Chapter 21

"You... Attacked... Me?" The Pale Lady managed to say with a strained expression as Argen was put back to sleep. Thankfully Asfalis was still able to keep him alive and wake him up every few minutes, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to resist.

"It was easy... you were too confident... Argen's a little bitch most of the time" Megan answers immediately as she glared at the Pale Lady.

"Now that I think about it... you're that woman right?... Get out of my friend so I can kill you please" Megan said with a polite expression as she sent another fireball toward Argen, hoping to scare The Pale Lady out of her friend's body.

Unfortunately, The Pale Lady wasn't stupid and was actively using Argen as a flesh shield. It was during this time that he was woken up again, this time ready to struggle against The Pale Lady.

Megan, not expecting the pale lady to just suddenly stop in place, tried to stop her Fireball, only for it to directly hit Argen's body and slam him against the wall.

Luckily, or unluckily the pale lady quickly slipped out of his body, allowing Argen to take the full brunt of the blow, only protected by Asfalis, who was able to move again and used the silver aura to block most of the damage, only making them slam into the wall like before.

"Ugh…" Argen mumbled as blood dripped from his head. Dizzily standing up he looked at the 17 different people in front of him. Megan and The Pale lady were faced off as his vision blurred, causing him to not see things right.

"Ok… Yeah everything's fine now, right? Mother will swoop down and… and… hah" Argen plopped onto the ground with a loud thud as he lost consciousness, at least this time he didn't have a woman inside of him controlling his body.

"Now that the idiot is safe… mostly…O occiditis"

As she shot off the spell, Megan knew she had already missed. A risky spell that promised death to immortals, though should the user miss then they could die…

Megan, quickly thinking of a plan, threw the small bag she was holding toward the side where the Pale Lady was dodging, causing the monster to dodge back only to get grazed by the spell. Though it wasn't much, it was enough to blow up half of her dangling black gooey arm.

"Ah… Shit" Megan said as the Pale Lady rushed forward with her claws on her right arm extending toward her throat. "H...ell no" a small weak voice reached Megan's ears as a flash of golden warm light lit the corridor, revealing Lee's bleeding out form.

"Damn Argen… I really thought you just decided to kill me for a second haha… well… this is the least I cou-"

"Who are you?" Megan interrupted Lee as she stared at the body. The Pale Lady hadn't attacked for some reason, so she was immediately suspicious… and the vibe of this Lee was off…

"Hm?... Maybe I got the tone of voice wrong? I could have sworn it was all perfect… No matter, I distracted you well enough" Agamemnon said as Megan widened her eyes as The Pale Lady finished her run and grabbed the girl by the throat, throwing her against the wall causing her to fall next to Argen.

"Great Job little girl! I must say I thought you were useless at first but it seems you're a great addition to the team" Agamemnon said smiling as Lee's body dropped to the floor and Agamemnon's spirit form was floating there in all its glory.

"Just a few more souls and I won't need to worry… Artemis… Achilles? The Gods? Who could stop me!"

"Ugh… My head hurts…" Argen said leaning against the wall holding it as the silver bow, which he had figured belonged to Artemis floated up into his outstretched hand.

"Well you see… My quest is already done… I can go see and talk to my mother now… the only problem is you… And some of the gods of Olympus… I hate problems" Argen replied to Agamemnon's words before tripping over his feet and landing on the ground.

"Uhh… I mean she hates problems… as you can see" Argen said pointing forward with a tinge of red on his cheeks as a 12-year-old girl was standing, illuminating the corridor with just her silver aura.

"Agamemnon?... I thought you learned your lesson long ago… Your daughter surely did" Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, Moon, and Motherhood said as she drew an arrow and aimed toward Agamemnon's surprised face.

"H-Huh… Artemis!" Agamemnon yelled out, stepping back in the air as an arrow whizzed past his cheek. The Pale Lady rushed forward only to burst into dust as 12 arrows hit her body.

"You can't kill that kid…" Artemis said looking down at Argen who was smiling widely. 'Because it would cause problems if I don't do it myself…' Artemis finished the rest of her words in her head as Agamemnon's expression morphed into an angry one.

"Kids?... What do you care about kids? You made me sacrifice my DAUGHTER! All because of a simple slip-up of words! How dare you act like you care about this kid!" agamemnon bellowed out as Argen widened his eyes and jumped up, holding the bow without any arrows. Though… for some reason… as he held it tightly it hummed, causing him to ignore that he had no ammo and pull back the string.

'What?' Argen thought as a long, silver arrow appeared in the drawstring… Letting go, Argen let the arrow fly past agamemnon… past Artemis… hitting Niobe as she was sneaking up on Artemis, who hadn't seen her until just a few seconds before Argen killed her.

"How dare you…" Argen said, ignoring the excited feeling he felt seeing that the bow could do what it did, "Don't talk to her like that!" Argen yelled angrily as his silver aura burst through teh corridor, suppressing agamemnon as Artemis looked on in shock.

'She… how dare she… what do I tell zeus?' Artemis thought to herself with a blank expression on the outside as she finished off agamemnon, ending his terror once and for all and sending him straight to tartarus…

"So… He's dead…" Megan said choking up slightly as they looked at the dead body Agamemnon had used to impersonate Lee. Argen, with his head down, nodded before standing up.

"I… I killed him…" Argen replied to Megan's words as he slightly shivered, wondering how Megan would feel, knowing he had killed their friend. "No… you didn't you idiot… *Sigh* I'll bury him… he deserves it haha… Go talk to your mother… and then I'm gonna kill you later for not telling me" Megan promised as she went back to Lee's body and went deeper into the forest as Argen and Artemis were left on a cliff, looking over the sea.

"Uh… Thanks Mom I-"

"Don't call me your mother... You mean nothing to me so that isn't appropriate…" Artemis said turning as she looked at the shocked Argen...

(A/N: My friend made a fic, There won't really be romance... it's a multiverse, It's called "Weebs Guide to the multiverse" Go give it a try and look out for my version coming soon... "Scums guide to the multiverse 😈)