Sometimes I feel as if I'm being watched, maybe I'm being blessed or something, but it's always a good feeling of mine.

Even when I was a kid I felt like I was being watched, throughout most of my childhood...

It was just a feeling, nothing crazy, I had never seen someone really watch me... It's kinda sad now that I think about it, surrounded by people yet none of them could even glance my way...

I say could... but they wouldn't, almost like the second I was in their line of sight I was marked off an imaginary list, telling them to stay away from me...

That's probably why when I looked up seeing the crazy man-eating birds diving down that they exploded into silver light. I couldn't take credit, my entire life had flashed in front of my eyes, it would be ludicrous to say that I had any part in taking them out.

As Michael swerved past the Athena chariot I ignored them, too much was going on, thankfully I had ADHD, or I might not have caught it all...

First was Percy and Annabeth, they were instantly running away, so much for being heroes eh? Clarisse didn't bother with the birds as she and her driver continued along the path, it seemed the right thing to do, No doubt Tantalus had put these here for a nice challenge.

"Go Michael, Just because we are teamed doesn't mean I want to lose..." I said to the boy, causing him to nod and whip the horses, causing them to start running faster.

"Hm, Fancy seeing you here, Such a beautiful day wouldn't you agree?" I said as a strike of silver light destroyed more of those birds. Tantalus was really going crazy with these, hell I thought they were actually trying to kill me...

"You aren't gonna try and fight these things?... They look like they're really trying to kill us" Clarisse replied to my statement, worry hidden in her eyes as she looked around at the camp...

Tantalus wouldn't go this far would he?... The kids were literally cut up, some bleeding heavily, I still didn't do anything though, It must be one of Tantalus's jokes... Right?

As I turned back I saw something out of the corner of my eye, a boy steering a chariot and a girl standing on top of it, cuts all over her body as she had her book floating and putting up a magic barrier... But that's not the point... These things had hurt Megan... Even if this was a joke... How dare they!

I leaped off my Chariot, not sparing Clarisse a glance as I gathered as much moon aura I could muster and blasted it all around me, kinda like a force field of silver light, killing all the birds around Megan and her teammate.

Perhaps I was too focused on Megan to see Percy and Annabeth run down with... Chiron's music player... Playing one of his favorite songs and causing all the birds to fly up and away.

"You guys okay?" Percy asked with a smile as he breathed heavily, his adrenaline finally stopping after the threat was gone.

"Ah... Yes, Thanks Percy" Megan said as I looked over her wounds, staring at Percy... The hell was she thanking him for?... He did nothing but play some music...

"Yeah thanks for causing this whole mess" I spat out venomously. I knew I was a jealous bastard, but still, this was too much... Too much for Percy, getting praise for doing nothing annoyed me the most, it must be so nice to exist and receive love.

Percy's smile immediately dropped, but he didn't say anything, he didn't have to. He was probably wondering why I hated him, if he took a look around he'd realize, not that I was gonna tell him that, just being in the same area as him was annoying already.


Hm?... The hell was... Wait. I looked back seeing Megan with an angry expression on her face, her arm outstretched after slapping me. What the hell did I do?

Well, it didn't take long for her to answer me...

"Why would you say something stupid like that? He just saved all of us" Megan said, looking at me in shock and... Disgust? She then promptly ignored me and started talking to Percy, apologizing for my actions as he started to brighten up.

"You..." I said before stopping, turning away, and hopping off her chariot, there was no point in causing a scene... Not when Tantalus had announced Clarisse the winner and Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson to dishes duty, I could tell he was trying to find a way to apply it to me as well...

Thankfully he didn't seem to have an excuse and promptly left after giving the "Heroes" their punishments... and Megan left with them...


"We need a quest!" Percy's obnoxious voice sounded out throughout the small area we were in, after talking about the Golden Fleece I became interested. Kronos wanted this as well, was it really that powerful?

Annabeth, Tyson, and... Megan were all on the sides of him, standing tall and looking at Tantalus who had just finished a Ghost story, a ghost story clearly about himself that I hadn't bothered to listen to.

Long story short he came from the field of Punishment in the underworld and kept his punishment even here, the main reason food leaped away from him, though he was happily eating it now. The reverse charm had stayed glued to his hand and would stay for a few more hours before it went back to normal...

I didn't have the guts to ask Megan to reset it now... The way she looked at me earlier... it was anno-

"Hey, What's with you" Clarisse suddenly sat down next to me as Percy and Annabeth began to argue with Tantalus.

"Nothing... Nothing at a-" Before I could finish my words I was pulled out of my seat, Megan dragging me with a determined look on her face as she brought me with the others.

"We want this quest!" She yelled, pulling my arm and smiling brightly. She wasn't smiling at me though, but at Percy... It's always PERCY!

Silver light came off my hand as I pulled it back, my expression was probably blank as I walked away.

"Sir, I'm sorry but I'm not a part of this, and I am also sorry for the prank I pulled," I said quickly apologizing to Tantalus, who now had a shocked expression on his face as I walked back and sat with Clarisse.

If Megan wanted to hang out and impress Percy Jackson, then she could... But that didn't mean I'd stay her friend.

Maybe it was petty, and maybe I was being a jealous asshole, but I didn't care, I didn't even care when she rubbed her palm, a searing burn running across her arm, though it didn't hurt, I made sure of that...

Tantalus stood up, smiling slightly as he savored the taste of the beef we had been enjoying earlier, and looked around the campfire.

"Fine... you guys want a quest... Then I will choose the strongest, bravest, most heroic person here as the quest leader..." Tantalus paused dramatically as his eyes swept over everyone, including the "heroic" four that were standing shocked that he had agreed.

"...And that is Clarisse!" He yelled, mockingly looking at the 4 as they blinked in surprise.

"Clarisse! Clarisse! Clarisse!" Everyone fr Ares cabin cheered as Clarisse blushed, looking over everyone before standing up and breathing in deeply.

"I accept this quest!"


A/N: Sorry for being gone for a while lol, Currently making a website xD