Latvian vs a dragon

Latvian -Gale- Glasswood adored a good fight. To the elf, fighting was not just an exchange of blows between participants, it was also a raw form of communication. Through it, various emotions and aspirations were laid bare, unrestricted by words or prevailing norms or races.

The intensity when ideals clashed during this wild social interaction made Latvian the most alive, even more so when he could comprehend the counterparty and came out as the better man. The satisfaction was priceless, and kind of addictive. As such, the elf had sought opponents to have wordless conversations with throughout his life.

Until now, there was only one competitor that misled him as his demeanor outside and during a fight was a world apart, not to mention the strength he possessed. That person happened to be someone considered his little brother due to their fluency in the ancient language. The meeting seemed unreal. The world was vast, and, sometimes, presented weird occurrences.