Lezah Eam

It's lunch break now... as what I said earlier miss Manuel dismissed us 15 minutes before lunch time.... So now we are here walking together going to the cafeteria... we walk side by side.... well not with Ken but with Wood... why? tch I don't know. Seems like those two really don't want to stop this 'misunderstanding' tch... well I may say it's a bad move since almost everybody in this building know about this 'fake badass couple' thing.... let's see how can they resists everyone... since cafeteria is the place where all of the fangirls and boys are together... tch...

"Wood..." I whispered near him.


"What we'd do? You know... cafeteria was the worst place for us right now...we may be early but later it will be not as good as it is...this is not like last year... since all of them was on the last minute time when they come to the cafeteria because of their business... and we're both okay with that but now... it's different." I told him about the expected scenario later...

"Yeah... I know...And worst its first day... you know every students in this building knew us... for sure by later many late presents or letters... admirers by this time really is dangerous... they're aggressive... I bet we don't have a choice... let's just go to the quadros table later for sure Creme and the others won't mind it. And still we're both not okay with those two.... and by this another reason will be added for the misunderstanding again...." Worried, Wood said. I just look at him in despair as we will be trouble again before we knew it...

As we are approaching at the entrance of the cafeteria... it's a good thing that only a small group of students are here eating or sometime reading or studying. As we entered, I directly saw the usual place of the quadros where we sometime go with. As the others finding some place where we can all sit but unfortunately only 10 persons can occupy the seat... Me and Wood look at each other... seems like we're thinking the same thing.

"Uhmm... I'll go find other sit to eat... hehehhe.."

"I'll go with him...since you're all new here in this kind of environment and uhmmm we need someone to talk too about something too... so please Kia... for a while please do take care of them..." and I lean to her and whispered, "and please do stop the tiger to roar and a cat to get wild... I will really appreciate those...thank you."

Both me and Wood said to them where both of our loves get back to their senses as they're hearing those. But before they say anything... we both immediately went to the quadros table together with Wood.

"Hey! Good thing you're both here...you know, I just want to make sure if you really are going both..." Creme's opening words to us as soon as we approached their table.

"Ha? Why are you still doubting Creme? You know us... we're not turning back on our decisions. Stop doubting and let's eat I'm already hungry....right Wood?" I replied back and sat in front of her and in front of Ken but he's facing my back... A reason that I don't want to see when I'm in this kind of situations...he's scary when his mad...

"Okay okay fine....gosh why so serious Lez? You're scary..."

"Sorry... It's not that... it's just I'm a little bit nervous of something.." I said in despair.

"Really? You can even feel nervous ha?" Mark sarcastically said and pat me on my shoulder.

"On what?"

"Hmm... just something personal... I guess..." Not sure, I answered.

"Tch.. Personal ha?...what....ever." Mark said while doing our handshake.

Both me and Wood sat in front of them. I'm facing Leil who's busy playing chess on her phone, while Wood was facing Mark who's now busy talking with him.

As we are talking some stuffs... Creme and Vince arrived on our table bringing those tray that full of foods and put it there. "So how's your summer both? We don't have many news about the both of you... since you two are not into social more often.." Liel asked us then eat the pasta that she has on her fork.

"Uhmm just normal... nothing that special." I said and sighed.

"Stop me Lez. Just spill it already. Gosh I'm so done with this shit already. argh."

"It's just..."


"As you know...Wood was not my boyfriend...because of your annoying side..tch my real one was here... where basically transferred on our class..." I said while looking to Creme who's raising her eyebrows now…while the others was smiling stupidly.

What the? What's with them?...

"Well we know that for almost 3 years now and just knew earlier that something's not right in the room bitch... hhaahahah. We noticed the atmosphere inside the class which annoyed us...so much. But then as you know Class A was known for such smarties, nerdy-like, or something related to knowledge...well aside from that the class was full of nonsense, foolishness' and sometimes a bunch of naughty classmates...tch we're more looking like lowest section than the higher one...well not many of those know that since our room was covered of tinted glass and worst it's almost like sound proof..." Mark explained as he reminisce some of our naughtiness and foolishness' moments back then.

