31-66 FINAL PART 2


Huge shadow of light instantly emerged at its feet, its body pitch black, presenting the closed eyes and sit in the state of the fallen Jia, the huge body of the top of the sky, sticky to almost materialize the heavenly battle intent wrapped around it, as if a war heaven and earth war of the absolute gods.

Between the eyebrows, there is a gorgeous light pattern emerged, ancient and majestic.


At the same time, the top of the ancient light opened its eyes abruptly, extremely angry to the sky roar, roar seems to have endless burning anger pouring out, the spirit of the world instantly boiling, a large space for the distortion and change.

A circle as if the materialization of the sound waves and astounding battle intent mixed together, to the surrounding crazy ripples, so that countless strong people tremble, the soul to fly away.

The supreme divine power, Martial Ancestor's anger! Martial Ancestor's anger is shocking to the world!

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

Tearing through the void to the sea of war spears as if a drunken child, frozen in place and trembling madly, and finally turned into thousands of points of light and shattered away.

"Supreme divine Power, Martial Ancestor Soul Shattering Seal!"

The ancient light that finished hissing took a step forward in obedience and pressed the backhand into the void.


A war seal compressed by the endless battle intent instantly off hand, mixed with the terrifying fluctuations that can shake the heavens and earth and suppressed, not yet arrived, the earth has collapsed out of hundreds of thousands of feet huge crater.

"Come on! Come on! Let the world see whether you, Martial Ancestor, are stronger today or I, the Battle Emperor, am better!!!"

At this time, the war emperor is like a gambler who has lost his eyes, to be able to defeat Lin Dong, he is willing to bet his entire fortune.

"Supreme divine Power, War Emperor Glazed Sky Shattering Finger!"

As the battle emperor's fingertip seal knot constantly changes, the monstrous war spirit power gushed out, rapidly condensed into the huge ancient finger, its endless war patterns entwined.

"Battle! WAR! Battle!"

The ten million troops also hissed in unison, desperately incorporating their own battle intent into the ancient giant finger, causing it to swell in size.


When the ancient giant finger swelled to a jaw-dropping size, even the heavens trembled, and it crashed unstoppably.


At this moment, the sky is breaking and the earth is shaking!

The whole world is like a picture like someone pressed the pause button, no sound, a dazzling sun from the center of the battle was born, wantonly to the heavens waving its energy, the wild spiritual shock wave crazy sweep away.

Countless strong people subconsciously close their eyes while holding back tears.

"Clickety-clack! Clack clack clack! Bang!"

Black cracks as if a spider web in the ancient giant finger spread out rapidly, and finally in the war emperor that abnormal ugly eyes, completely broken.

War Emperor Glazed Sky Shattering Finger was crushed by the Martial Ancestor Soul Shattering Seal without a doubt!

"No, no, how could the supreme divine ability of the ancient war emperor's Dharma body be so useless? This is simply impossible ..."

The battle emperor, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, shook his head frantically in denial with a pale face.

His spiritual power has long been depleted, and his strongest means have not been able to nail the enemy in the slightest.

"No no no, I still have hope, I still have hope of winning!!!"

At this moment, the war emperor fiercely a machine, miserable white face above the emergence of some ruthless color, harshly hoarse roar: "War sacrifice! Sacrifice all of them to me!

"Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice!"

At the same time, UU see book www. uukanshu.com suspended in the ancient war emperor Dharma body behind the head of dozens of golden balls of light, the countless elite warriors sitting in them without the slightest hesitation, flush to take out a dagger cut to their necks.

Endless flow of blood gathered, burning into a strange crimson demonic blood-colored spiritual power whistling out, a constant stream of rushing into the body of the war emperor, helping his breath climb.

The war emperor actually did not hesitate to sacrifice millions of elite army, with the power of blood sacrifice processional impact of the immortal realm, he wants to Jedi counterattack!

"Oh, a breakthrough on the verge of battle and then a Jedi counterattack? You think you battle emperor is not the son of heaven's destiny? Experience despair!"

The corner of Lin Dong's mouth slightly with a trace of mockery, eyes slightly closed, the next moment, an unusually violent torrent of spiritual power as if suppressed for a long time like a volcano, from the thin body under the burst out, shocked the entire ancient ice world are followed by buzzing.

The violent and gorgeous spiritual power flood was a heaven-blinding image, which was a terrifying fluctuation enough to make the Immortal Grade Great Power move.

Breakthrough, Immortal Heaven Supreme!

"Immortal... Immortal Heaven Supreme?!!!"

With the power of blood sacrifice breath climbing war emperor, see here eyes steeply rounded, face extremely iron blue muttered.

The said that he was on the verge of breaking through the immortal power, and then succeeded in killing the opponent, but the result is that the opponent has broken through first than himself, this script is not the same as the promised?

"You punk shocking immortal goods have to perform such blood sacrifice method, but also self-promotion has the posture of the holy goods, really big joke, I really no one in the Great Thousand? If I were you, I would have killed myself in shame."

Lin Dong slowly collects the monstrous aura, said faintly.

"You you Pfft!"

The battle emperor under the attack of anger only felt a sweet throat, fiercely spitting out a large mouthful of blood, staggering head down, the battle sacrifice process was completely knocked out.

The ancient war emperor's Dharma body that lost its link collapsed with a bang, and the dozens of golden spheres that were holding blood sacrifices with the millions of elite troops within them suffered an extremely serious backlash, instantly turning into a deadly place.

If you want to devote yourself to cultivating an elite army of this size, even if the resources are abundant, it will take at least a few decades of work.

It's a pity that the battle emperor is afraid that he will never have such an opportunity.

"Spatial Ancestral Symbol, Spatial Shuttle!"

In the moment before the Battle Emperor fell to the ground, Lin Dong's body appeared above him like a ghost, and then raised his right foot and stomped viciously, shoving his head into the depths of the earth instantly.


The five internal organs were damaged at the same time, the battle emperor kept coughing blood, but his head was as if by a mountain suppressed like a deadly trample.

"If I remember correctly, you had asked the Ice Spirit Elder for that bit of Huanhuan's true spirit, right?"

Lin Dong stepped on the battle emperor's bloodied head, smiling unusually mildly.

"No, no, Martial Ancestor you can't kill me, the Great Spirit Mountain World Honored One has praised me for having the posture of a Saint Grade, I will enter the Saint Grade in a hundred years, now the Extra-territorial Evil Race is spying on the main plane of my Great World day and night, the Saint Grade Great Power is the strongest power to resist the Extra-territorial Evil Race kings."

"For the sake of the greater good, please also ask His Excellency Martial Ancestor to spare my life, killing me is depleting the future war potential of the Great Thousand Worlds, is weakening the high-end war of the Great Thousand Worlds ..."

keenly aware of Lin Dong.

The battle emperor, who hid his morbid killing intent beneath a gentle smile, was completely frightened out of his wits and shouted at a very fast pace.

Great Spirit Mountain, a second-order super power in the western region of the Great Thousand World, has a Saint Grade great power sitting within the mountain gate.

Great Spirit Mountain disciples are all like ascetics, cultivation is like self-mutilation, to physical body strong domineering, superb combat power and known in the world.

Within the Great Spirit Mountain, the holy-grade great power that commands many Buddhas (heavenly supreme beings) is revered by the world as the World Honored One, and its battle power is also among the top ranked existences among many holy-grade great powers in the Great Thousand World.

However, the Great Spirit Mountain World Honored One has a "vice".

When you see a young talent with superb cultivation, you can't help but help him to measure his fate and make his name, many "you are expected to be heavenly supreme in ten years", "you are expected to be immortal in fifty years", "you have the posture of holy product " and so on, are his words.

Although these words no matter how they sound or look, they are divine, but its predictions are extremely accurate, rarely misses the case, basically his predictions are verified.

Therefore, when the Great Spirit Mountain World Honored One met the Battle Emperor by chance and could not help but praise him for "having the posture of a holy grade, he will definitely step into the holy grade within a hundred years", the Battle Emperor immediately became famous, and many forces came to make good relations.

In the future, the (Western) War Emperor will be the greatest verifier of its predictions.

Because before the last opening of the Great Thousand Transformation Demon Array, sitting trapped in the peak of the immortal realm for decades of the war emperor, really stepped through the saint product, the achievement of a generation of saint product great power.

At that time, the fame of the Great Spirit Mountain World Honored One will also arrive at a new peak.

In fact, in essence, the Great Spirit Mountain World Honored One is also placing a bet in advance that I will help you make a name for yourself when you have not yet become a Taoist, and that you will help me when you become a Taoist.

Moreover, this thief bald chicken thief very much.

Only when it has all certainty, he will take the initiative to help people make a name for themselves, not sure when it is never shut up, saying: Buddha said not to say.

Therefore, all people praise "His Holiness has a pair of wise eyes that can cut off life and death", and the more the word spreads, the more divine it becomes.

"The Great Spiritual Mountain World Honored One?"

Lin moved a slight stagnation of movement, face reveals a touch of unknown meaningful look.

"Yes, yes, indeed, the words of His Holiness, who is extremely discerning."

The war emperor's heart was happy to see this and said with strong joy: "Martial ancestor, as long as you are willing to let me go, I will be willing to go to the extreme west to open up a force, to guard the western portal for my great world, to use itself as a barrier to nail the extra-territorial ..."bang!""


