Leisurely in the academy

"This excursion was terrible . It was all about defeating demon beasts and then it was discontinued in the middle . " Lucas"Moreover, Tsuchio-dono has suffered some injuries . Are you okay?" Tris"I received healing magic properly and the process after that was also good . The healing magic of Shadow-san was better than I thought and the professional healers were also surprised . " Tsuchio

After all, due to that huge metal golem, the practice was interrupted on that day . The next morning, everyone returned to the school . It seems that that metal golem was the cause of mass emergence of monsters and the devil beasts in the vicinity also started to decrease .

"Good, it's not a serious matter . However, don't do anything too dangerous again . " Lucas"Even so, the students who moved on their own, did they apologize to Tsuchio properly?" Tris"Yes, they've apologized while crying . It might be good like that, so I don't have to move on my own . " Tsuchio"Yeah . Well, as the rest of the schedule has been canceled, was it still good?" Fal"I have to study until the day off, but I don't feel like to take a break . " Tsuchio

This practice was scheduled for two weeks, but the schedule closed sharply and we returned after one week . The rest of the week is closed all day, but I am studying at the library today . My classes are almost practical, so I don't need to study much, but I teach Lucas and the others mathematics . At first, there are some written classes, but I can study any of them by myself . It is interesting like magical history and game setting material collection .

" . . . Tsuchio-kun, you aren't very cheerful . Are you tired?" Lucas"Eh? N, no, not at all . I'm lively, lively!" Tsuchio"Well, certainly, there is something under your eyes . Did you sleep properly yesterday?" Lucas

"Ah . . . it became a little late . So I looked tired, don't I?" Tsuchio

It was yesterday afternoon that we came back to the academy . Last night was Rin's first time, therefore I have a shortage of sleep . Well, Rin was satisfied and it was worth the effort . And because Rin can transform, we enjoyed various kinds of plays!

"Tsuchio-dono . . . you can't stay up late! You won't grow taller so!" Tris"I am already grown up, so I don't have any worries . Unlike Tris, I'm already tall enough!" Tsuchio"I will get angry if you say something like that!" Tris"Haahaahaa, if you have complaints, grow your height first!" Tsuchio

I stroke Tris who inflates my cheek like a squirrel . I wonder why Tris is so concerned, but I want her to stay like this . She is cuter than a mascot .

"Tsuchio-san, do you like small girls?" Fal"I like small and big girls . " Tsuchio"Tsuchio-kimi, you really like women?" Lucas"Well, do you mean that am I fond of women? I think that the range of defense is only a little broad . Besides, there aren't many men who don't like women . " Tsuchio

I guess a little . . . about 5% of the population . I already have confirmed that there is such an idea .

"Hey, everyone . It's good to talk, but let's finish studying first! It's hasn't progressed much, yet!" Tsuchio"That's right, I have to proceed a bit more . Tris, are you okay? Do you have anything you don't understand?" Lucas/Fal"There is no problem! Even so, I'm studying properly!" Tris

Huhh! Tris puts her chest up . When I looked at the problem she was solving, she found the answer perfectly . Oh, she really did it . Tris was the one who could do it .

"That's great, Tris-chan . I'm overcoming the weakness . " Lucas"There is no need to rely on others forever!" Tris"Hee, then solve this problem . " Tsuchio"Leave it to me!" Tris

Tris heads to the problem I've designated . Well, Lucas and Fal are also doing fine, so maybe I should study too while waiting .

"Okay, let's close for today . " Tsuchio

We had lunch and the four of us were studying until the afternoon . The minute I decided to end it for today, it ends here today .

"What are you going to do after this? It's a little late to go play . " Lucas"That's right . . . there's nothing special to do, and I'm just going to do nothing . " Tsuchio

"Do nothing?" Lucas

"Yes, do nothing . " Tsuchio

As usual, I was doing development and replenishment of my talismans . . . but I didn't use them this time and went ahead and developed a little . Well, it is rare that there is nothing to do for me . A lot of noise was going on .

"Good . How about you take a nap in the sun?" Lucas"Ah, that's good . Is there a good place somewhere?" Tsuchio"Isn't it good in the field? Because there is a tree, you can lean on it neatly . " Lucas"Well then, I'll go early! If I don't hurry up, I won't get a good place!" Tris"Ah, Tris-chan! Even if you don't run, it's okay, as there should be plenty of place left!" Fal

Fal chases after the running Tris . I wonder if I should go too and if I shall bring my familiars as well . Everyone was doing a mock battle in front of the monster stable . It seems they are doing a 2 vs 2 match with the Nichrome/Rin combination to grasp Rin´s new strength .

"Tsuchio taking a nap . . . who will be the lap pillow will be the question . " Nichrome"I will lie on the ground in my liquid form, so who will it be elder sister and Rin-chan?" Lime"Ruu-san and I won't be able to do a lap pillow for Tsuchio too…" Rin"Oh, yeah . . . Rin, then nobody is able to do it?" Ruu"No, I´m not saying that nobody wants to do that! That, Tsuchio´s lap pillow . . . " Rin"How about that?! I'll be the pillow, and Rin will be the lap! Then, all is solved!" Tsuchio"E, uh, but it seems . . . as if it is pressed?" Rin

I just said I might take a nap in the field… but they're all embarrassed to do a lap pillow in front of everyone . Anyway,

"Lime, what do you mean to be laid on the ground . . . ?" Tsuchio"That's what it means, father . Even though you were healed, father is still injured . It's okay to take a nap, but it's a big burden to sleep directly on the hard ground . So, let me protect you from the ground by liquefying it like cloth . Because I´m a slime, my body is soft . I feel confident . Father can sleep with a good feeling and I can feel father with my whole body . What a reasonable idea that hits two birds with one stone!" Lime" . . . No, Lime will be heavy if I get on . I can lay something on the ground, so I need not to bother Lime . " Tsuchio"It's okay, father . Because I want to do it, father should take a nap without thinking much . " Lime

Well, the feeling seems to be better than a futon… okay, then let's do it as Lime says . Lime is very strong, therefore I can be lifted lightly . Then, let's go to the place where Lucas, Tris and Fal are .

