Chapter 9— Bullies who Don't want help

Eniola sat in the principal's office again. It was almost a routine for her now to be in the principal's office. Thankfully, the principal was in the office with her, she didn't have to wait this time.

Mrs Julie, the principal was busy on her laptop.

She was typing. While Eniola couldn't see what she was typing. She could feel the force Mrs Julie was using to press the keys. She was hitting the keys hard and with the silence, the click clack sound from the keyboard was very loud.

She wondered if that was how she typed or someone made her angry before she came in. All in all, Eniola was sorry for the keyboard.

If the Principal typed like this frequently she would soon be in need of a new keyboard.

Someone knocked on the door.

The principal looked up from the laptop. "Come in" she called out.

The door opened and Ireti came in.

"Good afternoon, ma" Ireti greeted the principal.

"Good afternoon my dear" she answered. "Take a seat" she pointed to the chair beside Eniola.

Ireti sat down

Why was Ireti here too? Eniola wondered.

"Give me a minute" The principal said.

The principal went back to typing. She looked up after a while.

After clearing her throat, she asked. "Do you know why you are both in my office?

If I did I wouldn't be wondering. Eniola thought.

Ireti shook her head to signify she didn't.

"Okay, the school has a program called peer to pair study." She turned to Eniola. "Your mother is not happy with your performance in the test and I am not too. I hate when my students are failing."

Eniola got angry but she kept quiet.

Did she need to say she was failing in the presence of Ireti.

She had successfully hidden her test result from her classmates. When anybody asked her what she got. She quickly said B or A depending on how she was feeling.

Now, this woman had told Ireti she failed the test.

Eniola was worried that Ireti would tell Michael or that her stupid friend, Mimi.

Mrs. Julie kept on talking. "Ireti has won many competitions and she had the highest score in the recently completed test. That's why I chose her to tutor you. She is the best student in your class. It used to be Michael and I would have chosen him if not for other factors that I took into consideration."

Eniola had mixed feelings concerning that. Michael tutoring her would give her a chance to get closer to him. But did Abigail not say that he likes Ireti because she was intelligent. Well, she didn't want him to know that she had never passed a single test in her life. How would he like her then?

And what other factors was the Principal talking about.

As if she heard her thought. The principal told Ireti. "Your class supervisor said that you keep to yourself and you hardly talk to anyone. She is concerned for you and I am too. That's why I chose you. Your class teacher approved the two of you because Eniola is friends with almost everyone in your class and even in other classes. So you see why I agreed with your class teacher to pair both of you. Two of you can help yourself." She looked at Eniola. "As she teaches you, introduce her to your friends, take her along with you, you hear?"

"Yes ma" Eniola answered

Ireti grimaced.

Eniola knew she would not be caught dead with Ireti. The girl was socially awkward and inept.

Was the principal blind? couldn't she see they weren't of the same class. Besides, she didn't need to read to pass. Mama would sort the problem for her when it came to that time.

"Ireti, you can leave us"

Ireti stood up and left. They both watched her leave.

Immediately the door closed . The principal looked At Eniola. "Be kind to her."

Eniola put on her innocent face, her eyes wide with innocence. "I will be, ma"

The woman kept on staring at Eniola.

Eniola was itching to leave. She needed to catch up with Ireti before she told any one about her bad grades.

The principal smiled. Eniola's answer and sincere look had satisfied. "You can leave."

She stood up. Thanked the Principal and walked gently to the door.

Once, she was out, she hastened her steps.

She looked around to see if she could still see Ireti. She couldn't. Just then a junior student passed her. She was coming from the direction of the class area.

"Eh you." she called the girl.

The girl walked to her.

"Good afternoon, senior Eniola"

"Good afternoon."

"Did any girl pass you?" She asked.


Eniola turned to the hostel side.

Palm trees lined the side of the walkway. So she couldn't see ahead.

She hastened her steps. She was almost running.

She cursed at the trees. While they beautified the walkway, they obstructed her from seeing far ahead because the walkway itself was curvy.

She got to the hostel gate. She was about to enter.

When she saw Ireti coming from the matron's house. It was opposite the hostel.

She hid behind a palm tree and waited for her to reach her.

Before Ireti could push the Hostel gate open, she drew her back. She held her hand tightly,

A look of panic and fear covered Ireti's face.

She sighed in relief when she saw it was Eniola. She tried to shake Eniola off her but Eniola held tightly to her hand.

She sighed. "Eniola what is it?"

"Listening carefully" Eniola gave her hardest glare. "if you tell anyone about my grades, I mean anyone at all and I will know if you do, I will make sure that you are expelled from this school."

Ireti cried out. "Did you see me telling anybody?"

Eniola tightened her grip. Ireti winced. "Also, don't even think of following me, I don't need your help"

Enioa shoved her and entered the hostel.

Ireti almost lost her balance and she would have fallen if not for the hostel wall that held her.

She pushed herself from the wall. Straightened her hostel gown. She pushed the hostel gate and went in.