War boots stomped down, the war emperor's head like a ripe watermelon shattered with a bang, juice dead splash, life completely cut off.

"Tch, that group of bald... How dare you believe what the monks say?"

Lin Dong drops his head, unhurriedly rests his combat boots on the gorgeous golden robe of the war emperor and rubs it, rubbing it extremely carefully.

"As for the so-called for the greater good, such bullshit, this ancestor see one kill one, when is it the turn of you ants to talk about the greater good?"

Saying that, Lin Dong stopped wiping and smiled as he looked into a void and said, "Your Excellency, the Battle Emperor."

"Ahhhh! Wuzu, you shall not die! I curse you!!!"

A touch of divine spirit golden light shrill whistle, crazy to the depth of the void swept away.

"Devour the Ancestral Symbol, swallow the heaven and earth!"

Space suddenly distorted, a constantly rotating swirling black hole appeared out of nowhere in front of, the head-on collision of the golden light of the divine spirit swallowed.

"Hiccup, the taste is not bad, the divine spirit of the Heavenly Supreme is really fresh~"

Lin Dong licked his lips, comfortably burped and closed his eyes slightly: "Well, let me see what goodies this His Excellency the Battle Emperor has hidden."

"the ancient nine emperors of the war emperor's entire dao heritage, the effect of dual cultivation of the inner scriptures of the great emperor of the ancient divine secrets, the full set of cultivation methods for battle array master, hammering a ten million scale elite war army secret method, condensing the ancient war emperor ..."

In the distance, the previously traumatized Snow Demon Elder and Dragon Venerable two, has woken up, is with the Ice Spirit Old Ancestor three shivering to look at this scene.

One moment, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com还坐在一起把酒言欢的好朋友, the next moment was a devil in human skin to a bite to eat.

This is just too damn magical!!!

Behind the three, there were countless ice spirit race powerhouses with desperate faces.

Own ancestor defeated, the old ancestor three friends of the same rank teamed up with the same defeat, enjoy the reputation of the Emperor of a hundred battles, but also under the limelight, was eaten alive.

My ancestors and ancestors are above, is it really the sky that will kill my ancient clan?

The atmosphere of extreme sadness and despair quietly enveloped the entire ancient ice world.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot about you little rats."

In the horrified gaze of the three Ice Spirit Old Ancestors, the slender figure slowly turned around and revealed a smile of utmost splendor to all of them, "So, who is it that is rejecting my friendship?"

At this moment, the room is full of dead silence!

"Hand over the Ice Spirit Tablet, and I will spare you from death."

The great figure standing with his hands slowly step, thin body but gives a strong sense of oppression, obviously the ice spirit tribe has countless strong people on the side, but can only follow the same steps, full of panic backward.

"Martial... Your Excellency Martial Ancestor, the old ancestor would like to present the ghost of your wife with both hands."

The ice spirit old ancestor swallowed his saliva and said in a strong and calm manner.

Handing over a bit of Ying Huanhuan's true spirit and handing over the Ice Spirit Tablet are two completely different things.

Taking out Ying Huanhuan's true spirit from the Ice Spirit Tablet, a supreme holy object, is just a matter of exhausting some spiritual energy, a simple task.

But if you hand over the Ice Spirit Tablet, that's a big deal.

Ice Spirit Tablet, Immortal Top Absolute Sacred Object.

As the ice spirit clan up and down for up to 100,000 years of the town treasure, all ice spirit clan royal family members will leave a little true spirit in it, well, of course, including the ice spirit old ancestor's own, in order to fall in the future to be resurrected.

If you hand over such a treasure, what is the difference between handing over the lifeblood of the Ice Spirit Clan to the enemy? Whoever hands over the Ice Spirit Tablet is a sinner of the entire Ice Spirit tribe and has no face to meet the ancestors of the tribe.

For the ice spirit old ancestor, the saddest thing is that the sinner is almost his own no run.

Heaven see you, the old ancestor what he did wrong?

"Old ancestor, I hope you understand one thing, this is an order, not a request, and my words are never repeated twice."

Lin moved his body, as if a ghost-like appearance in the ice spirit old ancestor side, the whole process, the ice spirit old ancestor the three spirit late heavenly supreme have no half reaction.

"Yes, Your Martial Ancestor, I understand, I understand ..."

Listening to the light laugh that sounded in his ears, the ice spirit old ancestor hair all over his body steeply exploded, stiffened his body straight nod, lest half a minute late will fall on his head.


Not much time, there is a lofty incomparable zhan blue ancient monument rumbled up from the void, the monument surface was wrapped in endless ice, and then turned into a palm-sized zhan blue ancient monument swept into the palm of Lin Dong.

"Not bad, the old ancestor is still smart."

Lin Dongwu gripped the cold ancient tablet in his hand.

A smile of satisfaction on his face.

The purpose of the trip has been achieved, it is time to finish the work.


The next moment, in an extremely crisp hissing sound, a hair pure silver, a thousand feet long nine silver monster bird illusion out, the dense space power lingering wrapped around it, unprecedentedly active.

"Gentlemen, when you have time, you can often sit in my martial realm in the extreme south."

Its crystal-like eyes, faintly crossed a humane smile, then the wings fierce vibration, straight break the void and go.

Seeing the departure of this murderous demon, countless ice spirit tribe strong people secretly breathe a sigh of relief, but when they notice the ancestral land of a thousand holes, and are all wanting to cry.

What exactly did he, the Ice Spirit Clan, do wrong?!

"?G, ice spirit old brother, things have come to this, I and the dragon venerable two should also leave, temporary before there is a counter-ear advice to give you, listen or not to listen are in the old brother."

Snow devil old man sighs, looks solemn to ice spirit old ancestor an arch.

"Today's battle is a calamity and not an opportunity for the Ice Spirit tribe."

"The Lord of the Martial Realm Lin Dong is definitely more terrifying than the Battle Emperor's supreme pride, will certainly ascend to the saints in the future, it is only a matter of time. The old man observes his bone age is only forty years, at present has already achieved immortal great power, ice spirit tablet is afraid that also can not get back."

"The ice spirit clan has long since lost its former glory, the ice spirit clan in the ancient times was the golden age of the frequent emergence of immortal-grade masters, and now the ice spirit clan? Only the old brother a spirit grade late barely support."

"You and I both know that the Ice Spirit Clan has actually been on a downward spiral, since how, then why not take advantage of this opportunity to lean on the Martial Realm and Martial Ancestor? You previously befriended the Warrior Emperor, didn't you also have this in mind? Now, your better choice."

"Martial realm matriarch Ying Huanhuan, no matter how exiled she is, is also a person of the ice spirit clan royal family, and the bloodline ties between the clan cannot be severed."

"There is no big feud between the two sides, if the ice spirit clan is deliberately befriending this master mother, she will still push her mother clan out?"

"Since the Ice Spirit Tablet can no longer be retrieved, it is better to grant her the position of clan leader, the Ice Spirit clan leader is in charge of the group's most precious Ice Spirit Tablet is the right thing to do, no one can say anything. This way, the two will be like a family."

"If the Ice Spirit Clan Chief is a Martial Realm Master Mother, it is the same as you successfully leaning on a future Saint Grade Power, and it is not a bad idea for the Ice Spirit Clan to restore its ancient glory in this way. That being said, we will take our leave now."

After saying that, the two of them, the Snow Demon Elder and the Dragon Venerable, floated away.

"Turning misfortune into blessing, granting the matriarch of the Martial Realm the position of a clan leader, backing a Saint Power, and restoring the ancient glory of our clan ..."

The departure of the Snow Demon duo did not disturb the Ice Spirit Old Ancestor, who seemed to have fallen into a strange state, muttering in a daze.

If you are familiar with the old ice spirit ancestor here, you will know that this old fool is most likely to agree with the old man's proposal of the snow devil, just because of the face, a moment is not easy to step down.

"Granting that Martial Realm matriarch a clan leader position? Then what do I do?"

Behind the old ice spirit ancestor, vaguely heard some details of the ice spirit clan chief tilted his head to the sky, looking at the large hole pierced by a meteorite from outside the sky, can not help but fall into a deep thought.


Soon, a shocking news quickly spread in the great world and opened.

The Martial Ancestor, the Lord of the Martial Realm in the Extreme South, suddenly visited the Ice Spirit Clan.

It turns out that the wife of the martial ancestor Ying Huanhuan, the main mother of the martial realm is actually the ice spirit clan royal family exiled clan members, leaving a little true spirit in the ice spirit clan treasure ice spirit tablet.

Wu Ancestor want to ask for this point back true spirit, and will be a spirit of the ultimate holy object to offer, so win-win thing, but the ice spirit tribe is not allowed, and even greatly humiliated Wu Ancestor.

Martial ancestor in a fit of rage, single-handedly and angrily break into the ice spirit clan ancestral land.

The first thing you can do is to break the ice spirit clan's protective array with a single blow, and then take the ice spirit old man's three supreme divine powers, UU look at the book www.uukanshu.com and crush him bravely.

Unwilling to fail, the Ice Spirit Ancestor invited three more friends, the Snow Demon Elder, the Dragon Exalted One and the Battle Emperor to come and help, all at the late stage of the Spiritual Grade.

The three of them joined forces to surround the Martial Ancestor with the intention of expelling him from the ancestral land of the Ice Spirit Clan.

