Kneeling Down on the Ground

The next day, I woke up when the sun was about to rise . Haa, because I slept without eating a meal yesterday . . . I made everyone worry . A day passed and my feelings somewhat lightened . Before I go to the capital, shall I apologize to the principal?

Since Lucas was still asleep, I prepared to go out while being careful not to make a sound . . . . What is this strange feeling? Even if I turned around, there was only a desk and a window there . Lucas was sleeping so there shouldn't be anyone else . There is no place to hide . . . however, I still feel like there is someone there . Umm, what is this? What should I do if something happens while I sleep?

"Excuse me . . . is someone there?" Tsuchio

Though I thought it was stupid, I still spoke out . The room was quiet and you can only hear the breathing of Lucas who was sleeping . Is it my imagination . . . ? When I thought so and was about to wear my pants, my shadow shook slightly at the edge of my sight . . . . huh, my shadow?

My shadow was unexpectedly shaking slightly with the source being the sunlight shining through the window . Naturally, a shadow cannot shake, if it isn't caused by a candle . I mean, even a candle doesn't shake .

My shadow continued shaking soundlessly and just stood up . . . . No, it isn't a lie!? Having my shape, it just stood up aimlessly . Its feet were connected directly to my foot and shadow . . . . What is this?

"Emm . . . who are you?" Tsuchio

" . . . "

A shadow that doesn't speak . However, mutual understanding seemed to be possible . It pointed at me and itself with its black hand . The shadow repeated it . . . and I still have no idea what it is trying to say! Emm, for now, I shall tame it for my safety . . . I can't tame it . This being isn't a devil beast . . . .

So for now, I put my pants tightly on since I was interrupted before . Well, first of all let's show it to Ruu and the others . Yes, let's do that . Ruu might be able to understand it . I don't know whether it can talk .

Well then . . . Shadow-san . Come . " Tsuchio

The shadow nodded when I say so and returned to my shadow like before . . . . Let's go .

"I´m sorry Tsuchio . I think that this guy can't speak . I don't understand it . " Ruu

"I see . . . well I expected as much . Although mutual understanding is possible . . . its ego is too thin . " Tsuchio

"How strong is it?" Ruu

"Well it was . . . like when Lime was tamed?" Tsuchio

"It's equal . . . but it wasn't like this yesterday . " Ruu

After joining with Ruu, the shadow was shown to everyone in the monsters' quarters . As a result, it doesn't seem to be able to speak now .

"Buru, Bururu?"

"Uh, it is probably the result of that devil stone . Why this happened, I have no idea . " Tsuchio

" . . . ?" Puru?

"Ah, I didn't show it to you two . Remembered the scream yesterday? I received a devil stone filled with magical power from the principal . . . however it slipped from my hand and fell to the ground before it broke . . . " Tsuchio

"Therefore you cried so much . . . . In fact is that the reason?"Ruu

"Probably, I certainly saw it falling into my shadow . And I saw the black mist absorbed into the ground, but it actually was absorbed by my shadow" Tsuchio

Because it was dark magic, it could be absorbed by my shadow . . . or did my shadow possess magic . . . . Well it doesn't matter . What I want to know now is what is this fellow? I will check it later in the library . But first . . . .

"What can you do, I will gain a general understanding . Your shape and the feeling coming from you . . . I mean by all odds, what kind of magical being are you" Tsuchio

"Koku, Koku?"

"A slimes also form their bodies with magic . So, are you a magic creature or are you not similar . " Tsuchio

Can I touch it? . . . It is okay, I tamed it . Touching my shadow on which I'm standing feels strange .

I tried to put my hand on the stomach area of my shadow . It was like water . . . . It looked like it's a monster that attacks with magic . . . . Ah, the feeling of the abdomen was strange . . . . Since it's possibly my shadow, does it also have an influence on my body? However, when I stuffed my hand into its body, it felt quite strange . Uーh . . . there is too little information .

"Good, please show me what you can do" Tsuchio

Saying so, a jet-black rope flew out from my shadow's body towards Lime . Winding around, Lime used a little strength to tear it off at once . Hee, there is also such magic .

