Five |Meeting|


[Artemisa's POV]---

I open my eyes only to close them immediately after in retaliation to the light assaulting my retinas. I breathe a small sigh before sitting up and opening my yellow-gold and chocolate brown eyes. Then realization hits me like a semi, 'Ze's coming home today.' my thoughts screamed a girlish squeal. It took everything I had not to scream.

I stood up and threw the curtains open revealing a sky that looked as if it were on fire. As dawn came it painted the sky orange and red, It reminded me of my sister's eyes. The most beautiful honey, ember, and amber color I've ever seen.

I stood in awe of the world outside my window knowing how rare beauty like this is, soo when dawn fades to day the sky will go dark with clouds as it always does in Nosaroc.

I remember Ze telling me stories of clear blue skies, with streaks of white from planes passing overhead bringing more supplies to the radiation cleanup. She told me of wide-open fields of lush green grass with wildflowers, and trees lining the perimeter like the walls around the Brimlock. She had told dozens of stories about life in the Outlands, in the tribe she claims we were once apart of, before the Anopoly.

She'd always get upset went I'd say 'If that was before, that means we're no longer apart of the tribe.' saying that we were born of tribal blood, and that nothing, not the Anopoly, not the Archali, nothing can take away what flows through our veins. I think she picked up that philosophy from her Grandmother, who from what I've heard, was a tribal elder.

After dawn faded and gave way to the inevitable clouded skies I left the window and slowly, walked towards the bathroom to take a shower before the council meeting this morning. I was practically shaking with anticipation to see my sister, despite the fact I just woke up.


I just about ran to the council room, I didn't care if it messed up my nicely braided hair or was 'unladylike, I had only one thing on my mind. Zemira. She only comes home once a month for the city council meetings, though she mostly zones out and stares at the wall, her face void of expression. I've always assumed it's from living outside the capital and struggling to survive. Our dad said she lives out there and works undercover in the black market, to help stop the trade of contraband, and although I miss her, when she comes home she brings me small gems or scrap metal forced into the shape of different animals or flowers.

I'm not sure where the gems come from but I know she makes the scrap trinkets by hand or with a welding torch. I've always looked forward to seeing what she managed to torture metal into the shape of, but my favorite still sits on a pedestal above the rest, a scrap welded dragon with a small yellow gem the color of a wolf's eyes. Like my left one. When she first gave it to me I was amazed at the sheer amount of meticulous detail welded on, especially the lightning volt that wraps around its body like a vortex.

I don't really know what the point of the lightning vortex is but nevertheless, I had her make it a necklace that I always wear. Even now it pounds against my chest as I run through the ornate halls. I looked up at one of the paintings that's hanging on the wall closest to me whilst still running and trip.

Next thing I know I'm tumbling down the stairs. I fell at least twenty feet from where I'd tripped and was maybe six steps to the bottom of the grand staircase. Upon looking up I noticed a strange man staring at me. Immediately, I felt my cheeks heat up as embarrassment set in, Idiot, I thought standing up. I looked to the man who appeared to be laughing at me.

This man was quite tall, maybe 6'6", didn't look much older than Ze. His hair was cinnamon-brown and slightly unkempt, but what drew my attention were his eyes. They were an almost unnatural shade of hazel, and alight with laughter. I wanted to disappear to the grassy plains Ze had told me of, feel the sun on my skin, and the breeze on my neck. I knew it wouldn't work, that I'm still standing before the strangely handsome man and no amount of wishing could change that fact. Regardless I still wished anyway, I wished for him to stop staring at me, for him to disappear. Although, as expected, to no avail. Damn.

"Are you alright?" he asked me much to my surprise. The laughter seemed to dissipate from those hazel depths, replaced by unmasked concern. "Oh...Y-yeah I'm fine," I sounded like an idiot stuttering knowing that Ze or Dad would have handle the situation way differently.

"That a relief," he chuckled, " that was quite the fall,"

I was surprised, his tone held no malice or mockery. Why is this man so friendly? I don't even know his name and have done nothing for him to act kindly towards me. My confusion must have been showing on my face because the man suddenly decided to elaborate. "My name is Nathan Osborne, and I assume you're Artemisa Reyes?"

Well, now I know his name, and he apparently knows mine. It was then I realize I was being rude and said, "Yes I am, It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Osborne," the waning embarrassment fading with my words.

"Please, just call me Nathan," his words sent a new wave of embarrassment over me. I don't get out much, and the result is an antisocial mess around anyone but Ze. I brushed some of the nonexistent dirt off my pants before looking up to face Nathan's eyes. They looked like moss or vines on a tree, the way green was more prominent on the right side of each iris.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Nathan." I said and then before I could stop myself I added, "By the way, why are you here in the Capitol." I knew it was most likely because my father wanted him here.

"I assume for the same reason you were running down the stairs so quickly," Nathan said, which only confused me. I was rushing downstairs to see Zemira, Does that mean he's here for Ze. I thought suddenly.

I was going to question him more when the alarm sounded. The violent wail echoed through the near-empty hall. The sirens signaling something's wrong, and are always followed by Dad issuing a warning. The alert system was designed and installed by Zemira, as a means to broadcast any signs of potential danger to the people. As such, an intercom speaker was installed in every home across Argaled, so when my father's voice rang out through the hall every word was clear and terrifying.

"Attention citizens of Nosaroc, I have been informed that an assailant has infiltrated the Capitol Building and it's my belief that they have abducted my daughter Zemira." He continued but it was as if I were deaf to the rest of the world. I felt tears burning to be shed, I had to be dreaming, right? This is just a nightmare, a terrible, abhorrent, god damned nightmare. My subconscious was just torturing me, but why? Why would my mind punish me like this?

My ears gradually began to function as words fluttered in, and I realized this was no self conjured hell movie projected in my mind. It was reality, sick, twisted, demented reality. I collapsed on the cold marble floor, only two words that ceaselessly reverberated in my skull.

Abducted. Zemira.