The Figure Of King Zohran

"Well, I will face the next time!" _ King Almond returned to calm.

"What are you doing here?" King Almond spoke with an arrogant attitude.

"Sorry, Sire! We have come to pick up Professor Dust and his members!" Captain Jeremy said in a low, firm voice.

"Get them! They are prisoners of the Glamstar kingdom. They are royal traitors. Royal enemies!" King Almond / Zohran said in a domineering loud voice.

"Sorry, Your Excellency, King! Professor Dust is an international criminal. We carry a warrant from the government of the floating island kingdoms and members of the royal alliance in the eastern, southern, and northern continents to arrest Professor Dust and judge in an international court. The international police are hunting for Professor Dust. for 50 years. Sorry if we can't turn Professor Dust over to the Glamstar empire! "

Captain Jeremy presents international charters that have been signed by kings on various continents.