A curvaceous ice-blue silhouette looked at the sky obsessively.

This silhouette has a waterfall-like waist-length hair, fair and transparent skin, blown, beautiful face, aura as cold as frost, vaguely emitting the ice through the bone like extremely cold Qi.

"Little sister, you are counted to step into the ancestral realm or not?"

The Lord of Devouring, who was surrounded by two flower-like beauties, UU Look Book www.uukanshu.com向刚刚成道的伟大存在行了一礼后, then opened his mouth and said.

"Count, not really, barely a half-ancestor, but again, not a true Ancestor realm powerhouse. Hey, this bad guy actually really stepped into the ancestral realm before me, it seems that bet is going to be lost ..."

The ice-blue silhouette sighed quietly with seeming joy and anger.

Lin Dong that scum, in the closed door before deliberately with the ice Lord Lord played a bet, bet who first step into the ancestral realm, the loser to promise each other a not excessive demand.

The proud and high-minded Lord Ice certainly will not be weak, she thinks her talent can not be weak in the slightest than her own lover, immediately agreed to the bet.

But who would have thought that with the help of the eight ancestral symbols and nine divine objects to form an ancient formation, she could only step into the realm of half ancestors, a step behind Lin Dong.

In fact, losing is not a big deal, but the key is Lin Dong this guy's request is: request will be outside to tease his sister legitimized, this ...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 464 - I am a martial ancestor

"Actually, you promised in your heart a long time ago, didn't you?"

A stunningly beautiful silhouette with a flowing white dress hugged her shoulders and said faintly.

Ayana Qingzhu, who had accompanied Lin Dong in the Origin Space for a year of retreat, not only had her aura become more and more ethereal, but even her cultivation level had leaped from the ordinary Reincarnation Realm to the peak of the Triple Reincarnation Robbery.

"Yes so what? Men, it is always necessary to hold a little, otherwise he will not go to heaven? You see this is not good, that nerd will still feel that he took advantage of, think I am broad-minded."

The ice lord's red lips pursed slightly, a sly smile surfaced at the corner of his mouth.

In private bottom, Ying Huanhuan and Ayana Qingzhu duo's relationship was quite harmonious.

"... Women, it's just too scary."

The expressionless devouring lord who listened to all this, his heart really panicked a batch, after glancing at the two stunning women at his side, his heart was quite relieved, or the two ladies of his family were kind.


Under the top worship of billions of strong people, the slender figure suddenly moved.


In the deafening sound of congratulations, Lin Dong smilingly swept a glance at the black pressed crowd below, but did not fall back to the ground, but directly stepped into the air, posture leisurely lightly chanted: "I am a martial ancestor, when suppressing a world, pushing across the ages!"

He stopped at the end of the void with a casual wave of his hand, and the huge boundless dimensional sealing formation was withdrawn of its own accord, revealing a huge dimensional rift spreading over millions of kilometers behind it.

"Hahahaha, all of you wait a moment, move this will take the head of the foreign devil emperor for you all to ..."

The sky was filled with laughter, Lin Dong arched his hand to the heaven and earth below, and then without hesitation, he rushed into the dimensional rift that was like a demonic mouth, filled with endless evil.

"Lord Lin Dong, no, Lord Martial Ancestor this?"

"The Martial Ancestor took the initiative to remove the dimensional sealing formation and rushed into the dimensional rift occupied by the Fey Demon Race, he wants to fight the Fey Demon Emperor!"

"Lord Martial Ancestor's great righteousness! Magnificent!"

The billions of powerful people who witnessed this scene instantly boiled over, their faces flushed red as they stared deadly at the dimensional rift that was so long and narrow that it had no borders.

From now on, the dimensional rift was no longer the entrance for foreign enemies to invade the Tianxuan realm, but the departure place for his Tianxuan realm to march to the outer realm!


Ying Huanhuan, who reacted extremely quickly, moved her jade hand, and endless frost swept away from the void, condensing out of thin air into a huge ice mirror that could not be seen to an end, enough to ensure that the powerful people of the entire continent could see the picture on top of the mirror.

Above the picture, is the emptiness and darkness of the infinite void.

The Lord Martial Ancestor, who had previously disappeared into the dimensional rift, was surrounded by an army of hundreds of millions of foreign devils, unhurriedly surveying the astounding demonic shadow that sat atop the throne of ten thousand devils.

The demonic shadow is a ten-thousand-armed ancient devil who stands on the earth and sky, with an ugly face and tens of thousands of hideous demonic arms, each covered with dense evil eyes, all in a closed state.

Just sitting on the throne of ten thousand devils, the monstrous evil and cold aura is like a tidal wave, as if the incarnation of the most evil and evil qi in heaven and earth.

In the outer realm, inside the lonely and empty boundless void.

"Alien Demon Emperor, you really look as ugly as I imagined."

Under the mass of billions of foreign devil armies, Lord Martial Ancestor said as such after taking a serious look at the ten-thousand-armed giant devil that was being archly guarded by ten thousand devils.

"Oh, the aesthetics of human and devil races are different, how do you know that what looks ugly to your human race is not what looks beautiful to my foreign devil race?"

