Summer Holidays in the capital and the north

At the spring of my second year the heroes appeared, I participated in a war and was often involved in big affairs . I thought of these things while packing my luggage for summer holidays which starts today .

After having received my reward money, I studied very hard every day . Is it strange that Loreen started her new post as teacher of talisman arts in the academy? To increase the number of people using talisman arts, she seemed to have suggest this intentionally on her own . Loreen is a beautiful woman and an royal court magician, therefore her popularity among the students is high . It is astonishment that more boys called her elder sister than girls . That's why a lot of students took her class and came to use talisman arts so she doesn't need to worry that it will extinct . I'm happy that she teaches in the academy obediently because I wanted to learn Loreen´s talisman arts too . Nevertheless I wanted to know if her study is all right and she said .

"I'm not an alchemist, therefore I can study everywhere . Although money is necessary" Loreen

This line is so reliable and manly . Loreen is cool! If she said, that she would give up her study what would happen then?

As for Shadow-san´s growth . . . oh it is smooth . Her form looks like Lime but more human-like . The burden and magical power of Shadow-san increased, too, and the magic range is plenty, too . Normally an increase in magic means an evolvement . . . but because her form didn`t change much, she doesn't have a real sense of evolving . Shadow-sans is like Rin, whose basis form didnt change . Now she can separate from me till 50m, that's why solo action seems to be good, too . However the best characteristic of Shadow-san lies elsewhere . It means that she regularly shares her magical power with me . Even if I say sharing magic, it isn't like Ruu which involve pleasure . Surprisingly saying so . . . is this the natural feeling of sharing magic? I don't feel it exactly . When fighting together, even if we didn't consult, there was no stagnation in our cooperation . It was so natural, that I wasn't surprised . . . .

And recently Shadow-san is very close with Ruu . Because both of them are ragged when they return, are they fighting against strong monsters? Well it is nice that they're on good terms . It isn't a bad thing, so I don't mind it .

And since now Rin and Lime didn`t evolve . Well, I concentrated my power on the upbringing of Shadow-san . Because we can't go on an outing, there are also few chances to fight against strong deil beasts . . . .

As for Ruu . . . she is working hard neatly . . . . I have to study, therefore I can't stay up very late . Well, I am enriched, but tired .

Rin also seems to have lost her reserve finally and running in the morning seems to have become a daily routine for us already . We run around the academy, but when summer comes it becomes hot, but not so hot like in japan, so the season now is good exactly . After all, I don't like winter so much . . . . Is there a magic to protect against the coldness?

Finally it is summer holidays . Kisato-san also invited me this time, so I thought we will went to Danze island so I can meet Spirit-san .

『E, Emm . . . It is slightly inconvenient this year . . . 』Tsuchio

『Ah, is that so? After all it is serious in various ways when people increase』Spirit-san

『U, Uh-huh, that's probably so . Because it would end next year, I will come as soon as I have time』Tsuchio

『I see, please do your best』Spirit-san

『I do my best . Oh, communication is entirely possible』Tsuchio

Therefore I decided to go from the capital to the north this summer holidays . I want to look at the library which I wasn't able to go last time and there seems to be many strong devil beasts living in the north . The invasion of the devil beasts didn't happen since that war and it became a waiting again . Usually you should press for such time quickly . . . . That's why I don't really understand the thought of the devil beast attack well at all .

I am going to go to the fortress first of all after staying in the castle town for a few days . They don't start action by the army unit, but pretty good adventure persons seem active north . When this is because it is popular highly because the material of the northern devil beast is traded at a high price . The fortress north is undeveloped . (Though the great antiquity was a territory in the country somewhere)なので, It is not possible to go too much far .

"At last we arrived at the capital, as I thought it's far"

"Now, we will stay here for 3 days okay? It takes 1 week with a carriages and with the principal it took 4 days . Just because we advance on the dawn of the third day"

" . . . " Purupuru

"Oh, a close turn? When there is my student ID, it will be okay"


"As for shadow-san . . . can I take her out? Okay, let's advance"

With my student ID, I was able to enter the capital without a problem in particular, which is great . At first let's look for a inn before going to the library . For now, I'll also go to the guild this time . After all they would tell me a inn with a monster stable . Well it's only Rin who stays in the monster stable this time and an ordinary inn may also be fine depending on the price . Because Rin also can stay in a horse stable .

The adventurer guild in the royal capital is on the edge of the north side and outside of the 2nd wall where most of the people gather at the commoner district . Because I confirmed it before, it won't be hard to find . I don't want to be tangled in something, that's why I hear and return quickly . Well, there is no reason to be able to get twisted up . . . though Ruu is a little doubtful, because she is a beauty .

We entered the imperial capital from the south gate, so even if we hurry it takes time to go to the guild on the north side . It isn't possible to fly through the sky either . . . . Let's walk slowly while looking at the stores around .

We who took time for around one hour finally arrived at the guild . On the way, I saw a lot of interesting stores, but I remembered their places because it was necessary to find a inn first . Oh, I want to look at them quickly . . . .

"Okay Ruu . You mustn't act violent from this even if we picked a quarrel with an adventurer . If the other side starts the fight, then you don't have to hold back" Tsuchio

"Is it useless when returning it before it is done?" Ruu

"Yes, don't fight back . You can do it only, when your arm is grasped or you are touched in strange places . When something like this is done, you don't need to hold back" Tsuchio

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"I understood and I'm sorry if I fail" Ruu

I open the door which is like the doors of a salon in a western movie and enter the guild . A bar is added and many people gathered here together . Are all of them doing a event or what is it? Because most people in the guild gathered together, the worry that I'm involved also becomes little . I will finish business quickly .

