
The night before the operation, I was in a room in the building we were hiding . Shadow-san came to the room which was vacant because she had said that she wanted to speak alone with me . Well, what the heck does she want to tell me?

"Okay, there is nobody around here . What do you want to talk about?" Tsuchio

Activating the equipped magic tool, I light the room . Shadow-san stood in front of me . She has her hair up today . When I thought what was holding it up, I saw a suitable string . Well, it's not strange even if . . .

"Your identity? At first, you were a shadow demon and there is no doubt . Then, you evolved several times and were helped by Spirit-san after you humanized . At that point, your destination of evolution had already been squeezed . It was confirmed by having been given protection . Is that a definite evolutionary destination?" Tsuchio

Shadow-san nods . But Shadow-san hasn't evolved since she became a human-type . It was hard to understand even if she evolved, but . . . indeed, I should know from the amount of magic power . So what's going on here?

"Eh, you actually evolved!?" Tsuchio

Seriously, even if her magical power increased, I should have noticed absolutely . . . .

" . . . Yes, Shadow-san was good at hiding her magic power . You would be a fool not to hide it . " Tsuchio

I might have noticed it if I touched her directly, but Shadow-san is a shadow . I rarely have a chance to touch her . I know touching her is pretty fine, but other than that it's like touching a human .

"So, how did you evolve? Your appearance hasn't changed and . . . can you show me your real magical power?" Tsuchio

When I say so, Shadow-san took my hand and put it at the center of her chest . Mu . . . . . . because her whole body is like a water balloon or rubber ball, I don't get so excited . I wonder if Shadow-san's reaction is too fancy .

When I touch Shadow-san, it is surely hindered by something . Is she suppressing magical power with her magic . . . . That would reduce her usable magical power . Shadow-san, who had evolved before I knew, had always fought while holding down her original ability .

Shadow-san solves that magic . As soon as that happened her magical power changed markedly . To the extent that it can't be compared and this powerful magical power . . . is more than twice, from her restricted strength . . . .

"Why did you hide this . . . . . . if you had such magical powers,it would have been quite easy fighting that Chimera, for example . Moreover, you still hid it . . . . If suddenly such a big magical power appears, will someone come? Well, that's probably . . . fine, what about changes in appearance?" Tsuchio

Shadow-san nods . Because her appearance didn't change, she might have control of her magic . Shadow-san, I wonder what kind of person she will be .

"Then, can you show me the real Shadow-san? So that I may give you a real name at last . " Tsuchio

Shadow's body ripples and her purple black skin peels off . From inside, a dark black light is shining again . The skin gets lost steadily and the light fills the room . Although it isn't dazzling, I cannot see Shadow-san . And what was standing on the spot where the light fell . . . .

『 . . . You finally saw it . Well, I didn't want to let you see it as much as I could . 』Shadow-san

" . . . That's terrible, I wanted to meet the humanized Shadow-san . " Tsuchio

What was standing in front of me was a japanese-looking woman who hasn't been seen since I came to this world . Her height isn't very tall, but her chest is . She has black hair, but the surprising thing is that face . Why . . . why is it like me? No, she didn't possess a male face . I wonder if she has the same atmosphere or facial expression . It's exactly like a mirror . Her big, clear blue eyes are still innocent enough to be feminine . She wears a dark blue blazer and a gray skirt! I'm so cute . I'm not a narcissist, but I look nice .

『That's not it . What I am supposed to be in this situation is that I'm forced to do so . That is the time of a battle that cannot be lost at all . 』 Shadow-san

"Well, before, I was told by Rin that she saw a girl that looks exactly like me . Was that you, Shadow-san?" Tsuchio

『That's right . When Rin was in danger, I didn't hesitate to help . . . . Both of you fainted, so I could disguise myself once more . 』 Shadow-san

"Just like a doppelganger? But you're a woman . " Tsuchio

『That's because I'm your shadow . If you think of Yin and Yang, then Yin is a woman and Yang is a man . 』Shadow-san

" . . . Is that so?" Tsuchio

『Unexpectedly, I changed with such simple things . To be precise, I'm not a doppelganger . . . well, you can think that I'm Tsuchio as a woman . 』 Shadow-san

"Well, I as a woman . . . . . . Tsuchino?" Tsuchio

『Tsuchino?』 Shadow-san

"Yes, Tsuchino . It's your new name . " Tsuchio

『Tsu . . . Tsuchino? Yeah, that sounds good . Somehow, we really seem like twins . 』 Tsuchino

"Not brother and sister?" Tsuchio

『Okay, elder sister . Because a woman becomes an adult earlier than a man . I can't give up on this as much as Tsuchio!』Tsuchino

"Oh well, I don't mind that much . Well then let's get into the main subject . . . other than the figure, what else could you do besides the increase in magical power . " Tsuchio

『I will explain one by one . First of all . . . 』Tsuchino

We are fighting Ruu right now and a moment ago, a white flash explosion wrapped her in smoke and dirt . Nichrome fired a large number of missiles and Rin caused a thunderstorm to descend . Her figure is longer visible without having to wait for the smoke to clear up .

