Reunion with Spirit-san

"This is my third summer vacation already . . . time really goes fast huh" (Lucas)

"What a stinky old woman . . . . despite being an innocent young girl" (Tsuchio)

"I´m not a old woman, I´m a old man! Besides, I'm not a young girl, I'm a young man! I have been saying it for three years already!" (Lucas)

I thought that time went by like an arrow . It's been three years since I've come to this world, and I was able to go to the third grade safely . Ah, it seems that the heroes were able to return to their original world properly . It seems that some nobles had been plotting to do something to prevent them from returning, but rumors were spread that they might cause a war against the countries if they didn't return so that those nobles were chanceless . I don't know why, but they came to say thank you to me before they returned home . It's been a long time ago . It seems that they will return home after being summoned without any memories of this world, so that they are able to live their lives as it is . I'm not sure if the last matter is true . . . but well, there's no choice but to trust this secret . Even if the heroes rampaged or the country is against it, I think that it will be still done firmly . There is pressure from the other countries .

Since the time Lime became a person, I need to fight against both Ruu and Lime at night . Ruu alone was already quite hard to handle and now Lime was added too . At first, I was leading, but I was attacked from the next . No slime . . . it's really going to wither . Because the hole there is a hole for putting out instead of putting it in . Do not get strangely stimulated! It's going to be good every time Ruu and I do it, but the problem is that I'm dying . . . . Therefore, I decided to try energy medicine or strengthening magic .

Ruu and Lime are handling each other during class . It is because Lime can't go against Ruu and the others to follow me during class time . Only Rin is still going out alone . Her desire to become a human isn't extraordinary . . . . I hope so . She isn't just trying to evolve . Lately, she doesn't talk to me at all . Even if I try to talk, she would go somewhere else . Rin is really cute, but it is quite spicy not to speak to her . Haa . . . am I hated? If it is Rin, then it is as if I´m separated from myself . I guess it's already warm, so I will invite her for a walk early in the morning .

"Lucas, are you going home this year too?" (Tsuchio)

"Yes, to my parents in the elf territory . What about you, Tsuchio?" (Lucas)

"Well . . . I am going to the Cyano islands . " (Tsuchio)

I have been invited again by Kisato-san this year, but the period is a little short . We will go to Landis island and stay for a few days before we return . So, I can meet Spirit-san only for a short time . Come on, Spirit-san a little is also nice! I said I'm going to see her, though . . . . Even when I come back, I still have a summer vacation . What to do after we returned . . . I need to decide gradually .

"Cyano islands, are the fishes tasty there?" (Lucas)"Yes, the seafood was delicious . Though the academy is also very close to the sea and we can often eat fish, but it is completely different there . There are many fish dishes over there . " (Tsuchio)"Hee, I want to go too . " (Lucas)"When you get married, why don't you take your husband there? Oh yeah, there are so many pirates over there and I can't say that security is good . . . . So, isn't it dangerous to bring Lucas there?" (Tsuchio)"My husband! I will bring my wife! Alright, I will do it!" (Lucas)"Tsuchio loves to tease Lucas" (Triss)"I'm also concerned about Lucas, but if you say too much you will be disliked, right?" (Fall)" . . . I see, Lucas dislikes me . . . " (Tsuchio)"I don't hate you, but . . . I want you to stop treating me as a girl . Even so, I'm pretty curious" (Lucas)"It´s my bad habit that I want to bully such a cute child . " (Tsuchio)"It's a distorted expression of affection . . . " (Triss)"If you were to do it, it would be a terrible disaster . . . " (Fall)"Tris can't do it . . . " (Tsuchio)"You can't do it, Tris?" (Lucas)

I move behind Triss and caress her head . And when I say a few words to Tris, she seems to feel bad .

"Triss is tiny and cute" (Tsuchio)"I'm a dwarf, so I can't help it!" (Triss)"Haahaahaa, you can't reach me because you're short!" (Tsuchio)

Tris is trying to hit me, but I'm holding her head so her fists are hitting nothing . The case of stature is different .

"To precisely point out what people care about . . . " (Triss)"Tris, it's okay! All dwarf women are like that!" (Tsuchio)"That's right, you are not going to grow anymore . " (Lucas)

"Mukii!!!" (Triss)

Tris is spinning thoroughly, while I still hold her head with my hand . Her body is shaking, but I have no problem because I hold her down properly . If I close my eyes, then she would still not be able to turn around .

"Well, calm down, Triss . There are women who are tall and worrying about it . And because you're a dwarf, you naturally have a short stature, which is cute by woman and ugly by men . " (Lucas)"That's right, I'm longing for a woman who is tall and good-looking . . . " (Tsuchio)"Tsuchio, you shouldn't tell Tris about your preferences" (Lucas)"Okay, I will only tell Lucas" (Tsuchio)

"Don't stop me, Lucas . . . " (Triss)

I won't say that Lucas is a woman anymore, because of what he said just now . However, I can't stop it!

