Alfraed and the giant (5)

Alfred extended his left arm forward, opened the palm as if to seize the incoming magic attack, and rest his right hand on the left forearm as support. The young man closed his eyes to collect his thought and inhaled the much-needed air to ease his agitated mind. Then, made a strong declaration.

[You shall NOT PASS!!]

The existence of this city and its people were important for the new branch he planned to open here. As such, they would be protected.

No, they must be protected, regardless of the reason.

Alfred had a peculiar mastery of healing magic that allowed accelerated recovery and enhancement of one's physical vessel and was even better than his master in this regard.

However, the young Alfraed came to the conclusion that he also needed to be more durable. Yes, injuries could be amended, but minimizing damage and pain was better since he was not fond of being hurt. Based on this notion, he had read many books about magic.