Above the ten thousand devil throne, the foreign devil emperor was not as ashamed as expected, but stood up unhurriedly: "Human, I remember you, you are the brat who brutally killed my men a year ago and dared to provoke me in public."

"I didn't expect that in just one year, you have already stepped into the Ancestor realm and become a strong Ancestor realm player of the same rank as me, if I had known that, I would have said anything to kill you back then."

"Are you kidding, you couldn't even break the great formation left by the Talisman Ancestor."

Lin Dong smiled dumbly, then said with a smile: "The foreign devil emperor, I will make a deal with you, today is the day of my martial ancestor's dawn, how about you give me face and lend me your head as a dawn ceremony? In this way, we are friends."

"Hahahaha, you want the head of the emperor? Even if you are as strong as the Ancestor, you can only defeat me if you burn your reincarnation.

What qualifications do you have to be so arrogant as to be in the same ancestral realm as both of us?"

"Besides, the emperor has to thank you for that. The turtle shell left behind by that old thing, the Fu Ancestor, was so hard that I was worried about not being able to break it, but you took the initiative to remove it."

"Oh, in order to thank you for your help, this emperor decided that after killing you, he will immediately lead our army to slaughter all the living beings in the entire Tianxuan realm, and the devil will stain the entire realm."

The evil emperor laughed loudly at his words, his heavenly demon body moved and instantly moved in front of Lin Dong, facing him from afar, and his monstrous and hostile aura swept over the sky.

"So, you don't want to make friends with me?"

The smile on Lin Dong's face was gradually curtailed, and he asked calmly in return.

"Make friends? Oh, this emperor has always only made friends with dead people, go to hell!"

The demonic body of the foreign devil emperor shook, the monstrous demonic Qi madly swept out from his body, and diffused into a vast and boundless sticky demonic river hanging high behind his head.

"Endless devil dragon roar!"

A hideous demonic dragon hundreds of thousands of feet long roared out from the bottom of the river, vibrating its wings that covered the sky and diving towards Lin Dong like a madman.

"I've given you a chance."

Lin Dong mumbled indifferently, and a large, crystal-jade-like, slender hand poked out of his broad sleeve robe unhurriedly, then lightly pressed down.

"Eight Symbol Hand!"

A lofty hand that covered the sky fiercely poked out from the void, with eight-colored runes lighting up one after another, crushing all the incoming devil dragons in the ancient mood of ruling the heavens and earth and suppressing the heavens roughly, and thus overwhelming the vast and boundless devil river.

It, even closer!

"UU look at the book www.uukanshu.com该死, how can this human be so strong!!!"

The foreign devil emperor was slightly stunned, and then roared in fury: "Great Heavenly Evil Devil Shield!"


The sticky devil gas spurted madly, light speed condensed into a shield of darkness hundreds of thousands of feet tall across the chest, the shield surface countless devil patterns flowing, solid terrifying.


However, in the very next second, the lofty hand that was lit up only by the eight-colored light had instantly burst the huge shield of darkness and slapped blatantly in the chest of the Alien Demon Emperor.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

The chest instantly collapsed under a terrifying arc of the foreign devil emperor, was violently thrown into the army, enough to crush tens of thousands of foreign devil race warriors who could not hide, before it came to a halt, a large blood foam in the void spread into a black torrent.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 465 - 8 Extreme Heavenly Pillars

"Roar! How can you be so strong!"

The fiercely enraged Fey Devil Emperor casually slapped to death several Fey Devil True Kings that were in his way, but the surrounding Fey Devil army simply did not dare to resist or even flee, and could only kneel on the ground in unison, trembling.

"Why can't I be this strong? The Ancestral Realm is not the same as the Ancestral Realm."

The steely-faced black-clothed youth stood in the air and said leisurely, "How can a half-step Heavenly Supreme defeat a true Heavenly Supreme powerhouse?"

The Ancestor Realm was just a new starting point with more sub-steps.

The two of them were only the weakest rank in the Ancestral Realm-half-step Heavenly Supreme.

And after successfully refining the Plane Tirth, Lin Dong was never a half-step Heavenly Supreme, but a true Heavenly Supreme powerhouse.

"Half-step Heavenly Supreme, Heavenly Supreme, what exactly do you know?"

The pupils of the Other Demon Emperor suddenly shrank, only to feel the hairs on his body explode, and then he suddenly said, "So you are also a visitor from the Outer Plane, just like the two of us, Fu Ancestor and I."

"No, I'm not from the Great World, otherwise how could I have easily obtained the Tianxuan realm bit ..."

Lin Dong shook his head, but the words that followed were already low and inaudible.

"And to say that you are not a visitor from the outer realm, if you are really a native of the Tianxuan realm, how could you possibly know about the existence of the Great Thousand Worlds?"

The foreign devil emperor coldly laughed, as if he thought of something: "No, although you are a little stronger than this emperor, but not so strong that you are outrageous, I guess you have only vaguely touched the threshold of the real heavenly supreme, so you are just pretending on purpose."

