Hooded figure Vs. Nia Pt. 2

"Have you ever seen the king really try? I only ever see him fight when he feels like it, it always feels like he's joking around," One of the knights said to a guard as they are roasted turkey.

"Hmm… I have seen him serious once, when that happens though… You don't want to be anywhere near him…"

The knight turned his head in confusion and looked around before leaning in and whispering. "What does he do?"

The guard looked around too before whispering back,"I heard it's just a natural skill that happens to a king, but he treats everyone as inferior, people who have seen it have called it the dawn of the king… When that happens, it's like he's a god touching down on earth…"

(Back to Camelot)


The hooded figure stabbed forward, much faster and sharper than any of his other attacks. Nia noticed this and dodged it, dodging wider to avoid any kind of direction change from it.

When he didn't see it though his eyes grew colder and his expression turned angry. "Hey… Am I a joke to you?"

Nia slashed to the side with his left hand, knocking the man back several feet as he looked at him.

"Lowly trash like you thinks he can mess with me? What a joke… I'm not some lowly slob like you!" Nia yelled as he rushed the man, knocking the blade to the side as his knee connected with the mans face under the hood.

"Did you think your cut guaranteed victory or something you dirty uneducated uncouth peasant!" Nia yelled as he threw away the branch and smashed his hands into the mans face under the hood over and over again.

"Hah… He's done boss, I don't feel a pulse, weak bastard couldn't even look me in the eye, he had to hide under his hood…"

Nia said these words as he got up breathing heavily and walked toward where Argen and Scathath were.

"I must say it was a great performance, I'd give it a 8/10."

Nia blinked and looked at him in confusion. "Only an 8 sir? Why such a low score?" Nia asked wondering what he did wrong. Was it the fact he had gotten hit once?

"Well, you're moved and technique is perfect, you just lack one thing…" Argen said standing up and dusting off his pants.

"And what is that?"

"Pride," Argen said as Nia was kneed in the back of the neck. The man was too tired to do anything and fell to the floor, his consciousness fleeing.

'W-What? But I didn't feel a pulse…' He thought as he fell asleep.

Argen looked at the hooded man as he grabbed his sword, seemingly not caring about Argen yet.

"The pride to make your opponent not want to fight you anymore, that's what you lack, maybe you're just too used to fighting weak people, or maybe you're just rusty… Whatever the case is… You lost this fight."

Argen dragged Nia to the side next to Scathath and sighed, looking at the sword the hooded man was brandishing.

"As for you…" Argen rushed the man and punched him in the face under his hood, completely calm.

"What sort of loser doesn't even use the full power he has, it's disgusting, you aren't going to win with your full power then you didn't win at all," Argen said as he looked at the man, standing up completely unharmed.

"You're a funny guy, that's why I stood back and let you beat him up you know… I wanted someone to take my anger on… I've been holding it in all this time…"

Argen watched as the man jumped and slashed down with his blade about to slice into Argen's neck.

"It's nothing personal to you or your master, but you are a good punching bag… Let's see how many punches you can take…"

Argen said as he slammed his fist into the man's jaw, making him fly off to the side as he let his anger take over.

Argen flashed forward and kicked the man into the air, grabbing him before he got too high and slamming him into the ground. He repeated this three times before throwing him to the side and breathing in and out.

"Ah… That makes me feel better, now let's see, why did your master only send you? A necromancer should have many dead people to use.

Argen dodged a slash from the man before sending an elbow to his chest, knocking the man back.

"I've been curious for a while, but why hide your face? I already outed your master, so what's to hide… Well whatever, you aren't alive anyway."

Argen sighed just as something incredible happened. The man's wrist flicked and a small cut appeared on Argen's cheek.

"Hmm… I just thought that Nia got caught off guard… So you really are strong huh?" Argen said as the cut healed.

The man lunged forward, stabbing before flicking his wrist and changing the direction of the sword, slicing down on Argen's shoulder.

"I can't feel it, you are weak," The man said as he jumped back, slashing the blade across Argen's chest faster than he could see.

It was all a blur to him, the attack, and the fleeing.

"But that's what makes it fun!" Argen yelled as he jumped up, raising his hands above his head and slamming them down on the blade.

The man slid Argen's fists off the blade and sliced in an upward slant aiming at his chest.

"I don't care about the damage,I just wanted to know who you are…" Argen said as the blade sliced through him.

He coughed out a bit of blood before Asfalis quickly healed the wound.

Argen had the man's hood in his hand as the man looked at him over his shoulder, his face sunken and his hair greasy.

(In the times of Nia)

"Can anyone beat our king? He's so strong, he also spends all of his time training… Are we truly the strongest kingdom?" A man said to other men as they all gathered around the fire.

"King Nia is truly the strongest in our lands… But I did hear about another that is strong in swordsman ship, over in the west… What was his name again?"

"Ah you mean King Arthur?"

"No… His knight…"

(In the present)

"Lancelot!" Nia's voice covered the hill as he got up. He had ripped his clothes off and was standing there in just pants and a branch.

"Sir please, I must fight this man… I must see who's truly the strongest…" Nia said as he walked forward.

Argen blinked before shrugging and sitting back down next to Scathath, who seemed to finally be back to normal.

"What's wrong?" He asked as she looked shocked to see the man.

"That sword is Caliburn the one Arthur pulled from the stone…"

"Hm? I thought that was Excalibur?" Argen said genuinely surprised as he had never heard of Caliburn, only knowing that Excalibur and Caliburn were sometimes named the same.

Scathath shook her head as he stood up. "No, Excalibur is a stronger sword he got from the lady in the lake, which he used in his final battle with his son mordred, who used Clarent… Caliburn is special though…"

"Ahh!" Nia yelled as they both looked at him, a huge gash in his chest from the sword.

"It can slice through dimensions to attack you…"

Nia breathed heavily as he felt the pain of a sword slicing into him for the first time.

"It…" He whispered as he swayed from the blood loss. "I said… Is that it!" Nia suddenly yelled as Argen noticed something different.

'So he's a god slaying demigod after all…' He thought as a yellow glint was in Nia's eye…