"I'm huge," I complain as Zach and I are getting ready to leave. I am currentally eight months pregnant and I look like a whale.
"You are pregnant, you are supposed to be big and anyway you are not that big," Zach tries to convince me.
"Why exactly do the boys have to come with us grocery shopping?" I ask walking out to a car that held three of our friends.
"Well they are shopping as well but this way we can keep track of the pregnant lady who is always disappearing," Zach says helping me into the car.
"What I see something I like I am going to go look at it," I defend as Jonah pulls away from the house.
"That is why there will be five of us so we don't loose you and you suddenly start giving birth," Jack adds.
"But if I was already going to go into labor what's the difference?"
"I'd rather you not be alone when you go into labor," Zach says, hand on my thigh.
"I'm alone all the time at home," I fight.
"Yeah but at least you are at home," Zach tries.
"I think I won this argument even though you are still all going," I pout.
We eventually made it to the store and started our grocery shopping. They did give me a little bit of wiggle room when I asked to go to the bathroom.
"Ok, Princess meet us by the vegetables," Zach tells me. And that what I planned on doing but than I saw something cool in the dollar section after I was done in the bathroom.
"Olivia?" Someone questions from the other side the the rack thing. I look up to see someone I once new very well.
"Wow Rosie, what are you doing in LA?" I ask nicely.
"I'm going to college out here in the fall and wanted to get a feel for everything. Plus I have some friends out here. What about you what are you doing here?" she tells she still on the other side of this half wall.
"I live out here, I have for about 8 months now," say happily.
"I know this is weird because well things didn't necessarily end well with our friendship but do you want to get some coffee?" She asked.
"Now?" She nods. "Yeah, one second". I pull out my phone and text the group chat telling them I went to get coffee down the street.
As I walk around the corner I hear Rose say, "wow, you are really pregnant".
I laugh and say, "Yep, my boyfriend says I am not that big but I disagree". She laughs and it's not an awkward laugh it's a I am not disgusted by you kinda laugh.
We continue talking as we walk towards the coffee shop, "wait crap, can you even drink coffee?" She asks as we are about to walk in.
"I can just get decaf," I laugh.
"Oh right," she says. We order our drink and sit at this little table once we receive them.
"So we're you at the store alone?" She asks.
"No I was there with my boyfriend and four of our friends. They usually never let me out of there sights when we are in public but surprisingly they let me use the bathroom all by myself and than I got distracted and ran into you," I say causing Rose to laugh.
"Hold up your parents moved to LA? I find that hard to believe," she says shocked.
"No they still live in Colorado. My mom kicked me out," I inform her.
"I'm sorry, was it because of the baby?"
"No, I was pregnant then but I didn't even know than," I say which seems to cause some relief.
I feel my phone start to vibrate in my pocket so I pull it out and see Zach's contact name, "do you mind if I take this?"
"No, not at all," she says before I click the green button.
"Yes baby?"
"Where are you?"
"I told you I am getting coffee".
"You can't drink coffee. And I don't want you being alone in public," he tells me sounding worried.
"I'm not alone I ran into an old friend and my coffee is decaf," I inform my amazing boyfriend.
"Can the boys and I join you?"
"Let me ask, do you mind if some people join us?" I ask which Rose shakes her head no to. "Yeah you guys can".
"Ok we will be in, in a second," Zach tells me before I hang up the phone.
Seconds later I see my the love of my life and my four best friends enter the shop. "Hi Princess," Zach greets pulling up a chair behind me.
"Hi Baby. Boys this is Rose. Rose this is Zach, Jonah, Jack, Corbyn, and Daniel," I introduce painting everyone out.
"It's nice to meet you guys," Rose says politely.
"It's nice to meet you as well," Daniel responds.
"How do you guys know each other?" Corbyn asks.
"We were friends back in eighth grade," I say knowing they will immediately know who she was.
"Oh, wow. That's crazy after all these years running into each other," Jack says a little passively.
"You guys look kinda familiar," Rose realizes.
"We are a band," Corbyn helps.
"Really? What's the name?"
"Why Don't We," they all say together.
"You guys are idiots," I say laughing at them.
"My little sister is like obsessed with you, that where I know you from," Rose says chuckling.
We stayed in that coffee shop for another hour before we broke apart. It was good to see Rose again, I don't know if we will become friends again but still it was nice.