A Lack of Coordination

"Wait what? What the hell?" Sasha demanded as she moved up near where Jay was as well, the girl looking at where the large structure in the back of the room sat, and the sounds that were coming from within it. "You're putting us up against a Beast and we're just starting out? We're going to die and you're endorsing this!" she called, pointing a finger at Gustave, the woman's face red with the emotion thudding through her at the moment.

Gustave seemed to be relatively unabashed by her words, and the man spread his hands slightly. "I don't really think it's as bad as all that. We make sure to only use the Beasts that new recruits should be able to handle. Just work together and things should turn out fine, and if they get too bad, I'll step in and keep things settled and under control," the man spoke, the kind smile on his aged features as he folded his arms over his chest, watching the group.

"We can kill it," Wesley spoke, looking from Sasha, back to the doorway as the creature seemed to linger in the shadows rather than coming directly out. "I don't care how new we are to this. I'm not letting any of us back down. We fight together and we tear this thing to pieces." There was a deep anger in his words, and while both Sasha and Jay were aware of why, that didn't make the request to go up against this monster any easier to swallow. "Come on," Wes spoke, all-but marching toward the front lines.

"Carnage!" Evie yelled as she set a hand on Mr. Woodhead's arm and the creature suddenly appeared up next to Jay, ready to join him on the front lines. She closed her eyes then and, as she did so, several other creatures began to appear around her. It looked as if the air was distorted for a moment, like she was standing just behind a fire... and as the air surrounding her came back to normal, several other puppet-like creatures came into existence as well. Unlike Mr. Woodhead, these were more like animals, although exactly what type of animal was unclear.

They had anywhere from four to eight legs, with heads that ranged from what might have been a dog or what might have been a cat, but it was hard to say exactly what the creatures were meant to be. Regardless, they all looked ready to simply attack in droves as she brought them into existence around her. "Go my minions!" she cheered, raising her hands up overhead.

The creatures charged up toward the container in the back of the room where the Beast was still hiding within, but as they drew closer, a hand suddenly shot out from within the darkness. The hand itself was similar to what had been seen a moment ago, with nearly a dozen fingers attached to its palm, and the arm that was connected on the other side seemed inordinately long, as it stretched up toward the very top of the set of doors before it vanished within the darkness. The wooden, puppet-like summoned creatures emitted rattling sounds of fear as they were suddenly torn apart by the Beast that lingered within the container.

With a sudden roar, the other door that had been loosely hanging on its hinges suddenly snapped off as it was sent hurtling out toward the group. "Incoming!" Jay yelled, pulling back a hand as he clenched it into a fist. Nearby, Sasha lifted her hands, and the faint light of the barrier began to form once more, but the heavy metal door crashed through it, heading right for where Jay and Mr. Woodhead stood. With a grunt, Jay slammed his fist upward into it. The force behind the motion caused the wind in the area to spin around him briefly as the dull 'thud' of fist connecting with metal reverberated through the room.

The door shuddered slightly, before it cracked in half up the middle, the two halves falling on either side of him. "Ow!" he called out, shaking his fist in pain, which brought a sense of relief to Wes and Sasha, and especially the latter. "That stings," Jay murmured, about to say something further when it became clear that Evie's little wooden animals weren't doing much of a job of containing the beast.

Another long arm came out, ending once more in far too many digits as it collided with the group of animals and sent them sprawling away. Both arms now free, it set them on the ground outside, and it began to pull the rest of it from within. The rest of the creature's body was bulbous and fetid, almost like an enormous slug with two long, spindly arms that were even longer than the body of the Beast. They stretched out once more and despite the floor being made of concrete, the dozens of fingers at the end of its hand tore through the ground pulling the massive body along. It was a pale grey, and looked more like an oversized maggot with arms than it did any sort of dangerous creature.

"Man that thing is disgusting," Sasha murmured as she took a step backward, frowning at the sight of it.

The Beast's body shivered and undulated, before it started to tear in half, somewhere a little under halfway down its form. As it did, rows upon rows of teeth were revealed, and a sudden, ear-splitting scream ripped out from within it upon revealing its mouth. The five of them covered their ears in response, wincing back away from it, even as the monstrous thing began to move forward once more, its maw now in full view as saliva poured down the sides of its gluttonous body like water.

"Let's put this thing in the ground, dudes!" Jay called out, the man rushing forward toward the Beast, even as Mr. Woodhead began to clamber over as well, the giant puppet swinging one arm down aggressively as it drew close. Unfortunately, that's where Jay had been going, and had it not been for Sasha creating a quick force shield between them, Jay might have been completely clobbered.

Sasha threw a glare over her shoulder at Evie. "Keep a leash on your stupid puppet!" she called out, before turning back just in time to see a glob of what looked like that same saliva hurtling toward the brown-haired beauty. Reflexively, she threw up her hands, and the very space between her and the creature starting to warp and shift as the distance somehow expanded, and the liquid attempting to cross it but the arc of the saliva caused it to crash to the ground before the distance reverted, and Sasha took a step back, a line of sweat on her forehead.

At the chaos around them, Wesley frowned, his gaze on the others who were all just going at this on their own without really paying attention to what the rest of their team was doing, and that was a problem. That was a danger- if they kept just going at this without focusing on working together, they weren't going to beat this thing. He cast a glance at Gustave who was still looking on without really interacting, and he gave a small sound. That was fine- he'd just need to take control of the situation.

"Everyone, let's calm down. Sasha, do that again, put some distance between us and that Beast. Theodore- you can slow it down, right? Do that too- let's give ourselves a few seconds to get back under control. We went at this kind of all wrong," Wes called out. As he began to bark instructions out, Sasha's face went red as if she were going to argue, but instead swallowed whatever she was about to say and did as requested. She pushed her hands outward, and as she did, the monstrous slug-like Beast seemed to be pushed further and further away from them, with her bending Space in that way. "Okay, Ted, slow it down- she can't hold that for long."

Theodore complied, and the Beast's movements seemed to lag slightly, each movement appearing as if it were under water. "There we go... now it is... quite slow," he spoke, nodding at the others. "I...concur with Wes. We should...have a plan."

Jay looked to Theodore then, the man slamming his fists together. "My plan's pretty straight forward. You got one, Ted?" he asked, and the Life specialist frowned slightly.

"I would...need some time I think... to make one," he spoke, before glancing to Wes. "I would imagine... Wes has a plan?" he asked, looking to the one who had called this temporary cease fire and put together the idea rather quickly, to boot.

"Wes plan best plan!" Evie cheered, lifting both of her hands over head as she hopped in place... and Mr. Woodhead too raised its arms in a mirror of her, while Jay merely looked at his brother, nodding.

Sasha grunted, the girl's eyes closed. "Just make your stupid plan, Wes. I can't hold this for much longer!" she hissed out, and Wesley frowned.

"All right. Here's what we do..."