Martial Ancestor single-handedly to meet the three heavenly supremacy, one by one will be seriously injured, which coveted his wife's ghost of the war emperor, but also by its on the spot killed.

The ice spirit clan, which was beaten by the martial ancestor, could only watch as the martial ancestor took away the ice spirit tablet, the sacred object of the clan, and then floated away.

Although the strength of the ice spirit tribe has declined in recent years, but it is also one of the famous ancient groups in the great world, can be described as a deep heritage.

However, this is such an ancient clan, but by the Wu ancestor alone to break through the clan, the clan's old ancestor ice spirit old ancestor, along with the three heavenly supreme friends it invited to help the battle, but also by its decisive power to crush.

Lin Dong can be said to be stepping on the ice spirit race this ancient race, stepping on the ice spirit old ancestor and other four old sky supreme fame in one battle, completely famous in the great world!

The Land of the Far South, Martial Realm.

"The Ice Spirit Tablet? How did you bring it back? All Ice Spirit Clan royal bloodlines have a bit of true spirit left in it, which is the lifeblood of the Ice Spirit Clan."

Ying Huanhuan took the ancient blue tablet and looked at her lover rather surprised.

"The ice spirit old ancestor is insensitive, I want to exchange a supreme holy object for a bit of your true spirit, he refused, and invited three heavenly supreme beings to join forces to besiege me, so I will just grab the ice spirit tablet back, and put it in your place in the future."

"With the Ice Spirit Tablet in place, I'm not afraid that the Ice Spirit Clan won't come to bend you over in the future."

Lin Dong briefly introduced the trip.

"But I don't really want to be involved with that clan in any way."

The green-clad silhouette shook her head, long ice blue hair as if a waterfall cascading to the upright jade hips, cold and stunning.

"Huanhuan, it's time to change your mind."

"The glory of the ice spirit clan, which was frequently populated by immortal-grade masters, is long gone, and now the ice spirit clan does not even have a true immortal-grade masters, with only a late-stage spirit-grade ice spirit ancestor barely supporting the entire clan, and a few ordinary heavenly supreme beings who do not see eye to eye."

"If this continues, once the Ice Spirit Ancestor dies, the Ice Spirit tribe will fall out of the ranks of the ancient races and completely die out.

"So, why not take this opportunity to bring the entire Ice Spirit tribe into the palm of your hand, so that you can save the decline of the mother tribe, and have an additional full-fledged force under your command to serve. During the first heaven and earth war in the Tianxuan realm, you had countless strong people from both the human and demon races working for your Lord, so what's the harm in having another ice spirit tribe this time?"

Lin moved around the jade shoulders of the beauty, analyzing in detail.

"You have a point, but I'll have to think about it."

After a slight silence from the beautiful woman in his arms, he said softly.

"Good." Lin Dong laughed.

With his knowledge of this pillowman, Lord Ice Lord is most likely intended to be moved.


Back in the Martial Realm, after studying the structure of the Ice Spirit Tablet Lin Dong began to collect materials to prepare to build the Martial Realm's own Ice Spirit Tablet.

With his status as the Lord of the Martial Realm, he naturally does not need to do it himself.

In less than a day, the materials for refining an Immortal Saint were presented in front of the Martial Ancestor's case.

Get the material Lin Dong then closed, devote to build the martial realm martial monument.

This retreat is a full three months.

During its retreat, another explosive news came from the Great World.

In the extreme north, there is an endless fire domain of the Lord Yan emperor, because the fire spirit tribe is dissatisfied with its Yan emperor honorary name, so personally to the fire spirit continent, single-handedly on the fire spirit tribe, exchange of Yan one way, and set up a bet on the spot.

If he loses, he will lose his honorary title; if he wins, he will be allowed to pick a divine fire from the Fire Spirit tribe's treasure trove, and the self-respecting Fire Spirit tribe will agree.

And then, things got really bizarre.

Yan Di blocked the entrance of the ancestral land of the Fire Spirit tribe for three days and three nights, beating the ancient tribe without rival.

In desperation, the Fire Spirit tribe could only awaken the immortal ancestor who had lived for tens of thousands of years from his slumber, with the intention of driving away the Yan Di.

On the Fire Spirit Ancestor this immortal power, cultivation is still a late spirit of the Yan emperor does not show the slightest bit of fear, bravely meet and fight, and its fierce battle for seven days and seven nights.

Fire spirit old ancestor bottom card out, the town clan divine power will be a few abandoned continent burned into a piece of nothingness, but still can not hurt the Yan emperor a little, helplessly can only admit defeat.

Watching its pick away the fire spirit tribe a heritage of nearly 100,000 years of the town of the divine fire, and then dashing away, Yan Di has since become famous in one battle.

Before there is a martial ancestor single-handedly and angrily break into the ice spirit tribe, one person alone to fight the four heavenly ancestors.

Later, the Yan Emperor only on the fire spirit tribe, the spirit product across the immortal great power.

Therefore, some good people call this one ancestor and one emperor together as the twin heroes of the Great Thousand.

And because one is the extreme north of the land of endless fire domain of the Lord Yan Di, one is the extreme south of the land of martial realm of the Lord Wu Ancestor, so also known as the North Emperor South Ancestor.


"Teacher, this is the martial monument I mentioned to you before."

Lin Dong handed over the Immortal Absolute Saint it had just successfully refined.

Martial Tablet, Immortal Absolute Sacred Object.

The body is black, the shape of the ancient atmosphere, the material is not stone, not gold, not wood, thick and warm to the touch, it has a gold hook silver scratch the two blood red words "martial monument", faintly, with a stunning killing intent out of the body.

"Oh, this is the martial monument created by imitating the Ice Spirit Clan's Ice Spirit Monument? Now, we Martial Realm powerhouses don't have to be afraid of inexplicable body death anymore."

Green Pheasant took the lofty ancient monument and placed it in his hand to fondle it for a moment.

During this time, the green pheasant is not idle.

After recovering his cultivation, Qing Pheasant went up to the True Dragon clan, after receiving the inheritance, and fought a few fights in the ancestral land, playing the name of the Green Dragon King of the Tianxuan Dragon clan, and found nothing interesting, then quietly returned to the martial realm.

"Does the teacher know how it works?"

"Understood, first finish including the true spirits of the Earth Supreme and Heaven Supreme level powerhouses within the Martial Realm, and then gradually cover them to the Supreme level powerhouses. Leave this matter to me, I can complete the task in a month at most."

As the master of the Martial Ancestors, the Green Dragon King enjoys an extremely special status within the Martial Realm, and this matter is just the right thing to give to Qing Pheasant.

"Leave this matter to the teacher, and I can travel to the Far North with peace of mind."

Lin Dong laughed.

Yes, Lin Dong intended to run to the extreme north, and endless fire domain to reach a strategic alliance, smithing and pill refining, the combination of the two groups would have been insoluble existence.

Martial practitioners cultivate three things are: gongfu spiritual skills, pills and weapons.

Martial realm and endless fire domain has many heavenly supreme power sitting in the town, high grade techniques and spirit skills is certainly not lacking, while the martial realm hands a mega refining group, endless fire domain also has a mega pill refining group under the banner of effectiveness.

If the two families could combine, it would be a complementary win-win situation, meaning that the ecosystem of martial artists would reach a perfect closed loop, promoting the flourishing development of both forces.

The following day.

The Lord of the Martial Realm, Martial Ancestor, along with the second head of the Martial Realm, Lin Mink, the third head of the Martial Realm, Lin Yan, UU Look Book www. uukanshu. com and the head of the Spiritual Formation Department, the Lord of Space, and a host of other senior officials quietly left the Martial Realm and headed straight for the extreme north.


Extreme North Land, Red Flame Continent.

As one of the ten super continents of the Great World, the chaotic Red Flame Continent has no super power to fight here because it faces the front of the army of the extra-terrestrial evil race.

A year ago, the man named Emperor Yan suddenly descended on this continent with the lands of the Dou Qi Continent, unifying the Red Inferno Continent in the process and establishing the Endless Fire Domain.

Within this year, many strong people emerged under the Emperor Yan: Gu Ka'er, Queen Medusa, Gu Yuan, Candle Kun, Little Fairy, Green Scale, Pill Dust, Yun Yun and other Heavenly Supreme level strong people, helping him to completely stabilize the situation of the Red Inferno Continent.

In addition, it is heard that the endless fire domain has recently become more and more red-hot elixir business, by an enchanting beauty with the title of Queen of Gold is solely responsible.

Although the Queen of Gold's cultivation is only at the Supreme Realm, her achievements in the Shang One Dao are in no way weaker than those of the many old monsters of the Shang Continent, and it is said that she also maintains an ambiguous and ambiguous relationship with His Majesty Emperor Yan.

Yan Di City, Yan Di Palace.

Yan Di Palace, this magnificent temple group as a major landmark of the Endless Fire Domain, it is both the highest building of Yan Di City and the highest power center of Yan Di City and even the entire Endless Fire Domain.

Today, His Majesty the Yan Emperor, along with Medicine Dust, Ancient Lavender, Medusa and a host of other senior members of the Endless Fire Domain, appeared early on the vast jade platform in front of the Yan Emperor's Palace, seemingly waiting for something in silence.

Moreover, those mysterious visitors did not keep His Majesty the Yan Di waiting for long.


