(Not) Calm before the storm (1)

While Alfraed and the group were busy dealing with the infuriating bandits and pair of magical beasts somewhere, please allow the story to move to a modest city of Bellmore.

The small city was established to support rookie adventurers exploring what people called a "beginners' dungeon", the perfect place for those rookies to sharpen their battle skills by getting used to fight against lower-tier beasts, which –given time- endlessly spawned no matter how many were slashed. A perfect training ground.

To support that cause, the founder did not see as problem the fact that the city was built in the shadow of a dormant volcano, a non-conventional place.

Contrary to location, the city's beauty was matched by the backdrop of modest hills, and the vast majority of buildings had been built in various round and shapes and sizes, which mimicked the playfulness of the hills around them.