Professor Must's Confession

Prime minister Palguna sent troops to investigate the three areas.

However, they cannot enter the three jewel regions. The war zone is being enveloped in a poisonous vapor capable of killing humans from a distance of 100 miles from the three regions.

Mr. Baspati was silent before answering,

"I sent people there, they got reports from the soldiers assigned to the inscription zone. He survived the zone, and fled the island before any poison gas or chemical weapons attack on the Malta zone!" said Mr. Baspati in a low and careful voice. He did not want to speak wrong in front of the king and royal officials.

"Where is the soldier who survived? Why didn't he report to the investigation team that patrolled there?" asked Lord Palguna.

Lord Palguna did not just send people.

He dispatched an investigative team of war experts.

This team will conduct further investigations into the war that occurred in the three jewel regions.