Since yesterday Vanessa and a colleague had to work longer to finish documentation regarding a newbie becoming copper ranker in his first day. It was a splendid achievement. But, actually not that uncommon. In fact, Vanessa knew several people who were like that, including herself.

What made this into quite an uproar because the examiner had never passed an applicant before, much less recommending a rank-skip.

As such, additional reports describing the sparring must be made and distributed to related parties. It was quite a hassle, really. Fortunately, Vanessa witnessed it all. So, she could write the reports in great details. Finally, late into the night the job was done.


Suddenly, a loud grumbling sound could be heard by Vanessa and her colleague.

Vanessa closed her face immediately with both hands due to embarrassment, she knew perfectly where the sound came from.

Her stomach was protesting that much because she missed lunch and afternoon snacks due to hectic validation process tasked to her.

"Vanessa, why don't we have dinner together?"

The one asking her was Vanessa's colleague who always had a charming smile, Olyver Ingram.

"Why not? ... I'm famished!"

Without hesitation, Vanessa agreed to his suggestion believing it would only be eating between colleagues.

....Vanessa walking home by herself in this windy night. The dinner ended early, suddenly Olyver confessed, and it startled her. The food was unappetizing after that, no matter how much she tried to enjoy it.

Actually, Olyver was not bad. He was quite a charming fellow, many female staffs, as well as adventurers, were competing to win him over. Normally, a girl considered lucky if a guy of his quality showed interest to her. However, Vanessa did not want to think about that matter yet.

He even said "I will not give up" before Vanessa left the dinner place. A persistent man. When she was still lamenting what happened tonight, she saw the owner of Herbs & Lotions.

Before she could greet him, homeless children approached him, asking for a little change or food.

The homeless children were mainly refugees from beast attacks or famines or war. They did not 'live' here, they just 'stayed' here.

The mayor and the Union planned to construct orphanages to shelter the children, but it would be a while until it would be ready. Until then, the children must survive on their own. And, since they did not have anything to eat, they pleaded to other people, or seacrh for leftovers from stores or stalls.

It was harsh, but that was reality.

Alfraed did not respond to the children's request. Instead, he stared at them with intense gaze, as if he was in a trance. The children, being looked upon with such gaze became afraid, the little ones were hiding behind the bigger children. A moment later, Alfraed ran away with unbelievable agility, leaving the children behind.

"...What, how dare he run like that???"

His behavior totally left her flabbergasted, and clearly disappointed.

She understood people tend to be uncomfortable being approached by them, and quite as normal if someone refused their request. She did it once, and regretted it until now. But, to run away like that.... Rude!. Vanessa had an impression Alfraed was a decent person. Clearly, she was mistaken.

The children, after seeing someone running like that, were depressed.

Were their existence just a nuisance to other people? Their eyes tearing up.

"... I should just give some money to them..."

Vanessa decided, not wanting the children to lose hope.

Yet, when she was about to go there, a person could be seen running toward them hurriedly, leaving a gust of wind on his track. It was Alfraed, and he stopped just an inch from where the children were standing. The children quivered in horror.

On the other hand, Vanessa almost had a heart attack, it looked like Alfraed would rammed them over.

Alfraed brought a bundle of something, and handed it over to the children.


The children were confused on what to do. Wondering whether this was a trap or not. But, they had nothing to lose and accepted the bundle from Alfraed.

Inside the bundle they found foods and blankets. Enough for all the children who were present.

"Be strong, okay" said Alfraed with gentle voice before he left them to enjoy the food.

The children did not expect they would accept this many. Slowly, they showed innocent smiles befitting their age, and wave their hands toward the leaving Alfraed.

""Thank you uncle!"" they said in unison to Alfraed.

"I'm not that old!" Alfraed replied to them jokingly.

"Be strong" it resounded inside Vanessa. Simple and basic, yet carried a powerful meaning. Whatever life threw at you, be strong, and move forward.

Vanessa smiled, she too would be strong, and faced life with more resilience than before.


"It's biiiggggg!" commented Emma. The adorable fox-girl was running around energetically, eager to check every room her eyes could see, and her gleefulness could be seen from her dancing tail.

"…Mother, can we really live here?" contrary to his cheerful twin, Evan was feeling unsure whether all of this was really happening. Thus, his feeling was a mixture of joy and worry.

Currently, the two children were inside a simple house with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The house was still located in the lower district. But, it was a lot more spacious than their previous house that literally did not have a single room. On top of that, closer to where their mother work.

"Yes, we can live here dear. Starting today, this is our new home"

Elise who was opening several boxes to arrange its content let out a wry smile after hearing her son's doubtful question, and immediately gave confirmation to clear his little doubt away. She sometime though Evan should be more like his twin, and act happier.

"I'm also gonna stay here. Let's all get along well you two!" added Lisa. Emma and Evan could see a fit older sister figure carrying dozens of boxes on her own, and each one of them looked quite heavy. In spite of this, there was no sign she was pushing herself.

For years, Elise always wanted to move to a better place for her children to have their own room. Unfortunately, salary from previous workplace would not allow such dream to come true. Fortunately, in Herbs & Lotions the gentle mother received an unexpected raise, and could finally realize that dream. Since the place had four rooms and only three of them, she asked Lisa to live together while sharing the rent proportionally, and the young lady agreed immediately.

Actually, her young boss offered to help them moving. However, Elise and Lisa kindly refused his caring offer. As people closed to him, they knew he went out for five to six days every week to gather materials. They did not know the details how he did it, but that activity must be exhausting. So, they rather had him take a meaningful rest. Beside, in the beginning Elise and Lisa did not have many possessions, making it easy to move.


"Thank you for the food!"

"Emma, chew properly. Evan, don't be reserved, you can have more"

"Yeah, foods are meant to be eaten. Eat plenty and grow big"

Before the sun decided to disappear in the horizon, the four of them went out together to buy foods from several stalls as a form of celebration, and ate them together in their new house as dinner. There was no furniture yet, so all of them were eating on the floor while having relaxed conversation that brought genuine laughter, making the foods tasted more pleasant.

As a mother, Elise was really glad when Emma and Evan told her they were having fun every day and made friends. In the new children room, the kids could play and read books. Though, they mainly played because most of them could not read. It was also possible to take a nap there, as they were now mattresses in the room.

Related to that, Elise vividly remembered how the boss specifically instructed her to also provide lunches for the children. It took some time for her to finally understand his unconventional order because the instruction might not bring any financial benefit to the business... He might be the only boss in this town who cared so much for his employees' family member.

"…Mother, are you okay?"

"…Do you need to rest?"

Elise was puzzled by her children's questions, until she finally took notice tears that freely flowed from her eyes.

"Eh?? No, no, no, no, I'm fine, just… happy right now"

To summarize her own feeling, Elise now had decent job which enabled her to properly provide for her children. Simultaneously, since working in Herbs & Lotions she had never seen the faces of her starving children anymore. And, the boss trusted her, that was priceless.

"I know how you feel Elise" told Lisa softly. She too was holding her tears from falling.

For Lisa, she was living her dream of a normal life that was far from the nauseating scent of war and humiliation. Having said that, secretly, Lisa had been carrying concealed weapons to be always ready whenever she needed to protect her boss who was also her benefactor.

Afterward, all of them decided to turn in early and it was the best sleep they had in a while.