"Hmph, both I and the Talisman Ancestor have been stuck in the half-step Heavenly Supreme for nearly ten thousand years, and it was hard for us to find a realm with the birth of a dimensional tire.

"How can you be able to achieve Heavenly Supremacy before me and Fu Ancestor? Do you think the real Heavenly Supreme is just a cabbage on the roadside? Even in the main realm of the Great World, a Heavenly Supreme Power is a peak giant that suppresses one side."

The more he spoke, the more he became sure of the conjecture in his mind.

"Stupid, that's because when I explode with all my might, even I am afraid of myself."

Lin Dong, who had been shocked by the Self-Hypnotism Method of the Alien Demon Emperor, was about to laugh, and lifted a heavy finger to point down brazenly: "Let's just let you see what is the real power of the Heavenly Supreme today."

"Eight Symbols of Silence!"

With a soft chant, eight ancient and incomparable supreme symbols appeared in the air, perfectly and harmoniously fused together very quickly, turning into a light of silence that destroys all things and sweeps out, silencing the void.

"Heavenly supremacy! He is really a Heavenly Supreme Power!"

The foreign devil emperor, who was firmly locked by the light of silence, only felt his heart's spiritual sense jumping wildly, and his voice was filled with an undisguised sense of panic.

"Roar! Ten thousand heavens devil pupils!!!"

The panic-stricken Fey Devil Emperor fiercely gritted its teeth, and those tens of thousands of hideous devil arms burst open, rolling blood and flesh into that dense evil devil eye as much as possible, as it sacrificed its own blood and flesh essence without hesitation.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"

Numerous evil eyes slowly opened, a dark to the extreme strange black light by the bizarre devil eyes extremely fast compressed out, which contains countless creatures numb scalp terrifying fluctuations, overwhelmingly pouring down.

The black light passed by, all things for the retreat.

However, in the next second, the light of silence arrived!

The supreme power made by the fusion of the eight rule powers broke through the ocean of black light, and the horrified Alien Demon Emperor just wanted to dodge, but was instantly cut off most of his body by the ensuing light of silence.

The harsh screams resounded through the entire Outer Plane.

The Alien Demon Emperor, who was left with only half of his demon body, kept pushing his demon energy to try to generate a new demon body, but his large wound seemed to have a strange power preventing the wound from healing, which was exceptionally difficult to deal with.

"Other Demon Emperor, I have severely injured you, a half-assed Heavenly Supreme, with a single strike, now tell me, am I a true Heavenly Supreme or not?"

Lin Dong's hand was in the air as he leisurely walked towards him step by step.

"Your bone age will never exceed thirty years, a Heavenly Supreme powerhouse in your twenties, you... What kind of superpower do you come from in the Great World? There is no way an ordinary power could have produced such a supreme heavenly pride like you."

The blood water was like a waterfall.

The tattered demon body kept retreating backwards, his brain was frantically running, thinking hard about the way to break the situation.

As a half-step heavenly supreme existence, Fu Ancestor and foreign devil emperor fierce fight for countless years, all take each other helpless, because their strength is very different.

In the end, the Ancestor couldn't bear to see the Tianxuan realm being scattered, so he decided to burn his reincarnation, and only after he sealed it, he was able to beat the Devil Emperor out of the Tianxuan realm.

Therefore, the one who was able to severely injure the Alien Demon Emperor with one blow must be that legendary true Heavenly Supreme Greatness.

"Oh, stalling for time? I'm not in the habit of letting villains kill each other back. Then, let's finish you off with one strike."

Lin Dong's ink eyes abruptly became incomparably deep, his hands gently rubbed together, and the gorgeous light pattern on his eyebrows also suddenly shone brightly, a strange rhythm swept away as fast as lightning.

At the same time, the entire Tianxuan Plane rumbled.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the next moment, in the shocked gaze of hundreds of millions of Tianxuan powerhouses, eight towering pillars of different colors, so thick that they could not be seen to the end, rose from the eight poles of heaven and earth, black, silver, purple, red, blue and gold ...

As soon as they appeared, they quickly broke through the dense clouds, to that distant and unknowable ninth heaven above the netherworld, one after another thick and incomparable brightly colored pillar of light stood up above the earth.

Extend, extend, and extend again!

Up, up, and up again!

They are reckless and ancient, they are sacred and ethereal.

They are the eight fundamental forces that make up this realm, and they support this realm like the eight poles of heaven and earth.

At the moment when the eight poles of heaven were completely formed, UU Look Book www.uukanshu.com远古八主皆是身躯猛地一震, even the eight ancestral symbols began to roar, seemingly excited and nostalgic and echoing, with an impulse to immediately rush into it and return to the origin.

"This is the power of the eight rules that nurtured the eight ancestral symbols, which constitute the eight origin rules of this world, forging the foundation of a direction, Lin Dong actually summoned this out?

"Even the teacher back then could not do this step, right? In this realm, is the authority of the Lord of the Realm really so great?"

"Summoning the power of the eight great rules to descend, what is he planning to do?!"

The Eight Ancient Lords forcefully suppressed the urge to return themselves and their Ancestral Symbols to their origin, and all looked at each other with shocked faces, shocked like never before.