Language of the ancestor

On the following day, just as informed by the elegant Vulgarr, people from the Association consisted of Vanessa and two gold-ranked adventurers arrived at Herbs & Lotions more or less an hour after the store opened.

"Welcome Ms. Welsh, we have been expecting you"

"Thank you for welcoming us Mr. Logick."

"Now, please follow me"

The three were greeted by Alfraed and Elise who had been waiting for their arrival, for this occasion the two accordingly acted in their capacity as the owner and manager of the place. Since this building did not have a room specifically designed for meeting or receiving guests yet, they were ushered to a space on the second floor.

'Should make the store more presentable from now on. Maybe I should move so there will be more space to use?'

As he was walking and had that kind of thought, Alfraed decided to visit Kelreas and Fiona on a later day to ask about an affordable house in the area, and it was also an opportunity to bring the product samples for them to see.

It certainly seemed he would not have enough time for materials gathering this week.

Along the way, Elise took the group for a little tour to show their production process and introduced Lisa and Beno who in turn explained the activities they were in charge of. This was something Elise thought of beforehand as entertainment for the visitor, and Alfraed agreed to her suggestion.

Personally, Alfraed was not afraid to allow them to look the process closer because the steps on how to produce a potion of every grade, except the Perfect Grade, were essentially the same. The main difference was in the materials, and how efficient a company could get their hands on them. He was confident other parties would not be able to imitate his method in gathering materials for Greater Grade potions. So, there was no risk, for now at least.

In the designated space, a table and several chairs were already waiting for them. Additionally, on top of the table, five small plates that each had fresh-baked blueberry biscuits and banana bread bars were prepared for them. When all of them took their respective seats, Alfraed asked them to try the refreshments.

"This is delicious! I can totally get used to this!"

Vanessa and the gold rankers really fond of the served light meals, which took no time at all to finish each of them.

"Thank you for the compliment"

"…You seem honestly proud Mr. Logick, were these made by one of your employees?" asked Vanessa who still had a biscuit in her hand, while shifting her gaze toward Elise looking for confirmation.

"Fu fu fu. No, Ms. Welsh. Boss Alf made all of these delicacies himself this morning" replied the manager with a triumphant expression.

"For real?!"

Alfraed told her due to certain circumstances, he took up cooking and ended up liking the activity of combining, mixing, and heating ingredients, which basically the same as potion-making. Though, because of his current schedule, he rarely cooked anymore. Since there was a chance to cook, he decided to entertain his guests with something sweet. As a matter of fact, the young man made tons of them and gave the rest to his employees and the children. The latter was especially ecstatic.

As of now, he asked the guests whether they wanted to take some home. Vanessa was the first one to raise her hand, followed by the female adventurer reluctantly…

"It seems I have been having too much fun. Mr. Logick. Allow me to introduce the two gold rankers beside me. The man is Bregror Naz, and his wife, Salsahara Moonforest Naz"

Bregror, a human with a well-built frame and brown hair stylized in a crew cut with faded sides. On the other hand, his wife, a stunning dark elf with short and straight silver hair. They could not be any more different. But, that contrast complimented one another, making them a perfect couple.

Apparently, Alfraed met them before in the Association, and they left a deep impression. Though, whether or not they remembered him was a different matter, it was utter chaos back then.

"Mr. Logick. First of all, I apologize for not coming sooner to express my gratitude. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for saving me and my wife!"

The towering man stood up from his seat and approached Alfraed to shake his hand strongly with power that could leave a normal person badly staggered. It was not intentional, that was just how strong his feeling of appreciation toward the help Alfraed gave to him who was on the verge of death, and his wife who was only an inch away from having her magic circuits crumbled after performing emergency teleportation magic.


Salsahara quietly touched her husband's shoulder, signaling him to calm down a bit. Afterward, she bowed to Alfraed to also express her thanks.

"You are welcome. Seeing both of you in good health make me happy"

"We are in great shape. Oh, my wife doesn't talk much. I'm sorry if she appears rude, that is truly not the case, I assure you… It was also extremely difficult for me to approach her before we got marr…. ------- Ouucchh!!!"

Salsahara sharply pinched his side to tell him not to inform anything unrelated to the meeting, and also made a sophisticated expression while puffing her cheeks as if to say "You are trying to seduce ME! Of course it's not easy!".

Seeing their adorable interaction was heartwarming.

Marriage between a human and a dark elf was rare, as they were many grounds to be covered by the couple to realize the sacred union.

[You really love him, don't you sister?]

Except for Salsahara who widened her eyes in incredulity, everyone present was not able to make out what Alfraed just said. Despite that, they felt a sense of familiarity and dignity from it.

[…I do, keep it a secret. I don't want him to get too big-headed... So, who taught you this tongue brother?]

[My master viciously forced me to learn them without mercy, aside from elven native tongue... Keep it a secret I ever said that]

[Ku ku ku, I will...Anyway, how did you know I'm able to converse in this tongue?]

[I didn't, I took a gamble, and it paid off]

Afterward, the two exchanged words and introduced themselves once again to one another, as well as told various stories in a foreign language.

"...Dear, is he…?"

"Ah, dear, sorry, it has been quite some time since I have spoken in the language of the ancestor that I was overcome by nostalgia. Apparently, Mr. Logick here, no, Alf, is our little brother"

"...Is that how it is...then, whatever the outcome of this meeting, everything turned out to be worthwhile..."

Looking at Elise and Vanessa who did not understand how this turn of events materialized, Alfraed began to explain that in this world ancient ruins with complicated mechanisms beyond our understanding had been discovered, it might be possible many were still waiting patiently to be found. Until now, knowledge about the party who built the ruins remained a mystery yet solved. However, long-lived races like the elves seemed to inherit a peculiar language speculated to be their language or the language of the ancestor called by many.

Those able to speak this difficult language were considered a part of a family, no matter who they were. His master told him that one time, the hateful fiend and the loveable hero ended their feud due to both of them spoke in this language. They still fought sometimes, on the level of sibling quarrel. But, the fight could still alter the landscape around them.

"So, revered elder brother and sister, what other purpose do you have to come here? Surely, you did not come to merely say thank you..." asked Alfraed in a less formal tone, he could be more direct because they were, in a sense, family.

"...Give me a moment, to suddenly have a wonderful little brother is quite shocking you know… Well, the point is, my wife and I want you to join us on a quest…"

Alfraed thought he would make another sale today, yet the content of this meeting was beyond any scenario he could think of...