"And since the class was like that..tch just one look and everyone get that... and the worst they really get along with the prank plan. Gosh.... Imagine we've been for almost 4 or 5 years together and with that one look understand the meaning... so as for that... the whole class know about you and our boy here who's quiet which is new to see that you're not a "couple" or that "badass couple"... well we're quicker to know that than to others since we're been together for years now... and we knew that among the new transferees in class earlier he and she was there... you just gave a perfect entrance for that Lez..." Vince added as he sit right next to Wood who's busy playing the fries on his plate.

"Plus I feel so tense right now.. maybe not only me but almost all of us here... and I know you felt that too, Lez...Wood.." Liel said and glanced on my side to see someone I knew who's really really mad.. "Well as I slightly saw two person glaring at us like any minute will attack us...like hell...what's with them? Why are they like that?...damn that's scary for goodness sake...ahhhh" Liel added and acted scared in front of us.

"Do you really belong in Class A Liel? Gosh why are you so dumb regarding this.. gosh.. where were you when we are gossiping inside the class last time when this two are not around? I mean... ah yeah I just remember... your always out of the class whenever there's this kind of issues....gosh Liel. What are you doing when important news was announced? tch." Mark said in a savage way.

"Eh...ah... I don't know too, okay? It's just like I have some matters to do by that time when it was been talk in class. Tch... sorry okay? how should I know? Duh! I'm the vice president of the class remember? Since our beautiful witch president is always late, so here's me who always attended her meetings...right Creme?" Liel sarcastically said to Creme who almost got choked on what Liel said.

"What the? Liel are you mocking me? Damn you little panda come here...you------"

"And you know Lez..Wood.....it's fun to make your lovers like that...scary but fun...you know..hahhahaha just the squad stuff.."

"Tch... Better if you not do that bro...sometimes a tiger can't be tamed when it's mate was touched by others..hahahhaa good luck bro...seems like early from this day you've been the target...hahahah" Wood laughingly said to Mark who's his arm was on my shoulder.

"Tch...as if he can do that. If he will...then he better face the aftermath after." I added and smiled brightly to them.

"Damn..Lez stop dragging me into this too... tch Reyn is unstoppable when she's in this state." Wood suddenly said worrying his consequences..

"Remember I'm here? Damn Wood don't act stupid...tch could we just eat and stop this talk...it gives me chills...damn" I said sarcastically and started to eat the food on my plate.

"Hahhahahahahaha gosh Lez"

"Hahahahahahah that's our girl"


"HAhhhahaahaha fuck this..."

The four of them laughed and continue to eat lunch.

Tch he just better not make a scene or he'll face hell right away.


Kiara Jane

By watching Lez and Wood with other people makes me pissed. I don't know maybe because half of our life we're together since we we're young and this was some new for me...for us... seeing them smiling, laughing and joking with others was something new for us to see.

And right now.. what's the worst? Taming a tiger and wild cat on both of my sides who's almost gonna explode in jealousy just by looking on their lover smiling on others. As side leader of the squad I need to do this since both the leader and vice was not in the mood to do so..

"Ken could you stop glaring on their side...it's making this spot look uncomfortable. Damnit!" Ben exclaimed, "You too Reyn.. fuck this! What's with you both? " he added as it is getting more uncomfortable.

"If you don't calm down by now I'll really gonna make you sleep for so damn hour to make this stop. Come to your sense for goodness sake." I seriously said while crossing my arms and raised my eyebrows looking at them.

They both look at me and roll their eyes. Tch.

As the both are acting possessively the others especially Kie and Ram who's eating their food from the start until now since this two are big eater... this two really don't care on what's happening when there's food.

"What's with you two eating peacefully in this kind of situation?" Jiemy can't believe said to Kie and Ram.