"Excuse me, I'm looking for an inn for tamers . . . " Tsuchio

"For tamers? How many days do you stay?" Receptionist

"3 days . Isn't there a place with a moderate price?" Tsuchio

"In that case you need to walk the street right in front of the guild towards the north a little, the spotted puppy bower is recommended . Although it isn't cheap, they are kind and the dishes are delicious, too" Receptionist

"I see, then I'll go there . Thank you very much . That reminds me what is with that uproar?" Tsuchio

Because it is so noise, there must be a moderate reason, too . . . they won't be excited of an drink competition

"Ah, that is . . . . A woman who appeared aimlessly some time ago made a bet with the adventurers . She bet money if she wins in arm wrestling and she takes all the money which they have . There weren't many bets of money at the beginning because they thought she is only a woman . . . . Natural while winning and advancing one after another, the bets also increased . And gradually the uproar became larger because all C-rank adventurer lost" Receptionist

"Don't you need to stop them?" Tsuchio

"If they settled their gambling, the guild doesn't interfere . However it is indeed stopped when it becomes a battle commotion" Receptionist

They won't interfere as long as you don't cause trouble . . . . It is all right if I peep out lightly .

"Ah, she distributed this paper . It's written variously"

She say so and the receptionist shows me a piece of paper . Such sentences were written there .

I´m a travelling martial arts master .

While I'm making a long journey, my travel funds run out .

That's all for the money on hand .

This bet, the losing condition is, me, defeated in arm wrestling .

Winning is opposite . Depending on ability, it would be possible to win .

What are these strange sentences . Even if you don't say the condition of victory or defeat, it would be understood . Also also not only the word endings is strange, if I go with the flow, it would be like this right . There are some different aims, and you should think these sentences have some hidden meaning . . . or is it?

"Everyone don't keep it in mind . I am told to show it to everybody for the time being directly, so everyone can read it directly . It's also on the bulletin board . . . " Receptionist

After all there is some aim . It wouldn't be so, if it isn't told to show it purposely .

. . . Ah, that's how it is . Though it is hard to see a little, it is a simple code if you open the cover . Rather than the code, it may be a problem of the way to read .

I should report it to the Knight order if it is true what is written here . Well, can I trust it? When it's so, I have no choice but to handle . Haa, why will I be rolled up in something so troublesome . . . . I quickly go to the inn . . . now that it has been found, it can't be ignored . Well, what appear in this way expressly, is a method to have someone find it out . I don't know whether they are friendly, but may I consider that there is no intention to fight against each other?

"Tsuchio, what's the matter? Was there something interesting in these sentences?" Ruu

"Yes . . . a misunderstanding or accident is good . Ruu there is a someone making a bet there . I want you to have a arm wrestling match with him . " Tsuchio

"Okay, I win by all means . This is the best way to quickly earn money" Ruu

"Ah, no . Money is not separately necessary . The fellow making the bet has a little business" Tsuchio

"Saying so, are you acquaintance?" Ruu

"No, it isn't so . . . . I want to talk a little" Tsuchio

"Understand, I only need to win!" Ruu

"Well, it isn't necessary for you to win . For now you should be able to talk" Tsuchio

We say so and go through the crowd . At the center, one man and woman catches each others arms and looks angrily at each other . A dark skinned skinhead and a blond haired woman with red eyes and porcelain white skin . Her ears are a little sharp, but they match her beauty while she charms a lot of people, because she is an elf . A bellicose and fierce smile appear on her face . It lets you feel a chill running through your back and resembles a carnivore . The feeling may be slightly similar to Ruu . . . .

"Then . . . start!"

The hand of the skinhead is flung against the desk at the same time as the referee gives the signal of the start . The desk cracks probably because it was flung many times and a white smoke occurred because of friction going up from the hand .

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"Uuuuuu!!! Shit I lost!!!"

"Thank you for your challenge, I get all money you bet . Oh, you are not my enemy!"

Oohoohooho! The woman laughs loudly . Incredible . . . a person whom laughing loudly suits is seen for the first time .

"Acya, has strong arm Alex lost too?"

"That woman is a monster! Beating 25 people like this!"

"Hey you go try it"

"Even for an B-ranker it is impossible"

Humu, I think that she is profiteering fairly . A pile of coins is piled up on the desk aside .

"Isn't there a fierce player who wants to challenge me!? Everyone is good!"

Okay, it is necessary to go to the other side to challenge her .

"No, it is great . He probably is a B-rank? Even how many arm wrestling matches are, it's wonderful to win!"

"Huhuhu, It is too much! Well? For me these kinds of things are side jobs!"

"She really is a demon! I'm serious you are a demon!"

" . . . Humu . So do you merely came for banter? Then go somewhere else quickly because you are obstructive"

Ant reaction . It may be pulled here, I'd like soon to give a push .

"No No, we have come to arm-wrestle neatly . Though it is her who is doing it" Tsuchio

"Hee . . . okay, come at me seriously"

Ruu throws the stake on the desk and grasps her hand . I don't know how far her abilities are, but I will see it now . I´m doing it seriously .