"After all, its magic power is small and a little too weak . " Tsuchio

"There is no helping it . Has it just been born?" Ruu

"That's right, is its magic power enough to be useful?" Tsuchio

"Soul . . . though it is Tsuchio´s shadow, its height is lower than Tsuchio and its physique is also quite different" Ruu

"Ah, that reminds me . . . . When it just came out, it was almost like me . " Tsuchio

Its height is a bit shorter than mine, but overall it is mellow . Well, since it is my shadow, there is no big difference .

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"Well, I will keep it even if it is a spirit, demon or ogre . So first of all, I will apologize to the principal . "


"No matter the result, I have still already broken that devil stone . Therefore after I apologize, I will show her this shadow . "

In the same way as just a while ago, my shadow pointed at me and itself . I have to give it a proper name . . . .

"Excuse meーーー!!!"

" . . . What happened, suddenly . . "

I entered the principal's office and immediately put my forehead to the floor . In this state, I explained the circumstances and showed Shadow-san to the principal . For some reason, when it came out, it was kneeling down on the ground like me . Why is it doing that? I don't know why, but then it stood up properly .

"I see . You dropped the devil stone yesterday evening and the magic power inside was absorbed by your shadow . . . . In fact, you dropped it almost immediately after I handed it to you . " Principal

"It slipped . . . because I played with it inside my hand . By the way, how much magic power was inside the devil stone?" Tsuchio

"I don't know . I kept it in a safe all the time since I picked it up, thus I can't judge . . . according to my intuition, I think it was a considerable amount . " Principal

"Haa . . . . Thereupon, principal concerning this devil beast, do you know anything?" Tsuchio

"I must/have to say that I don't know what kind of devil beast it is at all . You better ask Sasha-sensei or look in the library . " Principal

So I went to ask Sasha-sensei . And I stopped Shadow-san from kneeling down randomly . Hey, let's go!

"Sasha-sensei, I want to ask you something" Tsuchio

"I can hear you, so you don't need to shout . . . . What is it?" Sasha-sensei

On my way walking from the principal's office to the faculty room, I rushed up to sensei . Sensei was holding several books in her hands again . Did she return from the library?

"Ah, yes . I want to talk in the faculty room" Tsuchio

"Then, give me a minute please" Sasha-sensei

"Yes . . . okay . Shadow-san please come" Tsuchio

Shadow-san stood up . Giving Shadow-san one book as a trial, it was sucked into its body in a moment . What? It cannot pierce through . When another book was given, it was also sucked into its body . . . . Somehow it has become interesting . After that, all the books sensei had were absorbed . Shadow-san´s body was like a black hole . Is it similar to Garm?

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"Does Sensei know what kind of devil beast it is? For a number of reasons . I tamed it" Tsuchio

" . . . Perhaps it is a shadow monster . Ghost-type monsters are devil beasts who absorb the life source of creatures by hiding in their shadows . Strangely, there is a lot of magic . . . in addition, it seemed to be your shadow . . . " Sasha-sensei

"Yes, I dropped a devil stone on my shadow . . . . I got it from the principal as a reward for all the trouble . After the magic came out of the stone, it was sucked into my shadow . " Tsuchio

There is nothing new to say, but what was that devil stone . . . at least I should have appraised it .

"When was that?" Sasha-sensei

"Yesterday evening . When the sun went down . " Tsuchio

" . . . I see . Well, it probably is a shadow monster . There are a lot of ghost-type devil beasts who are only active at night, but your shadow monster is one of the few who is also active at daytime . " Sasha-sensei

"Hee . . . so is it usually a human-type in this way?" Tsuchio

"The outline gives the impression that it is thin and tall . This shadow monster has a rather feminine shape . " Sasha-sensei

"Extremely . . . good . "

My harem candidates increased . Well, I don't know what kind of feeling it'll be .

"Nevertheless, your number of familiars has increased . Your familiars are all considerably strong which is very good . " Sasha-sensei

"Eh, what do you mean?" Tsuchio

"Your familiars are too strong when compared to the familiars of others, so there is also a need to keep the balance with other students . Your shadow monster is a devil beast of the lowest rank of ghost type monsters . "

"Is it like a slime . . . "

"Well, it is stronger than a slime . A high-ranking one had also appeared before that was an assassin type . "

Take out a target using assassination . Every kind of creature is dangerous when a chance is there . It is likely to grow up easily .

