A setback

When Optimus and Ratchet talked then Arcee and Wheeljack was in the control room.

They steered the ship. With them was Sentiel Prime. "Look out!" he shouted and then there was a huge Crash! and all three was knocked uncountions.

Bumblebee walked in the hallway. Then he saw Starscream in the room where they were holding energon. Bumblebee knew that it dosen't end well and ran to him. "Away from the energon!" he ordered. Starscream jumped at the suprise and backed into the energon cubes. Fallen cubes shattered and the blueish liquid flowed out. "Look what you made me do!" Starscream said angrily. Then he took his lasers out to attack him. Bumblebee took his gun. Then there was a... earthquake in space?

The whole spaceship shook. Bumblebee lost his balance and fell into Starscream. They both fell into the ground.

The sirens and lights went off. Hot Rod ran into the room and said:" We crashed!" Then he saw Bumblebee on top of Starscream. "I'll go now," he said. Starscream bushed Bumblebee off of him and said:" It's not good." Bumblebee rubbed his head, where he got hit.

All of the decepticons and autobots ran into the control room. Ratchet and Red Alert checked Arcee and Wheeljack over. Sentiel Prime was batched up already. Chasecar ran beside him and asked:" What happened?" Sentiel said that someone shot them. "Darkers!" Optimus said. He knelt beside him. Bumblebee just got there and asked:" What is happening here?" Lightspeed told him everything. "What now?" Chromia asked. Megatron said that they need to split up. "It's better then with very large group," he told them. Optimus nogged and said:" It may be only change." Every autobot said that it's bad idea. "You are not agreeing with those monsters!" one of them said. Optimus tried to calm them but no one listened. "If we listen to decepticons then we are doomed!" the second one said. Optimus put his hand on his face.

Bumblebee and Chasecar saw his disapointment. Bumblebee then spoke up:" You all wanna die? Then be it. I'm gonna be with Optimus and save all of us." Chasecar nogged and said:" Me too! I know who i am loyal to. I wanna survive like Bumblebee." Then she walked over to him and said to Optimus:" We are with you 'till the end." That made Optimus feel relifed. Ratchet finished what he was doing and told them:" I want to come with you but i am needed here." Hot Rod put his hand up and said:" I am going with you!" Same was with Windblade, Jazz, Sentiel Prime and Grimlock.

With Megatron was Starscream, Soundwave, Slipstream, Barricade, Drag Strip, Blast Off and Shockwave.

"We got them!" the dark purple darker said to his leader. The queen laughed and said:" Very good. Now we can track them down and get Megatron and Optimus!" The dark blue asked about the stingers. "We get them too of course!" she said:" The real question is: who got them?"

The attack team was in big trouble now.