Dining together

We came to the Zakurion Empire because of Yukurishisu´s invitation . While being drawn to the view of the capital from the window, we went to dinner first . Her younger brother and sister are waiting… they may be half-siblings . No, I don't even know the sex of the previous emperor . Maybe her mother was the empress .

After a few minutes of walking in the long corridor, we finally arrived at the dining hall when I thought that we might be lost . It is a castle after all, and the structure is really complex . I don't remember how many corners we passed to come here . Like a TV station, I wonder if it is hard to suppress even if attacked by any chance .

"Well then, we are here . Please enjoy yourself . " Wo-kun"Emm, what about the room we are staying . . . " Tsuchio"A maid will guide you after the meal . I don't know where you are, but as long as you are in the castle, one person will be by your side, so please ask anything you'd like . They will answer to the extent that they can answer . " Wo-kun

Well, there might be places they don't want us to be seen in the empire . It might be to monitor us so that we don't examine something without permission . I'm not going to do such a thing and it would be more helpful if I had a guide . Therefore, I don't care .

"Come to think of it, Yukurishisu . Did you tell your brother and sister that I'm human? They will understand by feeling my magic power . " Tsuchio"Of course, I told them . Even if Tsuchio rampages, the troubles will quickly become ineffective, so there is no problem . They are people who have the ability . " Yukurishisu"It's so scary . Those who are watching from a while ago are also attendants . " Tsuchio

" . . . I warned them to not be rude to Tsuchio since you are a guest . But the war has just ended . " Yukurishisu

"I understand, it's natural to be alert . If there was no one here, I would be hit . " Tsuchio

From the time we reached Yukurishisu´s room, I felt something looking at us . They´re hiding their magical powers well, but this is too hidden . There was a strangely thin magical power there and Shadow-san felt uncomfortable . Perhaps the others are also aware of it, however they seemed to keep quiet . It was probably because there is no hostility .

"It would be helpful if you could say so . Even so, I had to say that you should not be aware of them . . . " Yukurishisu"Everyone is sensitive to magic . I wasn't aware of it, but I was taught by Shadow-san . " Tsuchio"Still, these servants are the elite, perfect for the job . Normally, it's their top priority not to be seen by the people . " Yukurishisu"Well, I think you can call them the elite . . . . By the way, what about you, Ruu?" Tsuchio"I felt their gaze, which couldn't be helped, because they're monitoring us . " Ruu"They used some magic . Because they looked at father´s face, I asked elder sister Rin and Shadow-san to overwrite that magic . I wonder what kind of scary images they are watching now?" Lime

"Lime, well, you can do that . . . and I could have lent you some magic! You are better than Shadow-san, however she is just a shadow demon"

Well, did Shadow-san do that too? Well, that kind of hallucination magic is pretty good . . . .

"Emm, with what did you rewrite the magic?" Tsuchio

"I asked them to reflect a video that they felt most fearful for several hours . Since we take away their sight and show it directly to their heads, they have to wait for the magical effect to cut out completely . I made the plan, Shadow-san created it and Rin overwrote the magic . Uhuhu, if they want to monitor father, at least they need do it in front of me . " Lime

Uuwaa… are they okay or will they have a trauma? Seeing the footage they don't want to see for hours, is a torture .

"I was checking the magical response with my sensor and I ignored them because there was no hostility . Would it have been better to report it?" Nichrome"Why didn't you report, Nichrome?" Tsuchio"I was only watching them from here for the time being and have been monitored only for a few minutes . I wanted to avoid making master worried excessively, so I decided to report later . " Nichrome"Yes, that's a good decision . Indeed, I would like you to report a guy who is likely to be involved in our life, but it's troublesome to report such trivial things . Good decision, Nichrome . You've come to be able to think for yourself . " Tsuchio"Oh, thank you, Master . Since time has passed since I woke up, I gathered a lot of data . It is a good trend . " Nichrome" . . . Are the maids okay?" Yukurishisu"Sorry, my daughter troubled . . . " Tsuchio"No, Tsuchio doesn't have to apologize because I started this . Lime just did her job . With this, we will be going to monitor the servants directly . " Yukurishisu"That's good to hear… but is it really alright?" Tsuchio"It is a good opportunity to demonstrate the results of their torture training . Let's say we eat without worrying . " Yukurishisu

That's it and Yukurishisu opens the door of the dining room . We followed her and entered the room . Just before closing the door, I felt like I heard a scream of a woman from the distance . . . .

The dining room was as luxurious as Yukurishisu's private room . A chandelier made of crystal-like material illuminates the room and some paintings are displayed on the wall . Everything is a landscape painting, but it is a wonderful piece that could be understood even by amateurs like Tsuchio . That chandelier isn't made with candles . Do magic tools lights the lights?

In the center of the room is a long table accompanied by chairs that rich people often use . Well, this table is also made from high-quality wood… I have to pay close attention to not spill any dish .

There are already some people in this room and are sitting on the chairs . Both of them are showing their backs, so we can't see their faces from here . The arms of that male are really big and the height of the woman is over 2m slightly . . . . I had predicted it, but they seems like dense people . And I realized again that this is a demon country .

"Oh, older sister! You're late, is that Tsuchio the human . . . "" . . . Somehow, a strange feeling . "

Two people raise from their seat and look back at my face . The man looks like a strong elder brother with a skinhead . With sunglasses, he would be perfect . The woman has somewhat sleepy half-eyes and although her height is high, her face looks like a young girl . She braids her brown hair to the back and a large horn protrudes from her forehead .

