And the war begins

At the school back entrance where the wagons stop, the same amount of people as yesterday came over with their baggages. People who have big weapons put the baggages on the carriage and board. Ruu flies with Lime on her back, while I travel side by side with the carriage with Rin.

As soon as the preparations are over, the carriages departed immediately. Because whether a decision may be shaken, there is no seeing off. Did everybody finish it during yesterday? Because there is not a single person looking back towards the academy.

Even if they drive the carriages fast, it takes one week to the north castle that is the meeting place of the military. If we are attacked by robbers on the way, it wouldn't be a problem if it's a small group. However, when we become tired because of the long journey, it is not possible to fight without getting injured. To be on a safe tile, it is supposed that we stay at a town neatly at night.

If I'm not attacked by devil beasts, I can move freely. Because I shake plenty on Rin, I can't write talismans and it takes time to recover when my magic is consumed too much. So I decided to continue training my devil hands from the time of summer vacation.

Yes, I have understood that this skill evolved, because the skill seems to grow and to increase. After the heroes returned, there was a check of my magic amount and skills, at that time, a new skill has been acquired and its effect has strengthened the skill that has already been acquired. Of course it's a matter, where nobody is surprised. About the skill, I checked what kind of effect it has and well I knew that the devil's hand gradually strengthens the control of magic.

The skill that I acquired newly is talisman art. For combat I used weapons and attack magic for a long time, so how will it be with talisman art. Do I have the talent....? Well, recently only talismans are used, because they are more convenient.

The amount of my magic has increased considerably, too and has expanded up to the average extent of my age group. There is an awareness in this place that my usable magic increased obviously. Rather it would be dangerous if it didn't increase.... If it didn't increase, I wouldn't be even able to use a diamond.

My current skills are devil's hand, caress and my support magic, which seems to have developed fairly. Since I understood that I grew up, I want to strengthen it steadily.

Let's get back to the current story. With the training of the devil hands that I perform, I feel the magic included in the atmosphere and I can manipulate it. Well, the point is even if I come to feel it at last, it isn't a thing which can be understood several years later how to handle it....

The ability of the devil's hand, let me handle the magic power of whichever I touch directly with my hand. Then can I also handle the magical power in the air? With this idea, I challenge it. I don't know the atmospheric composition of this world, but the composition of the atmosphere certainly exist here, because I can recognize it clearly. The atmosphere seems to be filled with the magic which is the energy of the earth and I thought because I found out that the ability of the devil hands was also rising, it could be done surprisingly easily...I think that my view was fairly too optimistic.

I have begun to grasp it first from the place where the atmosphere is. Even if it is revealed that it exist in my brain no matter how much, the sense of its existence is thin. The first time to grasp it, needs approximately 1-2 months. It went well even here and although it took time, I understood that it was certain that the sense of its existence was thin and possible to touch. The next problem is to feel magic in the air.

I always feel Ruu's magical power, because the magical power that a creature has, has a considerably big density. Even as for me who was still poor at using the devil hands can feel it usually.

But the atmospheric magical power is a different story. Its density is low and more overwhelming than the one inside of a body.

Well, I expected it to some extent. Since it is the energy of the earth, it is natural that it is thin because it spread all over the world.

That's why, I needed several months to feel the magic in the air. And now, I can feel the thin magic in the air. Exactly like the feeling that I grip the clouds, surprisingly, this sense resembles the magic of the creature. Because I'm able to feel it, I intend to use it this time.

That's why, I try to feel the magic in the air while riding on Rin...uh, and it is absolutely more difficult than feeling magic! With the magical power of an creature, I shouldn't think that it is a complete different thing....

Without being attacked by devil beasts and robbers, we arrive at the departure point of the army according to schedule. A large number of tents are pitched and people with various appearances are coming and going. Everyone was wearing an armor and polishing their swords with a heavy face.

"I meet the person in charge of this army now. Everybody please go to the given place with the teachers. And teachers, please take care not to make a commotion" Principal

After she said so, the principal walked away with a person who came to pick her up. As for us, we followed after the teachers who guided us.

On the way many eyes are fixed on us. The most have surprised and pitiful eyes. For a child to participate in a war, it is nothing else than a tragedy....

We are taken in front of two big tents, where we were ordered to wait according to the guards here until there were other instructions. Ruu and the others are waiting outside. What shall I do...shall I write some talismans? If I don't have some at the time for battle, it will be a big problem. Perhaps, after this, the strategy might be explained. Till then, I will write as much as possible.

