The Traitors

Wesley's gaze flickered down below to the sight that had caused him to be filled with an unfathomable anger. He could now understand why John had been so irritated when he'd come back. Hell, if he had been in John's place, he didn't think that he'd have been able to stop himself and report back. Then again, that could have been what had taken John so long to come back.

Another sound of hellish screeching tore through the night, and now that he knew what it was, there was no more fear that came from the sound. No, now it was nothing but rage.

" going on down there?" Evie asked, the girl asked, glancing to Jay and then to Theodore, looking for an answer. "That looks like-"

"," Theodore responded to the girl's words, before she could continue speaking on the subject. "What you are seeing... is exactly... what it looks like," Ted spoke, his tone quiet and also seemingly full of frustration and anger.

Down by the Wall, there was a section that was missing a rather large part, allowing those within to be able to see out out into the land that lay out beyond. And currently, there were a handful of figures that were down below... and they were actively working to destroy the Wall further. They were gripping ahold of the parts that they could reach, the metal that made up the wall being torn in long, heavy strips from it- and that had been the sound that they had been hearing.

"Why the hell are they destroying the Wall?" Sasha hissed, the woman's hands gripping the edge of the rooftop they were on. "What is their problem?" she continued, her gaze finally tearing from the figures down below over toward Wesley, who seemed to have a better understanding of what was going on. Or at least, she assumed he did.

There was silence from Wesley for a few moments, before he grit his teeth. "You remember these guys, Jay?" he spoke, his tone quiet and full of barely-contained malice.

"Yeah. I remember," the larger of the two spoke. His usual good nature was gone at the moment, which left him being a lot more similar to his brother than he normally did. "They were the ones that let in the thing that killed Mom and Dad," he spoke quietly, not really caring if the rest of them heard what had happened.

At that, there was a bit of concern and confusion from the others, and the one that was closest to the two of them, Sasha, suddenly grew a bit more alarmed. "Wait, what? Hang on, go back- you two have never told me about this."

When neither of the two responded, she was about to say something further, when John began to offer insights. "There are some... small groups of people that believe that we are in the wrong for trying to resist the Beasts. And for that, they do whatever they can to hasten our own destruction," the man spoke, his eyes narrowed as he looked down at them. "It seems that this particular group is working to break apart the Wall. We can all fairly safely assume that this group is the reason that we saw that Beast in here earlier."

The group all felt a sudden cold chill down over their spine at the thought, of such a thing... but that faded away into anger. Wesley's eyes narrowed. "These guys are worst than any Beast. These are the bastards that work for the Beasts. If the Beasts can't break through the Wall on their own, sometimes these guys let the Beasts in. That's... why we lost the last Wall," the young man spoke, and it was clear that he was struggling not to just fire right down toward them.

"We said... that we weren't... going to engage," Theodore spoke, looking to Wesley, as if demanding to know what his plan was. He wasn't expressly talking against the idea of going down to confront these individuals- but all the same, they had all agreed not to fight. This was strictly supposed to be a recon mission to get more information about what was happening to the Wall. Now they knew.

Another loud sound tore through the night as another large piece of the metallic plating was ripped from the Wall. Wesley stood up to his full height, his hands tightening into white-knuckled fists. "We said that we weren't going to start a fight with a Beast. Those aren't Beasts down there... but they certainly aren't Humans, either," Wesley spoke, his tone not at all giving any respect to the traitors down below.

"So like, you're talking about making sure they get arrested and all that, right?" Evie asked, glancing toward Wesley. The young woman seemed like she was taken aback a little by the viciousness from Wesley. "We're not actually going to do anything to really hurt them, right?"

At that, Theodore seemed to realize that they were talking about harming other actual humans. "Wes. We need to not... actually bring harm to them. They are... still humans," the man spoke, adjusting his glasses. "Despite their... misguided intentions... they are not monsters," he continued.

Wes' eyes were still narrowed in anger, his body slightly shaking from the anger that was thudding through him.

"Wes." The word spoken came from Jay, and this was the one person who was able to actually get through to his brother. Wes turned, glancing toward his brother. "Ted's right. I don't like it anymore than you do, man, but listen. We don't have the right to just... kill these guys," he spoke. "You're talkin' about murder, man."

Wesley's jaw set, his hands clenching tightly for a long moment before he sighed. His shoulders sagged and he shook his head. "No. You're right," he murmured quietly as he leaned back away from the rooftop. He wasn't...sure if he fully believed what they said, but he couldn't be the only one who was willing to put these people into the ground. "But..." he spoke, and glanced to John. "Before we go down there, there's something that you need to know about me," he murmured quietly.

John arched a brow, before his gaze moved to the others, none of which were looking at Wesley at the moment. "What do you mean?" he asked simply, and as he looked on, Wes raised a hand, and as he did so, the young man's hand began to glow, with a strange, grey color wrapping around the young man's hand.

"What... is that?" John whispered, his gaze raising to meet Wes' eyes.