Ten days later (7)

"How did you meet Alf?"

Mikaela saw an opportunity to learn more about her boyfriend and realized that Kahina, the person who raised him, would be the perfect source of information.

"... How I met my boy?"

Kahina was taken by surprise by the unexpected question. Although seemingly straightforward, it prompted her to reflect on the complex circumstances that led her to take on the responsibility of raising Alfraed.

In that instant, Mikaela could discern myriad emotions crossing Kahina's face.

Kahina's initial reaction was one of disdain, but then her expression shifted to one of concern. Finally, her countenance softened, displaying an affectionate look.

Mikaela was puzzled by the various expressions that crossed Kahina's face. Despite this, the Gold ranker was confident that Kahina's revulsion had nothing to do with Alfraed. At the same time, she dared not to imagine what the fate of the person who incurred Kahina's wrath would be.