"Let's go, Tsuchino!" Tsuchio

『OK, Tsuchio!』 Tsuchino

Tsuchino took my hand and we went into a shadow . Shadow-san who became Tsuchino made it possible, part 1 .

Along with Tsuchino, I became able to move from shadow to shadow . We move straight and jump out of Ruu's shadow in a flash . We tried it several times, but it seems quite strange .

In front of us is Ruu's familiar back . I can see Lime thrusting over my shoulder . In my hands, I drew a star talisman, a new talisman and a improved talisman . Behind, Tsuchino is about to release her magic . Ruu shouldn't be able to move with the missiles and lightning and even if we cannot beat her now, we do some damage!

The moment I tried to throw my talismans, an impact ran into my flank and I was blown away . I was beat against the wall, but Tsuchino released her magic regardless of it . Extraordinarily bright black rays gather together and become huge drills and thrust into Ruu . At the same time, Lime, who altered her arms, attacked .

Ruu catches Lime's arm and Tsuchino's magic, with both arms together . Tsuchino's drills appeared to be antagonistic to Ruu's reinforced scales, but fell down shortly . From Ruu's arms, flames are released . Truly, you can't avoid that magic in a moment . . . . Meanwhile, Lime aims at Ruu's body . If it is a scaleless body, Lime's claws would pass through . If it is too deep, it can lead to a fatal injury and if it is light, it will be small . As planned, a few shallow lacerations run on Ruu's belly . Although Lime tries to pursue, a kick came from the bottom and she retreated backwards . Tsuchino already returned .

"Father, are you alright!?" Lime

"Somehow . . . I was just hit by her tail . " Tsuchio

『Even though we had appeared right from behind . . . how did she notice?』Tsuchino

"It's a simple story . Ruu just reacted the moment we had appeared and attacked . " Tsuchio


"Even though my claws are attached with poison . . . she is also strong against poison . " Lime

"It is Ruu indeed . Well, this is enough for us . Rin!" Tsuchio

Rin jumped out from the entrance of the stairs . She is electrically charged with lightning and magical power is overflowing from her horn . The electric current coming out from her horn sparks violently .

"Now, please wake up, Ruu-san!" Rin

Rin suddenly rushed at Ruu . Ruu who held a flame fist against her waist, drew out a beautiful fist-thrust .

The horn and fist collide and the flame and thunder compete against each other . A wind is raging, the floor cracks and the aftermath pierces the wall . Even trying to cover, you will get caught when approaching, so I'm afraid of erroneous firing and releasing magic .

The magics which were clashing against each other blew Ruu and Rin away and slammed them into the walls of the hall . The best attack strategy which was to fight head on has only caused little damage, that's why I can't say it was a success . . . .

"Rin, are you alright!?" Tsuchio

"I'm fine! But this was the most likely strategy to win the first move, right? Do you have a next move?" Rin

" . . . Do we have to attack at the same time?" Tsuchio

"For now, that's the best . It's going to be the time to unveil a new weapon . " Nichrome

"Oh, you made one . " Tsuchio

"The rest of the ingredients are few, but . . . it is not a situation where you can be stingy . Because I manufactured it super-quickly, there is a problem in appearance and durability . " Nichrome

"It's better than nothing . What kind of weapon is it?" Tsuchio

"It is a blaster type weapon that ejects magical powers . I made it as countermeasure to Ruu's breath . Therefore, it looks like this . " Nichrome

While I was talking with Shadow-san, did Nichrome make such a thing? Then, is it safe even if the breath is released tentatively?

