Adventurers & knights (6)

Adventurers and knights. Each one of them hailed from a unique background. They could not be more different. Nevertheless, this diversity did nothing to sway their cooperation. As of now, both parties were united as soldiers, aligning themselves as robust shields and potent swords. Their expressions were fierce and that intensity, hatred, was concentrated in the same direction. 

There were genuine villains out there with either comprehensible or incomprehensible intentions. The former could be handled with less complexity after their purpose was revealed. Unfortunately, their present enemy fell into the latter category, seemingly possessing no clear goal, complicating the situation. 

He invaded and destroyed settlements. But, did not pillage nor laid his hands on the women, nor did he kidnap the children to be sold as slaves.

He killed. Yet, it was restricted to those interfering with his army of beasts and none of his troops recklessly ate the residents.