Lucas and the others were crowded under the shade of trees . When I entered the shade, Lime melted and looked like a mat so that I can lie down there, Rin put her head on my knees and Ruu hugged me from the front . . . . I can't move . Rin's horse legs are kneeling down right next to me .

"You are spoiled, Tsuchio-san . I hope it doesn't get better and better as it is . " Tris"It is already useless . . . " Tsuchio"Ruu-chan, don't spoil Tsuchio-kun too much, okay? Sometimes, you need to be strict . The whip of love!" Tris"The Whip of love, you beat her!? Unexpected pervert, Tsuchio!" Rin"Why are you so surprised?" Tsuchio"That's right, Rin cannot accept father's love? It isn't such a thing, because father loved me so much last night . If father is important to you, it is easy to accept everything, right?" Lime

Lime says such a thing in her mat form . She can speak in this state, too . . . this is totally irrelevant .

"Ah, it is not natural!" Tsuchio"Is that so . Then father, lets hit Rin-chan immediately . " Lime"No, I won't . Whip of love isn't real, it's just a metaphor . And I'd rather be beaten with a love whip . " Tsuchio

When I say so, everyone watches me all at once . Well, have I said something wrong?

" . . . Tsuchio-dono, did you have such a special disposition? . . . I'm surprised . " Tris"There was a reason for that at first . ""No, I told you it was a metaphor! I don't have that kind of hobby!" Tsuchio

Indeed, as soon as someone talks about such topics . . . gossip becomes a topic anywhere .

"I am awfully sick of sleepiness . . . . . . that, Nichrome . What book is she reading? It is small for an illustration . " Tsuchio"Rin recommended me a novel . It is a rewrite of a fairy tale for young people . " Nichrome"Hee, is it interesting?" Tsuchio" . . . I'm not sure . To begin with, romance exists to leave descendants . . . " Nichrome"Ah, that's fine already . If you don't understand, I think that's fine . If you stay with everyone, you will be able to understand them . Putting that aside, is the novel funny? " Tsuchio"If you ask me whether it is interesting or not interesting, I think it is interesting . It is not the likeness of fable, but it is good to extrude the love on the front . We add characters to meet a wide range of demands, thereby increasing the number of attractions born in the triangle relationship . Overall, I judge it's a good work . " Nichrome"I guess so, if Nichrome praises that much, I should read it as well . " Tsuchio"I think that this novel is not for master . " Nichrome"Eh, why?" Tsuchio"Because, it is a novel for women . The main character is a woman and only men appear . " Nichrome

Ah, that's right . Sure, even if I read it, it won't seem too interesting . Well, I'm not fond of reverse harem .

"Father, since I deformed, please sleep . If you don't do it quickly, you will cool down . " Lime"Oh, were you warming up? It's not so cold, you don't have to do that . " Tsuchio"It's okay, father . Because I like doing it . Don't worry about, please enjoy a leisurely nap . " Lime

If Lime says that much, there is no reason for me to refuse . I take off my shoes and try to lie down . Oh, it certainly feels good . It looks like a water mat . It's cool and feels like it sucks on my skin . It is as if I'm sucked in? I'm sinking down .

"Li, Lime? I feel like I'm sinking . . . " Tsuchio"This way you can feel your body being covered . " Lime

It certainly feels good . . . I guess I will be swallowed like this, which is a bit scary . Well, Lime won't do such a thing, right?

"Ah, but it feels good . I'm getting sleepy already . . . " Tsuchio"Yes, please take a rest slowly . " Lime

Lime mat was comfortable . Besides, I fell asleep quickly . This is good, it's easier to sleep than on a bed . Let's do this next time again . . . .

" . . . Tsuchio-kun, Tsuchio-kun! Get up, it is already evening!" Lucas"U . . . hh . Wow, the sun is red! I've slept quite a lot . " Tsuchio"Tsuchio-dono, you were sound asleep . Your sleeping face was childish . " Tris"Well, what should I say to be innocent? You seemed to be the same age as us in conjunction with your original appearance . " Lucas"Uwa, did everyone see my sleeping face… it's pretty embarrassing . " Tsuchio"I've seen it many times already, though . It's supposed to be dinner soon, so we should go back soon . It will also be painful for Lime if it continues . " Lucas"Eh? Ugh, sorry Lime! I've been lying down for a long time!" Tsuchio"This is not a big burden . If father slept comfortably, I am happy with that!" Lime"That's fine, but . . . don't push yourself . Your health comes first . " Tsuchio" . . . Of course, father . " Lime

What is it now? Well, that's not to say that much . I was able to take a leisurely day away and can start doing something tomorrow . What are we going to do? . . . Shall we go out for a little work or study today? Well, my mood will be the same . There is also the choice of doing a mock battle with everyone, which I couldn't do during the excursion . I have plenty of time, therefore I'll try a lot .