Chapter Eight

"You can't treat me like your child Emilie. I'm an adult, I have to work!" Alicia shouted.

"I don't want you working at a club Alicia, I said so and I expect you to listen."

"Look at my neck? What do you see? No fucking collar I don't belong to you so I don't need to listen" Alicia snapped.

"You make me feel like I'm a child in this relationship. We're equal I need a fucking say in my life. What the fuck!" Alicia said.

"You came home drunk from work something could have happened to you, You took a cab you didn't phone a driver, " Emilie said.

*Flash Back Night Before*

Alicia stumbled inside making noise and Emilie was sitting on the chair waiting for her, it was 3 am.

"Your work finished at 1 am Alicia, why are you home so late?" Emilie asked.

Alicia huffed "What's it to you?"

"I'm trying here Alicia, I don't want you going there again," Emilie said.

Alicia huffed and walk upstairs.

"We are not done, you’re drunk. Why are you drunk? You have a kid to set an example for, you can't be coming home drunk! "

"Emilie, whatever I'm not trying to argue, can you not be a control freak for one second!" Alicia yelled, slamming the door in Emilie's face.

*End of Flashback*

"You called my work, you threatened to have them close down! That's my job, and you told them to fire me! I saw the fucking email!" Alicia shouted.

"I'm sorry, I'm just looking out for you," Emilie said.

"I can't do this, I can't, I'm leaving," Alicia said standing by the door.

"Please Alicia, don't go," Emilie said begging.

"I have to, I can't do this if you can't learn to butt out Emilie," Alicia said.

Emilie dropped to her knees.

"Please don't leave me." Emilie bowed her head.

"I need time Emilie." Alicia threw the keys on the floor and the credit card.

"Goodbye, Emilie."

"Goodbye, Alicia."

That's the last time Emilie saw Alicia after that day.


Emilie waited on the elevator as it came to a stop, She stepped off and made her way down to her office

"Samara, 4 weeks ago I asked for a contractor and designer for the room in my house, and you have not delivered yet, I can give someone else your job if you don’t want it," Emilie said.

"I thought since y'all broke up that you didn't want it again," Samara said.

"It none of your business if we broke up or not," Emilie said

"Why don't you just forget her, and do us a favor and move on," Samara said

"You're stepping out of line. I know you have a meaningless crush on me, but get this through your thick skull, it will never happen, I'll get my girl back and you're lucky I'm not firing you on the spot, so get me my goddamn designer and construction worker" Emilie said

Samara bowed down her head and walked off.

(Phone conversation)

"Did you get my new COO already? I have been waiting for a month now Le."

"Yes, her name is Ryan Harrison," Le said.

" Thank god, you still know how to do your damn job."

"Stop being a bitch!"

Emilie groaned and hung up the phone, looking over at Ryan's file.

"Samara I need you to set up a meeting with Ms. Harrison. Contact her and set up a lunch meeting for Thursday please" Emilie told her through the speaker

"Okay miss" Samara said

"And one more thing, I need you to send 300 red roses to Alicia please," Emilie said

"Okay miss" Samara said

Emilie leaned back in her chair reading the file on Spencer.

(Alicia POV)

"Alicia someone is at the door for you" Ariel screamed

Alicia groaned, picked Amia up, and walked down the stairs, Amia woke up and sat on the chair.

Alicia walked to the door.

"Can you sign here ma'am?" A delivery boy asked

Alicia signed and the boy walked off and brought in 300 roses.

"Omg, Those are beautiful," Ariel said clapping.

"Thank you, but who are those from?" Alicia asked.

"These are from Miss Ferla ma'am," He said.

"I miss Emmy, when is she coming back mommy?" Amia asked.

Ariel watched Alicia and shook her head

"I don't know baby," Alicia said.

"She’s like my mom, She's so pretty, she helps me, and she own diamonds mommy," Amia said.

"Can I talk to you for a second Alicia?" Ariel asked.

Ariel and Alicia walked into the kitchen.

"Why haven't you forgiven Emilie who didn't do anything wrong might I add yet?" Ariel asked.

"Because she was wrong she told me what's not good for my child," Alicia said.

"Get your head out of your ass and stop being a dam asshole. She was right, yes your young but you have a 2-year-old you can't just get drunk and come home, just because you work at a bar." Ariel pointed her finger.

"Now you tell me what to do" Alicia watched her.

"Fuck yes! I'm getting your fucking shit together, Emilie is apologizing when she isn't even wrong. She sends roses and gifts, she treats you like a queen and even accepts your daughter! And here you are acting like a stubborn ass and wouldn't forgive her. Everyone in the world right now is looking to Emilie." Ariel said.

Alicia stayed quiet.

"I'm just saying, Emilie is a great woman that has her life together and is giving you room to grow and learn, plus she is helping you. She changed her lifestyle for you, you’re so lucky she didn't put you over her knee to get your thoughts together. Alicia, go get your girl. I'm team Emicia any day." Ariel said.

Alicia took a deep breath, maybe it is time she gets her shit together and gets her girl...