Battle on Galant Island

The dragon bay pirates hiding a narrow gap located between the two Galant Island hills. The pirates, storms, sea lions, and red wolf groups hide their ships neatly. New Age Sandar Ship on the east coast of Galant Island. First, the Lion Night pirate group was headquartered in the beach part of the West Island. But the place has been damaged, the former palace of the Zohran king there has also been destroyed.

The east coast of Galant Island is not too spacious, the beach has a uniqueness that is rarely found on the beach in general. This beach has a beautiful charm. The white sand is clean and smooth. The seawater is green with waves that are not too large so it is very convenient to swim or just play in the sand. Besides the beautiful beach panorama, and the surrounding scenery is very pampering to the eyes.

There are rocky hills with green grass.