Not much time, a large space suddenly distorted, twenty or so obscure breath of the figure emerged one after another, the leader is a steely-faced black-clothed youth.

"Brother Lin, I haven't seen you for two years, how are you doing?"

The Yan Emperor saw the situation brightly and immediately led a group of top brass of the Endless Fire Domain to meet him.

"Xiao brother, I heard that you only discuss the fire spirit tribe, but also take away the fire spirit tribe precious to the town clan divine fire, it seems that this time the burning decision and cultivation to advance again, right?"

Lin Dong did not arch his hand to return the salute, but directly went forward and gave Xiao Yan a firm hug, laughing in his ear.

"Haha, really nothing can be hidden from Brother Lin, hasn't Brother Lin also advanced to the Immortal Grade realm? Speaking of which, I'm still a month behind Brother Lin."

Xiao Yan was slightly stunned, and then patted Lin Dong's back with force.

While an emperor and an ancestor were greeting each other, the top brass of both the Endless Fire Domain and the Martial Realm were curiously sizing each other up, after all, both sides would soon be allies.

For the purpose of Wu Ancestor's trip, the two sides of the senior management but know very well.

"Brother Lin, please come inside."

They exchanged pleasantries for a while and then stepped into the Yan Di Palace to meet.

The first day to meet is just a catch-up to warm up, the main thing on the next day, Lin Dong and his party stayed in the Yan Di Palace that night, but in the Yan Di City randomly strolled around.


Outside the towering 33rd floor of the Yan Di Palace, there is a green stone rooftop with a vast view, and several figures stand on top of the rooftop, looking down and bringing the whole giant city into view.

"Although the Endless Fire Domain was created a little later than my Martial Realm, the prosperity of the capital city is no less than that of my Shining City.

It seems that there are capable people under the command of Yandi."

A handsome, demon-like youth in green said with his shoulders clasped.

Late at night, Yan Di City is still brightly lit and bustling with activity.

"The internal affairs chief steward of the Endless Fire Domain is a great perfect earth supreme named Wind Venerable, Wind Venerable is the master uncle of Emperor Yan, I heard that in the lower realm, Wind Venerable has been managing the forces under his command for Emperor Yan, and is an incomparable internal affairs type talent."

On the side of the handsome man, a burly, pagoda-like man said back.

Since he just completed his marriage with the young clan leader of the Nine Lives Heavenly Cat clan, Huo Zhun, Lin Yan demon marshal is recently in the spring, so comfortable.

The only trouble is that the three royal clan chiefs of the Tiger clan who serve under his command annoy him all day long and strongly encourage him to marry a royal daughter from each of the three royal clans in order to appease the hearts of the three clans.

In Marshal Lin Yan Demon's opinion: what? If I don't marry the king's daughter of your three clans, the hearts of the three clans are restless? Is it because my fist is not hard enough?

Besides, the little wildcat at home if the launch of the crazy, he the pure-blooded dark tiger can not be subdued, all day long, you know marry, marry marry, marry a fart.

The little mink glanced at the red-faced third brother and was not jealous.

Because his decade-long love affair with Anran's little beauty is coming to an end, this young patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Sable clan is preparing to propose in the near future and upgrade from little sable to sable uncle.

"It's still Sister Xinlian who is great, Sister Xinlian is a military and political handful."

The person who spoke was a petite and delicate white dress beauty.

A slim body plain white dress, slender and soft body, three thousand green silk casually cloaked in the waist, a pair of large watery eyes did not deliberately discharge, but can make people inadvertently heart a hot.

Innocence reveals the sense of charm that makes countless male creatures go crazy, charming bones are made in heaven, a smile can make a person's mind drift.

As a clingy goblin, the young girl named Xinqing had to follow close behind wherever Lord Wuzu went on foreign affairs.

"But today, while hanging out in Yan Di City, I did hear some interesting rumors, are you interested in hearing them?"

Seeing that the gazes of all the people were attracted to herself, Xin Qing pursed her sexy red lips, revealing a smile that was enchanting to the extreme: "Emperor Yan and Lord Lin Dong are not very different in age, yet they have long been married and even gave birth to two bloodline children."

"The chief mothers of the Endless Fire Domain are the duo of Queen Medusa and Ancient Lavender."

"But this Emperor Yan is a flirt, although only two wives are married, but his relationship with the ambiguous confidante can be many."

"The most widely known is the Empress of Gold, who is in charge of the economic power of the entire Endless Fire Domain, and in addition to that, there are teachers and disciples, sisters, sisters, and even two distant cousins of her birth emperor clan."

"Although there is no blood relationship exists, but the wide range of its hunting is really amazing."

Saying that, Xin Qing's watery beautiful eyes intentionally glanced at someone.

"Tsk, it seems that this Emperor Yan of the Endless Fire Domain is quite flirtatious, and you are no match for Lin Dong."

The little mink gloated and laughed badly after hearing this.

Martial realm several official masters and mothers not a good one, there are not on the top it.

"How can't compare, this ingrate prefers mother and daughter ..."

A certain young girl's heart seems to sigh with sadness and joy.

It's just that Lord Lin Dong's glorious image must not be tarnished.

"Well, let's stop this topic, don't discuss Brother Xiao's personal matters, each go back to rest early, we have business to do tomorrow."

Lord Martial Ancestor waved his hand, and the men who had received orders came out in a line.

Within a short time, the large room was already empty.

Lin Dongwu, with his hand in the air, looked down at the brightly lit Yan Di City with a deep gaze.

"Lord Lin Dong, let the concubine serve you to bed~"

The delicate and titillating light smile fell, UU Look Book www.uukanshu.com沁人香风飘过, a bumpy and delicate body from the rear around Lin Dong.

"There's no rush, it's a long night."

Lin Dong's broad palm holding the good people around his waist that a pair of jade-like catkins, against the breeze, silently feel each other's temperature.


The following day, a formal meeting between the top brass of both sides took place.

On the matter of forming a strategic alliance, Lin Dong and Xiao Yan both just set a general tone, the rest of the many details are by the accompanying senior to talk, no harm done.

While the senior management was negotiating in detail item by item, an emperor and an ancestor were each holding a cup of fragrant tea and laughing in a side hall on the side of the main hall.

"Brother Xiao, since the Martial Realm and the Endless Fire Domain have successfully aligned, I will give you a great gift."

Lin Dong put down the cup, from the Qiankun bracelet to take out a treasure light overflowing light group.

"A few days ago, I went to the ice spirit tribe, the ice spirit ancestor will be their clan treasure ice spirit stele to send me, I will imitate the ice spirit stele refined two pieces of immortal supreme sacred objects, one is my martial realm martial stele, one is the one in front of you."

"It can collect the true spirits of thousands of strong people, to be ..."

Lin Dong pointed at the list-shaped treasure in Xiao Yan's hand and introduced it.

"Brother Lin, this is too heavy a gift."

Xiao Yan held the treasure, not to accept it, not to accept it.

He is the Grand Master of Immortal Elixir, a handful of resurrection methods crowned the endless fire domain, as long as there is a bit of true spirit left untouched, he can pull people out of the world of the dead.

Reasonably speaking, this supreme holy object is a perfect match with his resurrection method.

But then, the gift is too big, and it is not appropriate to accept it.

"Brother Xiao might as well accept it, the current Endless Fire Domain needs this."

Lin Dong waved his hand, meaning to point out.

"Good, this favor Xiao mou take down."

Xiao Yan is not a person who is dragging his feet, after arching his hand and hugging his fist to thank him, he simply accepted it, but in his heart he thought about how to return the respect to this buddy.

"If Brother Xiao sincerely wants to thank me, why don't you accompany me in a fight, Mister Lin has long wanted to spar with His Majesty the Yan Emperor."

Lin Dong seemed to see through Xiao Yan's thoughts and said with a smile.

"A fight? That's fine, and to be honest Xiao has exactly that intention."

Xiao Yan was slightly stunned by the words, and then he let out a loud laugh.

Once the news that an emperor and an ancestor were about to cut a deal broke out, the top brass of both sides who were discussing the details of the alliance immediately quit and ran over in unison to watch.

Not only the outside world that group of melon eaters, that is, they are also curious, this great thousand twin in the end is the northern emperor is stronger, or the southern ancestor is more prosperous.


The perimeter of the martial arts arena has been controlled by the Yan Di Palace Guard, a number of heavenly supreme powers have reported to stand below in a crowd-eating posture, while happily chatting about the sky, while gleefully watching the fight on stage.

The vast and endless empty platform, two great figures facing each other from a distance.

"Brother Xiao.

Let's point and shoot."

"Brother Lin, please."

When the great sun above the nine heavens arrived right above the people, the two people on the field with excellent poise moved at the same time.

"Imperial Seal Technique, Five Seals in One, Zhen!"

Xiao Yan's hand seals moved, and a series of dazzling arcane seal knots were instantly formed.

"Buzz off!"

Five energy crystal seal quickly fused into a palm-sized crystal handprint, as fast as lightning out of the hand, very small body but hidden under a terrifying wave of destruction.

"Great Heavenly Phoenix Seal, Heavenly Phoenix Subdue the World!

Lin moved the hands steeply together, ten fingers as if a flower butterfly jumped one after another, a hundred feet in size silver sky phoenix from behind its wings to fly, there are extreme and severe fluctuations emanating.


