Shella in Anspia (2)

Ten people from human and demi-human races surrounded Salsahara and Shella, their expressions were grim, with a shade of nervousness on top of it. The fabric that clad their figures was dirty and decorated with patches. Judging from their looks, none had lived past their adolescent days. From the two elf's perspective, they were no more than infants.

In an elven society, the young were rare. Due to this circumstance, when a baby was born he or she was treated with care and they could take all the time needed to grow, learn proper manner and build their knowledge and skills, as they were less restricted by time. Apparently, that was not the case with other races, as these children were forced to face the real world early on while their preparation was almost non-existent.

"Salsahara, wh-what should we do?"