"Hmmmm h-heheeh"

"H-ha? Ahhhh heheehh"

Both react in a shy way.

When the atmosphere was seem to enlighten a little bit... Then suddenly Ken hit the table that got us shock.

"What the?!"




"Mah food!!! Kennnnnn!!"

Startled, they say. I look around in our sides and some students are looking in our direction for a while and then get back to what they're doing.

I look at Ken who's now clenching his fists where anytime he'll attack someone then I look at Reyn who also clench her fists ready to fight someone before looking to the side where both Lez and Wood are sitting, and saw Lez with that 'Mark' I think... in this view it's really could make you pissed which it shows like he's kissing Lez and there's Wood who's like in pain because he keeps hitting the table while holding the hand of uhmm the vice president I think.. But what's the worst thing to see is that they seem to enjoy it and lastly, they're smiling, a smile that we don't normally see everyday. This kinda pissed me because of what I see, even the others find it not good to see since both Lez and Wood has lovers in this area and for the students here knew that they're like couple of what and that was also was making me more pissed that the students in the cafeteria are cheering for them, they totally enjoyed it.

I immediately stop both Ken and Reyn by grabbing their hands which force them to sit back and they both glare at me with their fierce eyes.

"Don't glare at me like that you both. You better stop what do you want to do.... if you don't want to face hell once again." I seriously said while still holding their hands so hard for them not to escape with my grip. "Kia...let go of my hand right now." Reyn serious and fiercely said and still glared at me with her fiery eyes. "Let go, Kia. Just please let go. Damn!" Ken seriously said while trying to move his hand out of my grip.

"Don't you dare try me losing my patience with you both. You may be higher in rank but I'm still older than you Ken. And do not glare at me with those eyes of yours Reyn. I may be calm right now but I'm just trying to resists anything just to stop you both on making a scene here right now. You may be the lovers of them both and please do not make assumptions that could make your situation worst. I know both of them know what they are doing. So stop breaking those plan of there's. I'm just making this stop so eagerly right now as I don't want to break the trust Lez put on me right now. I'm reminding you right here...right now...Lez has many sides that either you ken or the others haven't seen yet... stop making her lose her patience with you both and especially to you all. Lezah was different once you break something important to her self. And never....never ever break it...never break the trust she put in to you all. Especially you Ken... don't make decisions that could break your relationship in an instant. She trusted you more than she trusted us. And lastly, you both knew how much both Wood and Lez love you Reyn, Ken...put that in your mind. You both are becoming so possessive with your lover...and please do lessen that possessiveness of yours, your choking them without realizing it. That goes with the others too, remember that. So once I let go of my hand don't do anything reckless or you'll find yourselves in the clinic an hour after." I seriously and calmly said to them while resisting myself not to make my voice louder for the students to hear on our sides and then let go both of their hands.

Both Reyn and Ken deeply sigh sign that they're trying to calm themselves. "Fine. Fuck this." Ken exclaimed silently and as I could see he's trying to resists himself. "Damn. You better tell me the whole thing loves..you just better....arghhh. fuck!" and there's Reyn doing it too.

"That smiles of them was I only see rarely. It was all natural." I said without realizing. Everyone look at me for what I said.

"What'd you mean? Are you telling that their smiles when we're together are not natural?" Jiemy sarcastically said to me.

"No. That's not what I mean. Look at them. What you see the difference between the smiles they've shown us everyday and right now? You can tell if you watch them carefully."

"I think I know what you mean Kia. They seems really are happy as themselves the hidden one. You know not everyone of us are in true selves right now, you know that too. We are different from the real us. And I guess that both Lez and Wood found friends outside our nature." Mar agreed.

Hope that this was another year for us to be happy again... hope so... and both this lovers will stop this misunderstanding now. Because if this will stay long... I don't know what will I do to make their relationship well again... Damn this hard headed lovers. Gosh I'll get old this fast because of them.