The Promise

The silence that greeted them as they arrived back where they'd fought the Beast just that very same morning was palpable. Deafening, even. It was as if there was a heavy, dark cloak that was thrown over everything, quieting the sound into virtual silence. There were almost no sounds of any sort of animals, and even the insects were quiet- as if in regard for something larger and more dangerous than they that was around.

Wesley's Elemental Emulation had allowed him to borrow the talents of the Space Framework, and allow him to condense space between two points, which allowed them for far faster travel. That had been convenient- especially now that they were on a time limit. As they arrived into the quiet darkness that covered the ruins of the city, Wes exhaled, letting the Space Framework drop, and exhale softly as he stood back up to his full height. "All right," he spoke evenly, glancing back over his shoulder at everyone, making sure that they were all here and accounted for, "are we good?"

There was a hesitation in answering him. The whole situation was relatively easy when it came to just talking about it from the safety of the Camps, with dozens of other Soldiers around at any given time. But actually being out here amongst the buildings had caused several of them to start to second-guess themselves. All, of course, except for one.

"Yeah!" Evie's shrill voice carried into the silence around them, causing the others to instantly seize up in some sort of fear of recompense. "I'm ready! Let's go and figure out what's going on with that wall!" she called out, lifting both hands above her head, unable to keep from dancing a bit in her own excitement.

The suddenness of her actions, mixed with the slight silliness of her antics, brought a bit of a breathy laugh to the others, and Wes couldn't help but to look to the girl with a thankful nod.

After a deep breath, Jay nodded. "Yeah dude, I'm ready. This whole place was kinda creepy, but as long as we all stick together I think we'll be good," he said, nodding as he looked over at his brother. "It just seems a lot more dangerous at night."

"What, you mean with all these gouge marks in the street where that Beast that nearly killed us all are?" Sasha asked, her arms folding under her chest as she looked around between the two brothers, and then over toward John. "Yeah this i sa great spot," she muttered under her breath, but nonetheless she didn't at all seem like she was against coming along for the ride.

John and Theodore didn't speak, but merely nodded in response to the question, leaving it now with all of them in agreement with the plan. "All right," Wes spoke, the young man's voice not quivering at all, despite the definitive terror that was in his chest. If he screwed up, he could get them all killed, and that would be something he'd carry with them for the rest of his very short lifespan.

The pressure was definitely on, and he shifted, before he moved, making a movement to allow Jay and Mr. Woodhead to move on along in front to ensure that there wasn't going to be anything ambushing them from the front. Evie and John stayed in the middle, able to react to any of the situations from either side, while Wesley and Sasha brought up the rear of the group.

"You all right?" Wes asked, looking over at the other, watching as Sasha's gaze flickered this way and that nonstop, as if she were expecting something to jump out of the bushes and attack them at each and every step taken. "Or rather, is there something that I can do?" he spoke, knowing full well that she wasn't all right. Being out here, away from all of their support, just on the offchance that they coudl find something was an extremely dangerous proposition.

She frowned, her eyebrows knitting a bit in her discomfort. "Just promise me," she spoke, and Wesley raised an eyebrow, not entirely sure what she was about to say. "Just promise me that if shit hits the fan that you'll get us out. No matter what," she spoke, and the young man blinked, at that, before he nodded slowly. "I don't care if John learns everything that you can do, or if it gets out and everyone back there knows what weird things you do. I want you to promise me that if we're in a bad way, you'll make it work."

He didn't respond at first, the surprise on his features evident as he watched her, before a small smile slid across his features. "Yeah. I wasn't planning on letting anything happen to anyone," he spoke. "If things get bad then we'll get out, no questions asked. There's a good chance we'll run into a Beast or something similar out here, and that's going to be dangerous no matter how well we're prepared. But I'm going to pull out all the stops if we need it."

The slight frustration on her face seemed to fade then, and for a moment, she held a relatively neutral expression on her features, before she turned, her gaze meeting his, before she nodded. "Okay. Good," she admitted, but didn't say anything further, and Wes wasn't sure what that was all about. He had expected her to say to get like... her out. Or maybe someone in specific, but she had said everyone. That was a lot less easy, if it came down to it, but it had been her request- and he would be damn sure he'd do everything he could in order to achieve that.

"Hey dude. We're nearly at the Wall. No sign of anything yet," Jay called from up front, and Wes felt a little uncertain then. What were they going to run into once they actually got to the wall itself?

"All right," Wes called back, little tricklings of fear beginning to run down his back now, as well. There was all sorts of potential for danger, and the slightest thing going wrong could throw everything into a state of chaos.

Theodore's gaze moved from Jay up front to the side, considering things for a moment. They didn't know what could have caused this... issue of the Beast appearing within their City, and so far there was no sign of anything here. That could, of course, mean that the Beast had been placed there. But why? Had they not already proven themselves? "Something seems... off," Ted spoke, frowning as he glanced back toward Wes.

But before Wes could answer, the sound of steel being twisted and bent- a horrific screech, erupted from just before them, and Wesley felt his heart jump up into his throat.