After approximately one hour passed, the principal came back. She is accompanied by the person who came to receive us a short while ago. That person, will he explain the strategy?

"Everyone assemble! I will explain our strategy now!"

It seems that he has already told the girls somehow. Entering the tent one after another, the tent was full in no time. By the way, what kind of strategy is it?

"This time, I have you participate in this strategy. As for me, I'm the kingdom's first knight adviser chief Linkrudo. Now, I explain the strategy to everybody" Linkrudo

"All members, hear it carefully. If you don't understand the strategy, we will fail in the succeeding of that strategy!"

All faces are tightened. Well, what kind of strategy is it....

"This time, the mixed military unit of adventurer and the employed mercenaries attracts the enemy, while we, the knight`s order and the heroes go through the gap that they made and defeat the boss of our enemies. Because the demon beasts excel in numbers, a long war is disadvantageous and because there are few chances of victory even if we prolong too much, we need to fight it out with a short-term decisive battle"

Well, it is a proper judgment. Reinforcements from other countries doesn't seem to have come and even if it's judged from the side of goods, a short-term decisive battle will be best. With the heroes and their weapons for the final battle, the problem of firepower can be settled. The problem will be the main enclosure.

"Is there a question?" Linkrudo

"Yes, what is it?" Principal

"If we defeat the main enclosure of the enemy, I heard that more than one demon will appear according to some information. If there are several bosses, how do you deal with them?"

"At that time, other corps buy time until the heroes knock them down"

In short the hope lies in the heroes. It became uneasy at a stretch....

"For every one of the academy, you will be in charge of guarding the magician corps. Although the adventurer and mercenaries units try to knock down as much as possible, I think that the devil beast which aren't knocked down try to break through by all means. The magicians are here to try to protect the other military units, while they protect the magicians when they cast large-scale assault magic. Please obey the instructions of the teachers in charge of your unit"

Uuh, is this strategy going to be okay. I'm worried variously.... I mean I admit that this plan is good, however in this one month, did the heroes become stronger suddenly? Well, that won't be the strategy if it isn't so and otherwise they wouldn't use it.

Carrying out the strategy tomorrow, the demon's troops already seem to have occupied the fortress and are going to invade the capital straight. Although there seems to be great numbers and the speed isn't very fast, they can't be left alone. It will be an urgent situation and there won't be time to wait for reinforcements at all.

And after the allocated place is told to every teacher, Linkrudo returned. In preparation for tomorrow, I will sleep early today.

In the early morning of the next day, the military leaves the camping ground and towards the north where the demons are. Even when we advance for about several hours, the adventurers who are going to scout visually recognizes the group of demons. Setting our headquarters at this place, we take out battle formation and confront the demons on the plains.

The devil beasts greatly open aside and gradually come close. We on the other hand, take our wedge-shaped battle formation to break through the center at a stretch. When the battle starts, the heroes and knight corps crash into the enemy lines center, the adventurer and mercenary corps attracts the enemy and try not to be circled. The magician corps at the back tries to protect the center.

My unit is arranged around the rear left of the wedge and we try to guard the magician corps as planned. The adventurer and the mercenaries are taking a stance at the center, while the academy teachers and students are placed where the enemy doesn't comparatively come. The principal and the teacher for magic seem to be in charge of the magician corps.


"Although the battle begins soon, you need to calm down very much"

"Is that so? Even if this is considerably tense, this is my first battle"

"I have participated in a large-scale subjugation of the guild, but this is also my first battle.... The atmosphere isn't much of a difference from a large-scale subjugation. Aren't you afraid of war?"

"I´m scared. However, I'm visible afraid and my revelation doesn't stick to my familiars. They feel scarier than me. In such a place, I can't be afraid"

"I you fight on the back of your familiar as usual?"

"No, because it seem to be dangerous this time, I devote myself to a long-distance attack. When I'm with them, everyone can't take out their full strength"

"If that's the case, please don't get away so much. With just you alone, they're too unreliable"

"I understand it, I don't intend to die here"

The devil beasts gradually approach. When they're seen from here, they are like wriggling black shadows. The next moment when I thought like that,


the devil beasts made a roar and begin to run at us at a stretch. We raise a loud voice so that the front-row soldiers jump out and oppose them, while the magician corps begin to cast their magic immediately. I also place talismans between my fingers and throw them out as always. As for Ruu she goes into an action posture. Yosh...I will survive absolutely.

Author note: With battle formations, is it such a feeling? Because it's been written roughly, it may be strange in various ways.

War, Relative safety, familiars and separate action. There are many people who have already read the development, too.