Alfraed had envisioned his first day in the bustling capital as a peaceful reprieve, a moment to soak in the grandeur of the city before the formalities of meeting the king took center stage. However, his dreams of tranquility quickly evaporated. From the moment he arrived, he was thrust into a whirlwind of expectations, learning the nuanced art of conversing with royalty under the watchful eye of the prime minister.
As the day unfolded, Alfraed found himself seated at a grand oak table, the rich scent of polished wood surrounding him. The prime minister, a stern yet knowledgeable figure, unfurled a large map across the surface. Alfraed leaned closer, his eyes tracing the intricate lines that illustrated vacant lands awaiting his claim.
The prime minister's voice resonated with authority as he elaborated on each parcel, detailing their rich resources and potential, a tangible reward for Alfraed's bravery and sacrifice in the face of adversity.