Because Of You

Sabrina mustered up her courage and decided that she should just head to his office and face him. She will ask him all the questions that are bubbling up in her heart. 

Is business more important than feelings? 

Did he start this business to push everyone else away? 

Does he not at all miss me anymore? 

She will straight out ask all these questions but there was one more question that she wanted to ask but kept suppressing. Deep down she was scared of his answer, she didn't want to get rejected... 

Did he not find her attractive enough to do it with her? 

Why he has been rejecting her lately? He never hesitated to kiss her before? 

She was now reminded of David's and her kisses together. The soft ones, the passionate ones, the tongue-twisting ones, the- 

Sabrina's cheeks flushed red and she slaps hard on both of her chubby cheeks.