"Long time no see !!!" (Spirit-san)

"Oooh, it's been awhile, Spirit-san . " (Tsuchio)

This time, we weren't attacked by pirates and we arrived at Landis Island without seeing dung aristocrats either . It seems that we will stay only for 5 days this time, so I cannot relax much . As soon as I got to Landis Island, I took a ship to Danze Island and went into the forest on the same day . Therefore, we have no lodging . As soon as we return to Landis Island, we probably will stay at the Knights Order .

"Hey, why are you trying to dodge! It is the first time in 2 years!" (Spirit-san)

"You used the branch to talk to me once every few days . . . . Besides, anyone will dodge when suddenly hugged . " (Tsuchio)

Because Ruu released a warning, less demons have attacked us . There are some beetles and others who attacked occasionally, but all were absorbed by Shadow-san . Well after all, the northern demons are much stronger . . . . However, they are stronger than the devil beasts near the kingdom but aren't opponents for my familiars . It was a bit harsh when they attacked as a group, but those with high intelligence escaped early . We also were attacked by rhinoceros, but we cut off their legs and penetrated their head, which is efficient .

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"I missed your skin, but I can't even meet people when they come . " (Spirit-san)

"Hee, what?" (Tsuchio)"Well, spirits exist only in fairy tales . Once found, it is usually decided to catch them and check the body . Only those who deserve our trust are met . " (Spirit-san)"In front of me, you came out quite a lot . " (Tsuchio)"You are a trustworthy person who has monsters with dragons' divine protection . I have an eye for this . " (Spirit-san)"I see . " (Tsuchio)

Were the blessings of Hellfire-san also in such a place? I can't thank him right now, but I have to say thank you when we meet again .

"More than that, do you have the souvenir from the kingdom! What is it?" (Spirit-san)"Wa, wait a minute . I'm taking it out now . " (Tsuchio)

I take out a book from Shadow-san . It has the feeling of a japanese landscape photography collection . There seems to be a magic of transferring sceneries to paper, but because it will be abused for spying, there are not many people who can use it . To stop the spyware, they send people out like Librarian-san . For that reason, it was a good price, but for Spirit-san who cannot go outside, there are only such books to see the landscape of the outside world . In addition . . . .

"Tsu, Tsuchio! What is this, there is bright red water! A mountain is spouting fire and this one is pure white! Is there such a thing outside!?" (Spirit-san)"That's right . It's hard to go to see it because everywhere around is wasteland . " (Tsuchio)

Spirit-san turns her eyes to the photo collection . She was wondering if it was black and white, but it has a solid color . Well, it's better to have a color because it's spying magic . Spirit-san's smile, priceless!

"The ocean here is light blue, but there is also a green sea . I wonder if it's the same ocean . . . " (Spirit-san)"It is the same southern sea . " (Tsuchio)"Well, I'm surrounded by forests . Is this also a sea?" (Spirit-san)"No, this is a lake . " (Tsuchio)"Lake? How is it different from the sea?" (Spirit-san)"The sea is salt water, but the lake is freshwater . If it's salty, you can't drink it . " (Tsuchio)"I see . . . the world is wide, to know that there is such a strange sight . . . " (Spirit-san)

Spirit-san keenly murmurs . She has been on this island for a long time and can't get out of this island . It seems that the values of spirits and humans are very different, so it seems wrong to sympathize . . . . When I look at Spirit-san's face watching the photo album, I think that it is painful after all .

" . . . Spirit-san, have you been on this island for a long time?" (Tsuchio)"I'm not lonely . Spirits are like that . Born on the land, overseeing the land, bound to that land . And spirits that are away from the land are evil spirits . " (Spirit-san)"So, there are such kind of spirits . " (Tsuchio)"Well, they are rare . The balance of the land is mad and the power of it is sucked up by the spirit at a dash, so that the ego of the spirit which cannot endure the excessive power collapses . Just as a lot of water is overflowing from a small vessel and the sucked up magical power is released in the form of a disaster . That's the most efficient method of consuming magic . " (Spirit-san)"What does it mean when you say balance collapses?" (Tsuchio)"Well, I wonder what to say . . . in this world, the magic is circulating as a big pulse . . . . Large scale natural destruction or excessive magic consumption . . . well, it's such things . The most serious damage is the fact that the magical power of the land withers . Crops don't grow, living things can´t live and extreme weather develops . It will become such a land . " (Spirit-san)

The flow of magical power in this world will collapse like dragon veins . It seems like spirits are the wills of the lands and would be affected by influence .

