Days of preparation (1)

Alfraed and Elise had another discussion with Bregror and Salsahara right after the quest briefing ended while enjoying light meals in the branch's second floor, which happened to be a popular cafeteria serving variety of delicious foods.

"Support us!" was the only thing the enthusiastic Bregror told him when Alfraed asked about his job description as a hired third-party, and the potion maker rubbing his forehead in disbelief after hearing the two-word answer.

"…Elder brother, pardon me, that description was too vague to be honest. What do you mean 'support'? Does me defeating all the beasts alone while you relaxing drinking tea in the back count as 'support'? If so, I reeaallly want to renegotiate my payment this instance"

"Errrr…no, that's not what I have in mind, I think"

"Then, both of us need to get to know your mind a lot better in the quickest way possible before we proceed further"