"You're rude to our guests, staring at their faces . " Yukurishisu"My bad, I'm curious about what human beings are like . " Girl"Small and weak . " Man"Not at all . . . ""I'm sorry . I'm Tyres, the second Prince of Zakurion empire . I was a bit defensive in front of humans, but you're really weak, so I'm relieved . " Tyres"Toururi, the 2nd Princess . I don't trust you yet . If you do something bad, I will immediately kill you . " Toururi

Tyres was favorable contrary to his appearance, but the younger sister is going to kill me . She will be overlooked, but she is more intimidating . Behind me, all my familiars are also defeated by that hostility .

"Toururi! I've said many times that Tsuchio is my guest! Such an attitude is rude!" Yukurishisu" . . . Huh, a guy who is defended by a woman is pathetic . " Toururi

Ugh, this is pretty harsh . . . . Because it is actually so, I don't make a complain . I was wondering if I could ever say something .

That said, Toururi-san returned to her chair and turned her face away . Haha, well this is an ordinary reaction . I'm just a special guest for Yukurishisu, Wo-san and Tyres .

"It's worse since elder sister got to know you, Toururi has been so for a long time . She can't trust a human . " Tyres"I'm sorry, Tsuchio . I'll tell you a lot later . " Yukurishisu"It's okay, so please don't say it too strongly . I don't really care . " Tsuchio

We take the seats on the opposite side of Tyres-san and Toururi-san . Yukurishisu sits to my right, while all my familiars sit on my left side . Nichrome is sitting well, by bending her lamia body . The maids are coming and serving food on the tabletop . There are many dishes and they are piled on a platter . And, that's not one or two . All the dishes are super large .

"These dishes have been cooked by the kitchen chief personally . It is different from the cuisine of the kingdom, but the taste is guaranteed!" Yukurishisu"Is that . . . an normal imperial dish normal?" Tsuchio"If you mean local cuisine, then this isn't normal as expected . " Yukurishisu

Oh, I guess so . This amount is too much, which is surely only for the royal family .

"There are not many kinds of cuisines for ordinary families so far . There are about 2 or 3 types of side dishes and they also fill your stomach such as sweet potato . " Yukurishisu"Type?Not the amount?" Tsuchio"Yes everything is usually in this amount . Oh, I remembered that the kingdom's dishes were quite small . " Yukurishisu

Is this the default… what a wonderful thing for demons . Well, with their huge bodies, there will be a lot of necessary energy, but Yukurishisu will eat this amount as well . Is it related to this that demons live longer?

"Everyone you haven't started to eat so far . . . . . . are you enduring something?""That's not true . The amount of meals I am eating did not change before and after my evolution . " Ruu"I am eating the same thing as father . In the first place, meals don't have much meaning in terms of taking nutrition . It is not much necessary . For me, eating the same things as father is the most important . " Lime

"I'm not the same as before . Well, I've only eaten grass and meat before . " Rin" . . . Oh yeah, the cafeteria was having trouble with your eating habits . I gave everyone the same amount all the time, so I didn't notice it at all . Certainly, it is quite a lot than the amount we humans eat . " Tsuchio

The amount of meals for my familiars seem to be strange . The Engel factor will exceed the average . If they eat the meat of demon beasts, they may save a little . Haa, I'm really worried about my life after graduation .

"Let's eat before it gets cold . Please take as much as you want and eat it freely . " Yukurishisu"Then, Itadakimasu . " Tsuchio

I take some side dishes on my plate . Yakitori fried potato and is this lizard? Does it taste like chicken? Bugs are a bit harsh, but lizards are all right . Because I want to eat everything for the time being, I keep it aside for the moment .

"Hey, Tsuchio . You don't need to hold back . If you don't take it more quickly, then nothing will be left soon . " Tyres-san

Tyres takes a large amount of a large number of side dishes and puts it on his plate steadily . The plate is overfilled with side dishes and you can't even say anything about it . . . .

"Tyres, that's not good . " Yukurishisu"It's alright and fine in such a place . I don't arrange my plate as beautiful as elder sister . " Tyres

Yukurishisu also took a large amount of side dishes, but she doesn't mix them together and arranges them beautifully on the plate . You can well divide it so far… absolutely perfect .

"I'm used to this . If you are careful, you will naturally learn . " Toururi"Even so . . . " Tyres

"You don't have any difficulties as long as you can do it . . . well, try it out next time . " Yukurishisu

Toururi´s plate isn't as good as Yukurishisu, but it's also well arranged . At least nothing is mixed up . She is trying to avoid mixing the side dishes with each other . That takes a little bit .

"The seasoning is thick . All the dishes in the kingdom are so pale that you might like them . " Ruu"Well, especially this meat fish is delicious . Oh, father . Which is the sweet potato?" Lime"Well, these vegetables have a deep taste . This is a little too dark . " Rin"Spices and oils are used abundantly . These fried foods are rare in the kingdom . I'll record it in the database . " Nichrome

Somehow, it reminds me of Japanese cuisine… the taste is different but somewhat similar . Yeah, yummy . In terms of cooking, I prefer this way from the kingdom .

"How was it, Tsuchio . Did you like it?" Yukurishisu"Yes, it was very tasty . Because my home cuisine was like this, I felt nostalgic for a while . " Tsuchio"I see, that's good to hear . I was wondering what I should do if I was told that it was unpleasant . " Yukurishisu"I won't say such a thing when I was invited . It was really delicious, maybe we won't have enough to go back to the kingdom . " Tsuchio

I can eat this dish for a while and I am looking forward to the other towns .