Golden Rule

"Hm... I see, I died."

'Though if I am in a new world are the laws any different to my previous one? a matter for later. I am in Boku no Hero Academia. What would the first thing a newly reincarnated person do first?' As I was continue my train of thought, which obviously would lead to world domination, a small piece of paper landed by my shoe. It was a standard 5000 yen note, it was quite lucky.

{A/N: 5000 yen is = to 50$}

This wasn't very unusual, as I stated before I'm sitting uncomfortably in a pile of trash, who would throw away money though? My mind obviously drifts to hawks losing his pocket change as he flies by. The odd part about it was as the wind drifted, more and more money came. It was as if the world itself pitied me, I had roughly $300 by now and everyone was scrambling for money.

"Mora..." I muttered to myself. People used to call Zhongli quite forgetful especially when it came to money. They even treated him as a bourgeois parasite as he calls it, or well I call it. Perhaps this is due to another ability, attracting wealth hm... It would explain why he ran into Tartaglia as an acquaintance. This all lead to one thought.

'Gilgamesh's Golden Rule.'

Quite an ability, for someone who is so bad at handling commodities, he really leeches off of others. Another point, do I refer to the past Zhongli as I or as him? Memories mixing together like some terrible concoction is quite confusing.

'Next question is whether I join the Hero course. It's likely I don't have any family or ties to police databases, they probably can't even tell how old I am. If someone used an analysis quirk would they discover I'm several 1000 years old? It's safe to assume I wouldn't be able to join the Hero course due to my age as they are unlike universities or colleges where you can join at a higher age and from what I've read previously I'd find it very boring if I did.'

'If I go to the casino and take advantage of my Golden Rule would they assume I'm cheating?'

"Haah... This is all so troublesome."

"Sir... How long are you going to lay in trash?"

I finally give the man notice as he was continuously shaking my shoulder and disrupting my train of thought for the last few minutes, quite rude.

"... You, do you know of any nearby housing?"

"You mean like a room? I guess there is a hotel nearby but you don't look like you have the m-" As he was about to continue his sentence I pulled out of my recently obtained wad of cash.

"I guess you can rent for a night or two but you shouldn't act like 30,000 Yen is alot. It gives people the wrong impression."

"Hm, so it seems." I say as I begin to stand once more, luckily because of my suit was made with various gems broken down and strung together, it was untarnished. The gems act like cloth whilst my divinity acts like the seam, this combined with my scales allows me the shift it's appearance however I like. If I could previously make Mora out of my divinity, why not clothes? My hair is another story on the other hand.

I hold both of my palms together as I would to make Mora. I am unsuccessful but I can make 500 yen coins, its mainly due to the fact that the Geo archon has powers specializing in earth generation and manipulation, making ores and metals is not same as making paper notes. In the past I had tried to experiment with what I could create with traces of my divinity, resin and primo gems unfortunately was not one of those things.

{A/N: Had to add that bit cause I'm in gacha hell rn, but don't worry because my last wish was AMBER... yay.}

- Time skip brought to you by a chibi Zhongli eating slime -

"Recently there were several warnings and evacuations in protocol for the coming Meteorite: Nephrite. This was to prevent widespread damage at the impact event that should have spanned 50 kilometers. We have recently gotten word back that the meteorite suddenly disappeared, this mysterious possibly saved thousands if not tens of thousands of lives. Meteorologists and other staff on site investigating the disappearance of the meteor determined that it must have been related to a quirk user, however there is no concrete evidence as of now."

"Such a boring farce." I mutter whilst turning off the channel. I get up from my bed to job hunt, what an annoying endeavor it was previously. I'd much rather sit on a throne and watch the world burn only to remake it in my own image, I'm sure a certain rat agrees with me. I have no practical skills from my previous life but as my life as Zhongli? I had acquired quite a few over those 1000s of years.

After an hour of 2 of looking through every form of media, I found several job postings that intrigued me. Given my attire, I applied to one very suitable.

"Butler of the Yaoyorozu family" I read the article out loud. Such a position must have a lot of candidates and for someone with no back ground at all, it would be a deal breaker.

"I suppose I could give it an effort at the very least. If I am to adapt to this new world I need adapt to their customs, I can't just laze around watching any anime or show that would interest me, from my previous life I can at least say it gets boring after awhile. You get so bored that you go looking for alternatives in the forms of ridiculous fanfictions wondering what it'd be like if certain characters crossed over."

'Perhaps my particular set of skills would interest them, not just as a butler but as a body guard if needed."

I decide to head out for a walk.

It was now night time, to get more acquainted with myself, as having two different bodies for so many years causes a headache in terms of movement and muscle memory, though I had more memories as with my life as Zhongli, I thought it'd be best to test the waters with my abilities as the laws in the world would may differ, primarily how would damage work?

In my previous world damage, could be inflicted as elements, some individuals have weakened resistances to those elements and the elements themselves may not work the same. Individuals in this world may be more fragile, so I should learn self control before I drop a meteorite on anyone.

"Ah, right on time." I say as I look to a group of thugs singling out 2 kids in an alley, they were clutching something tightly to their chests. 'Pick pockets perhaps? No matter.'

If my appearance was found out it'd disrupt my job search. Hm, perhaps I could do that?

Using my divine energy, I could in a sense mask myself. I decided to use the appearance of someone who irks me. Seeing the face of that rascal from Snezhnaya on the news as a vigilante would brighten my day every time I see it. I took it upon myself to shift into his appearance immediately.

'Time to see if the actor part of me still lives from long ago.' I think to myself as I let the energy flow through me. My voice, my appearance, everything is now unfamiliar to what it was. It's a shame I can't use the abilities of that fool.

I step into the alley, confronting the group. "So! It was you I heard."

"Who are you!?" One of them screams out in worry, only for them to calm down as they look at the pretty boy standing before them.

"Me? I go by Childe, I also go by Tartaglia, pick which ever you want. Actually I changed my mind, pick the first, I'm sure the police would love to hear that story."

"What do you mean by that?!"

"Well aren't you dense! If someone gift wrapped a bunch of no life thugs like you, screaming a childe beat you, wouldn't that be so much more amusing?" I try to stifle my laughter at the thought but I couldn't help myself and began laughing loudly at the dense thugs.

"You should shut your mouth kid before you get hurt."

"Oh? Is that a threat? or are they just empty words? From where I'm from a warrior must always be ready to face any challenge."

"I can beat you on my own, JUST DONT GO CRYING TO MOMMY AFTER THIS ONE!!" He screams, pulling his fist back as he runs towards me.

"I always strive to improve myself, how will I ever get stronger by facing one of you lowlifes? All of you come at me, prepare for this battle because it may be your last!" I say with a threatening tone as I catch his punch, only to kick out his leg and launch my fist into his jaw.

One of their thugs down for the count just like that.

"Now prepare yourself for the coming battle!"