
Jason -

Kids filed in through the school doors, laughing and cheering and hugging as if they hadn't seen each other for years. It was all loud and funny.

"Be good," Lilly ordered.

Jason rolled his eyes. "When have I ever not been good?"

"Jase, you do realize we're talking about you, right?"

The car door flew open and he gave his sister a wave before slamming the door shut and walking off, up the steps to the main building. A strong gust of wind threw him off balance. It smelt like sea air.

Diego -

Music blasted from his earbuds, blaring a well-known song. Around him, people – teenagers his own age – jostled him about, as if barely noticing he was there. Diego didn't blame them. He wouldn't notice him either.

His clock ticked on his wrist. It wouldn't be long until he stood in a classroom in front of these kids, introducing himself. His skin buzzed with nervous electricity and sweat dripped from the back of his neck due to anxiety and the hot Lincoln air.

The breeze that blew didn't help his nerves as he rubbed the moisture from his forehead and took a deep breath.

Karim -

"Don't screw it up like last time!"

"I'll be fine, ma, don't worry your pretty little head off about it," Karim snapped.

His mother glared at him. "Sometimes I wish your father were still around so he could smack that crap out of you."

"And sometimes I wish he were here to do the exact same thing to you."

Without another word, the car and his mother were squealing their way out of there, tires screeching and heavy music blaring, muffled slightly by the passing gust of wind.

The school kids ahead of him were screaming and giggling and he wanted nothing more than to shout and curse at them to shut up. But he settled for tripping one of them over as they walked by, smiling in satisfaction as they stumbled.

He'd be out of this school in no time. No doubt about it.

Roy -

The school building was huge, towering far above him. Girls and boys from the age of fourteen to eighteen filed into the school. A few students cast him odd looks and he felt suddenly irritated. Why were they staring at him? Did he look strange? Was it his clothes? His foreign look? Whatever, it didn't matter. Let them stare if they want.

Roy's red locks ruffled from a breeze passing through and he wished he'd brought his jumper. Oh well, there might be one lying around in the Lost and Found, right? He hoped they had a Lost and Found here.

Surely they must.

Hyunjun -

Books fell from Hyunjun's hands as his foot snagged on a step. A group of girls about seventeen – his age – giggled at him and turned, whispering to each other. He shot them a glare, trying to remember several english curses. Just as he came up with a really good one, they had already passed, not giving him a second glance.

So, he just shoved his textbooks in his backpack instead, slamming the cover of one shut as the pages flapped around, caught in a brief wind. Hyunjun stood again, slipping the bag onto one shoulder and starting up the stairs again, watching the crowds of people entering the school doors.

He inhaled sharply and stepped inside. He wouldn't mess this up for his family. He wouldn't give them a reason to turn him away.