The alarming phoenix sounded, the silver heavenly phoenix fiercely a vibration of the wings, spread the pair of huge wings that cover the sky, aimed at the crystal handprint and impacted, gorgeous energy fireworks in mid-air burst.

"Dark Ancestral Symbol, Dark Great Realm!"

Only to see Lin Dong's gaze steeply condensed, a pair of ink eyes like a black hole deep dark, pupils rapidly rotating, as if the entire world of light are forcibly swallowed by it.

Darkness, endless darkness like a tidal wave from all sides swept the entire martial arts arena, caught in its existence will be completely lost perception, as headless flies fluttering around in the boundary.

"Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus, Explode!"

Before Lin Dong disguised as darkness to launch a silent surprise attack, the reaction is very fast Xiao Yan flicked his finger, a gorgeous fire lotus swept out.

The slowly rotating gorgeous fire lotus is beautiful and exquisite as if it were a work of art. Each petal of the fire lotus shows a different color, and each petal represents a powerful flame that upholds the will of heaven and earth.

The gorgeous fire lotus slowly rotates between the faint extreme amazing fluctuations constantly emitted, just a light glance, there will be a creepy sense of crisis.


As soon as the gorgeous fire lotus takes shape it shrinks rapidly inward and then bursts open with a bang.

In a flash, indescribably gorgeous flames swept out, the sky and earth were distorted, and the darkness created by Lin Dong with the Dark Ancestral Symbol was instantly evaporated!

"Eight Extremes of Collapse! One hundred and twenty-eight dark energy! Explosion!!!"

In the heaven and earth to restore light at the same time a moment, a fierce to indescribable horror of the dark energy has been bursting the air, shattering the void, quietly and soundly to Lin Dong's empty door wide open back.

"Haha, good timing! Ancestral Symbol of the Flood, the power of the flood!"

Lin moved is not retreating but advancing, white skin under the vague with a rich purple gold light flickering madly, to the pure flesh of the body to hit and on the reverse.


Deafening roar resounded through the world, a circle of power ripples from the center of the battle crazy and spread, a large area of the void for the collapse.

The two, who had taken a hard blow with pure flesh, took this opportunity to separate.

"Be still!"

In the moment when the two were shaken back by the huge recoil, the attack of one of them had swept in again.


As soon as the words were spoken, an exceptionally mysterious invisible fluctuation surged out from the Mud Pill Palace at his brow, heading straight for His Majesty the Yan Emperor.

"Three thousand thunderbolts!"

Faint thunder sounded through, the body was surrounded by silver sinuous electric snakes black-robed figure, in the void constantly shuttled.

Lost the target of the invisible fluctuations like a headless fly, in mid-air for a few moments, and finally unwillingly dissipated and open.

"Brother Lin, how could Mister Xiao not notice such bizarre means since he last saw your Stillness God sign?"

A soft laugh came from the lightning in the sky.

"Yellow Spring Heavenly Fury!"

Xiao Yan, whose body emerged a thousand feet away, steeply closed his long and large hands.


The vast sea of majestic soul power instantly surged out, the speed of light in its wake into a solid-like 100-foot giant.


Xiao Yan look solemnly spit out a byte, standing behind it soul giant mouth slightly open, followed by the sky roar.

A word out of the mouth, a near-destructive huge sound wave impact ton to Lin Dong lightning-like straight swept away, where space collapsed.

"Oh, UU look at the book www. uukanshu.com divine spirit attack?"

Lin Dong saw a raised eyebrow, not slow said: "Space ancestral talisman, space replacement!"


The next moment, the space suddenly distorted, Lin Dong's figure bizarrely disappeared, while the distant attack Xiao Yan was instantly replaced over, standing in the same place.

The two were bizarrely replaced!

"Well, that fluctuation just now was ..."

Xiao Yan, who had been replaced by the Spatial Ancestral Symbol, murmured with interest as a trace of dismay flashed above his ink eyes.

Surprisingly, he did not dodge, allowing the huge storm of sound waves to cover him.


The next moment, the sky storm swept to, "Xiao Yan" into a silver thunder mane quietly collapsed in the sound wave sea.

Three Thousand Thunder Illusion Body!

"Flame-Dividing Wave-Devouring Ruler!"

Xiao Yan himself held an oddly shaped black ruler and slashed down brazenly, a ruler fell, the mysterious lines on the Xuan Iron Heavy Ruler lit up in turn, and a shining red mane slid over against the tip of the ruler.


The sound of waves surging in heaven and earth resounded, showing the extreme gorgeous color of the bear emperor inflammation into a sky of ruler shadow swept out.

Under one foot, space burns.

"Taiqing Touring Heaven Step!"

Before the arrival of the monstrous fire curtain, Lin Dong has stepped on the arcane pace, his body indistinctly in mid-air into a sky of residual shadows, such as the exiled immortal-like floating, outsiders simply can not capture its own location, instantly disappeared in place.

"Great Star Gang Fist!"

The imposing figure stood in the air, his hands lightly closed, lightning-like changes in the seal knot, the fog diffused, an ancient huge gray star rose rapidly behind him.

It has a different kind of palpitating feeling when the surface is pitted.

Summoned the gray star Lin Dong, raised his hand is a fist smashed out, get a huge boost of gray star instantly from the extremely still to extremely dynamic, dragging a long gray tail flame rumbling down.

"Huh, the incarnation of the power of the supreme Yang? It's a bit interesting."

Xiao Yan gave a light eek and his right foot stomped lightly in the void: "Five Spirits Present!"

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

A mangled beast roar, five different forms of fire spirits straight out of the void, the breath of each fire spirit reached the level of the Heavenly Supreme!

"Five rounds of the fire disk, condense!"

Five fire spirits stand in accordance with a specific position, a long whistle, immediately began to accelerate the rotation, faintly, a huge incomparable five-color mill emerged.


As Xiao Yan raised his arm and pointed, the glazed fire disk, which was a thousand feet long, shook abruptly and accelerated towards the ancient gray star.

Between the rapid rotation of the glazed fire disk, the gray stars were worn out in a circle.

"Brother Xiao, let's decide the winner in one blow, if we keep fighting like this, we won't be able to finish the fight even if we fight for another seven days and seven nights."

In the midst of a stunning energy storm, the

A voice came faintly.

An emperor and an ancestor of these two from the lower plane to break the space of the great pride of heaven, all have great fortune in the body, carrying many astounding martial arts, the bottom of the box means do not know several mortal.

If this fight continues, I'm afraid I can fight until I die.

"Good, one blow to determine the winner, the following let brother Lin see the dao crystals born in the emperor's inflammation."

Xiao Yan gladly agreed after hearing this and pointed his finger in the air, "Emperor Yan Binding Demon Rope!"

The light chant fell, a wisp of extreme gorgeous color of the monstrous rage inflammation suddenly from the void surge out, directly into a present extreme gorgeous color of the inflammation rope, gorgeous inflammation rope above the flashing dense golden runes, obscure abnormal.


That presents the extreme splendid color of the inflammation rope as soon as the formation, immediately pierced through the void, mixed with an obscure incomparable fluctuations set towards Lin Dong.

"Brother Xiao's Way of the Emperor's Inferno, Lin has been longing for it."

Lin Dong's face is pleased, a crystal like jade long slender hand not slow from the wide sleeve robe out, and then lightly pressed down.

"Eight talisman hands!"

A lofty hand that covered the sky and the sun fiercely probed out of the void, its eight-colored runes lit up one after another, in the ancient mood of the king of heaven and earth, suppressing the heavens, rather roughly hit on the gorgeous Yan rope.

The two tacitly agreed not to use group wide range attacks, nor did they move their bodies to represent the ultimate power of the Supreme Dharma body, this is after all just a regular sparring session.


The two, representing the crystallization of the two supreme heavenly powers, collided with a bang.

There is no earth-shattering roar, and no astonishing visions covering the entire world, there are only two colors that intermingle and erode silently.

Collide, erode, wither... Eventually wither.

The Emperor's Inferno Demon Binding Rope and the Eight Talisman Hands, almost at the same moment, dissipated and disappeared.

Seeing this scene of the two supreme heavenly pride in unison fell, this hand, there is no longer the need to continue the fight.

Those Heavenly Supreme Powers who had witnessed a stunning duel stood up contentedly and swept towards the field.

"Brother Lin, how about not settling for a draw like this already?"

Xiao Yan, who had landed on the ground, said with a preemptive arch.

"Just as Brother Xiao said, these are all minor matters."

Lin Dong waved his hand, indicating that he did not care, and the conversation turned: "Can Brother Xiao lend me the weapon that he drove during the battle just now?"

"What's wrong with that?"

Xiao Yan's palm flipped, and a strangely shaped ancient ruler suddenly surfaced.

Ancient ruler body pitch black, large size, several half adult size, the ruler is carved with a dense arcane pattern, spreading to the handle, the appearance is quite mysterious.

Extremely strong and heavy, when the hand has an extreme hot intention to come, and has the secret effect of suppressing the spiritual power in the body.

"This ruler is called the Xuan Iron Heavy Ruler, which is secretly made from extra-terrestrial meteorite iron, and was given by my master, Medicine Dust, when Xiao first entered the martial arts. After Xiao became an emperor, and gathered a group of the top refining masters of the Dou Qi Continent to upgrade it."

