Chapter 25

*Huff* *Huff*

Argen ran through the forest as something was chasing him, Faster than he could even see, a simple wisp of silver light never giving him a break.


Argen, barely dodging out of the way as the object smashed into a tree where he had been, quickly ran off toward camp once again.

'Megan, Sam, I gotta hurry!' Argen thought as he used his moon aura to propel him forward, zipping through the forest in a blur of silver light.

"You can't run," A voice said just as he turned and was hit in the head by a silver arrow dying in the middle of the forest.

"Ahhh!" Argen opened his eyes wide as he fell from his top bunk screaming. Breathing heavily, he finally realized it was a dream and sighed in relief.

'What's that... the 300th dream just like that?' Argen thought just as bodies piled onto him. "Damn it we were sleeping!" Argen's Bunkmate, Michael Yew, a short boy with brown eyes and black hair, rolled out of bed and landed atop Argen who was smiling as they all wrestled the rest of the cabin awake.

"Alright Bastards... You know what time it is... Remember the drill... Now... Go!" Argen yelled as they all ran off every which way, still in their pajamas as Argen smirked.

"You guys actually think you're able to hide... I must say... It's a good attempt!" Argen yelled as he took out a bow, knocking a straw arrow and letting it loose as it zigzagged through the camp, hitting each person and causing them to sigh as they were hit.

"This means... You all clean up today!~" Argen said smiling as he swiped his hair to the side and threw the bow to the side as the rest of the cabin groaned and got to work.

"Ah... Summer... It's been a year now right?... Hah... Lee" Argen's expression became somber as he remembered last summer and its events. His quest and such... he had already figured out what it meant... the prophecy.

He had only talked to Luke once or twice since then. Instead of the others who had been "Disappearing", he decided he'd rather stay at Camp, much better than interacting with Kronos...

"It seems you guys are lively... as always," Megan said leaning against the door as she had a goat boy in her clutches.

"Under the bed? Bathrooms?... Maybe the showers?" Argen asked seeing Sam struggling under Megan's grip as she smiled.

"Hidden cams" She replied making Argen stop in his tracks and look between the two. "W-Wait... I didn't think he'd use them for that... I thought we were simply strengthening camp defense I-" Argen stopped as he saw Megan's look and nodded before he reached out his hands.

"New kid stop the witch!" Argen yelled pushing the new camper's solace toward Megan, who muttered under her breath as a book floated in front of her, green energy shooting out of it and hitting argen away.

"Ugh... Sam... You bastard" Argen said as he and his best friend started laughing as Megan just rolled her eyes, though a small twinkle was hidden in them, glad that Argen was fine now... compared to the previous summer.

"Hey... Stop thinking about it... I said I'm fine" Argen said with a smile as he spotted Megan's expression, seeing that she was worried.

"Things always go to shit in the summer... Keep your head up dumbass" Megan replied putting away her book as she turned and walked away.

"Damn... show knew that tomboy would grow up... Look at that a-" Sam was stopped by a punch from Argen, who rolled his eyes at the comment and got up curiously looking toward Megan and design what Sam was talking about.

"Hey you looked," Sam said seeing the small eye movement before Argen turned away with a small blush and kicked his friend away. Laughing as he ran, seeing his cabin cleaning the pavilion.

"I must say you guys are doing such a great job... But man... we went overboard didn't we..." Argen said with a chuckle before sticking his tongue out and leaving before the food was thrown back at him.

"Ah... Peace and quiet" Argen said as he looked at the top of the hill, overlooking all of camp half blood. 'Today is the last day for mortals school... That means Mr. Perfection Jackson will be back today huh?...'

Argen hadn't changed, maybe to the outside it looked like he was happier, more mature, but he was still just a 12 year old boy, full of rage that he didn't knwo what to do with... abandoned by his parents and still jealous of the one names Percy Jackson.

*Boom!* A loud noise echoed through the valley as Argen, immediately activating his sight and seeing a trail of someone running away, quickly ran in the same direction, but not before seeing two huge metallic looking Bull, breathing fire and stomping into the camp.

'Huh?' Argen thought to himself as he ran faster after the person, falling as he was tripped into a wood only to flip over and point one of his silver pistols toward the boy... no the man standing there with a small smirk.

"Hah... Luke what the hell?" Argen said dissolving his pistol away as he stood up and dusted himself off. Then, suddenly hitting him, Argen widened his eyes as he looked over at the panicking camp half blood.

"What... the hell did you do?" Argen asked as Luke put an elbow on his shoulder, leaning against him as he pointed at one of the bulls.

"Made by the god of the forge, Hephaestus if you didn't know, Colchis bulls... very dangerous bastards... Though they can handle it" Luke replied as Argen's eyes gained a dangerus glint as he grabbed the man in front of him by the collar and shoved him back.

"Why attack Camp though?... I have friends here... You have friends here! Lord Kronos wouldn't sim-" Argen stopped as he saw, at the top of the hill, Clarisse getting pushed against the tree, as well as someone he hadn't expected to see quite so early.

"Percy..." Argen said now ignoring luke as the boy nodded and smiled. "It's alright Argen, this is just a fear tactic... I'll fill you in later... I trust you've gotten close enough with Clarisse right?... That was your only mission this year"

Argen nodded as he ignored the man now and walked forward, "No way I'm letting him take the bulls, You should go before you're caught... Also... What did you do to Thalia's tree?" Ar4gen asked looked back to see a small bottle in Luke's hands.

"Thalia would have wanted this... Later Argen, remember... Kronos has a plan for everything..." Luke finished with a nod as he walked away, only to hide and watch what Argen would do.

'Damn bastard... He could have warned me... What if Megan or sam get's hurt?' Argen thought to himself as he began running straight up the hill, intent on helping Clarisse, who he had in fact been getting closer to.

It wasn't that hard actually, Argen had grown a full inch over this year and wasn't all that ugly... surprisngly attractive even though he always seemed uncomforatble when people were taking their shirts off.

Using this he and Luke had planned for him to try and get clarisse on their side, getting Clarisse would get at least 3 other Ares children, perfect for Kronos's army.

As Percy Jackson pulled out riptide to fight one of the bulls rushign toward him, he was cuahgt by surprise as Tyson, a friend from school, quickly ran in front of him, getting burned to a crisp...

"Tyson!!" Percy yelled as his eyes were filled with terror, not wanting to see his friend fall. "Praise the gods... we have a cyclops on our side" A male voice reached percy's ears as a silver looking aura dropped away after blocking the Colchis bull's fire, leaving it in confusion as Argen smirked.

"Well then... Do you think we can cook these things?" Argen asked as opened his palm, revealing a shining silver pistol, "Well... Whatever" He finished his words as a bullet shot through the air, only for his moon aura to cover in and smash through the bull, destroying it with a loud boom.

"One down... Two to go?"

(A/N: Start of Volume two let's goo... Keep in mind a lot of shit will happen in this volume, Who know's how long it will be lol, Also pretty please Vote Power Stones!)