"Ahh… I've need this vacation," Argen said relaxing on a chair in the sun. He was out in the patio of his and Law's hotel as they took the day off.

Many things had to be done, but first they decided to finally have a relaxing day, mainly because they had never had one since meeting.

"Yes, it is very relaxing," Law said wearing an over sized shirt covering everything, she still thought Argen thought she was a boy, and so she decided to try and keep up the pretense until she got enough courage to tell him again.

"So…" Argen started to say before closing his mouth and talking to Law in her mind, an ability she had found during her training. 'You think those gods are watching us?'

Law heard the question and stretched her arms, trying to act natural about it.

'Most definitely, The second we walked into Hawaii I believe they were watching us, you promised to kill all gods, you're basically a big red target.'

Argen flinched after hearing this, but he knew she was a right. 'Yeah maybe that wasn't the smartest thing to do… But I learned from it at least right?'

'Did you?'

Argen didn't answer as they stayed in the sun for the next several minutes. "They're gone now," Argen said suddenly and smiled as he opened his eyes.

Law nodded and smiled too, able to relax and enjoy this time with Argen. She knew this wasn't a vacation, she knew they were only here because of the plan, and she knew there was a high chance of death.

With all this knowledge though she still didn't care, if Argen had told her they were going to fight all the gods at the same time with no help then she would fight right alongside him.

"Then… Should we start?" Law asked after a few moments.

Argen opened his eyes as a serious look came onto his face. "Yes."

"Phew…" A large muscular man sighed as he dropped the wood from the trees he and other men were chopping.

"Damn man, you keep working like that and we might clear the wood out haha," Another carrier joked as the man just rolled his eyes and continued bringing the wood to other sides of their area.

'How long are they going to stare at me?' The man thought, thinking of the two kids watching him from the side.

One was a boy at least 2 feet shorter than him, with gleaming silver hair and silver eyes, the other was just a girl who was dressing like a boy, something the man found weird.

"Is there something you two wanted? If not go away, As you can see I'm busy."

The man didn't turn to the two children once as he said this, instead picking up the tree and walking a different direction.


The man dodged the boys punch without any effort as he stepped to the side and swung the tree toward the boy.

"I knew it, I couldn't be sure but now I know for a fact it's you," Argen said putting his hand out and using Moon energy to blast the tree apart.

The man didn't say anything as he looked down on the much shorter Argen.

"Who are you boy?" The man asked, his fingers moving a bit as he prepared something.

"My names Argen, demigod of the moon, Killer of Gods, is that how you guys introduce yourselves?"

The man blinked slowly without changing his expression as he suddenly turned and a large flash of light blinded Argen.

"Ansa… Take him," Argen said as his eyes flashed brightly, countering the other light and bringing out a small flock of glowing silver birds.

The birds flew all around the area and shot a line of silver energy out of their mouths. The lines stopped the man from leaving the area, giving him only one choice.

"Stand down…" Argen said to Ansa, the name he had called the flock of birds-It meant trap in finnish- while looking at the curved white blade against his neck.

"I've destroyed stronger things than you boy, I don't care that you call yourself a god killer, I've done my fair share of killing too."

Argen smiled, surprising the man a little. "Maui, demigod of the wind and sea… Are you sure you're right in the head? I'm over here man."

Argen smiled as Law let her illusion fall, revealing them sitting on a rock in front of Maui, seeing the muscular man widen his eyes and looked down at them a few feet away.

"How did you…"

"Doesn't matter, all that matters is that I need some help, tell me Maui… What do I need to do to gain help from one of the strongest demigods to ever live?" Argen asked folding his hands on his lap as he looked at the demigod with a serious expression.


"Abbadon! Come out here you bastard! I know you went here after your defeat!" The Beast yelled toward a glowing castle with gold seemingly dripping off of it.

Tons of angels were thrown to the side, terribly beaten by the beast as he called on Abbadon.

"You barge into this heaven, beat my men, and then yell at my castle, please give me a reason why I shouldn't end you for disturbing the peace?"

A huge man with red skin, rippling muscles, and four arms said standing behind The Beast with his eyes glowing gold.

"Abbadon the destroyer has hidden away as a god now? Pretending to be some loser named Shiva?"

The beast was going to continue, only he was flipped upside down and slammed into the ground.

"I AM Shiva. After my loss I found myself here, in front of many different gods. I was dead, and they made me reborn, I am Shiva…"

Abbadon, or rather, Shiva said these words with a slight tremble to his hand.

"Hah, what a load of bullshit… A once mighty and proud devil who fought against true heaven, and even fought alongside Lucifer himself is now a god? Yeah… Bullshit."

Shiva didn't say a word as he allowed the beast to stand up. "If you have only come to insult my name then leave, I stopped being Abbadon the destroyer a long time ago, Buudda has helped with my recovery and old angry behavior I used to have, I wish not to go back to such things.

"Haha… Hahaha… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wait till everyone gets a load of this! Wait till I find Mephistopheles and he finds out what an idiot you've become! Wait till I bring back Lucifer! Wait till I bring back all 72 dukes! Wait till they've seen what you've become!"

Shiva stayed silent as The Beast regained control of himself. "Ha… Abbadon… Yoi don't seem to understand… I now have a son…"

Shiva widened his eyes as he grabbed The Beast and raised him up, a red hue appearing around his eyes.

"Tell me it isn't true! That's impossible! After what God had done-"

"Ahh… Yes yes I know, God made sure I couldn't have any kids… So I became human. If he can do it why not me? And you know what I found there… A cursed goddess who was horny for me… Haha… Oh the luck I had, I switched from my human form to my devil form as I took her, a virgin goddess just as Gabriel had warned, oh and I took her all night, I finished while turning back into human form, I timed it perfectly… And now I've created the bane of the heavens!-"


"Do you even know what you've done? What will happen? Do you even know the amount of pressure you've given this child, do you even know the amount of pain he will have in his life? Do you even know what he is?"

The Beast laughed as he stayed slack in the hands of Shiva. "Yes, he will be able to feel a fraction of the pain that made me so strong, don't you remember Abbadon? You helped my father torture me to become stronger… You made me the monster I am today! If anyones to blame it's you and the others! All of you! Every single last one of you! Hahahahahahaha, Finally ill be king! I can't wait to rid the heavens of God and put myself on top! What do you think now Gabriel?! What now Tauriel! What now Michael! I will be the I Am! I will be King!"

With these words the beast vanished in a flash from Shivas hands as the god sat there staring at them for a bit.

'This peace… Shall it truly end?'

Shiva stared into the cosmos of his heaven with a heavy heart and an even heavier mind, what should he do?