Bregror, Salsahara, and Mikaela vs a dragon (1)

Bregor's dilated eyes were fixated on the fragmented magic wall. The robust man followed the falling pieces until they reached the ground. Each one of those shards -momentarily- rebounded, it was the last proof of their being before their existence vanished, leaving nothing behind.

Everything felt slow as if time refused to move forward and chose to stay in a protected, safe memory. It knew what awaited them beyond this moment would be undesirable. But, in the end, time only had learned to move forward.

Bregror's mind awoke from its stupor as if someone poured cold water over him. His gaze turned to the creature that caused the great wall to cease. Instantly, the man realized he could not be further from the truth. In front of him stood not a creature, but an abomination.