"Naive Dou Qi continent's refining level is a bit worse than the level of pill refining, only to raise to the level of high-grade holy object and then difficult to continue. After arriving at the Great Thousand, by coincidence, Xiao elevated it to the level of the ultimate holy object, which is the current state."

As Lin Dong observed the Xuan Iron Heavy Ruler, Xiao Yan introduced it as such.

"Barely a spiritual primary Jedi holy object, compared to the cultivation of brother Xiao is a bit behind, I came to help to upgrade it once, more than dare not say, upgrade to immortal intermediate Jedi holy object should not be a big problem."

Lin Dong flicked his finger on the ruler, a low buzzing sound came out.

That's right, he is currently a mid-immortal grade Spiritual Weapon Grand Master.

"Brother Lin is a big problem for me, just gave me an immortal supreme holy object, and want to upgrade my weapon, let me think carefully ..."

This time, UU look at the book www.uukanshu.com萧炎倒没有直接应下, but a moment of slight contemplation.

"Teacher, that Immortal High Grade Dan recipe that was newly obtained in the domain recently, if the two of us, teacher and disciple, join hands to refine it, we should be 70% sure, right?"

Xiao Yan suddenly turned around and looked at one of the senior members of the Endless Fire Domain.

The person whom His Majesty Yan Di respectfully calls his teacher is a white-robed, white-haired old man standing on his hands, with an old face, but an upright body, unusually kind, and a pair of deep eyes full of spiritual light color that have undergone many changes.

Master of the Emperor of Yan, Pill Dust!

Don't look at the pharmacist seems very old, but old and strong.

According to gossip reports, Lord Pill Dust in the endless fire domain opened up, the first thing he did is to pick up the two old lovers in the lower realm, everywhere openly spreading dog food to show love, even his good friend Wind Venerable did not have this treatment.

View this frame, the old tree blossoms, the old coming of the child what, no problem at all.

"I'm an early Xiantian grade, you're a mid Xiantian grade, and with the help of the Imperial Flame, refining an Imperial Pill of high Xiantian grade should not be a big problem."

Pill Dust replied after a brief pause.

"Brother Lin, when you come out, Xiao has a furnace of Dragon and Phoenix Heavenly Dignity Pill to offer."

Xiao Yan arched his hand and said.

In the past, he was the Emperor Yan to take pills to smash people, but today he met a treasure to smash him, there is no choice, the Emperor Yan can only enlarge the move.

"Dragon and Phoenix Heavenly Dignity Pill, Immortal High Grade Imperial Pill, can raise the spiritual power level of the Heavenly Supreme, the Western Heavenly War Emperor at the peak of Immortal realm in the original story also coveted this pill."

A glimpse of information automatically surfaced in Lin Dong's mind and he laughed lightly, "In that case, it's me who has taken advantage."

"I also hope that Brother Lin will not resist in any way, please come with me."

Xiao Yan smiled without refusal and directly led the people down to rest.


In a short time, a Heavenly Supreme from the Endless Fire Domain came and sent the divine materials needed to raise the Xuan Iron Heavy Ruler to Lin Dong, who then closed his door.

Xiao Yan joined forces with his teacher, Medicine Dust, to refine the Immortal Advanced Imperial Dan Dragon Phoenix Heavenly Dignity Dan.

And the Lord of Space began to set up cross-continental ultra-long-distance space transmission spiritual array.

Before leaving, the Lord of Space had left a secondary disk in the Martial Realm, and being in the Endless Fire Domain, he only needed to activate the spatial coordinates to successfully set up the teleportation array linking the two places.

The extreme south to the extreme north of the land between almost half of the great world, a one-way trip can easily take two or three months, or even longer.

In the future, the travel between the Martial Realm and the Endless Fire Domain no longer needs to travel through a continent, the ultra-long-distance transmission array is the gateway between the two.

A month later, Lin Dong and Xiao Yan simultaneously succeeded and left customs.

As a token of appreciation for Lin Dong's elevation of the Xuan Iron Heavy Ruler to an Immortal Absolute Saint, Xiao Yan presented three Dragon and Phoenix Heavenly Dignity Pills, and for a moment the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

With the finalization of the negotiations, the two superpowers formally formed a strategic alliance.

Martial realm with the twenty or so strong people stay in the endless fire domain, the formation of martial realm in the endless fire domain branch, endless fire domain also has a group of strong people returned to the martial realm with Lin Dong and his party, the formation of endless fire domain in the martial realm branch.

Responsible for the exchange and sharing of two resources.


Returning to the martial realm, Lin Dong received a message that the ice spirit tribe senior visit.

"The Ice Spirit Clan? Tsk, they are smart, declare them over. Also, go and invite the Ice Lord here, say that there is an important matter for her."

Lin Dong heard the endurance, where still do not understand what the ice spirit tribe wants to do.

"Yes, my Lord!"

Crouching under the throne, the Heavenly Dragon Demon Marshal lightly hammered his chest with his right fist and retreated with orders.

Shortly after the ice lord arrived, the ice spirit old ancestor would slowly step into the hall with several ice spirit clan executives trembling.

"Old Ancestor, it's been a long time, what's so important about coming to my Martial Realm today?"

Above the Dark Throne, Lord Martial Ancestor knowingly asked.

As an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years, the old ice spirit ancestor does not know what the face is, first happily bowed to Lin Dong, and then looked at the ice blue silhouette standing on the side of Lin Dong.

The silhouette is graceful, beautiful face, no sadness, no joy, white brow with an ice blue ancient seal floating, like a god overlooking all life.

The spiritual power cultivation level is actually the same as its average, also the late spiritual grade Heavenly Supreme!

"Good pure king bloodline, its purity is afraid to have been infinitely close to my clan's second generation ancestor ..."

The ice spirit old ancestor just gently look on, the bloodline in the body even vaguely followed by cheering up, the heart can not help but astonished.

"Dare I ask if your Excellency is Lord Ice Lord?"

Looking at this silhouette, which was the same as the figure inside the Ice Spirit Tablet, the Ice Spirit Old Man carefully arched his hand and said.


The Lord of Ice gently nodded his head, as if ten thousand years of glacier-like cold ice.

But in the ice spirit clan strongman, this is definitely his ice spirit royal style, the heart of its resistance but quietly melted a lot, the gaze also brought some affinity.

With a wink from the ice spirit ancestor, the ice spirit clan chief, that spirit grade middle heavenly supremacy gritted his teeth, as if to death, stood out and said.

"I as the ice spirit clan chief deeply shallow ability, during my tenure clan power successive decay, I fear that can not be competent for the position of clan chief, so I intend to formally retire to cultivate."

"Lord Ice Lord, as the royal bloodline of my clan, with ancient bloodline, superb cultivation and high virtue, I would like to ask you to assume the position of my clan chief, to save my clan from falling, to help the building to fall, and to revive the ancient glory of my clan."

Speaking of this, the flushed ice spirit clan chief bowed to the end.

Damn, he finally knew if the matriarch of the Martial Realm assumed the position of patriarch, then he, the original patriarch should do, roll up and leave!

At this moment, the ice spirit clan chief's heart was undoubtedly broken.

"I also ask the Ice Lord to have mercy on the mother clan and assume the position of our clan chief!"

Inside the hall, all the ice spirit race powerhouses bowed their hands in unison and worshiped.

Looking down to worship a ground of the mother clan visitors, the ice Lord Lord of the pair of incomparably cold ice blue beautiful eyes finally fluctuate a little, she subconsciously looked at her husband.

"Huanhuan, no matter what decision you make, you have my full support."

Lord Martial Ancestor smiled and said so.

Ying Huanhuan's heart is warm, the beautiful face emerged a soft smile.

"Want me to assume the position of ice spirit clan chief? Yes. But I'll say it up front, what I want is not a puppet to be elevated by you, but a real leader of a clan with real power in his hands, and reform is imperative."

"If anyone dares to go against the law, then the Martial Realm doesn't mind cleansing the Ice Spirit Clan up and down once more, until you are completely obedient."

Just when a group of ice spirit tribe strong people maintained the bowing posture, unusually apprehensive, a cold and unquestionable euphonious voice came from above the heads of all of them.

Hearing this, the hearts of the people can not help but rejoice, where still do not understand the deep meaning of the words of this martial realm matriarch, not afraid that you want the right, but afraid that you do not take the bait.

"We see the Lord Patriarch!"

"We see the Lord Patriarch!"


In the next moment, the sound of neat and unified worship resounded in the hall in a vast manner.

"Lord Ice Lord, as the head of our clan, it is the right thing to do to take charge of our clan's greatest treasure, the Ice Spirit Tablet, which is the ancestral system. In addition, the clan will immediately send two Heavenly Supremacy and a large number of strong people to serve under your command."

Just getting up, the ice spirit ancestor couldn't wait to say.

As he previously thought that the war emperor has the posture of the holy product, it is bent on investing in the war emperor, since the decision to turn their backs on the martial realm, then simply do a thorough, two-faced is not a big deal.

"Binghe, you also stay in the Martial Realm and assist the Lord Clan Chief in the affairs of the clan."

The next sentence of the ice spirit ancestor, the original ice spirit clan chief immediately suffered a 10,000-point blast, can only humiliatingly forced to hold back tears to answer yes. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com


A few days later.

The Martial Realm and the Ice Spirits jointly issued a statement saying

The original Ice Spirit clan chief abdicated and invited the Martial Realm matriarch, Ice Lord Ying Huanhuan, an exiled member of the Ice Spirit clan's royal family, to assume the position of the clan's chief.

