Tit For Tat !

Glamstar Capital, _

Nov Lam and professor Must fulfill the invitation from the palace of prime minister Palguna to attend the plenary meeting to listen to Nov Lam and professor Must's a full report regarding Napolly's observations of the city of red flowers a few days ago.

Nov Lam took this invitation seriously. On the face of two and doctor Acerh plans to only want to make a small touch on this heat problem. The electricity problem in the capital city of Glamstar can be solved easily.

However, when they think of profit opportunities with this project with their big plans. Like it or not, Nov Lam is serious about working on this project, which of course requires a lot of external personnel.

According to their predictions, the Glamstar kingdom certainly didn't want to lose this golden opportunity, obtaining this resource (natural treasure).

Tit for tat!.