"So, Tsuchio need not worry about me at all . I'm a very special kind of spirit . In the first place, it is strange that a spirit is interested in the outside world . The ordinary ones only care about their own land . " (Spirit-san)"Hee, were you able to meet other spirits?" (Tsuchio)"I had an opportunity . I met a spirit of the sea around here . He taught me a lot of things . " (Spirit-san)"Hee, there is also one in the ocean around here . . . " (Tsuchio)"There are vast amounts of them in the ocean . " (Spirit-san)

Spirit-san is flipping through the photo album . I'm glad to hear that . . . I will learn the magic to take pictures from Librarian-san . Because this is only natural scenery, I want to show her the scenery of a town .

"Why are you smiling?" (Spirit-san)"No, I am glad that you are happy . I wish I had bought several kinds of them . . . " (Tsuchio)" . . . Tsuchio is gentle, you misunderstand me, don't you?" (Spirit-san)

Spirit-san is stroking me with a smile like a young lady . This person with such a face . . . isn't like a spirit .

" . . . Unfortunate spirit" (Tsuchio)"Wh, what a name! Why are you pitying me!?" (Spirit-san)"Your appearance right now . . . haa, is a waste . I wish it had been like that for a long time . " (Tsuchio)"If you say such a cheeky thing, I won't give you the gift I've prepared . " (Spirit-san)"Do you have something?" (Tsuchio)"Hmm, I'm not telling you until rude Tsuchio says sorry . " (Spirit-san)

Spirit-san turns her back to me and gazes at the photo album . Muu, don't worry . . . I'm sorry for the poor Spirit-san .

"Do you want me to explain the scenery?" (Tsuchio)"Th, that's fine . It's fun just watching!" (Spirit-san)"Name, location, environment . You don't want to know? Anyway, I won't know about other spirits . " (Tsuchio)" . . . Understood, I will tell you . Instead, Tsuchio will teach it properly . " (Spirit-san)"Of course, I intended to do that from the beginning . " (Tsuchio)"Good grief . . . I was trying to give you my blessing, to two those over there . " (Spirit-san)

Spirit-san points to Shadow-san and Nichrome . I was thinking about what to do all the time, but it was too painful to find Hellfire-san and I couldn't help it . And now the problem of protection is solved by this .

"You won't give it to Ruu and the others?" (Tsuchio)"They already have a dragon's protection, that's enough . Too much is worser than nothing" (Spirit-san)"Is that so, then thank you . " (Tsuchio)"Alright, that's it!" (Spirit-san)

A deep green sphere penetrates the chest of Shadow-san and Nichrome . Are there any compatible things like Hellfire-san?

"If the chemistry is bad, they won't accept your protection . Isn't that a problem?" (Tsuchio)"As you see, there are not any particular changes and there seems to be no particular problem . " (Spirit-san)"Okay, now I'm done with my business . Now, explain as promised!" (Spirit-san)"What do you want to know?" (Tsuchio)"This! What is this pure white!? It's definitely not abnormal weather!" (Spirit-san)"It's not unusual, it's a well-respected weather . It is snow which is frozen water . You can only see it in the cold north . " (Tsuchio)"Snow . . . if the water froze, wouldn't it be ice?" (Spirit-san)"Yes, snow is also a kind of ice . Very small ice gathers and becomes one snowflake . " (Tsuchio)

"It's south, so I cannot see it . Even ice is something I haven't seen yet . Well then, what is this pretty band?" (Spirit-san)

"Ah, this is a rainbow . The color of the light is reflected in the sky . . . " (Tsuchio)

Spirit-san asks about the pictures one after another . I had been talking to her about the pictures until it was dark .


Tsuchio (Real name: Mikado Tsuchio) 19 years old

A young man who was a high school student from Japan who fell into this world . He met Kisato-san and entered the academy . There are no particular features in his appearance, black eyes and black hair which is general for Japanese . Height is a little higher than average (Japanese), around 170cm . He has no choice but to study magic in various ways to become stronger . Recently, the number of types of his talisman arts have increased . In the meantime, he fights by hitting and kicking repeatedly . He won't die . He intends to equally touch his familiars, but interactions with Lime and Ruu will definitely stand out by all means . After all, it is difficult to go well when the number is high . . . .

Skills and Magic

Caress: He is good at stroking . In addition, it seems to be primarily active at night now .

Devil's hand: Manipulating the magical power of what he touches with his hands . Tsuchio is pretty accustomed and can now feel magical power in the air a little . By concentrating on a part, he can also make his opponent suffer or let him explode from the inside . . . . Well, is it the influence of a devil?

Support magic: He has a talent for support magic, mainly for support purposes . In Tsuchio´s case, it isn't so high, but he covers it with his imagination . Recently, it has replaced by the talisman art, so it isn't much used right now .

Talisman art: This skill allows you to use talismans which are good and easy to use magic tools . Tsuchio can now freely throw out talismans from his hand . The talismans that he can use at the moment are: Throwing talisman, barrier talisman, explosion talisman, earth pillars, fire bees (Normal · Light · Heavy), hornets, rock snakes, lacertid(Nichrome's Leg), Tsuiraku talisman and rock wall . It might increase in the future .