"It's not good . If I shoot at Ruu's breath, it is speculated that this will definitely lose the bid . It would be good to hit directly in a standing condition, but in reality, such a thing won't happen . Please think about a method to earn time . " Nichrome

"Roger that . Ruu would have also exhausted her magical power and be injured also . It should be somewhat easier to do . Lime, Rin, you guys are the vanguard, I, Tsuchino and Nichrome are the rearguard . Let's go!" Tsuchio

Before Ruu got slammed against the walls, Lime was going to slash . She pretended to hit back with her arms, but she stung with a lance from behind . Lime moves around intensely, while Rin takes some distance to prepare her thunder horn again . Apparently, Ruu doesn't seem to care about Lime and focused on Rin . There are fine scratches, but . . . then, how can I help? At that moment, Ruu grab Rin's arm and slammed her to the ground . Next, she raised her arms to knock Rin down, but jumped away as she saw Lime aiming at her neck .

"Let's go, both of you . " Tsuchio

"Twin missiles, lauch . " Nichrome

Combing earth, metal and water star talismans in sequence, pale blue, condensed water bullets are created in my hands . A missile pod jumps out from both sides of Nichrome's lamia body and aims at Ruu .

"Master, are you okay? You never used so much magic power before . " Nichrome

"I practiced a little, so I can manage about three or four stars . Five is a tough one, though . " Tsuchio

Shadow-san, who became Tsuchino, made it possible, Part 2 . Shadow-san's magical power is shared with me and hence, the amount of my magical power has increased greatly . The reason is that we are linked by shadows . That said, it doesn't mean that I can use everything freely . It takes time to extract magical power from Tsuchino, so it isn't a substitute that can be used during battle . Usage is when writing talismans . With new paper, making stars became easier . To create them, my little magical power is enough . Well, I know the amount of magical power that I can control . However, there is quite a lot of loss .

『Okay, let's shoot!』Tsuchino

Above Ruu's head, a black light falls . Nichrome's missiles are added to it which blow off the black light and consequently cause an explosion . Furthermore, when I throw my water bombs, a torrent of water that collides with the flames is released and it scrapes the floor and the ceiling .

Our sight is filled with brown smoke, black bomb smoke and pure white smoke . I'm grateful if some of it worked . . . .

" . . . Tsuchino!!" Tsuchio

『Tsuchio, here!』Tsuchino

Tsuchino pulls my hand and we go into the shadow . Something hot was on the top of my head and a burning smell sticks to my nose .

We jumped out of Rin's shadow . The wall of the hall is melted on the line when seeing . Is that Ruu's fire? That's right, Nichrome!?

"Master, are you alright!?" Nichrome

" . . . That's my line! You idiot!" Tsuchio

"Idiot is a terrible thing . If I hadn't warned you, I would be crying now!" Nichrome?

"But if you're hurt, I won't care!" Tsuchio

Nichrome was equipped with a machine gun for long-distance combat, but . . . both hands and barrel are gone . On top of that, there is also a line of burn marks on her chest . .

"I need to redo my hands . The chest injury isn't a problem for combat . " Nichrome

"Not good . What about you, Lime, Rin!?" Tsuchio

"I'm fine, but I didn't expect my barrier to be cut . " Rin

"Just a bit tired, but I got her a little bit . Nichrome, good judgment . " Lime

Lime also has a scar on the side . It has hardened and has not regenerated yet . A rope of flame was rolled over both arms of Ruu and hung on the ground . I don't feel like having seen that for quite a long time . . . . She usually told that she was hit earlier and doesn't want to use it . Ruu was hit by our strategy, which can be seen from the bleeding and bruises in some places . . . . Although I was prepared for the shit, we aren't unscathed . . . . As you can see, there is something to come after all . If I said such a thing, I know that we will only die .

" . . . Tsuchino, we can't win this way . Let's do it . " Tsuchio

『Okay?』 Tsuchino

"You don't have to do anything good . No matter what the result is, I will definitely not regret it . " Tsuchio

『 . . . Haa, that's why I hate it . Tsuchio, when it comes to such a situation, it was decided to do it absolutely . Therefore, is it really that good?』Tsuchino

"Yes, I'll show you how we're doing it . " Tsuchio

『Absolutely . . . but you're Tsuchio and I am Tsuchino!』 Tsuchino

"Sorry . Everyone, earn a little time . I will do that . " Tsuchio

"I can still fight! It is necessary for Tsuchio, so come on body . . . !" Rin

" . . . I'm sorry, father . I am miserable myself . I can't keep elder sister down . . . " Lime

"It is the last resort, Master . I can still fight . I should fight until all of us collapse . " Nichrome

"That's not good . I understand it by the former meeting and there are still things I want everyone to do . " Tsuchio

" . . . Understood . " Everyone

We won't be able to win if we can't get Ruu back . Therefore, I have to do everything I can . That's it, even if I need to sacrifice myself .