When such news came out, it caused quite a stir in the great world.

A booming emerging power, a declining ancient race, the combination between the two is a shock to the ground eyeballs.

Many people cursed the ice spirit old ancestor this guy shameless skin, just been beaten, licking his face to defect at the same time, but also can not help but feel the ice spirit tribe vision is not bad.

The Lord of the Martial Realm, Martial Ancestor, cultivated for less than thirty years, is already an Immortal Grade Heavenly Supreme plus an Immortal Grade Spiritual Weapon Grand Master, and his future achievement is at least a Saint Grade Great Power.

The ice spirit clan is hugging the big leg in advance!

Airtight quiet room.

The magnificent figure sitting on the futon took out a jade bottle and opened it with his hand.

The bottom of the rouge jade bottle, is quietly lying a dragon eye size round pill, the body is as clear as crystal, the rich Dan Qi even penetrate the pill, in its circumference into a dragon and phoenix flying visions.

Lin Dong just gently sniffed on a mouthful, immediately felt the body rushing majestic spiritual power and obviously grew a trace, the spirit of one of the.

Immortal High Grade Imperial Pill, Dragon and Phoenix Heavenly Dignity Pill!

"Intermediate Immortal Grade, break through!"

Lin Dong held his breath and collected his spirit, swallowed the Dragon and Phoenix Heavenly Dignity Pill into his belly, and the rolling torrent of energy surged out from his limbs and bones as if it were a rushing sea, and swept back towards the Supreme Sea in his abdomen.

The breakthrough, officially begins!


More than twenty days later, Lin Dongcheng came out of the gate.

At the same time, Martial Realm received an invitation from the Great Thousand Palaces.

The Great Thousand Palace, the immortal great emperor of the great thousands of ancient times in order to resist the invasion of extra-terrestrial evil, created a worldwide alliance organization, uniting all the forces that can be united.

After the demonic plague subsided, the Great Thousand Palaces still existed.

Only, the Lord of the Palace has been vacant.

Its current leader is a Saint Grade Power, revered as the Chief Elder, who still leads a huge army of Demon Slayers to suppress all over the Great Thousand.

The main force is concentrated in the extreme west of the Holy Abyss continent, directly facing the extra-territorial army's front, of course, other regions also have the existence of the Great Thousand Palace branch.

As for the headquarters, the headquarters of the Great Thousand Palaces is inside a holy and top-notch sacred object called "Great Thousand Palaces", which floats in the void everyday, living in no fixed place.

Wherever there is a serious demonic disaster outbreak, the "Great Thousand Palaces" will appear.

According to the custom, all Heavenly Supreme Powers of the Great Thousand Worlds will automatically become the guest secretaries of the Great Thousand Palaces, and the Saintly Powers will become elders.

In times of peace, it is not used; in times of war, it is necessary to accept the draft.

Martial realm and endless fire domain, the opening of the two super powers, the territory of the two-digit number of heavenly supreme power to suppress the bottom, it is only natural to attract the attention of the Great Thousand Palace.

This is not the case, the Great Thousand Palace ground to the martial realm politely sent an invitation, said the martial realm side whether they are willing to let the subordinate heavenly supremacy to register as the Great Thousand Palace in the register of the guest secretary.

For one, the status of the guest of the Great Thousand Palace is higher than that of even an ordinary ancient clan elder.

Furthermore, the extra-terrestrial evil clan is still eyeing on the side, the Great Thousand Palace is the only world organization that leads the Great Thousand Worlds to resist the demon plague, to be able to accept its invitation is recognition, is also an honor, but also a responsibility.

Therefore, generally speaking, the Heavenly Supremacy who received the invitation would gladly accept it.

Lin Dong naturally will not refuse, originally intended to point a strong person in the territory at random to go to the Holy Abyss continent to submit information, the extreme north of the land of that Emperor Yan sent another invitation, said he intended to go to the Holy Abyss continent to stroll, asked Lin Dong whether there is interest.

Lord Wuzu thought about it and still obeyed His Majesty Emperor Yan.


The Ancient Sacred Abyss of the Far West, also known as the Sacred Abyss Continent.

It is an ancient battlefield derived from a lower realm in the ancient times, and it was one of the main battlegrounds between the Great Thousand Worlds and the extra-terrestrial evil race in the ancient times.

Both sides had invested nearly ten Saint Grade Heavenly Supremacy powers and dozens of Heavenly Supremacy powerhouses here, and eventually the Great Thousand World side repelled the attack of the Extra-terrestrial Evil Race at the cost of losing four Saint Grade Heavenly Supremacy powers and more than twenty Heavenly Supremacy powers.

So far, the ancient Sacred Abyss is still one of the front lines of the confrontation between the Great Thousand and the extra-terrestrial evil race, where the Great Thousand Palace set up the Sacred Abyss branch to suppress the frontier.

The vast and barren plain is endlessly crimson, seemingly blood-stained red, endlessly killing and mangled gas filled the world.

On top of the thousand-foot peak, a long and slender figure sat in a circle.

"The Way of Space is really a supreme tool for hurrying."

Light laugh fell, a gorgeous emperoritis rush from the void crashed out, emperoritis wriggling and rising between, transformed into a handsome youth with a dashing temperament.

"Brother Xiao, has the Endless Fire Domain also received an invitation from the Great Thousand Palaces?"

Lin Dong, who was waiting here, directly rose up with a long body.

"Isn't Brother Lin's martial realm as well? Since the Great Thousand Palaces have graciously invited us, why not just come to the Sacred Abyss Division for a look, I heard that this is the forefront of the confrontation. The army of the extra-terrestrial evil clan across the land of my extreme north has not moved in the slightest, so boring."

His Majesty Emperor Yan, who had hurriedly arrived, said with a smile.

"Good, let's go to the Sacred Abyss Division first to submit the information of the Heavenly Supremacy within the territory."

"Well, depart."

An emperor and an ancestor met after a little small talk two, in unison, disappeared in the same place.

Sacred Abyss Continent, Sacred Abyss City.

The black pavilion in the center of the city, which is a thousand feet high, is the Great Thousand Palace's Saint Abyss Division's residence, the Great Thousand Building, which is one of the two great sights along with the Demon Punishment List.

The joint visit of an emperor and an ancestor obviously frightened the receptionist.

Soon, the Great Thousand Building Master of the Sacred Abyss Division arrived in a hurry.

It's not that the Great Thousand Palace does not have immortal powers sitting in the town, on the contrary there are many.

Just arrived at the immortal level of this level of the sky to the great power, most of the hidden around the submerged cultivation, when there are important tasks will move out, rarely appear in the outside world.

Such institutions as the Great Thousand House, the Earth Supreme Level Demon Punishers are the mainstream.

"Lu Tong, owner of the Great Thousand Building of the Sacred Abyss Division, has met His Excellency Martial Ancestor and Yan Emperor."

Inside the VIP room, a grey-clothed old man-like Spiritual Heavenly Supremacy bowed to Lin Dong and the two of them without condescension, and then said curiously.

"Your Excellencies are usually suppressing the Great Thousand Extremes and seldom travel outside, so why are you suddenly visiting my branch of the Sacred Abyss today? Well, if it is not convenient to answer, I will take it as a surprise."

Although Lu Tong is only a Spiritual Grade Heavenly Supreme, but the Great Thousand Palace status is superb, with its Great Thousand Palace divisional leader's identity, is not really much worse than the two.

"What's so convenient about it? The headquarters of the Great Thousand Palaces extended an invitation to our two families, and we couldn't find the Great Thousand Palaces hidden in the void, so we came to walk around the Sacred Abyss branch that suppresses the Land of the Extreme West."

"One, to submit all the information of the Heavenly Supremacy in the domain. Secondly, it is our intention to register a Demon Punisher for fun."

Lin Dong cheerfully replied.

"So that's how it is, two of your Excellencies are visiting together, I thought there was something big going on in the Sacred Abyss Continent recently."

Lu Tong listened with a sigh of relief, took the information submitted by the two immortal greats themselves, and ordered the attendant to fetch two Demon Punishing Orders to complete the registration for them personally.

Within a short time, two low-level demon slayers were freshly made.

"Low-level demon slayer to intermediate level need one thousand demon slaying points, UU look at the book www.uukanshu.com intermediate level to senior level need two thousand points, senior level to the...demon slaying points can be exchanged in my Great Thousand Palace's spiritual pills and treasures and even gongfa spiritual skills and magic, and each level of the Supreme Dharma body."

Lu Tong said the introduction.

But the two big brothers are showing a disinterested look, Lu Tong immediately reacted, damn, an Immortal Elixir Grand Master, an Immortal Spiritual Weapon Grand Master, people still do not see the Great Thousand Palace this three melons and two dates.

"That is to say, as long as one Heavenly Demon Emperor or twenty Xuan Demon Emperors are taken out, one can directly achieve Demon Punishing King from Low Level Demon Punishing Master."

"Yes extremely, extremely, Master Lu, you don't need to mind us, the two of us will play in the Ancient Sacred Abyss for a few days and then go back."

An emperor and an ancestor smiled and looked at each other, and disappeared in unison.

"Abortive life, the great thousand twin males actually intend to do what in the old man this holy abyss continent ..."

Lu Tong's heart faintly rose a hint of bad premonition.

