Success at Last

Wes understood that trial and error was something that was often a requirement when you couldn't work out the exact methods to handle something. You just sort of beat your head against it over and over again until you were able to make headway- that was the long and the short of it... and yet that didn't make it any more frustrating when he couldn't make any real, active progress.

Life: 0% | Death: 4% | Time: 3% | Space: 0%

Code: 00L04D03T00S

"Damn it!" The cry of frustration was swiftly followed by Weslley swiftly kicking at a trash can nearby, which sent it flying into the nearby wall. He couldn't help but to feel annoyed as irritation crept up his back like a rash. "I can't get it. Every time I try I just get whatever you're the highest in," the young man spoke, his eyes narrowed.

He extended a hand back out, the deep, endless grey turning into more of a silver as he set his hand on his brother's arm, sending a surge of energy back into him. Wesley frowned as he looked back down at his hands. "Why doesn't this work?"

"It's... likely just to take practice. Why don't you... try someone other than... your brother?" he asked, glancing to Wesley. "Perhaps an... incompatibility?"

Wes frowned at that. It was still his fault that he couldn't handle this right, but at the same time, dwelling on it wasn't going to get anywhere. "All right. Since you think you know what you're doing, why don't you go next?"

"Yeah! Get him, Teddy!" Evie called out, cheering as she sat with several of her smaller Summons, mostly just learning them inside and out, how they worked, and so forth. Sasha was sitting on one of the large metal boxes that were in the room, looking mostly nonplussed about everything that was going on in here.

Jay shook out his right arm, the same one that they'd been using on and off for the last few minutes. "Yeah. I think I could take a break if that's all right with you, bro." Jay wasn't one to back down from a challenge, but having the energy sapped from him and then put back a few times had really started to put a damper on his energy levels. "I just need a breather."

"You're fine. I just need to get this right," he spoke, before he looked to Theodore and gave the man a small nod. "Are you ready?" he asked.

"A moment," Ted responded, the pale-haired man closing his eyes and seeming to focus on something, judging by the way he set his jaw and was looking less than happy about the situation as a whole. "Try." That was the only word he managed out, and Wesley wasn't really sure if this was... some attempt at trying to prepare himself for what was to come... or what.

All the same, Wes wasn't going to go without if it was offered and so he pushed his hand out towards Theodore's shoulder. But as he drew closer, he was focused on the Death Framework, what limited there was, hidden within. He didn't want Ted's Life or Time Framework, and solely focused on the one thing he wanted. And then he reached forward the last few inches, his hand grasping Ted's shoulder.

As he did so, he felt that unique heat, and he watched as Ted twitched, a frown creasing his features from the icy cold. Even if he felt bad for doing so, he held it a moment longer. Then, he pulled his hand back, looking down at it, before up at Theodore. "What the hell were you doing?" he asked simply, mostly just curious as to what the other had been doing.

"Focusing on the Death Framework... within myself. My current feelings... and what I wish to do right now," the young man spoke, glancing to Wes. "I was not sure... if you had to do all of the work."

Wes frowned as he nodded. "That makes sense. You'd naturally gravitate toward whatever Framework is your highest. It's a good idea. Let's see if it worked," he spoke, before he moved over toward the machine again, stepping onto it. "Throw the switch," he spoke, a good feeling brewing in his chest.

Life: 0% | Death: 5% | Time: 0% | Space: 0%

Code: 00L05D00T00S

"Dude, you did it. Nice!" Jay spoke, lifting up a hand to give Ted a high five. The pale blond fellow wasn't really sure if he should respond at first but he lifted his own hand. Jay slapped his hand forward, before he looked to Wes. "So didn't Ted have like fifteen or something in Death before?"

"Eleven," Sasha spoke, the girl barely paying them much attention. "Which means he got about half of it. Now he needs to drain him again with his Devour Energy, and then Evie. Once he has his Death Framework where it needs to be, then you and I can give him Life Framework and we can finally get out of this room."

As the woman spoke, Wes suddenly felt a little bad about the whole thing. "Hey. I really appreciate you guys staying with me and doing this. I know that you don't have to, but I really, honestly appreciate what you're doing."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Sasha spoke, despite the fact that there was the barest hint of pink to her features now from some embarrassment as the man gave his thanks. "Just hurry up and get this done so we can go. That's how you can make it up to me."

Jay snorted then in amusement. "That's right, bro. Let's get this going and then we can get out of here. You just had to be weird and make this take forever." He reached over and clapped his brother on the shoulder, grinning widely as he did so.

As soon as he did, Wes reached up and grasped Jay's arm with his own, causing Jay's body to spasm slightly, unprepared for the sudden cold pain that shot through his arm. "Dude, what the hell?" he asked, frowning slightly as he yanekd his arm away.

"You were just being really cheerful for a moment so I figured that your Life Framework was at the forefront," he spoke, and Jay's sour look faded, replaced by a blank expression before the man erupted into laughter, and Evie joined him for several moments before the pair of them finally stopped.

"Hahaha... ha... what were we laughing about?" she asked, her expression all smiles. Sasha snorted at that, and the rest gave a few small chuckles as well, leading to Evie beaming for a moment, before pausing. "No. Seriously," she spoke as she stood up.

Ted exhaled slowly, pushing his glasses up his nose. "We have discovered that... if you take on the traits of the Framework... that Wes needs to take with his Devour Energy skill... it seems to work... as opposed to it not working at all," he mused, before glancing toward Wes. "I suppose that means you and I need to try again for you to tkae the rest of my Death Framework."

Wesley nodded, lifting his right hand, which was glowing with that same dull grey coloration that it did when he used his Devour Energy Skill. He gave Ted the few seconds that were needed for him to focus on those Death Framework personality traits, and then after he determined it had worked, he moved onto Evie.

Evie gave a small sound of discontent as she realized it was her turn, before she began to focus on the Weaken Skill, rather than the personality attributes, and that actually seemed to work rather well, with Wes managing to pull out nearly everything he needed in a single go.

He went to his brother next, the pair of them reminsicing about their parents for a bit and putting Jay in a good mood before Wes caught him by surprise again, and then that just left Sasha.

The girl frowned as he approached and she shifted her weight, hopping down from on top of the box she'd been seated on as she watched Wesley.

"I'm going to need you to be happy and genuine so I can get your Life Framework," Wes spoke, which only caused the girl's eyebrows to knit together in annoyance.

"I'm happy, you dipshit. What makes you think that I'm not happy?" she spoke, narrowing her eyes at him. "Oh, maybe it's you telling me to be happy when I've been trapped in this room for like two hours."

The young man opposite her frowned. "Sasha, just... come on. Once you do this, we can go."

"Uugh...fine," the girl spoke, closing her eyes for a moment. As she did so, the angry expression began to fade over a few seconds, and a small, happy smile became present in its place.

Wes didn't move, blinking as he watched her.

"Wow! Sasha you're so pretty!" Evie called out, and that caused the brown-haired girl to open her eyes, a flush creeping onto her cheeks.

"Uh... thanks. Can we... just get this over with?" she spoke, glancing to the side.

Wes couldn't help but to give a small smile, but reached his hand out toward her. "Then hold still. It shouldn't take long."