"Uuuh . . . but it is slightly different . . . . After all, is it because it's fixed to your shadow . . . ?" Sasha-sensei

"Is it so . . . hey, Shadow-san . Are you able to separate from me?" Tsuchio

Shadow-san silently separated from me and stopped at a place approximately 5m away . Because she doesn't try to move any more, that might be the limit . My shadow that expanded was also connected with Shadow-san .

"I thought so . . . a shadow monster can hide inside a shadow and in this way it isn't bound to one shadow . The efficiency of hunting has become remarkably worse . " Sasha-sensei

"I guess . Well, the distance becomes longer with growing too probably . " Tsuchio

"Well, you will find out when she grows up . Please raise her properly . "

Shadow monster . . . how does it grow up? Huh, what do I say . . . my shadow became a devil beast and it seemed strange as expected . When I think one half of my body became a devil beast . Why did it become a female . . . is it because I dropped the devil stone at night? Perhaps it's the idea of positive and negative . The men and day are positive, while women

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and night are negative . Well, the sun is a woman in the case of Shintoism, which is Amaterasu Omikami . As Hiratsuka Raicho said, "Originaly, females were the sun . " I don't believe in Shinto particularly, but women surely have an image of the night . Ah, it isn't a sexual thing . Isn't a woman with dark features attractive?

Now anyway, I have the duty as a tamer to raise her well . Like Ruu, I will bring her up as a wonderful human-type demon!

After that, I checked the information about Shadow-san in the library . Apparently, ghost-types have moderate strength and are of the lowest rank . Slimes don't seem to be made as a comparative target . Other ghost-types like corpses, zombies, skeletons, skeleton soldiers are summoned with dark magic . Because those devil beasts have no self and intention, it isn't necessary to restrict them with magic . Ah, by the way, they can move even in the daytime . They seem to be weakened to some extent though . Although the Shadow monster is ranked E, there is no change in its threat .

" . . . Although the rank is low, there is no sign that a creature is really so, thus attention is necessary . Even a C-rank adventurer would be in danger . Fortunately, because the life force of a creature is its food, it is more likely to be safer if I separate with it immediately . . . . Can't life force be breathed in a little at a time?" Tsuchio

"That's so . That is quite effective . . . but when your life is reduced a little, you will notice it . It is an unpleasant feeling" Librarian-san

Behind me reading an illustrated book, Librarian-san stood there before I was aware . Muu, I didn't notice at all .

"Since when were you standing here?" Tsuchio

"I trained in the past . I let it gradually weaken, it's used for torture . Noo . . . those days were hard" Librarian-san

"Is, Is that so . It was hard . . . " Tsuchio

Whether it's so . . . it is someone's meal every day, so it is no use if I do not give my life force! . . . Well, there is only me . I cannot let Ruu do it . My familiars will be weakened if it is absorbed from them . I can do it only on holidays so I can do nothing on a day with class .

"Shadow-san, today's meal is my vitality for the time being . And when I sleep to recover, you're not allowed to suck it in" Tsuchio

Shadow-san nodded . It is likely it understood . . . that it may die if I do a bad job . First of all, let's have it breathe in front of Ruu .

Evening, at the place Shadow-san was my body came to feel heavy, while it absorbed my life . Although Ruu was worried, it seemed I can recover at night somehow . . . . Absorbing to the very limit . . . I reserve remembered something a little! It isn't that I could say!

"Did you become full?"

Shadow-san shook its head aside . Well, it is to the extent I can recover at night . . . until the living being dies, it'll keep breathing actually .

"Is that so . . . if you suck this much only for now, I won't die right?"

Shadow-san nodded this time . Then, I have no problem for the time being . When I go on vacation, I will let it breathe in fully .

At dinner time, Shadow-san seemed to receive dinner with me shrewdly and poured it into its body . After hearing it later, even normal meals seemed to be able to extend its life . Say that first! I shouted in my mind while being exhausted on my bed . . . .