This is a fragmented world, the world is filled with an ancient and pale aura, faintly, can even smell a trace of ancient cataclysmic residue of the killing and fury of the aura and the sky.

This is the core of the Ancient Sacred Abyss, a dangerous place where one may encounter extra-terrestrial evil powerhouses at any time, and the main place where the Demon Punishers hunt.


Space suddenly distorted, an emperor and an ancestor quietly appeared here.

"Does Brother Lin have a plan? It's easy to become a Senior Demon Punisher, just kill a Phantom Demon Emperor."

"It's just that this is the front line of the canine, the extra-terrestrial evil race that appears here are all small shrimps, if you want to kill the extra-terrestrial evil race kings, you will have to travel through the temporal storm and penetrate deep into the hinterland of the extra-terrestrial evil race."

Xiao Yan's eyes swept across this odd heaven and earth with interest.

"Brother Xiao, do you know the foreign devil race that has invaded my Tianxuan realm? The foreign devil army that invaded my Tianxuan realm back then was a large branch of the foreign devil race among the extra-terrestrial evil races, and the frontier of the foreign devil race is just across the street, so I plan to destroy it by hand."

Extraterritorial evil clan in a strict hierarchy, only the Heavenly Demon Emperor sitting in the town of evil clan can be called thirty-two clans, with the Xuan Devil Emperor sitting in the town of evil clan known as the old big clan, only the You Devil Emperor sitting in the town of evil clan can only be considered a small clan.

A party without a demon emperor sitting in the evil tribe, not even the qualifications to enter the Hall of Ten Thousand Devils.

The foreign devil clan is such a small clan, the clan leader is a primary stage ghost devil emperor, equivalent to the great thousand side of the spirit of the day supreme, in the extraterrestrial evil clan status is very low.

Under the patriarch, there are several demon kings whose strength is comparable to half-step heavenly supremacy, each leading a part of the power of the foreign demon race, divided into a town.

The foreign devil emperor who invaded the Tianxuan Plane was one of the military leaders of the foreign devil race.

The discovery of the birth of a dimensional fetus in the Tianxuan realm, the first reaction of the foreign devil emperor is to block the news, their own benefits, not to mention informing the extra-terrestrial evil clan big clan, even its mother clan foreign devil clan has not been informed.

Then foolishly fought for tens of thousands of years also did not fight down, and eventually died.

If the Iso-Devil Emperor could call the Iso-Devil clan leader back then, the Tianxuan realm has long since fallen under the claws of the devil, the realm seal of the Talisman Ancestor absolutely can not stop a real Phantom Devil Emperor, which there is nothing later Martial Ancestor.

Until later Wu Zu entered the great world, the achievement of the holy power, the town of the extreme south, with itself as a barrier to stop the extra-terrestrial evil army, repeatedly bad its good, its location of the Tianxuan realm is slowly dug out by the opponents.

The top level of the extra-territorial evil tribe took a look, what kind of bullshit did this foreign devil tribe call?

Within the Hall of Ten Thousand Devils, the Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor, the chief of the Thirty-two Great Clans of the Extra-terrestrial Evil Clan, severely reprimanded the then chief of the Alien Demon Clan.

By a heavenly devil emperor big brother reprimanded in front of the face, the alien devil clan chief this little ghost devil emperor in the trembling at the same time, the heart can not help but curse: the alien devil emperor this guy fortunately died early, otherwise he must slap it to death.

Even if you don't get the meat, you have to take the blame for him, what a world!

The ancestral land of the Fey Demon Race is just outside the Land of the Far West, and this is the main reason why Lin Dong visited the Sacred Abyss Continent.

As the saying goes, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

If you, Fey Demon Emperor, dare to invade my Tianxuan Plane, I will go and dig up your ancestral grave.

"Exterminate the foreign devil race? Good point, around only a handful of small clans with only one Phantom Demon Emperor sitting in the town, exterminate just right."

"I just don't know if we have the chance to hunt two Xuan Devil Emperors one by one, one is five thousand points, and if we gather ten thousand Demon Punishing Points, we can be promoted to Demon Punishing King. Well, it seems that since the opening of the Great Thousand Palaces, there hasn't been a Demon Punishing King born."

As a close friend of the Martial Ancestor, Xiao Yan was certainly aware of the existence of the Fey Demon race.

"It's a bit difficult, the Heavenly Demon Emperor-level powerhouses of the Extra-terrestrial Evil Race are not fools, and after discovering our existence, they will definitely come to surround us."

"But it does not matter, I am in charge of the spatial ancestral talisman, ordinary Heavenly Demon Emperor simply can not find our traces, if you can not fight, the big deal is to run back."

"Let's go, let's go."

Lin moved a wave of sleeve robes, immediately body into a silver vortex will Xiao Yan swallowed, straight across the extra-territorial evil race frontier and go.

For him, the temporal storm that enveloped the entire core of the Ancient Sacred Abyss, on the contrary, was somewhat like a fish in water.


In the next three months, the names of Lin Dong and Xiao Yan completely stirred the entire Great Thousand Palace Sacred Abyss Division and the Sacred Abyss Continent.

On the Demon Punisher Tablet, the same low-level Demon Punisher, they first rose to the middle-level Demon Punisher area at light speed, but overnight they managed to advance to the high-level Demon Punisher area.

And then the ranking in the senior demon exorcist area rose wildly, and soon crossed the top of the list and tied for first place. While pulling out the second place by a tremendous number of points, their demon exorcism points were still in the midst of a crazy rise, approaching 10,000 points extremely quickly.

In many demon-executing division have speculated, this emperor an ancestor will become the great thousand palace since the establishment of the palace in the ancient years of the first demon-executing king when, the top of the list of the two names quietly transformed into purple and gold color.

The Demon Slayer, Lin Dong!

Demon Slayer, Xiao Yan!

Inside Sacred Abyss City.

"So, the playfulness that these two excellencies are talking about is running across to the hinterland of the extra-terrestrial evil race frontier to have some fun?"

Looking at the glowing Demon Punisher Monument, the owner of the building Lu could not help but fall into contemplation.

So, what exactly did the First Emperor and the First Ancestor do these three months?

After stowing away to the extra-territorial evil race frontier, first sneaking into the territory of the foreign devil race, blocking the perimeter with the Qiankun ancient formation, and joining forces to slaughter the entire race of the foreign devil race.

And then, while the real strength of the extra-terrestrial evil race has not yet reacted, the Xuan Devil Emperor (Immortal) level of strength to start a crazy hunt, the two before and after a total of nine Xuan Devil Emperors killed, the strongest of which is the Yan Devil tribe's patriarch.

The Inferno Demon tribe, as the strength of the ancient great tribe second only to the extra-terrestrial evil tribe thirty-two great tribe, its patriarch is a peak Xuan Devil Emperor, only one step away from the Heavenly Devil Emperor.

Such a peak power walking in the Inflammation Dao, but by the ruling Emperor Yan Yan and ruling Flame Ancestral Symbols of the Martial Ancestor teamed up to abuse and kill.

This tragic battle situation, UU look book www.uukanshu.com immediately alarmed the entire extraterritorial evil tribe senior.

For tens of thousands of years, it has always been the evil clansmen from outside the realm sneaking into the Great World to cause trouble, when is it the turn of the rats of the Great World to sneak into their hinterland and wreak havoc?

The first to react was a Heavenly Demon Emperor sitting in a nearby frontier.

As a result, this Heavenly Demon Emperor had just arrived at the Inferno Demon tribe when he was severely injured by an emperor and an ancestor who had set up an ambush in advance, and managed to jump out of the encirclement before the several chiefs of the 32 great tribes who had heard of the attack closed in, and then slipped away.

The scared and angry Heavenly Demon Emperors can only look at the temporal storm helpless.

For one thing, the world laws of the opposite great world are suppressed to a great extent.

Secondly, God knows whether there is a plural bit of the great thousands of holy products squatting in ambush on the opposite side.

If it were not a critical juncture, both sides would not dare to penetrate easily into the enemy's territory, well, except for that one emperor and one ancestor.

Since then, the names of Martial Ancestor and Yan Emperor have completely entered the sight of the top echelons of the extra-territorial evil race.

Lin Dong and Xiao Yan returned peacefully.

Receiving an unprecedented warm welcome from the entire Sacred Abyss Division, even the Chief Elder Lord, who was far away from the headquarters of the Great Thousand Palace, rushed to the Sacred Abyss Continent to receive the two.

Just as the Holy Abyss City was clamoring, a man named Qin Tian returned.

Qin Tian, a person, teamed up with his friends to hunt demons when the Earth Supreme, but the whole team was killed.

In order to take revenge, he was resident in the Sacred Abyss for two hundred years and finally stepped through the Heavenly Supreme.

He didn't want to be caught in a temporal storm and thrown into the hinterland of the evil race outside the realm.

"Crap, where is my first Demon Punishing King? Who are Lin Dong and Xiao Yan again?!!!"

When Qin Tian dragged a Heavenly Demon Emperor remnant body and ambitiously stepped into the Sacred Abyss City, he found two huge names shining at the top of the Demon Punishing Tablet.

After a long silence, a dumbfounded Qin Tian decided to drag the out-of-body incarnation deliberately left to him by the Heart Heaven Demon Emperor and go to his old acquaintance-Lu Tong Lu Floor Master.